The Path of the Sage

Chapter 289: The wind and snow bring you here


The snow-white frost dog covered in ice thorns lowered its head, showing no sign of resistance. Its crystal clear frost dog body is obviously very beautiful and dazzling, but at this time it cannot hide the helplessness in its eyes.

Near the fierce wolf monster, some monsters were standing.

The most eye-catching thing among them is a giant eagle with flames all over its body. In the flames, the giant eagle's black eagle feathers are made of metal. Compared with the first corridor, the flames on Yingyan's body were much less, but more condensed.

Behind the fierce king stood a small giant with a height of two people. He had the head of a dragon and was surrounded by energy and blood. He was Longling.

Apart from this, there are still four demon barbarians left, either the Holy Son or the Holy Clan.

The elites of the three tribes of demon barbarians and demon generals gathered in the Comet Corridor, but in the end, less than ten people came here.

Behind the Frost Dog, the sky was full of wind and snow, and the speed of the poisonous blade snow there was ten times that of other places. Just looking at it was frightening.

Behind the dense snow curtain of poison blades, there is a huge throne. The throne is made of ice. Inside the Ice Throne, there are many phantoms of stars, meteors, comets, moons, suns, etc., and even galaxy whirlpools. .

This throne seems to stand above the endless starry sky, overlooking everything in the universe.

Except for Frost Dog, all the demon barbarians were staring at the Throne of Stars. Everyone was fascinated and wished they could sit on the throne immediately and control the stars.

Fang Yun continues to approach.

Long Ling suddenly turned around and looked at Ying Yan, saying: "Ying Yan, you and I were evenly matched, but now that I have Frost Dog on my side, you will definitely lose. You are different from Lang Li, the kind that the Holy Son will kill just for you. At most, you will be hostile to some wolf tribes, and I don’t want to kill you.”

Fang Yun also looked at Yingyan, wondering what the flaming eagle demon saint would do.

"The Demon Ancestor opened this Comet Corridor to test the strength of my demon barbarian and to select disciples. Those who are capable will come forward. Those who are unable will retreat. It is fair and just. As a demon clan, and even the Holy Son of Longman, you actually use the Demon Ancestor Jade The King of Card Stealing Stars, I don’t know what Demon Ancestor will think after knowing this.”

Long Ling smiled and said: "Don't scold me. If I fight to the death for the King of Stars, it doesn't matter if you accuse me, but I don't want to fight for the King of Stars."

"Oh?" Ying Yan was confused.

Fang Yun looked at Xijun, who was grinning.

The Wolfman Holy Son in the bone fragment whispered: "Humph, it seems that the fierce king promised Longling some great benefits. That benefit is even greater than the King of Stars."

Ying Yan said: "You are not here for the King of Stars, are you here for fun?"

"Before I came, the people in the tribe told me that if I became the King of Stars, I would immediately stay away from the Demon Emperor and his people. Because someone said that the Demon Emperor would kill every Star King, whether they were monsters or humans. ”

"Where is the dragon princess?" Ying Yan asked.

"If I can't kill him, that's another matter. Do you think I can compete with the dragon princess? I... would rather not have this king of stars." Long Ling said, suddenly looking at the fierce king. There was a smile in his eyes.

"It turns out it's for this wolf demon. Frost Dog, as a subordinate of the Demon Ancestor, you have guarded the Throne of Stars for the Demon Ancestor for thousands of years. Are you just watching this happen?" Ying Yan asked.

Frost Dog sighed helplessly. There was a heavy wind and snow all around, and he said: "I am guarding the Demon Ancestor, so naturally I have to obey the orders of the Demon Clan's Jade Tablet."

Yingyan looked at Fierce Lord and said, "If I fight for the King of Stars, what will you do to me?"

The Fierce Lord smiled and said: "The Frost Dog is immortal. You may be able to kill it once, but it is impossible to kill it two or three times. We don't need to deal with you. Just the Frost Dog is enough."

The flames around the eagle flames grew strong, and all the flames flowed behind him. In the end, there was no flame on its body, but a blazing sun appeared behind it. The fire of the sun melted all the poisonous blade snow around it, and the nearby monsters had no choice but to Back away.

Fang Yun was far away and still felt a heat wave coming towards his face.

"Yingyan, are you going to fight me?"

The energy and blood around Long Ling suddenly turned into a violent wind, and then a huge white dragon skull appeared behind him. The dragon skull was ten feet big, and its power far exceeded that of the big sun behind Ying Yan.

Yingyan said: "I am here for the King of Stars. If I don't fight Frost Dog, how will I know whether I will succeed or fail? As for you, you may get the King of Stars, but the King of Stars will never belong to you!"

Eagle Flame leaned forward slightly, spread its wings, and the ancestral spirit Sun merged into its body. It turned into a fiery red light and shadow, like a bolt of lightning striking a frost dog.

The blazing eagle flames collide with the cold frost dogs. This is a contest between fire and ice, a decisive battle between red and white.


The place where the two monsters collided erupted with dazzling light, forming a violent shock wave that spread out, forcing the nearby monsters to retreat. White frost and red flames shot up into the sky, followed by hail and fire rain.

The light dissipated, revealing the figures of Frost Dog and Eagle Flame.

Fang Yun was shocked, because the entire body of the frost dog was completely black, and it had completely lost its previous crystal white and frosty look. It was just a big black dog that had been burnt black.

Yingyan's fur was all frozen to pieces, like a chicken that had been stripped naked and ready for the pot.

A dog and an eagle looked at each other and backed away slowly.

