The Path of the Sage

Chapter 323: I am here too


Sheng Zhoumu, who was presiding over the literary duel, seemed not to hear the comments of others. He said calmly, "The fourth literary duel continues!"

"Xun Long, greetings to Fang Zhenguo." The fourth candidate appeared.

"You're welcome. Please suggest to block it." Fang Yun said.

"Only the poems written by candidates for the imperial examinations are allowed." Xun Long said.

Fang Yun said casually: "You can only use your own battle poems."

"No objection."

"No objection." Fang Yun no longer needed to think about it. The next few candidates would definitely force him to use the candidates' battle poems, consuming his talent, literary mind and other strength, thus creating an opportunity for the last candidate.

A shield of light descended from the holy temple, and the two began a literary duel.

Fang Yun is still just talking on paper, while his opponent is still eloquent.

Fang Yun repeated writing "Dream of War in Wind and Rain". At the moment when he finished writing "Iron horses and frozen rivers came into my dreams", the water cavalry had not yet been fully formed, and Xun Long immediately stopped and spoke fluently.

"I give up." Xun Long said loudly.

Fang Yun didn't expect that the fourth person would be so straightforward.

"Thank you." Fang Yun said.

The fifth game begins.

It was almost exactly the same as the fourth game. As soon as Fang Yun finished his poem, his opponent immediately admitted defeat.

There was a slight commotion among the crowd in Qing Country, but it soon calmed down.

The sixth game was exactly the same as the previous one, and Fang Yunshi admitted defeat when he became a member of the Xun family.

The crowd was filled with even louder complaints.

In the seventh game, after the Xun family scholar admitted defeat, the crowd of Qing State burst into boos that lasted for a long time.

The seventh scholar was a little thin-skinned. He walked away quickly in shame, his face as red as a monkey's butt.

The dissatisfaction of the literati in Qing State finally broke out.

A Qing State scholar shouted loudly: "Xun family, no matter whether you win or lose, you are all from Qing State, you are all from Xizhou! We will support you no matter what, but we would rather watch you lose than watch you not even dare to fight! Where is the integrity of scholars!"

"This is not the Xun family we have in mind! Let Xun Tianling come out! Let old Patriarch Xun come out! Let them both see what the Xun family disciples have become!"

"In a literary fight, we should use strategies, but does that mean we should not have backbone?"

"If you Xun family members don't want to fight with words, can you let me fight? If I admit defeat, I will at least wait until the ice spear is an inch away from my throat!"

Governor Sheng's face darkened and he shouted angrily, "No noise!" A voice like a huge bell appeared, suppressing everyone's voice.

"The eighth match, Xun Zong!"

When the name Xun Zong came out, many scholars expressed doubts.

Then a scholar in his fifties slowly walked towards Fang Yun. He had gray hair and was thin but in good health.

Zong Wude couldn't help but ask, "Fourth Brother Xun, I know you are from the side branch of the Xun family, but aren't you from Yongzhou? How did you become a Xizhou person?"

Xun Zong stroked his mustache and said with a smile: "Today, I have become a citizen of Xizhou and am no longer a Yongzhou person."

The whole place was silent, and the few Qing people could hardly hide the disappointment in their eyes.

A Qing State scholar said angrily: "No matter what Fang Yun is like, he is still an upright and honest scholar in a state. He is an enemy, but an upright enemy! You Xun family are so despicable!"

"Just out of spite. They only let the Xun family fight, and even used such means. It's disgusting!"

Some members of the Xun family looked unhappy, and many people disagreed. But there was nothing they could do. Although there were many candidates, it was clear that none of them had the slightest chance of winning over Fang Yun. Only Xun Zong had a better chance.

Fang Yun felt familiar with Xun Zong's name, but he couldn't remember it for a moment. But when he heard Zong Wude call him fourth brother, he remembered this person.

