The Path of the Sage

Chapter 322: Three wins


The Xun family was furious at Fang Yun's words. Not only did he mean that the Xun family would lose in the future, but they would lose ten games in a row. They had no ability to refute it. After all, Fang Yun had just shown mercy and saved Xun Gang half his life.

The people who came with Fang Yun were laughing secretly. Fang Yun was usually kind, but once he took action, the people from the Xun family were no match for him.

As Xun Gang was carried away, Governor Sheng immediately said, "You people of Jing are very busy, and we people of Qing understand, so we have to speed up the literary duel and send you back to Jing as soon as possible! The third round begins!"

"Xun Luo, greetings to Fang Zhenguo." A middle-aged scholar with bright eyes came over, eager to engage in a literary duel.

Fang Yun returned the greeting and said, "Hello, Brother Xun. Please propose a ban." Fang Yun was too lazy to talk about the method of choosing the competition. As long as the Xun family was not stupid, there was no way they could compete with him in literary courage. Although the concentration of his talent had not been exposed, because he had defeated the scholars of Jing State, the Xun family would not come to compete unless they had someone with particularly strong talent.

As one's literary rank increases, the ways of literary competition will increase, and even music, chess, calligraphy, and painting can be included. Take talent as an example. Fang Yun could only use talent to attack in Jiangzhou, but now that he has become a juren, he can use his talent to transform into a literary competition.

Fang Yun looked at Xun Luo quietly, wondering what the Xun family would do next. The Xun family had tested the enemy in the first round, and used Xun Gang as their trump card in the second round. If the Xun family was wise, they would definitely change their strategy in the third round.

"I'm going to select poetry for the literary competition. My suggestion is that only candidates from the Holy Temple are allowed to participate in the poetry competition." Xun Luo said.

Fang Yun said: "This proposal is invalid because I have not learned any poems from the Holy Temple."

Xun Luo immediately responded with an apologetic smile, and said, "I see. Ignorance is not a crime. I hope Fang Zhenguo will forgive me. Then my new proposal is that only the newly written Juren Battle Poems can be used."

Fang Yun didn't believe Xun Luo's lies at all. Xun Luo's previous proposal to ban the family was obviously a test. The formal proposal to ban the family was much more interesting. He did not immediately state his proposal to ban the family, but thought for a moment and figured out the Xun family's strategy.

The Xun family's delaying method failed, and the restriction on Fang Yun's original poems also failed, so they used the method of rapid consumption. One of them was to speed up the literary battle. Now forcing Fang Yun to use the Juren Battle Poems instead of the Xiucai Battle Poems is to make him consume more talent, energy, literary mind and other forces, no matter how powerful Fang Yun is. If he continues to use his literary mind to write Juren Battle Poems with all his strength, his state in all aspects will gradually deteriorate.

"Why, Fang Zhenguo is not in a hurry to return to Jingguo?" Xun Luo asked with a smile.

"If it's a literary duel between two countries, one person competing in one literary duel, your proposal to ban it is fine. But according to the rules of the Holy Academy, if it's a literary duel between one person for a state or a country, if the proposed ban has more than one condition and the intention is to consume the other party's talent, the other party has the right to disagree. I didn't refute the proposal to ban the first match just now because after all, I was competing in a literary duel for a state. I was a little polite. But now it's the third match, and you've limited it to 'poems and lyrics of candidates' and 'new works', so I'm sorry I can't agree to it."

The smile on Xun Luo's face finally disappeared. After a brief thought, he said, "You have a point. I suggest that we ban it and only use the Juren Battle Poetry and Literature Contest."

Fang Yun smiled. Since the other party had chosen this, he could decide whether it was "new work", "old work", "made by myself" or "made by others".

Fang Yun said: "My suggestion is to use the poems you wrote during the battle."

In this way, the two could only use their own poems for the imperial examinations, or old ones. Fang Yun did not need to think of new poems for the war, and consumed less energy.

