The Path of the Sage

Chapter 316: Close the mountains and ban the barbarians


"A man should have this ambition!" said Kong De.

Zong Wude was stunned, then nodded and said, "Indeed, when Confucius was alive, the human race was not afraid of the monsters and barbarians, and even forced them to sign a thousand-year agreement not to fight, which frightened the monsters and barbarians so much that the bigwigs of the two tribes dare not say a bad word about Confucius. Now, we really have to work hard for the rise of the human race."

"Humph, going to the Xun family to fight for the sake of the human race? That's nonsense! How ridiculous!" A Qing man mocked.

Fang turned his head to look at the Qing countryman and said in a deep voice: "It's not you who was put in danger by the Xun family! It's not you who was slandered and framed by Xun Ye! It's not you who was poisoned and insulted as a piece of waste paper by Xun Ye! It's not you who was stabbed in the back by the Qing country when you were fighting the barbarians! It's not you who was suppressed by the Qing people for decades and the whole country was depressed! So, what qualifications do you have to say such things?"

The man from Qing was at a loss, then lowered his head silently.

None of the dozens of Qing people present fought back.

Zong Wude sighed softly, his face full of guilt.

"I want to tell the Xun family that if they want to humiliate our Fangyun, they will have to pay a price they cannot afford! Moreover, I want to take back what was taken away by your Qing country and return it to my Jing people!"

Those people from Qing wanted to refute but they didn't know how to start. No matter what the purpose of the Semi-Saint of Miscellaneous School was, the treatment received by the people of Jing was an indisputable fact. No one with a human heart could deny the injustice suffered by Jing.

There was no wind inside the boat, but there was wind outside, whistling and making the boat seem even quieter.

In the captain's room, several university scholars nodded slightly.

One person said, "I always feel that the saints are a little too arrogant. I know that the saints have ways to block the monsters in various places, but the monsters also have ways to avoid the saints. Wenying once reported that a monster king sneaked into Jiangzhou, but the saints did not find it."

The Grand Secretary of the Kong Family was silent for a while, and then said, "Lord Dongsheng has already closed the mountain and banned the barbarians."

"Oh?" Those who didn't know about this were moved.

"Although the Half Saint has great power, Lord Dongsheng has a lot of affairs to deal with. Wouldn't it be too tiring to stop the powerful demons from the Five Demon Mountains and the Three Barbarians from entering the Holy Yuan Continent?"

"It's tiring, but Lord Dongsheng should be very happy. Killing the Barbarian Saint and getting rid of the great threat to the human race is worth it. It's worth spending energy to seal off the mountains and ban the barbarians to prevent them from assassinating Fang Yun."

"I see. It seems that the demon barbarians added a bounty to encourage the human race to rebel because they knew that Lord Dongsheng had sealed the mountain and demon marquises, demon kings or great demon kings could not enter the Ten Kingdoms. Without the threat of the demon race, Lord Dongsheng did not veto the Xun family's order. But those potential rebels are also a headache."

"Didn't Fang Yun say it himself? The moon waxes and wanes. People have joys and sorrows, separations and reunions. It's impossible to have everything in life. We can protect him from the wind and rain, but he still needs to walk the path ahead by himself. However, his path is really... I can't comment on it anymore. Wen Ying was also a remarkable man back then, and Fang Yun is no worse than Wen Ying."

Several university scholars looked at Li Wenying with smiles.

"Wen Ying will become a great scholar, so he will definitely restrain himself temporarily and then pursue his own holy path. Once he is determined, he will move forward bravely, which may be even more amazing than before. Let's not talk about Wen Ying, but Fang Yun. How many people do you think Fang Yun can beat in this literary duel?"

"If the Xun family members in the Shihan Ancient Land do not return, Fang Yun may have a chance of winning. If the Xun family members in the Shihan Ancient Land return, I am not optimistic about Fang Yun. The younger generation of our Meng family in the Shihan Ancient Land has always been suppressed by the Xun family."

