The Path of the Sage

Chapter 304: Dong Sheng asked for it


When two grand secretaries met, they argued; but when four grand secretaries met, they did not speak immediately.

The four people from the three parties looked at each other. Everyone was thinking desperately in their hearts. Their talents were being consumed quickly. They tried every possible way to obtain the temporary storage rights of "When Will the Bright Moon Rise".

The people around them laughed and talked in low voices when they saw them like this.

"The classics of the saints can be spread throughout the world, but poetry has not been spread throughout the world for a hundred years. It is worth it to grab this poem!"

"More than worth it! The Words of the World would be of little use if placed elsewhere, but that place is the Holy Courtyard, the heart of the human race, and it contains the talent of Confucius, the power of the literary stars, and the vitality of heaven and earth. The Words of the World will inevitably attract more talent and other forces. Wherever the Words of the World are placed, the people there will benefit."

"How much benefit can a piece of writing spread around the world bring to people?"

"It shouldn't be too many. The increase is less than half, probably one or two hundred. However, it's better than nothing! If the people in the War Hall had no excuse, they would definitely come here as soon as possible."

Li Fanming smiled and said to Fang Yun: "You can put this song "Song of Water Melody" in the Holy Academy. When you enter the Holy Academy, it will definitely be of great benefit to you."

"When can I enter the Holy Temple?"

"You are now qualified to enter the Holy Academy, but... I suggest you enter after you become a Jinshi. You must build your own team in Jingguo. After all, we in the Holy Ruins are too diverse, and sometimes it is inconvenient." Li Fanming said.

Li Fanming didn't finish his words, but Fang Yun could tell that the waters of the Holy Academy were too complicated. It was a place where many holy families had been operating for many years. If one wanted to gain a foothold there, one must have tremendous strength.

After experiencing the Holy Ruins, Fang Yun understood a lot.

The three tribes of monsters, barbarians and humans are all competing for space for growth. The human race is competing with the monsters and barbarians, and each tribe is also competing internally.

Some people are indifferent to the world, some stop when they have enough, some fight hard, and some do everything they can. They are all different.

Fang Yun knew that he could not live without competition in the world, but he had his own standards. Fighting for oneself within the same clan and striving hard was the limit, and he must not do anything to the extreme, because once he started to do anything to the extreme, it would not be a dispute among scholars, nor a healthy competition. Instead, it would be a disgusting oppression and infighting.

The fight with alien races is not only for ourselves, but also for the millions of human beings. If we are merciful, hundreds of millions of human lives will be lost.

Fang Yun has seen too many wars, and the final results are only victory or defeat, and only victory can stop the other side.

After coming to Shengyuan Continent, Fang Yun studied the monsters and barbarians. The two tribes have the blood of worshipping the strong flowing in their bones. If the human race cannot suppress them, if they cannot hurt them, if they cannot make them believe that they are invincible, then they will always treat the human race as food and slaves.

The human race is different. Fang Yun discovered that the human race has always been fighting among themselves, but it has always been controlled within a certain limit. Once it exceeds that limit, the saints will inevitably intervene. However, even with the protection of the saints, the human race will still often do something out of the ordinary. This is the nature of all life. Even mechanical beasts may lose control, let alone the emotionally rich human race.

Fang Yun looked at the four grand secretaries with a smile. These four people did not resort to any means or even fight hard. They just stopped at the right time. The Holy Academy and the saints would not only not oppose it, but would even support this kind of fight that stopped at the right time.

Li Wenying shook his head helplessly and said, "The four of you should stop arguing. Everything will be decided by Fang Yun."

But Dai Daxueshi said angrily: "Who stole my manuscript of The Pillow Book and let people curse at you outside your door? Stop talking nonsense!"

“Cough cough…” Li Wenying’s old face turned red and he kept coughing.

There was laughter all around, and it was rare for Li Wenying to blush.

Just then, another group of people came from the front, also carrying war poems.


"not good!"

"Quick, strike first!"

The four university scholars looked over there and immediately rushed towards Fang Yun, but found that Fang Yun had nothing in his hands and didn't know how to start for a moment.

"The things are here." Li Wenying said with a smile.

"Hand it over quickly, you are from the War Hall, there is no use keeping this thing!"

"Fang Yun asked you to deliver the things to our Classics Academy. You can't break your promise!"

Li Wenying smiled without saying a word, which made the four university scholars very anxious. Li Wenying had a very bad reputation, and now Li Wenying had a strange smell in his mouth, which showed that he had obviously stepped into the position of a great scholar. Even if the four of them joined forces, they might not be able to defeat him, and they were helpless in front of him.

Soon, a new group of people came, and the four university scholars who arrived first looked at that group of people.

The leader of the new group was a fat and smiling university scholar, who said, "Everyone, please disperse. The Eastern Saint has ordered that the treasures of the human race will be kept by the Eastern Saint Pavilion for the time being."

"Greetings, Grand Secretary Yan!" Many people bowed and greeted him.

"Alas... How despicable! How despicable!" Grand Secretary Yu didn't know who to talk to. He shook his head and led his men away.

"What Old Yu said is absolutely right!" Academician Du left with hatred.

The two Grand Secretaries of the Academy of Classics looked at each other, and then Grand Secretary Wang asked, "Fatty Yan, is there no room for negotiation?"

"What do you think?" Academician Yan still smiled.

"Well, let's go." The two grand secretaries of the Academy of Classics left reluctantly.

Academician Yan swept his eyes over the crowd and landed on Fang Yun's face. He smiled and said, "The Eastern Saint said that your poems are very good and you have gained a lot in the Saint Ruins. He just happens to be short of a thunder stone. I wonder if Fang Zhenguo will give it up?"

