The Path of the Sage

Chapter 308: There are different levels of nobility and inferiority


"The people of the Xun family have always thought highly of themselves. Apart from treating the Kong family with courtesy, everyone knows their attitude towards other families, so I won't say much. Fang Yun, don't worry, if you help me enter the Seventh Corridor, I will naturally help you. Of course, I'm not sure whether the old men in our family will help you." Mo Shan said.

"You didn't say anything when Xun Long was talking just now. I thought you had learned your lesson. Why are you showing your true colors now? Don't involve Fang Yun in the dispute between the Mohist and Xun families."

"Let's not talk about the dispute between our two families, just talk about the debate between Fang Yun and Xun Long, it really makes people happy."

Many people here have witnessed what Xun Ye did in the Holy Ruins, so they naturally agree with Mo Shan.

Kong Delun kept frowning. He pulled Fang Yun aside and whispered, "This is a risky move. You use the words of Xunzi to refute the Xun family. They will hate you even more."

Fang Yun said: "I want to use the power of the whole country to suppress the Xun family, I want to go to the Saint Academy alone to debate with the heroes, I want to make a single statement to prove the Xun family's mistakes, I want to... do too many things, but now I am only a juren, it's not that I don't want to do it, but I can't do it. If I don't refute with the words of "Xunzi", I'm afraid the Xun family will come one after another to suppress me."

Kong Delun sighed helplessly and said, "Yes, I forgot this. You have everything you need now, but you lack power. You can never marry into a family, so why not marry a daughter of an aristocratic family? That way, you will become half a member of an aristocratic family, and there will be fewer people who will make things difficult for you. You have to understand that there is a gap between aristocratic families and poor families. For example, if you were the son-in-law of an aristocratic family, Xun Ye in the Holy Ruins would never treat you like that. Even if you have a grudge against Xun Ye, you can resolve it by talking to the elders of the Xun family."

Fang Yun said, "How could I not know? In Xunzi, the words 'the noble and the humble have different levels' appear frequently, which means that people are divided into different levels, some are noble and some are humble. Xunzi was extremely opposed to Mozi's 'universal love', and believed that such behavior was no different from that of animals, which led to the deep hatred between the Xunzi and Mozi families. The reason why the Xun family treated me like this is probably because they were influenced by the thoughts of the Saint Xunzi."

Kong Delun nodded and said, "You are indeed a genius. I didn't expect you to see through this. We, the people of the holy families, will naturally be influenced by the holy teachings of our ancestors. It is said that Confucius values benevolence, Mencius values righteousness, and Xunzi values propriety. There is a reason for this. In Xunzi's "propriety", he emphasized hierarchy and division of labor. Naturally, the disciples of the Xun family will value the noble families and despise the poor families. Think about it again. You bow your head now so that you can hold it up in the future."

Fang Yun smiled and said, "Maybe, but the Xun family alone cannot make me bow my head!"

"Well, if you bow your head, you will no longer be Fang Zhenguo. Remember, no matter what, even if you become a half-saint, you cannot take action in the Xun family."

"You think too highly of me." Fang Yun said with a smile.

"I'm really afraid that you don't know how high the heaven is and how deep the earth is. You will criticize the saint in front of Cheng Daru. No matter whether you succeed or fail, it will be a disaster for you."

Fang Yun laughed and said, "You look down on me again. Am I that stupid? Without being a great scholar and without the dispute over the holy way, how can I criticize the saints?"

"It's good that you think so. Enjoy your life before you become a great scholar or scholar. When anyone sets up a holy path, it will inevitably lead to fierce disputes over the holy path. Forget it, why am I bringing this up? Look at how beautiful Mo Shan is."

Fang Yun turned his head and saw Mo Shan chatting excitedly, looking very happy.

"Let's go. After visiting the temple, we should celebrate our escape from death. The celebratory banquet has been booked. Let's get in the car." Kong Delun said.

