The Path of the Sage

Chapter 309: Hundred Blood Bounty


"There are many talented people in the Imperial Academy, and the top one is Xu Banlong, a genius agricultural scholar. The reason why he is not on the list of Grand Secretaries is that he rarely participates in the battles with monsters and barbarians, and has no hatred towards them. If he spends a little time killing monsters and barbarians every year, he will definitely be on the top 100 of the Grand Secretaries list. It is said that he has mastered the art of agriculture to perfection, and can blow air to plow the land and frown to make rain. It is very magical, and even the Grand Secretaries cannot do it."

"The second-ranked one is not simple either. He is from our Mo family and is my cousin. He is an expert in mechanical engineering and has been in Liangjie Mountain all year round. Most of the city defense mechanisms on Liangjie Mountain have been improved by him." Mo Shan said.

Li Fanming drunkenly waved his hands, shaking his head like a rattle, and said, "No, no, no... Eh? What was I going to say? Oh, right, you... You only talk about current capabilities, forgetting future potential, and also forgetting the hatred between Fang Yun and the demon barbarians! Fang Yun indirectly caused the death of a barbarian saint. With such a great hatred, it is impossible for Fang Yun to stay on the Hanlin Hunting List."

"Hatred is hatred, and the hunting list is the hunting list. They cannot be confused. The reason why the dragon of the Kong family was able to become the first on the list of university scholars was not only because he was the king of stars, but more importantly, he was from the Kong family! Although it is a bit exaggerated that the Kong family is half a country, the fact that the Kong family has devoted all their efforts to cultivating a genius is enough to shock the saints in the demon world."

"Fang Yun, are you the King of Stars?" Li Fanming asked.

"Guess." Fang Yun said with a smile.

"Uh, I shouldn't ask."

Yan Yukong was slightly tipsy. He put down his wine glass and said with a smile, "It is a foregone conclusion that Fang Yun will be included in the Grand Scholar Hunting List, otherwise De Lun would not have done this. His ranking probably won't be too high. After all, many things have not been verified, and the people in charge of the hunting rankings in the demon world will not be blinded by hatred. However, his bounty must be very high, even more than Bai Lichuan, who is ranked first on the Grand Scholar List."

Kong Delun said with a smile: "Bai Lichuan has taken another step forward and is now ranked last on the Great Confucian Scholars List."

"Oh? So the current No. 1 is Li Wenying? I saw Master Jianmei today and he seems to be on his way to becoming a great scholar."

"Mr. Jianmei is also on the Great Scholar Hunting List, and he came from behind and ranked three places higher than Bai Lichuan."

"It's really turbulent. Okay, De Lun, tell me, where is Fang Yun ranked on the list of Grand Scholars, and how much is the bounty?"

Kong Delun did not say anything. He stretched out his hand and released the letter sent by someone else. He saw many fist-sized words floating in the air, forming the list of Grand Secretaries Hunting List, standing in the courtyard like a big curtain.

The hunting list has a very uniform format, starting with the ranking number, followed by the name, and finally the bounty or additional bounty.

Fang Yun was ranked 30th, and almost everyone noticed it at the first moment, because no matter how high the rankings of others were, their fonts were all black, but his font was blood red.

The bounty text behind other people's names was very short, mostly with a few drops of holy blood, and occasionally due to personal grudges with some big figures of the demon clan, there would be a small additional bounty. The maximum number of words was no more than 20 or 30.

The words behind Fang Yun's name were different. He had too many additional bounties, more than 300 words in total. If they were arranged, they would stretch from the center of the courtyard to the outside of the courtyard wall, so he alone occupied the position of the five elements.

Currently, the bounty for the number one person on the Grand Scholar Hunting List is only seven drops of holy blood, but behind Fang Yun’s name, it is written: All the saints will add an additional 100 drops of blood!

The drunkenness of everyone was washed away by these six words. Some people exclaimed repeatedly, some gasped, and some kept rubbing their eyes. Some even pinched their thighs, unable to believe this horrible bounty.

