The Path of the Sage

Chapter 294: Broken


Fang Yun was confused. He had just become the King of Stars, so why did the strange world of Book of Changes start to move

Fang Yun didn't care too much. He tried to feel the power of the Star Throne and found that streams of pure Wenqu star power were pouring into his body. This Wenqu star power constantly strengthened his literary palace, literary courage, talent and various powers.

However, Fang Yun discovered that the power of Wenquxing seemed to have some flaws. After the talent grew to four inches, it stopped increasing. The power of Wenquxing only continued to increase the "quality" of Wengong, Wendan and talent, while the "quantity" remained unchanged, as if he was afraid of forcing things to happen.

Afterwards, Fang Yun found himself in an endless void. The surroundings were as dark as ink. Suddenly, a star broke through the darkness, flying from a very far distance and flying straight towards him.

The stars were filled with an endless aura of killing, tyranny and destruction, as if they were about to destroy the world.


Fang Yun’s eyes went dark, and he felt as if the star had hit him, with a slight pain in the center of his eyebrows.

The star broke through the Wen Palace and was embedded in a mural inside the Wen Palace.

Before Fang Yun could carefully observe the mural, the Star Throne began to shake, and then the entire Comet Corridor began to shake.

Fang Yun thought to himself that something was not good, and immediately checked what was happening in the Comet Corridor, and discovered that something big had happened.

The comet corridor is broken!

The first corridor is separated!

In just a blink of an eye, the second corridor was detached!

The third corridor, the fourth corridor... finally, all the corridors were separated, and all the corridors became independent entities, suspended in space.

The Comet Corridor contains tremendous star power and powerful force, which is constantly projected outward, forming a variety of colors or light curtains, which are extremely gorgeous in space.

Fang Yun felt that the strange book world formed a huge suction force, which seemed to suck the entire Comet Corridor in.

"What's going on in Qishu Tiandi?"

Fang Yun saw that the Seventh Corridor was being peeled off layer by layer from the outside to the inside, and a large amount of rubble was scattered in the starry sky.

The seventh corridor is getting smaller and smaller.

Frost Dog looked at Fang Yun in confusion, then widened his eyes, glared at Fang Yun, pounced on him, and bit Fang Yun's throat fiercely.

At this moment, Fang Yun is still the King of Stars and can borrow the power of the Comet Corridor. With a flick of his finger, a majestic silver star force flew out, and the Frost Dog was howling and was knocked away. Its body kept rolling into the distance and soon disappeared.

Two stone lions stood in mid-air, looking down at the Star Throne.

Fang Yun sat on the Star Throne, looking worried, not knowing what had happened.

"Why did you steal my treasure?!"

A shocking sound was heard, causing Fang Yun to suffer a splitting headache and bleed from all his seven orifices.

Then, Fang Yun heard a voice that seemed to come from the underworld.


Fang Yun's eyes went dark, as if he saw billions of stars converging into a river, like the Milky Way pouring down, rushing towards him with the power to destroy an entire world.

Fang Yun couldn't help but think of everything he had seen during the ancient demon inheritance process. Those ancient demons that threw mountains as if they were rocks were no match for ants in front of this force. Fang Yun clearly wanted to resist, but found that he had no idea where to start.

The torrent of stars was about to rush into my eyes, when suddenly, thin strips of white light appeared. The thin light was very small, like animal hair.

“This…” The first thing Fang Yun thought of was the tuft of white hair that Nunu had given him. He still remembers Nunu’s pitiful tearful eyes.

Those thin white lights grew rapidly, and in the blink of an eye they turned into pillars that supported the sky, surrounding Fang Yun.

The torrent of stars crashed into the pillar of white light with a loud bang, and the sound alone was enough to knock Fang Yun unconscious.

While Fang Yun was unconscious, the entire Seventh Corridor exploded. Only the area around the Star Throne was still covered with dense ice and snow, and a stone as tall as a person appeared under the Star Throne, flying out rapidly. The stone was translucent in black, emitting a faint luster, which was extremely attractive.

Suddenly, a strong suction force came from between Fang Yun's eyebrows. The stone struggled hard, but after only a short struggle, it shrank and was sucked into between Fang Yun's eyebrows.

Other corridors collapsed one after another, the lucky ones stood on the fragments of the comet corridor, while the unlucky ones were thrown into space.

Not far away, a piece of Comet Corridor debris with a radius of one hundred feet was speeding away in the space. The fragment was enveloped by the Comet Corridor's meager power, but this power was dissipating rapidly.

This piece of debris was the ground at the entrance of the seventh corridor. The scholars who followed Fang Yun were standing there, as well as some star monsters and an ape monster general whose entire body had lost all its ape hair.

It was not attacked by the Comet Corridor along with the blood demons.

"Alas, man proposes, God disposes. The power of the demon ancestor has been revealed. Even if all the saints join forces, it will be useless. What a pity, what a pity. Even if we replace him with a soldier saint, it is still a pity..."

The ape demon general finished muttering, and his body turned into dust and slowly dispersed.

The candidates on the fragments are like ants on hot pot.

"Who can think of a solution? Once the power of the Comet Corridor disappears, we will all suffocate to death! The Half Saint said that without the 'vitality' in space, we will not be able to survive."

"There is no way. No one has ever written a war poem about 'the spirit of life'. Unless one can become a great scholar, no one can survive in space."

"Fang Yun should be okay, right? Why did the Comet Corridor collapse just after he became the Star King and killed those blood demon barbarians?"