People in both Jing and Qing countries knew this man's name. He loved to hang out in brothels, leaving behind some good stories and a bad reputation. He loved to take concubines, but he was famous for being fickle and always liked new things. Every year, he drove some concubines out of the house, forcing some of the women he drove away to commit suicide. Even now, at the age of fifty, he was still romantic, but not as romantic as he was in the past.

"Is this old gentleman Xun Zong, Xun Sixiu from Yongzhou?" Fang Yun asked.

"It's Xun Sixiu, but he's not from Yongzhou, he's from Xizhou." Xun Zong looked at Fang Yun with a smile.

"That's right. He is an expert in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and has reached the second level in all of them. He has written thousands of brothel poems and is known as the most romantic figure in Yongzhou. I have heard of your name for a long time." Fang Yun said.

Xun Zong said, "Let alone the four beauties, even the ten beauties can't compare to you, the number one beauty. Literary competitions are always better than poetry. I almost fall asleep just looking at them. If you are a responsible and upright scholar, how about choosing one of the arts of music, chess, calligraphy and painting? I heard that you are good at music and calligraphy, so you can choose whatever you want, how about that?"

Fang Yun said, "I have only just reached a certain level in the art of playing the zither and calligraphy. Mr. Sixiu is a great master in the state. Is it a bit too much for me to compete with you in the art of playing the zither and calligraphy?"

"What, you don't dare? This is not like Fang Zhenguo. How about this, you and I compete in Qindao battle music, and I will not bully you. I will just suppress the power of Qindao to the first level. As long as you can hurt my clothes a little, you win. If I can't defeat you within a hundred breaths, I lose. How about it?" Xun Zong said with a smile.

Fang Yun didn't expect that this person was even worse than the rumors said. The war music consumed a lot of talent and energy. He could not play "General's Order" for a hundred breaths. The Xun family had a lot of calculations. If Xun Zong could win, it would be the best. If he lost, it would consume his talent to the greatest extent.

"Is it because I showed mercy and saved Xun Gang before that your Xun family thinks that I, Fang Yun, am easy to talk to and bully?" Fang Yun said slowly.

The whole place was silent, and the Xun family felt embarrassed and annoyed.

Xun Zong still had a smiling face and said, "What you said is really rude. You are bullying my Qing Kingdom Xizhou by competing in the literary competition. How dare I bully you? The four arts of music, chess, calligraphy and painting are selected by the saints, and Confucius is a master of music. It is normal to compete in literary competitions and there are precedents. I remember that three years ago, in the literary competition between the candidates of Wu Kingdom and Qi Kingdom, there was a competition in music and a competition in painting. What, are you afraid, Fang Zhenguo? If you are afraid today, don't blame me if you never make any progress in music in the future."

Fang Yun suddenly smiled coldly and said, "I respect you as a senior and gave you a step. Who would have thought that you would go so far and try to destroy my Qin Dao heart. It's not that Qin Dao war music can't be compared, but I'm not familiar with my new war music, and I'm afraid I might accidentally kill you!"

Xun Zong laughed loudly and said, "How dare you say such things in front of me, Xun Sixiu, what a madman you are! I, Xun Zong, did not get the title of Sixiu by hiding in brothels and taking shortcuts, but through repeated competitions in music, chess, calligraphy, painting and literature! You killed me by mistake with your mere knowledge of music? This is ridiculous!"

"I don't know if it's funny or not, but there's one thing you have to understand, anyone who harms our fortune will be punished!"

"Oh? Then let me see what retribution I will get! I hereby declare. If I die at the hands of Fang Yun in a duel of war songs, it is entirely my own fault, not Fang Yun's fault. My relatives and friends cannot make things difficult for Fang Yun. Okay, now do you dare to duel with me in a war song?" Xun Zong still had a smile on his face.

"Since Mr. Sixiu is like this, then I, the No. 1 Xiu, will discuss the art of playing the zither with you, as you wish." There was a hint of chill in Fang Yun's tone.

"Thank you Fang Zhenguo for helping me to become famous in literature. After today, I will become famous all over the world for stopping you in the eighth literary duel!" Xun Zong said with a smile.