Fang Yun walked and said, "Master Jianmei sent me a letter via Hongyan, saying that he was afraid that the Xun family would cause trouble for me, so he asked me to go directly to him and then return to Yuhai City."

"The Xun family has already caused trouble for you. It makes no difference whether you return to Yuhai City today or tomorrow. Let's go, get in the car first, and tell Master Jianmei what happened in a letter. He will naturally not stop you."

Fang Yun then sent a letter to Jianmei Gong, and Li Wenying replied that since the Xun family had come to them, they should let Fang Yun attend the celebration banquet and it would not be too late to leave tomorrow.

Three dragon-horse carriages drove towards the most prosperous commercial area of Kongsheng, and finally stopped in front of the famous Kong Mansion in Kongcheng.

The founder of Kongfulou was a freak of the Kong family, who disliked reading but loved eating and drinking the most. Later, he opened such a restaurant in Kongcheng. As the restaurant was good in all aspects and dared to use the Kong family's name, its business was extremely good.

Everyone came to the courtyard of Confucius Mansion, and without waiting for the officials to speak, Sun Naiyong shouted "Bring the wine", which directly brought the atmosphere to the climax. Everyone who had been wandering between life and death for several days completely let go of everything and drank heartily.

Normally, there would be poems, drinking games and the like at banquets, but this time there was nothing like that. There was nothing but eating, drinking and chatting.

The topic of the banquet revolved almost entirely around the Holy Ruins, because some people did not enter the Comet Corridor, and those who entered the Comet Corridor began to tell stories about the Comet Corridor.

When talking about Avalanche Slope, the party reached its climax. People who participated in Avalanche Slope were seen reciting their poems one after another. Some people drank too much and remembered the poems or the authors incorrectly, which led to some jokes and made the atmosphere of the party even more lively.

The talented scholars who entered the Comet Gallery spoke proudly, and those scholars who did not enter listened with envy. They were all very leisurely, but it was hard for the several Kongcheng officials who were sitting with them. They took turns recording the poems of everyone. The hundreds of poems made them secretly groan, but they also enjoyed it.

Everyone talked from the first corridor to the seventh corridor. After they finished talking about Fang Yun entering the poisonous blade snow with the help of the second level of Wen Dan, no one spoke and everyone looked at Fang Yun.

"You guys continue, I'll drink first to show my respect!" After saying that, he drank a glass himself.

When they saw Fang Yun didn't say anything, except for a few drunk people who begged for mercy, everyone else changed the subject and talked about the reasons for the collapse of the Comet Corridor and the process of killing the Soldier Barbarian Saint.

Everyone was drinking happily when Kong Delun suddenly shouted drunkenly: "Quiet! Uh... Quiet! I have something important to say!"

The banquet immediately fell silent, and everyone waited together for Kong Delun to announce the important news.

Kong Delun stood up, his face flushed, and said with a smile: "The hunting list of the demon world has just been changed. Congratulations to everyone present. Those who were on the list before have made great progress. Those who were not on the list before, whether they are scholars or juren, the worst ones are now on the hunting list of jinshi!"

Everyone cheered excitedly.

"Great! I've finally made it onto the Jinshi Hunting List. The demon race is still very good at judging people!"

"Haha, if my cousin brags to me again that he is a Jinshi, I can compare him with the hunting list."

After everyone present had discussed for a while, Kong Delun coughed lightly and said, "I won't say much about others. Fang Yun was originally ranked fourth on the Hanlin Hunting List. Guess where he ranks on the Hunting List now."

Shi Tang shouted in a daze: "He will definitely be in the top three of the Hanlin Hunting List. It would not be surprising even if he becomes the number one on the Hanlin Hunting List."

"No! De Lun deliberately sold the lawsuit, it's definitely not ordinary. Fang Yun is probably already on the Grand Scholar Hunting List!"

Everyone sobered up and most of the drunkenness was gone.

"Have you drunk too much? That's the Grand Scholar Hunting List! It's not the Cabbage List!" (To be continued...)