The Path of the Sage

Chapter 310: Holy Number



Afterwards, Fang Yun recounted in detail the battle with Xun Long at the city gate. Li Wenying remained silent throughout the whole process, only nodding occasionally.

After Fang Yun finished speaking, Li Wenying lowered his head slightly, looked at the desk and fell into deep silence.

After a long time, Li Wenying asked, "The Monster Clan Hunting List has changed. Do you know?"

"This matter was discussed at the banquet. Their opinion was that after I pass the imperial examination, I should immediately enter the Holy Academy for refuge," Fang Yun said.

Li Wenying nodded and said, "It seems that they are sincere to you. After I got the news, I also wanted to send you to the Holy Court for refuge. The behavior of the demon clan is really unexpected. They value you more than the Kong Family Dragon. However, with the lesson of the Kong Family Dragon, our clan has been more prepared. Unless the demon clan's army is at the gates of the city, it is impossible to kill you in the city, but those literati who want to rebel are hard to guard against."

"Yes, Delun and the others also took this into consideration."

"That's good. I will go to the Holy Temple to apply tomorrow, and I will take you to the Holy Temple to get the protection card in the evening at the latest. With the protection card, you can mobilize the power of the Holy Temple around you to better protect yourself, and you can enter and leave the Holy Temple freely."

"Thank you, Lord Li, and congratulations on being included in the list of great scholars." Fang Yun said.

Li Wenying said with a smile: "In front of you, a juren who has passed the Jinshi and Hanlin levels and directly entered the list of Grand Secretary, I am just a literary rank higher than you, which is really not worth mentioning."

"It's different. Once you reach the rank of Grand Secretary, it's very difficult to move up further because those who can reach this level are the best of our clan. As for the Great Scholar Hunting List, it goes without saying that the top 10 to 20 places only change once every ten or so years." Fang Yun said.

The two chatted for a while, and finally Li Wenying said: "Go back and have a good sleep, and wake up at noon."

Fang Yun said goodbye and went back to his room to rest.

Ever since entering the Holy Ruins, Fang Yun has never had a good sleep. He falls asleep as soon as he lies on the bed.

Fang Yun did not control the time this time and slept until noon.

When he opened his eyes and saw the sunlight coming through the window, Fang Yun felt extremely comfortable. Both his body and mind seemed to be free of heavy burdens and he felt relaxed.

As usual, Fang Yun entered the Wen Palace to observe and found that the Wen Palace was still shrouded in faint starlight, which was the pure Wenqu star power.

Under the nourishment of the power of Wenquxing, his literary ability, literary courage, talent and literary mind all grew several times faster, far surpassing other candidates.

Fang Yun's last gaze fell on the evil star on the mural. Every once in a while, the evil star would flash some broken pictures, which were very similar to the ancient demon inheritance, allowing Fang Yun to know something, but now the time is still short, and he doesn't know how long it will take to get complete information.

Yesterday he knew that the reason why the Demon King wanted to kill the Kong Family Dragon was to snatch the evil star awarded by the Star King. As for what the star would be used for after snatching it, he still didn't know.

With this evil star, Fang Yun can use the evil star as a medium to attract star power and inject it into his own war poems. If the poem particularly resonates with a certain star, then the power of the poem will be stronger, and it can even directly improve the realm of the poem, and it will have a huge killing power against monsters.

Any human star king may become the nemesis of the monsters.

Fang Yun exited the Wen Palace and found that the Mist Butterfly was still sleeping on his chest. Fortunately, this was a strange creature, and its body was completely made of strange mist. It would not have any adverse effects on him.

Fang Yun counted the things in the Yinjiangbei again. There were sundries, such as some books, tools, gold and silver; there were Jinshi cultural treasures that he needed, such as the Minglei Zhendan Qin; there were extremely valuable things, such as real dragon bones, longevity fruits, Yaohou Jiaolong beads, etc.; there were also mysterious things whose uses were unknown, such as the strange stone picked up in Longya and the stone carving of the dragon's breath of the evil king.

Those cultural treasures of the Juren scholars have been completely eliminated and deposited in the Dongsheng Pavilion together with those that are not particularly valuable or not suitable for current use.

Fang Yun doesn’t have many treasures in his hands that are known to the public now, but if he is forced to take them out, it will definitely cause a sensation in the ten countries.

Looking at the valuable things inside, Fang Yun felt satisfied, and finally looked at the blood-dripping animal skin.

The Hanhu Clam cannot fit the original blood-drop animal skin, but the Yinjiang Clam can certainly do so. However, this animal skin first had dragon patterns added to it, and then an extra drop of the demon ancestor's blood was added. Even the Yinjiang Clam cannot fit it. I'm afraid only more advanced shellfish can fit it.

Fang Yun got up, dressed, and prepared to wash up.

The small meteor rolled around on the table. When it saw Fang Yun stand up, it immediately flew over and circled around Fang Yun at an extremely fast speed, forming a silver ring.

Fang Yun stretched out his hand, and the little meteor immediately fell into his hand. Fang Yun touched the little meteor to express his greeting, and then continued to walk out.

The state exam was coming up soon, and Fang Yun pushed the door open to fetch water while thinking about the exam. He had eaten many dragon balls and had received many infusions of talent, so his body was spotless and could be kept clean without washing, but he couldn't change his habits of many years in a short time.

Fang Yun walked into the courtyard and heard a noisy sound, and saw more than twenty scholars sitting in the main hall.

Fang Yun smiled slightly and couldn't help but think of things in the army. Ever since he showed his strength, the barracks where he was located had become a gathering place for the entire team and it was very lively.

When everyone saw Fang Yun coming, they all stood up.