"If the Xun family really uses the people from the Ten Cold Ancient Land, then even if they win, it will be a loss of face. The environment there is unique. It is not a dilapidated ancient land like the Holy Ruins. It is a complete small ancient land. The people there are slightly inferior in terms of scriptures and poetry, but their talent and literary courage are stronger, and their practical experience is extraordinary. Especially those disciples who have had strange encounters, once they are willing to change their identities in the family tree, they can return to the Holy Yuan Continent. Many heroes in my Ten Kingdoms are from the three ancient lands."

"Once Fang Yun wins more than five games in a row, the Xun family will definitely pardon the ancient land candidates and let them work for the Xun family."

"Fang Yun is also in luck. This generation of young people from the Xun family in the ancient land is indeed mediocre. There are no outstanding people among the scholars and candidates. But the Xun family's Jinshi are different. In the past few years, many of Jingguo's top scholars came from the Xun family. Huh? The person who is rising rapidly in front seems to be a member of the Xun family. If I'm not mistaken, it should be the exorcist Jinshi Xun Long. I have often seen him in the Holy Academy in the past two years."

Several university scholars looked forward and saw a scholar in white robes and sword robes stepping on white clouds and flying towards the direction of Qing State.

Only a Grand Secretary can rise to prominence, and if one is below the Grand Secretary, the only way to achieve this is to get first place in the imperial examination, which is known as the zhuangyuan.

Xun Long was the top scholar in the Qing Kingdom.

"It's Xun Long. Speaking of which, this Xun Long is the leader of the Xun family. Unfortunately, he is already a Jinshi and cannot compete with Fang Yunwen."

"Is he the one who fought with sharp words and was always in trouble? Even when Jianmei Gong was a Jinshi, he was not as good as him, right?"

Li Wenying said, "I have met Xun Long, and his talent is indeed better than mine. Unfortunately, he is not from the main branch of the Xun family, but only a branch. He has not received the same training as the main family's children, and it is hard to say what he will achieve in the future. But I heard that Xun Long's son is very talented. At the age of ten, he is already the top student in the prefecture, and Xun Long has high hopes for him."

"The Xun family is too big, so it's normal that the people of the branch are not taken seriously. However, Xun Long's status is rising day by day. Once he becomes a university scholar, his status will definitely not be lower than that of the children of the main family."

"I remember now. It was this Xun Long who led people to interrogate and investigate Fang Yun yesterday. He was able to make a dead person appear alive and almost cleared Xun Ye of the charges."

While several university scholars were talking, the Skywalker ship was getting closer and closer to Xun Long. Because the two were heading in the same direction, the Skywalker ship had to slow down and go around Xun Long.

When the ship slowed down, Zong Wude shouted with a thunderous voice: "Xun Long!"

Xun Long turned his head and showed curiosity at first. When he saw the people on the boat clearly and looked at Fang Yun, his face instantly turned gloomy, and then returned to normal in an instant. He nodded to the people on the deck, and finally bowed to the university scholars in the captain's room.

Zong Wude said to Fang Yun, "Xun Long is a good friend of my brother. I wonder if he can get on board? Anyway, whether he gets on board or not, he will return to Xizhou soon."

Fang Yun nodded and said with a swift voice: "Mr. Xun, we are going to Xizhou. Are you willing to get on board?"

Everyone could tell Fang Yun's attitude towards Xun Long from the way he addressed him. Calling him "Xun Jinshi" was really too distant.

Xun Long hesitated for a moment and nodded.

So the Kongxinglou ship continued to slow down to allow Xun Long to board.

"Thank you Fang Zhenguo!" Xun Long thanked Fang Yun.

"Mr. Xun, you're too polite. It's just on my way." Fang Yun said.

"Alas, I never thought it would come to this. As a member of the Xun family, I feel deeply guilty. Regardless of who loses or who loses in this literary fight, I will do my best to resolve the misunderstanding between you and the Xun family."

"If it's a misunderstanding, it's easy to resolve." Fang Yun said with a smile. (To be continued...)