The Path of the Sage

Chapter 270: Starfall


Those monsters were standing in the place that Fang Yun once said was a safe place.

"Haha, stupid human, do you really think we demons are all fools? I haven't been on the bridge the whole time, I was just observing you!"

"You have been standing here for a long time because it is safe here during this period! Am I right?"

"Seeing their surprised expressions, I almost died of laughter! Haha, the human genius was fooled by us!"

"The biggest problem of the human race is that they are self-righteous! We are descendants of the Saint Clan, how can our brains be worse than those of the human race!"

"You caused us to slide down the avalanche slope, and now you help us cross the Falling Star Bridge, so we're even now!"

"Ha ha… "

The dozen or so blood demons laughed wildly while standing in a place they thought was safe.

Fang Yun smiled but said nothing.

Suddenly, a huge meteorite with a diameter of three meters fell from the sky, dragging a long tail of flame and smashing straight towards the monsters.

The meteor wrapped in blazing flames moved very quickly.

"Oh no! We've fallen into a trap!"


All the monsters reacted very quickly and scattered like a flock of pigeons.

The power of a three-meter-long meteor is far beyond that of a meteor as big as a human head. The monster is too slow, and the meteor is too fast.


The meteor fell to the ground, and the flames melted the bodies of all the monsters, while at the same time smashing a large hole with a diameter of dozens of feet on the ice bridge.

There were also two monsters that ran out of the big hole at an extremely fast speed.

Everyone saw that the terrifying impact force formed by the collision between the meteor and the ice bridge spread out, and the bodies of the two monsters were shattered by the powerful air waves.

Blood splattered everywhere and evaporated under the power of high temperature before it hit the ground.

Those scholars didn't expect that so many monsters would die just like that.

"Fang Yun is right. The power of the meteor is far more terrifying than we imagined."

"The power of this meteor is so great that only the Great Demon King can survive. I wonder what will happen if the Demon Saint resists it with his body."

"Your statement is boring. Even if tens of thousands of meteors fall, they are nothing more than a breath of air in front of the saints. Their power is beyond our reach."

Fang Yun interrupted them: "Don't worry about them, start preparing according to the previous plan!"

So all the candidates started to use defensive war poems for themselves. They all used the most common "Mountain Fu". It was not because this war poem was so good, but because it was the least bad defensive war poem among the candidates.

Fang Yun had just been promoted to a juren not long ago and had not yet learned "Mountain Fu". Yan Yukong helped him to increase the power of "Mountain Fu".

Fang Yun clearly felt that the power of "Mountain Ode" here was far greater than that in the outside world.

Everyone began to use the running war poetry, everyone's clothes fluttered. Everyone became elegant and extraordinary.

Everyone stood in the formation that had been agreed upon previously.

Fang Yun said: "With Niu Shan's help, even if I don't know the "Great Wind Song", I can avoid the power of the meteor, but you have to rely on yourself! There is a red horizontal line on the surface of this ice bridge. One step is in the human world, and one step is in the demon world. Listen to my command and start reciting the "Great Wind Song"!"

Everyone recited "Da Feng Ge" in unison, except Fang Yun, who held a pen and ink ready to write.

A breath and a half before the big wind song was formed, everyone crossed the red line.

Everyone looked up at the deep blue night sky, waiting for the meteor to fall while carefully seizing the opportunity.

Previously, a demon saint had rushed forward with two demon followers, and they were greeted by three meteors. Now, twenty-one people and two demons appeared together, so there must be twenty-three meteors.

However, there are not twenty-three points of starlight, only one point of starlight.

A meteor with a diameter of ten feet fell alone with a fiery red tail flame.

Everyone thought that what was waiting for them was a meteor as big as a human head, with a diameter of only about one foot. But this meteor was a thousand times larger!

After a breath, the meteor could fly dozens of miles and land on the ground, among the crowd.

Everyone's expression changed drastically.

Almost in an instant they understood that this was the Comet Corridor built by the Demon Ancestor. If the human race could unite, then the meteors could also become one.

The death scene of the group of monsters just now flashed before everyone's eyes.

The four scholars who wanted to escape stopped after taking only half a step because they couldn't escape.

The dog demon frightened Quanxi so much that he let out a howl, his four legs went limp, and he fell to the ground, waiting to die.

Niu Shan just sighed softly. I don’t know whether he was sighing that he had followed the wrong person in the end, or sighing about something else.

More than half of the candidates turned their heads to look at Fang Yun. Their expressions varied. Some had regrets, some expected, some were annoyed, some were calm, some were relieved, and a few were even smiling.

No one stopped reciting "The Great Wind Song".

No one showed any resentment.

No one despaired.

Because when they stepped into the Comet Gallery, everyone already knew that they would face this moment.

Fang Yun lowered his head and wrote quickly.

Whether they were on the bridge or under the bridge, whether they were monsters or humans, at this moment they were all looking at the meteor, and also at Fang Yun and others under the meteor.

The five scholars who withdrew from the bridge watched silently, and suddenly felt that Fang Yun and his group were extremely far away, as if they were at the end of the world. In an instant, they would disappear from this world forever, and all traces of them would be erased.

Obliterated by that huge meteor.

The five scholars sighed softly, feeling sorry for Fang Yun and the others, but more of them were grateful.

Fortunately, I didn't go to die.

"Pity… "

Many demons and barbarians sighed in their hearts.