"Good morning, everyone." Fang Yun said.

"We thought you would sleep until the sun sets." Mo Shan said with a smile.

Fang Yun glanced at everyone. A few people, including Yan Yukong and Zong Wude, did not come. The former did not like socializing with others, and the latter was probably busy with other things.

"Why are you all here?" Fang Yun walked forward with a smile, and everyone immediately gave up their main seats.

"Have you forgotten? We said at the banquet yesterday that if we have nothing else to do today, we should get together to discuss the matter of the Sacred Ruins Anthology and try to publish it as soon as possible!"

"Yes, there is such a thing."

"But everyone forgot to agree on a specific time and place, so someone familiar asked around and contacted Li Fanming, and then decided to come to you to discuss it. We have just decided that the first page of the Sacred Ruins Collection will be your poem, When Will the Bright Moon Appear?, which is a stunning opening. It will be followed by poems from the Mid-Autumn Festival, and then other poems from Avalanche Slope and Comet Gallery."

"Not bad." Fang Yun nodded.

"By the way, 'When Will the Bright Moon Rise' has been enshrined in the Holy Temple for people all over the world to learn. Some great scholars and Confucian scholars have used this poem to summon friends and relatives thousands of miles away. The human race has added a new kind of poetry for communication, and it is more powerful than any previous one. However, so far, no Hanlin has been able to use it. For people below the level of a great scholar, it may take a long time to learn this poem before they can use it."

Sun Naiyong said, "I have long thought that this is a poem that will be spread all over the world. Even if one has enough talent, it is difficult to bring out the power of it if one is not of high literary status or realm. I talked about this with my military friend this morning. Although "When Will the Moon Rise" is good, it cannot be popularized in the army. I hope Fang Zhenguo will continue to work hard and write a poem that can be popularized in the army."

"I'll do my best." Fang Yun said.

Li Fanming said, "Ahem, we are only juren. We have written some pamphlets and poetry collections before, but this is the first time we have the opportunity to be selected into such a large-scale formal collection, so we attach great importance to this matter."

"It's my first time too, so of course I take it seriously."

"Forget it. When we talked about this yesterday, you were just like Yan Yukong, not caring at all. In the near future, you will definitely be able to publish various collections of articles, such as poetry, lyrics, classics, policy essays, etc. As long as you want to publish a book, the Holy Academy will definitely let you go, because the Editorial Office is responsible for this matter. Your poems and essays are published in the Holy Way every month. If they don't let you publish a book, it is really a denial of themselves. We are different. It doesn't matter if we publish a collection of articles privately, but if we want to spread it in the Ten Kingdoms, we must go through strict review, even for children of noble families."

Fang Yun nodded.

"Fang Yun, the manuscripts for this month's "Sacred Way" have already been reviewed, and the articles for next month's "Sacred Way" will be selected. Your poems and articles on the Mid-Autumn Festival plus the poems and articles in the Sacred Ruins will definitely be selected. We just counted that you have at least six poems in the "Sacred Way"! And if one of them is spread all over the world, September's "Sacred Way" will definitely become a legend that future generations of literati will talk about with relish!"

"We've been talking about this all day! I'm sure the sales of 'The Way of God' will skyrocket next month!"

Fang Yun was about to say a few polite words when he suddenly realized that Yin Jiangbei was a little strange, so he used his spiritual power to "take a look" and found that a Mingzhou poem had been promoted to a national poem.

It was the first time Fang Yun encountered such a situation, so he was stunned for a moment.

"Fang Yun, what's wrong? Is there an accident?"

Fang Yun immediately reacted and said with a smile: "The talent of the poem "Guanshanyue" has increased after being spread, and it has become a national treasure."

"Is it the poem 'The bright moon rises from the Tianshan Mountains, amidst the boundless sea of clouds. The wind blows for tens of thousands of miles, passing through the Yumen Pass'? When we heard it, we discussed that this poem would surely be able to protect the country in the near future, and it turned out to be true. This poem is magnificent and has a unique sense of heroism. When you wrote this poem, I vaguely thought that you might have been named the 'Little Poet Saint'."

Fang Yun thought that this was Li Bai's poem, so it was naturally very heroic. He then said, "The title of Poet Saint cannot be given to random people. Since the Book of Songs, there have been many poets, and later ci poetry was developed, but until now no one has dared to take this title, even Cao Zhi, Cao Cao, and Tao Yuanming, who were outstanding in ancient poetry, did not dare to accept this title."

"Yes, there will be a long time ahead. When you have accumulated a large amount of works and have some poems of different types, you can go to the Holy Temple to receive this holy title."

"Alas, I can't wait any longer. Receiving a saint title is a big deal. Not to mention Zhang Zhongjing's true saint title of Medical Saint, even if you get a false saint title like Lu Ban, the Saint of Crafts, or Li Guang, the Saint of Archery, it's enough to make the ten nations celebrate, because it will greatly increase the power of the human race. If you can get the title of Poet Saint and Lyric Saint, then our human race will worship you, and the power of all human war poems will be directly increased by 10%! This 10% may seem small, but it will never decline over time, and its merit is greater than that of an ordinary half-saint! If your sainthood continues to rise, the power this saint title brings to the human race will be even stronger."

"However, the title of Saint is extremely rare, especially the Saint of Poetry and the Saint of Lyrics. Otherwise, those famous poets and lyricists would have been given the title long ago. But Fang Yun... No, Master Fang, we are very optimistic about you! Our human race is in a great crisis. If you can obtain the title of Saint of Poetry and the Saint of Lyrics in your lifetime, you will surely become the savior of our human race and be praised for generations!" said Shi Tang. (To be continued...)