Fang Yun was stunned at first. Dong Sheng didn't seem like the kind of person who would take advantage of someone's misfortune. But after thinking about it carefully, he suddenly realized.

Dong Sheng is looking for an excuse to owe him something or a favor!

Although Fang Yun had various things in the past, they were either not worth asking for or difficult to ask for. A poem like "Song of Water Melody" that was passed down throughout the world was too precious for a literati to ask for, and it would be too much for Dong Sheng to ask for it.

Now Fang Yun has the Thunder Stone, which may not be obtained even if one opens the Holy Ruins ten times. Although it is currently only useful to Wen Baoqin and has limited actual value, it is too rare and difficult for the holy families to obtain. It is reasonable for Dongsheng to ask for one.

Not only Fang Yun, but everyone else was the same. They were all stunned at first, and then they understood Dong Sheng's intention after a while. They all looked at Fang Yun with great envy, wishing that they could also ask Dong Sheng for things.

Fang Yun took the Yinjiangbei from Li Wenying, then took out a Minglei Stone and said, "It's just a stone. Since Lord Dongsheng wants it, just take it."

Fatty Yan smiled and said, "How can Dong Sheng take other people's things for free? The price is one million taels of silver."

One million taels of silver is indeed a lot of money, but it is definitely not enough to buy the Thunder Stone, and it is impossible for anyone to sell the Thunder Stone for money.

"This... If Dong Sheng wants to buy it with money, I can only say sorry, this item will never be sold for money." Fang Yun said.

Fatty Yan said regretfully, "That's true. It's a pity to sell such a good thing, but Dongsheng doesn't have what you need now. How about this? You give the Thunder Stone to Dongsheng first, and when Dongsheng has what you need, he will exchange it with you. You should be able to trust Dongsheng's promise, right?"

"Of course! Lord Dongsheng has a great reputation, so I can trust him." Fang Yun handed the Thunder Stone to Grand Scholar Yan.

"Okay." Fat Yan smiled and carefully took the thunder stone.

Xun Ye was stunned for a long time, watching the Thunder Stone disappear beside Fatty Yan's Hanhu Shell, and let out an imperceptible sigh.

As a disciple of a sub-saint family, Xun Ye was destined to only attack with words and find flaws with etiquette even in the Holy Ruins. Once outside the Holy Ruins, even if he wanted to harm Fang Yun, he could only spread Fang Yun's gains and indirectly harm Fang Yun. Unless it was absolutely necessary, he would never personally go into battle against Fang Yun.

It is forgivable for a disciple of a sub-sage family to stir up trouble or indirectly target Fang Yun, but if he goes too far, the Xun family will never tolerate him, because the Xun family is not a mediocre family.

Although the Xun family did not like Fang Yun's theory that human nature is good, if they really could not suppress Fang Yun, they could tolerate Fang Yun. At most, they would regard Fang Yun as the backbone of Mencius' school, because human nature is evil is not even one of Xunzi's main ideas, but one of the main ideas. Not to mention that Fang Yun could not completely deny it, even if he really denied it one day, he would be the legendary "critic of the saint" who inherited Xunzi's legacy. The Xun family could only praise Fang Yun with a pinch of their noses.

Xun Ye knew clearly that he could occasionally help those who wanted to harm Fang Yun, or deliberately leak Fang Yun's affairs like he did today, but if he stood up like the evil king and said he wanted to kill Fang Yun, or secretly prepared to accumulate strength to harm Fang Yun, and used "every possible means", the Xun family would destroy him first without Fang Yun having to take any action.

"What a pity. Not only me, but even the Evil King dares not use overly extreme means. There is a holy sword hanging over our heads. Unless we are desperate and have to die together with Fang Yun, or in ancient places such as the Holy Ruins, we must be careful. That day, Dong Sheng dared to kill the great Confucian disciple of Zong Sheng for Fang Yun, so he dared to kill me." Xun Ye felt extremely regretful.

Afterwards, Li Wenying handed the original text of "Song of Water Melody" to Academician Yan, and temporarily deposited this famous poem in the Holy Academy.

"I'll take my leave first. You can do as you please." After saying this, Grand Secretary Yan left in a leisurely manner.

Li Fanming couldn't help but say, "Xun Ye, I want to thank you on behalf of Fang Yun! If you hadn't announced what Fang Yun had obtained in the Holy Ruins, Dong Sheng probably wouldn't have had the chance to ask for the Thunder Stone, nor would he have had the chance to owe Fang Yun a favor!"

Xun Ye smiled and said, "I just said that I have been helping Fang Yun, but many people don't believe me and want me to confess. Fang Yun, Fan Ming has said this, how can you thank me?"

"Oh? Do you really want my thank-you gift?" Fang Yun asked with a little surprise.

"Of course I do!" Xun Ye still looked polite.

"Well, after we finish visiting the Temple of Duke Huan of Lu, I will give you a big gift!" Fang Yun said.

"Then I'll wait." Xun Ye said nonchalantly.

The officials of Kongcheng shouted, "All students, please get on the carriage and follow me to the temple of Duke Huan of Lu."

The Kong family prepared a set of dragon-drawn carriages. More than 30 people were divided into three carriages, ready to witness the famous event recorded in Xunzi, where Confucius visited the temple of Duke Huan of Lu and witnessed the sacred objects that had been praised by Confucius and visited by many semi-saint disciples.

The Temple of Duke Huan of Lu is not in Kongcheng, but in Qufu. It took a long time to get there. (To be continued...)