Fang Yun did not show any emotion due to Xun Zong's provocative words, and said, "You should propose to block it first."

"Only ordinary scholar Wen Baoqin is allowed to participate in this literary contest." The smile on Xun Zong's face became even more intense.

Fang Yun, however, remained calm. As if he didn't know that the thundering qin was directed at him, he said, "Then my suggestion is to use spiritual objects and rare objects."

"Hahaha, I knew you wanted to use the Mist Butterfly, but the newly born Mist Butterfly is equivalent to nothing." Xun Zong raised his chin and looked down at the candidates like a top scholar chosen by a semi-saint.

"I don't have a Wen Baoqin who can be selected as a juren. Does Senior Brother Tang have a suitable Wen Baoqin?" Fang Yun asked.

"Yes." Shi Tang said, and took out a Juren Wenbaoqin and a qin stand from the Hanhu Beili and placed them in front of Fang Yun.

Fang Yun asked the Qingguo official for a chair. Then he tuned the piano and tested it. After a while, he said, "I'm ready."

Xun Zong was also ready.

After the light shield of the holy temple fell, the two men held the strings of the harp.

The two men placed their fingers on the strings. Neither of them played. After a few breaths, Fang Yun moved his fingers slightly, and Xun Zong played the Wenbao Qin almost at the same time.

Fang Yun's ears moved slightly. He could tell that Xun Zong was playing the famous piece "Flowing Water" by the zither master Boya. This was a very powerful war song. It was said that a semi-sage playing this song could summon thousands of seas of water, flooding millions of miles.

A wave of water appeared in front of Xun Zong's piano, slowly moving towards Fang Yun and getting bigger. Once the playing was completed, it would inevitably form a huge wave.

When Shi Tang saw Xun Zong's water waves, he was surprised and said, "This person is really talented. The "Flowing Water" piano piece of a mere realm is so solid. The most terrifying thing is that this "Flowing Water" not only has the meaning of water, but also the meaning of mountains, making this piece of "Flowing Water" heavy and powerful several times more than ordinary "Flowing Water"! Fang Yun is in danger!"

"I didn't expect this person to have such a bad character, but be so strong in the art of playing the zither!"

"Eh? The meaning of the piano that Fang Yun is playing right now seems to be different from the "General's Order" in the Holy Ruins!"

At this moment, Fang Yun's hands were flying on the Wen Baoqin, his eyes were closed, and a strong murderous intent was brewing in his heart.

On that day in front of the demon ancestor's gate in the Holy Ruins, Fang Yun played "General's Order" twice in a row. The first time summoned strong soldiers with piano music, and the second time summoned a general in black mist.

This time, Fang Yun directly summoned the black fog general with murderous intent in his heart.

"I'm here!" a loud shout appeared.

The last time, General Black Mist was riding a tall horse and holding a bloody spear.

This time the blood-red spear was still there, but the horse was replaced by a starlight chariot, pulled by two extremely strong silver horses.

There were two battle flags on the chariot, with strange totems painted on them.

There is clearly only one chariot, but it is as if the emperor himself is here, reviewing the thousands of troops. One chariot leads to thousands of troops following.

Fang Yun still closed his eyes, and while playing, he said, "Please help me, General."

Afterwards, everyone present saw a strange scene. The starlight chariot turned into a silver light and flashed by at a speed that was difficult for the human eye to capture. In the blink of an eye, it broke through the waves of Xun Zong, passed by Xun Zong, and then stopped three feet behind Xun Zong.

"There is no enemy who can match me!" General Black Mist sighed, and disappeared along with the Starlight Chariot.

Wen Baoqin in front of Xun Zong turned into dust, and Xun Zong stared ahead with wide eyes.

"How could this be!"

Xun Zong's head tilted and his huge head rolled down. The wound on his neck was sealed by a strange force and not a drop of blood seeped out.

Fang Yun opened his eyes, thought for a moment, and looked at the stars in the sky. (To be continued...)