Ying Yan said: "The last test of the Star King is to kill you once. I believe I can kill you, even if I will die, it is enough to know this. The Star King belongs to you, but victory belongs to me, and I will still Soar in the clear sky!”

Ying Yan did not hide his contempt and glanced at Long Ling with disdain.

Long Ling smiled and said: "The Sky Clan is indeed arrogant, but it's a pity that you have forgotten Dou Ji. If he were here, you would never dare to say such a thing."

"It's a pity that he's not here." Ying Yan said.

"Huh?" Frost Dog suddenly looked into the heavy snow.

Everyone also hurriedly turned to look.

I saw a young man wearing a dark blue bamboo leaf scholar uniform walking steadily forward in the wind and snow. The wind like knives and the snow like arrows were all pushed back by him. This terrifying seventh corridor seemed to have no impact on him. Influence.

This young man looked calm and his eyes were clear, as if he could see through the world.

The fierce king suddenly sneered in a low voice: "The wind and snow brought you here, what a good sign!"

When the demons and barbarians heard the words of the fierce king, they felt their scalps numb. They had stumbled all the way to get here. This human race was lucky. They came here like wind and snow, and they simply didn't pay attention to the seventh corridor.

"Long Ling, since we met at the Sixth Corridor but didn't meet, let's change it here!"

A flash of fear flashed in Long Ling's eyes, and he glanced at the wolf demon Fierce Lord.

The Fierce Lord immediately said: "Don't get entangled with him! When the Demon Saint comes, he will be killed naturally. There is no need for you and me to take risks! Longling, you must know what it means for a Saint to enter the seventh corridor alone. The sound of the holy path in the sixth corridor must be made by this person."

"He insulted me in public and called me a beast. I must kill him!" Long Ling said.

"You have to think about our cooperation and whether it is more important to kill him or to find that... thing that is useful to you." Fierce Lord said slowly.

Long Ling originally had murderous intent in his eyes, but after hearing Fierce Lord's words, he lost all fighting spirit.

"Okay! Let Frost Dog kill him! I'll take action when he runs out of energy!" Longling no longer had his usual recklessness.

Fierce Lord looked at Fang Yun and smiled.

"Fang Zhenguo, we meet again." Fierce Lord said.

"It's really embarrassing for you. A good person behaves like a leopard and a wolf at the same time." Fang Yun said.

Fierce Lord's smile remained unchanged and said: "It doesn't matter, as long as I succeed in my holy path, it doesn't matter even if I become a dog."

"Oh, as long as you can be canonized, it doesn't matter if you become the first reverse half-saint?"

"I have my own path to sainthood, and I don't need to go against my will. To put it in perspective, even if my path to sainthood is cut off, it won't be a big deal if I go against my seed and become a saint. But you, if you have anything to say, just say it. I love your talent, but if you don’t die, I won’t be able to sleep or eat well!”

The fierce king's smile disappeared, and his eyes became colder.

"Then I will try my best to make you sleep and eat well, and then send you to sleep forever. This is what I want to say, but it's a pity that your body can't hear it." Fang Yun said.

"No, of course the main body will hear it, and I will go back with everything you got in the Holy Ruins! No one can stop me! This King of Stars must belong to me!" Fierce Lord raised his head high.

"I really want to know what you encountered in the Holy Ruins eight years ago. The demon jade token is not something you can get casually." Fang Yun asked.

The fierce king smiled and said: "Are you recovering your talent? Are you concentrating on your literary courage? It doesn't matter, because you are destined to die. Now that things have happened, those secrets can be made public. It's very simple. Before my family Mengzu disappeared, he came from an ancient place He accidentally entered the chaotic star chessboard, went to the Demon Ancestral Gate, and then entered the Holy Ruins from the Demon Ancestral Gate! Unfortunately, he was too seriously injured at that time and could not return to the Holy Yuan Continent, so he hid part of the gains somewhere in Longya, and then told him about it in his dream. To the head of the family of that generation, I don’t need to tell you what will happen next.”

Fang Yun said: "That's it. Meng Sheng knew that his future was difficult and was worried about the descendants of the Meng family, so he left behind a way to revitalize the family. But Meng Sheng had made too many enemies, and he was afraid that if he was sent to the Meng family, his descendants would be killed, and he was also worried about being The incompetent descendants are a waste, so they are placed in Longya. Only the descendants of the Meng family who can be like the Holy Ruins of Longya can shoulder the important task of revitalizing the Meng family. Otherwise, it is better to let that thing stay in Longya forever. , using the military book "Secret Crossing Chencang" to enter the Holy Ruins was all conceived by Mengzu back then, am I right? "

"As expected of the number one show in the ten countries. I originally wanted to follow Meng Zu's instructions. Unfortunately, although my talent is higher than Meng Zu's, the Meng family... is no longer the same Meng family. Meng Zu's original plan was not to borrow " "Lu Shi Chun Qiu", but went directly to the Confucius family to borrow "Yi Zhuan" written by Confucius. Unfortunately, he ignored one thing. Without him, our Meng family would not be qualified to borrow Confucius' works for the Meng family. Revival, in order to have the ability of the King of Stars within ten years, I changed from Meng Lintang to the Fierce King!"

The fierce king smiled without any regret.

"Oh, I understand, it's not that you are stupid, it's not that you are stupid, but that you have not gotten rid of Meng Sheng's influence. You, your Meng family, should not have followed the method he said to win the King of Stars!" Fang Yun looked at it! Xiang Jijun's eyes suddenly looked a little pitiful.

"Are you messing with my mind? It's a pity that it's useless, because it's not me who does it." The fierce king said. (To be continued...)