"I agree."

Afterwards, the two asked the Holy Temple for help, and the transparent light shield appeared for the third time.

Fang Yunyou wrote quickly and immediately wrote "Dream of War in Wind and Rain".

Lying in a lonely village, I do not feel sorry for myself, but still think of guarding Luntai for my country. Lying in bed late at night, listening to the wind and rain, I dream of the iron cavalry on the frozen river!

The original treasure light and the handed down treasure light appear.

Without Ruoshui, the power of this war poem is mediocre. Without a large amount of water, the power of the cavalry is also limited. However, when Fang uses this poem, it not only has two layers of precious light, but can also utilize the power of Wendan. When the opponent has no protective war poems, this war poem can be said to be invincible.

Moreover, Fang Yun can control the number of cavalry in this war poem, consuming less talent. Another powerful feature is that the location where these cavalry appear can also be selected within twenty feet.

As soon as the poem was finished, ten water cavalrymen holding ice spears appeared out of thin air and surrounded Xun Luo six feet away, with the tips of the spears of the ice wall pointing directly at Xun Luo's head.

And now, Xun Luo had only recited half a sentence of a war poem.

The cold was biting, and Xun Luo almost thought he had died in vain.

"Give up!" Xun Luo surrendered simply. His face was a little pale, his fists were clenched tightly, and his teeth were tightly clenched.

Xun Luo knew that he was here to consume Fang Yun's strength, but he still had a glimmer of hope that he could defeat Fang Yun. But reality was too cruel. Not to mention defeating Fang Yun, not to mention making Fang Yun consume more strength, he couldn't even finish writing half a battle poem, which was simply a great shame.

In the third game, Fang Yun won.

Everyone in Qing Kingdom was stunned. Although Fang Yun had won before, he seemed to be just stronger than his opponent, not overwhelmingly. But this time it was a ruthless crushing, and Xun Luo had no power to fight back at all.

If the two were engaging in a battle of words, a fight for life and death, Xun Luo would probably have died before he could even utter the word "surrender".

"How magnificent! This poem actually has the aura of being handed down from generation to generation. The people of our race can learn new war poems! There is no need to think too much about this poem. If it is sung by the water or in the wind and rain, its power will surely be doubled."

"You who entered the Holy Ruins are not surprised at all. It seems that you have all seen Fang Yun use this war poem."

"Not only have I read it, but this poem has also saved my life." Li Fanming said, and the big rabbit raised its paw to show that it had also saved its life.

Everyone in the Xun family was very confident before, but now Fang Yun has won three games in a row, and each victory was decisive and clean, so some people began to sigh.

"The battle poem handed down from generation to generation by a successful candidate. Alas, I..." A look of regret appeared on the face of the person who spoke.

"Forget it, I won't talk about it anymore."

More and more members of the Xun family felt uncomfortable and didn't know what to do.

Any war poem that can be learned by others is a great achievement for the human race, and these scholars will learn it, and perhaps it can save their lives at a certain time. Anyone can oppose Fang Yun, but learning Fang Yun's poems for free and hoping Fang Yun will die is something that no one with a little humanity can do.

Not only did the psychology of the Xun family change, but the attitudes of the nearby Qing people also began to change. The people in the front told the people behind what had happened, and more and more people knew that Fang Yun wrote the famous poem about the imperial examination.

"Fang Yun cannot die." A young man from Qing couldn't help but say.

"Not only can we not die, but if the people of Qing hurt him, how can we learn his war poems in the future? Now there is only one poem, what about in the future?"

"The war poems in the Holy Temple are enough for us to study for a lifetime. One or two more war poems won't matter."

"You think it's nothing, but I must learn it! Fang Yun seems to be deliberately controlling his strength, and the power of the phrase "Iron Horses and Ice Rivers Come into My Dreams" doesn't seem to be fully displayed." (To be continued...)