Not to mention that the Kong Family Dragon didn’t have such a huge bounty back then, even on the Great Confucian Hunting List, only the top ten Wen Zong had a bounty of over a hundred Holy Blood.

However, behind the additional hundred bloods of the saints, there are a lot of texts, such as "additional wolf soul baptism", "additional dragon blood body washing", "additional howling moonlight bath", "additional Bear Head Mountain entry order", "additional demon saint Lang Mo's guidance", "additional demon saint Ying Kong's explanation of the art of walking in the sky" and many other additions by the saints.

Everyone's heart was pounding as they watched.

"The two tribes of monsters and barbarians really spent a lot of money! Those additional rituals are the secrets of each tribe and major department. They can stimulate the power of monsters and barbarians. Only the elite among the elites of each tribe can go through those rituals. Several of the monster tribe rituals are no less powerful than the trials of the Comet Corridor, and they are not open to other races under normal circumstances." Li Fanming said.

"Look behind you, there is an additional bounty of 'Demon Saint Observing the Sky'. When I saw these four words, I almost burst into a curse. Who added the bounty? That's too generous! It allows the Demon Saint to expend his original power and send one person's mind into the endless starry sky to observe the birth and death of heaven and earth. It is definitely a great blessing! The benefits are several times greater than the Star King!"

"There is also a fruit that can prolong one's life by fifty years. Once this thing appears in the world, it will definitely cause a fight among the saints!"

"No, the most terrifying addition is at the end. I was very drunk just now and only took a quick look. Now that I see it, I feel a chill all over my body." Kong Delun was a little annoyed.

Everyone immediately looked towards the end of the fifth row. The courtyard was completely silent.

At the end, it was written: Use the Four Demon Moons to guide the power of Wenquxing, reshape the anti-race, forever consolidate the great Confucianism, and live for three hundred years! Add the combined efforts of all the saints to transform people into barbarians, at least become the Great Barbarian King, or be canonized as a saint.

"Who said the demons don't have good brains? I think they are very sinister!"

“This is encouraging the rebellious species!”

"This is quite vicious!"

Fang Yun stared at the list of university scholars in the air and read it three times. At first, he felt extremely heavy in his heart. The hatred of the demons and barbarians for him could break through the wall between the two worlds. They actually invested so much. If this list is announced, it will definitely alarm the ten countries. Those scholars who were originally hesitant about whether to rebel will probably make a conclusion immediately.

After reading it three times, Fang Yun calmed down. He thought that there was no point in worrying as things had come to this point. But he was immediately amused by Li Fanming's words.

Li Fanming glanced at Fang Yun and said, "What do you think? In a few days, will 'kill Fang Yun first and then rebel' become the slogan of some literati?"

"Nonsense!" Fang Yun cursed and laughed.

“Haha…” Everyone present laughed; this statement was really funny.

The big rabbit was also laughing, with its two big ears wagging.

“Alas… We, the candidates, have worked so hard to enter the Holy Ruins, but the treasures we get are not as good as yours. Even the combined bounties on the hunting list are not even a fraction of yours! I want to die.” Zong Wude complained.

"Those warlike scholars love to use the Hunting List to judge heroes. Now that Fang Yun has come out, I wonder who dares to compete with him! A hundred drops of holy blood, a myriad of benefits, can almost buy a small family."

"Fang Yun. If you say now that you are not the Star King, no one will believe you. You better be careful, the Demon King might want to attack you."

Fang Yun said: "The current Demon King is no longer the Demon King of the past. Back then, the time was not ripe for him to be canonized, and he relied on killing the Kong family dragon to strengthen his strength. Now that he is about to be canonized, it is almost impossible for him to come to Shengyuan Continent to kill me in person. At most, he will just send people to capture me alive."

"Oh? The Demon King relies on killing the Kong Family Dragon to increase his strength? He wants to send people to capture you alive? Is there some secret between the Star Kings?"

Fang Yun immediately looked at Kong Delun and said, "After looking at my ranking, let's look at the rankings of others. Yu Kong was ranked twelfth on the Jinshi list before. I'm afraid he has been included in the Hanlin list now, right?"