"It may not be Fang Yun who killed him. It may be another force. He may not be able to become the King of Stars."

"This... You like to care about others before you die?"

"Oh no, I forgot about this. Help..." Li Fanming shouted for help, but the sound could not be transmitted in space.

Yan Yu gave him a blank look, then used his tongue to burst into a cry for help, which spread in all directions through his talent.

The body surfaces of the two stone lions gradually cracked, and finally the stone flakes fell off, revealing two lions, one male and one female. The two lions quickly grew larger, and finally became as tall as three stories high. The blood and energy around them was so strong that it far exceeded that of any demon king or great demon king that Fang Yun had seen in the Holy Ruins.

The lion scratched his chin with his paw and said to himself, "Should I eat them or just a little? I haven't eaten for tens of thousands of years."

"Anyway, it was that kid named Fang Yun who saved us. Let's send them away."

"Then we'll eat it next time!"

The male lion blew downwards, and many large rocks were wrapped in invisible force and quickly fell towards the demon ancestor's gate, including the fragment where Fang Yun was.

"Hey, the little ones in Second Star City are about to cry. Let's go!"

Zuyuan is vast and boundless, and is the place where the demon ancestor rules. The demon ancestor's gate is just the gateway to Zuyuan, and there is only one demon city, named the First Star City.

To the east of the First Star City, across the sea, is the heartland of the Ancestor Land, and the Second Star City stands on the seashore.

The Second Star City was also a giant demon mountain. On the top of the mountain, countless demon barbarians looked up at the sky, and the whole place was silent.

In their eyes, the comet corridor exploded like fireworks, with various forces overflowing to form strange colors that were extremely beautiful, but everyone was dejected.

Especially the place where the seven human Jinshi are located.

"I endured for more than 30 years, just for the Comet Gallery and then... go there, and... it's over?" A middle-aged man in his forties looked at the sky blankly.

"Tian Ling, we are all the same. Unfortunately, there are very few places in the world where we can get the power of Wenquxing. Since the Comet Corridor no longer exists, we can only go to more dangerous places. I have to say that the previous generation of scholars were lucky, but this generation of scholars... I really don't know whether to say they are lucky or unlucky."

One of them suddenly said, "Of course I'm lucky. I saw my little nephew Delun from the location of the fragments in the seventh corridor."

"What? What! The Seventh Corridor! Are you seeing things? We know you are from the Kong family and are much more powerful than us, but you can't lie to us! Even if we join forces, we may not be able to pass the Sixth Corridor. Because we can't use literary treasures there. The only thing we have more than the Juren is verbal sparring!"

"Chengzhe, what's going on? It's not strange for those scholars to appear in the Comet Gallery, but if they appear in the Seventh Gallery, it's unprecedented. If Yan Yukong is also among them, it's incredible. He can surpass ordinary scholars in three years at most. Twenty years later, we may be inferior to him."

Kong Chengzhe said slowly: "Not only is De Lun here, but also Yan Yukong, Sun Naiyong, Mo Shan, Zong Wude and other young leaders are here, even Huajiu Li Fanming is among them. I can see the big rabbit clearly. But, I always seem to feel that something is missing."

"Where's Fang Yun?"

"Yes! He is missing! What a pity, I had high hopes for him, but he is not with Delun and the others. I wonder if he didn't make it to the Comet Corridor or if something happened to him. Sigh, I hope he can leave the Holy Ruins safely."

"Why did the Comet Corridor collapse? Could it be related to Fu Yue's escape? Could it be related to the dead soldier barbarian saint in Shushan Town?"

"It must be related to Fu Yue's escape, but it doesn't seem to be the main relationship. The Demon Ancestor must have expected that Fu Yue would escape one day, otherwise he wouldn't be the Demon Ancestor. However... what exactly is the mountain that killed the Soldier Barbarian Saint? Is it the Book Mountain? It's still unclear, so don't make any random comments."

"Even our human race has reached the seventh corridor. The three saints must have already arrived in front of the Star King's throne. We have long expected that one of the two monsters, Dou Ji and Ying Yan, will become the Star King. Long Ling has the least hope."

"Chengzhe, why don't you speak?"

"When Fu Yue escaped, there seemed to be a frozen dragon flying out, and its shape looked very much like Dou Ji. As for Ying Yan and Long Ling, I didn't see them. Look in that direction, there are about a hundred pieces of long corridors flying towards the gate of the demon ancestor. Some of them seem to be protected by magical powers and should be able to land safely. There are demon barbarians on them. But I didn't see Ying Yan and Long Ling, and none of them is the demon clan's holy son."

"Can you see every fragment of the corridor clearly?"

"I can see it clearly, but due to the orientation of some of the rock fragments, I can't see if there are people on them. Maybe I didn't see it clearly. The sixth corridor seems a little strange."

"What's weird?"

"You also know that the sixth corridor is full of poisonous fog, but there is almost no poisonous fog on those fragments. It's really strange. Could it be that the Comet Corridor has changed?"


"Tian Ling, I saw Xun Ye, but he seems to be in the third corridor, and he didn't even pass the avalanche slope. Some scholars who are far inferior to Xun Ye are still in the fourth corridor. It's strange, really strange. The elders at home knew that the scholars couldn't go far in the Comet Corridor, so they didn't tell them the details, because it's nothing more than going to the second corridor or the third corridor, and they definitely can't pass the avalanche slope in the third corridor, but they actually passed it!" (To be continued...)