The Path of the Sage

Chapter 267: Tracking shooting stars


Fang Yun observed carefully and found no trace of the three saints, Dou Ji, Ying Yan and Long Ling, in these four corridors. He thought to himself that they were worthy of being the three most outstanding demon generals in the demon clan. The Falling Star Bridge was different from the Avalanche Slope. If one was strong enough, one could run across it quickly, but the Avalanche Slope could only be climbed up step by step.

Fang Yun remembered that there were about fifty monsters who had climbed the avalanche slope before them. In addition to the eight saints of the blood monsters, there were also five saints of the star monsters. The saints of the star monsters were obviously weaker. The rest were saint monsters and some followers. But now there were only more than twenty monsters standing at the bridgehead of the fourth corridor, and more than a dozen monsters were moving forward on the Falling Star Bridge.

This means that more than ten monsters have died.

These monsters were the elite of each tribe, and they were all geniuses who would become monster kings in the future. Even their death made Fang Yun feel extremely heavy in his heart.

The monsters on the bridge were scattered everywhere, but a tiger monster saint stood in the front, only half a mile away from the end of the Falling Star Bridge.

The tiger demon saint stood there motionless, his blood and energy burning like fire, blocking the shock wave created by the falling meteors, but no meteor hit him directly.

At the feet of the Tiger Demon Saint, Fang Yun discovered a very faint layer of cold air. If it were not for the Wenqu Five Movements and Wenqu Star Illumination, he would not be able to see the cold air at all.

Fang Yun remembered seeing this Tiger Demon Saint Son on the avalanche slope. He was very powerful, and with his speed he could rush over in a short time. Moreover, the Tiger Demon Saint Son had the spirit of his ancestors, so his strength could only be stronger than imagined. There must be something strange about him standing there motionless.

The ancestral spirit is the power formed by the demon race's ancient bloodline, which is equivalent to the human race's literary courage. However, ordinary demons can only have ancestral spirits when they become demon marquis, while the holy demons can obtain ancestral spirits when they become demon commanders. Some of the most outstanding demons can have ancestral spirits when they are still demon generals.

The demon barbarians constantly feed their ancestral spirits with their qi and blood, and as the ancestral spirits continue to grow stronger, they can bring powerful strength to the demon barbarians. When they are canonized, the demon barbarians will eat the ancestral spirits and completely transform them into their own strength.

While Fang Yun was carefully observing the tiger demon saint, he was also listening to the conversation of the demons at the entrance of the fourth corridor.

The scholars who had just arrived at the fourth corridor stood there, watching the falling meteors, listening to the piercing explosions when the meteors flew at high speed, and feeling the heat of the flames formed by the friction between the meteors and the air. They were speechless for a long time.

The speed of the meteors was too fast, and they could fly several miles or even dozens of miles in the blink of an eye. If they were flying from the front, it would be fine, but they were all flying from above. There was no way to calculate their trajectory.

Fang Yun was thinking of a countermeasure when he saw the Tiger Demon Saint move. A blood-shadow tiger head appeared behind it. The tiger head roared to the sky, and invisible power was injected into the body of the Tiger Demon Saint. The Tiger Demon Saint immediately ran forward at a terrifying speed. Every time it landed, the sound of stepping on the ice bridge was like a huge drum.

Everyone felt that at this moment the Tiger Demon Saint was like a ferocious beast that could swallow up mountains and rivers, and even a mountain would be smashed to pieces by him.

Suddenly, a meteor as big as a human head appeared from the sky, appearing over the ice bridge in almost the blink of an eye.

Everyone still remembered that the holy elephant demon was killed by such a big meteor. Even if the tiger demon saint was much stronger than the elephant demon general, he would surely die if hit by the meteor.

Fang Yun was stunned. The meteor was not falling but chasing. It was actually aiming at the Tiger Demon Saint Son to track and hit him.

Just as the meteor was about to hit, the tiger demon saint suddenly retreated violently, leaping back ten feet at an incredible speed, and then the meteor hit the ice bridge and fell down with the broken ice.

The meteor hit the ice bridge, forming an invisible shock wave, which blew the blood and energy around the Tiger Demon Saint's body as dim as a candle flame in the wind.

Fang Yun thought that the Tiger Demon Saint Son would relax after passing this level, but he suddenly accelerated, jumped over the big hole formed by the meteor hitting the ice bridge, and continued to run wildly.

Suddenly, a ball of fire flew out of the big hole from bottom to top.

"It's still the same meteor! But it's half the size." someone whispered.

Fang Yun stared at the meteor intently, and saw the tiger-headed ancestor spirit behind the Tiger Demon Saint Son suddenly run towards the meteor, while the Tiger Demon Saint Son continued to run forward.


The tiger-headed ancestor spirit collided with the meteor, forming a powerful shock wave that swept in all directions. The body of the tiger demon saint was hit, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body ran forward at a faster speed.

The dust formed by the collision between the meteor and the tiger-headed ancestor spirit dissipated, and an egg-sized meteor hit the tiger demon saint again.

The Tiger Demon Saint suddenly turned around, and all the blood, energy and fire in his body poured into his right front leg. His right front leg suddenly expanded two full circles, and finally he roared and pounced on the little meteor.

The right front paw of the Tiger Demon Saint hit the meteor with the force of tearing the sky and splitting the earth.