Everyone saw Fang Yun picking up the pen to write, but no one had any hope for him.

The breath of death hung over Fang Yun and others.

The best people write quickly and finish a poem in one breath.

"The north wind blows through the Qin Dynasty Pass, the iron armor reflects the snow and the night is even colder. He conquered the six kingdoms alive and established his achievements, and he lay in the northern border to protect the country after his death!"

After the poem was finished, Fang Yun wrote three words above the four lines.

It's not about the First Emperor.

Not about the Great Wall.

It's not a poem about Qin generals.

It is "Ode to the Qin People".

The people hold weapons as soldiers, carry bricks and stones as workers, work in the fields as farmers, sell goods as merchants, enter the government as scholars, and hold books as a living.

Fang Yun once thought about what could resist the meteors from the cold and the energy of heaven and earth, and what the strongest defense of the human race was. He finally decided that it was the wall, the Great Wall, and prepared a poem about the Great Wall.

The moment the huge meteor appeared, the moment he felt the breath of death, Fang Yun completely overturned his previous decision.

Until he was facing death, Fang Yun seemed to see in front of him the teams of soldiers defending the Great Wall in the biting cold wind. These soldiers, like the soldiers in the Qin Dynasty and the people who built the Great Wall, sacrificed themselves for the unification of the world and silently dedicated themselves to fighting against foreign enemies. The most precious life and years were wasted on the frontier.

Bricks and stones can stop foreign enemies and monsters, but they cannot stop meteors from appearing in the sky.

But the people can stop it.

It was not the emperor who achieved great success in annexing the six kingdoms, but the people.

It is not the one sitting on the throne who protects the country, but the people.

The Great Wall of the human race is the people.

Snap... Boom...

An endless amount of cold air erupted upward like white mist, and on the way, it condensed into a thick ice wall.

The ice wall continued to rise and expand, just like a real city wall. There were beacon towers, parapets, crenels...

Tiny points of light flew in from all directions. Those points of light were a hundred times weaker than the light of fireflies, and could not even be seen if one did not look carefully. However, after these tiny lights poured in, the ice wall suddenly gained a kind of majestic power that the heaven and earth were united and all things were united.

This wall will not fall down.

The same voice rang in everyone's ears.

Fang Yun's ears were filled with this voice, heavy as a mountain, ethereal as the stars. Sometimes it sounded like the voices of children, sometimes it sounded like thousands of people chanting together.

"The heaven and earth have righteousness, which flows in all forms..."

In the blink of an eye, a section of the Great Wall of Ice, hundreds of feet high and several miles wide, rose from the ground, like a mountain piercing the starry sky.

There was an arch in the middle of the city wall, and Fang Yun and everyone else were under the arch.


Meteors hit the city walls, flames flew, and ice chips splashed.

The terrifying meteor pierced into the city wall like a drill, creating a gap in the wall, and continued to hit downwards, creating a larger gap, pointing directly at Fang Yun.

Fang Yun's talent was exhausted at this moment. Even his literary courage had been completely drained by the city wall. Even the power of the imperial edict in the palace had been drained. He felt like he was running out of energy.

If it weren't for the sound of "Song of Righteousness" echoing in his ears, Fang Yun would have fallen to the ground.

Niu Shan, who was standing by, walked over quickly and supported him.

The entire Fourth Corridor seemed to have changed due to the battle between the meteors and the Great Wall. After the Great Wall appeared, no more meteors appeared.

All the demons and barbarians looked at the blazing meteors and the cold ice wall in disbelief.

It is a battle between the stars and the earth, and also a battle between celestial phenomena and human power.

Everything was over in just two breaths.

The Great Wall of Ice shook slightly, and tiny pieces of ice fell from the top of the arch and scattered on everyone's faces.

The coldness penetrates my bones.

The flame of the meteor went out.

"Blocked?" Fang Yun lowered his head. He no longer had the energy to look up at the sky. His voice was quieter than his breathing.

"Blocked it!" Li Fanming clenched his fists and stared at Fang Yun.

"Blocked!" Zong Wude shouted loudly.

"Blocked!" Yan Yukong shouted.

One after another, they shouted, as if they were counting, and as if the person they liked was right next to them when they were counting.

"Yeah, I can hear it." Fang Yun said, closing his eyes and falling asleep.

Niu Shan gently carried Fang Yun on his back and walked towards the end of the bridge half a mile away.

Shooting stars reappeared in the sky, but none of them fell here.

The Great Wall of Ice silently turned into cold air and slowly fell back into the ice bridge. It seemed as if the tiny spot of light had never existed.

The monsters in the fourth corridor were silent. At this moment, they had an illusion.

The human race will not fall.

The five scholars silently watched Fang Yun and others disappear in the fourth corridor.

“We lost an opportunity.”

"I hope they can keep going. We are afraid, we retreated, but they are still there."

"Let's go back. Fang Yun used the Ice Wall to preserve the hope of the human race for a generation. We should also do something to help them leave the Holy Ruins. It's enough to take a step back. We can't retreat step by step."


A white-haired ape demon among the blood demons looked ahead, and followed a few holy demons to dodge the meteors in a panic. No matter how strong the impact of the nearby meteors was, the blood and energy in its body always firmly protected every hair.

In the fourth square, everyone was surrounded by a layer of silver light cocoon. (To be continued...)

ps: Sorry, it took me more than six hours to write one chapter, and I am still writing the third chapter... I haven't slept yet, but it's already dawn...