"Everyone who enters the Seventh Corridor has been included in the Hanlin Hunting List."

There were bursts of screams. It was a big event for a scholar to be included in the Hanlin Hunting List, let alone more than ten people at the same time.

"It's not easy for a Juren to be included in the Jinshi hunting list, but it's actually not easy for a Jinshi to be included in the Hanlin hunting list. There must be something strange about this." Fang Yun said.

"Yes, I have thought about it. If it is just to attack those of us who enter the Seventh Corridor, there is no need to praise it so highly. I am afraid that the benefits of Wenqu Starlight are far beyond our expectations, and the Monster and Barbarian tribes have to pay attention to it."

"I'm afraid this is the reason." Fang Yun said.

"Yukong. You are now ranked 20th on the Hanlin Hunting List. If you don't count Fang Yun and Kong Jiazhilong, you are already the first candidate in a thousand years!"

Yan Yukong smiled and said, "How can I not count them? I feel that I am a little far from the twentieth place on the Hanlin Hunting List. In order to make up for this gap, I decided to kill more monsters and barbarians to make me live up to the title!"

"You are worthy of being the leader of our human race. Come, let me toast to Yan Yukong." Fang Yun immediately raised his glass.

But Yan Yukong said, "Don't change the subject. You are the center of this celebration party. What are you going to do in the future?"

“I am worried now too.”

Conde said: "It seems that you need to enter the Holy Court."

Everyone nodded.

"Virtue is the advice of an old man. You can only stay in the Holy Academy now. Even Kongcheng is not absolutely safe. In fact, if you were just on guard against monsters, you wouldn't have to worry in Yunhai or the capital of Jingguo. But now you have to guard against potential rebellious scholars. Apart from the Holy Academy, there is no place that can keep you safe."

Li Fanming added, "The state examination will begin on September 1st. You should take part in the state examination first. After you pass the examination, go to the Holy Academy immediately. You can then appear in the imperial examination for the Jinshi degree. Once you become a Jinshi degree, you will have the ability to speak eloquently and your ability to protect yourself will be greatly increased. Then you can leave the Holy Academy. After you become a Hanlin, you can enter the Hanlin Academy of the Holy Academy for further study."

"Yes, for now, entering the Holy Academy to protect yourself is the best strategy. If possible, entering some unknown ancient place would be safer."

Fang Yun did not try to be brave, and nodded, saying: "The two tribes of demons and barbarians are very determined this time, and I must avoid their sharp edge. Tonight I will go and discuss the matter of entering the Holy Academy with Lord Jianmei in detail."

"There is no time to lose. I will ask my uncles for help right away. With your talent and achievements, you can get the protection of the Holy Court, and the result will be known tomorrow at the latest." After Kong Delun finished speaking, he bowed to everyone and left in a hurry.

After Kong Delun left, everyone chatted for another quarter of an hour before being sent home one after another in the Kong family's carriages.

Unlike the time when he came here, this time there was an additional Hanlin from the Kong family riding in the same car with Fang Yun. The Hanlin had the official seal in his hand the whole time. With the official seal in hand, he could quickly mobilize the power of the Holy Temple of Kongcheng. Even the Grand Secretary was no match for him.

Soon, the car arrived at Zhou's residence. Fang Yun had lived in Zhou's residence before entering the Holy Ruins. The owner of this house was a good friend of Li Wenying.

Entering Zhou's residence, the light in Li Wenying's study was on. Fang Yun used his talent and literary courage to dispel the smell of alcohol on his body, and then walked to the door with steady steps.

“Boom boom boom…”

"Come in, Fang Yun." Li Wenying's voice came from it.

Fang Yun pushed the door open and walked in. Li Wenying was just closing a book and looked up at him.

"Greetings, Grand Secretary Li." Fang Yun bowed.

"No outsiders, no need to be polite. I just heard that you used Xunzi's words to drive away the Xun family. Tell me the details." (To be continued...)