"boom… "

A loud noise was heard, and the meteor was seen like a meat-crushing machine, first crushing the left front paw of the Tiger Demon Saint, then it moved forward like a hot knife through butter, and finally crushed the entire right front leg of the Tiger Demon Saint, but the meteor's own power was also exhausted.

Then the Tiger Demon Saint opened his mouth and roared. A large amount of blood and energy spurted out of his mouth like flames, breaking the last meteor into pieces.

The Tiger Demon Saint laughed wildly, limped on three legs, left the ice bridge, and finally entered a light gate, officially passing through the fourth corridor.

Many monsters cheered and congratulated the Tiger Demon Saint.

"It's impossible to pass through this fourth corridor." Zong Wude said as he looked at the place where the Tiger Demon Saint left.

"The power of our poetry is no match for the meteor."

"Unless someone says he has a trick to get there, I will never pass this fourth corridor. You guys think of a solution first, and I'll sit aside and wait for the result!" Li Fanming didn't even go up the ice bridge. He found a place to sit on the flat ground under the bridge and started feeding the rabbit carrots.

The big rabbit was stronger than before it entered the Holy Ruins, and its fur was shiny and smooth, obviously it was also nourished by the star power.

Li Fanming touched the rabbit's ears and said with a smile, "This fur can be sold for at least a thousand taels of silver."

The big rabbit glared at Li Fanming unhappily, snatched the radish and started eating it behind Li Fanming's back.

But the other candidates did not give up. They carefully observed the fourth corridor. This meteor was not like an avalanche that covered all the road surface from beginning to end. There was always a safe place, except for the meteor in the last half mile that had a magical tracking ability. The rest of the meteors did not change direction. As long as they made the right judgment, reacted well, were fast and had good luck, they would have a chance to pass.

Zong Wude suddenly said, "Brother Delun, the Kong family dragon didn't pass through the Comet Corridor by his own power, right?"

Kong Delun was stunned for a moment, as if he was organizing his words in his mind. After a long while, he said, "Our Kong family is big and powerful. Unexpected things always happen, and someone always gets incredible things."

No one questioned it, because what Confucius did back then is still a mystery. Where he went before his retreat, what he did after his retreat and before his death are all mysteries.

With the power that Confucius had back then, a simple search around the ancient land would be enough to make the Kong family rich enough to rival a country for generations to come.

"Master Fang, what do you think of this Falling Star Bridge?"

Fang Yun did not answer, but carefully observed the deck of the ice bridge. He was too far away to feel the cold air on it, so he walked forward. When he reached the bridge, the familiar coldness immediately appeared, which was stronger than the coldness in the first and third corridors, but it did not pose any threat to him.

Everyone also felt the coldness of the ice bridge, and they went up to feel it and then came down again.

"It's like ice and fire."

"The power of that meteor was incredible. A stone this small cut a demon elephant in half. Even the Tiger Demon Saint couldn't resist it. How could we possibly get through?"

"Yeah, that's totally unreasonable."

Fang Yun said helplessly: "You are wrong. The power of a meteor as big as a human head falling at high speed is very strong, as strong as the full-strength attack of the demon king. If the tiger demon saint had not let the meteor miss and consume most of its power, he would have died long ago."

"Do you know anything about astronomy?" Yan Yukong asked.

"I know a thing or two." Fang Yun really wanted to say that the impact force generated by a meteor as big as a human head falling at high speed was equivalent to the explosion of a miniature nuclear bomb, but he had no way to explain it to them.

"Can you explain it briefly?"

Fang Yun thought for a moment and said, "You know, an ordinary arrow can only penetrate into a person's flesh and blood, right?"

Everyone nodded.

"But if a demon commander shoots that arrow with a strong bow, it will be enough to leave a big hole in a person's body and cause that person to retreat repeatedly. Is that okay?"

"I have seen the power of the demon tribe's strong bows and arrows. After shooting a person, they not only retreat, but even send the person flying backwards." Sun Naiyong said.

"If someone with greater strength shoots the arrow and makes the arrow reach a higher speed, then the force carried by the arrow will be enough to break a person in half." Fang Yun said.

Sun Naiyong said: "I remember now. I remember that in a battle, a demon king suddenly threw out a spear and broke a soldier into two pieces."

"I see. But how do we deal with this meteor?"

Yan Yukong glanced at Fang Yun, coughed lightly, and said, "I'll just tell you my opinion. The Comet Corridor is where the Demon Ancestor selects his disciples, not a place to kill people. The power of this meteor is too strong, so strong that even the three saints would surely die if they faced it head-on. Therefore, I believe there must be a special way to pass through this Falling Star Bridge. Fang Yun, I place my hope on you."

"Everyone, work together. You guys think about it first. I'll go and take a look."

As Fang Yun spoke, he walked to a secluded place and quietly observed the Falling Star Bridge and the monsters. He kept thinking in his mind, hoping to find a way to cross the bridge.

"If we want to cross the bridge, we must calculate where the meteor will land. The monsters can burst into extremely fast speeds in an instant, but humans don't have such strong explosive power. If we can't predict where the meteor will land, we will surely die."

"Secondly, the Tiger Demon Saint Son stood there for a long time before and was not hit directly by the meteor, which means there is a relatively safe place on the bridge."

"Not only was the meteor not particularly powerful, on the contrary, when it fell on the bridge, it only created a very small hole, and a lot of its power was absorbed by the ice bridge. This may be the key!" (To be continued...)