The Path of the Sage

Chapter 328: Death Examination


"I haven't thought about it that much. It would be best if I could become a Jinshi as soon as possible." Fang Yun said.

Li Fanming said, "Of course you have to compete with your peers. You are almost certain to pass the imperial examination this year, and you have a 90% chance of passing the imperial examination! But it is impossible to get all the first-class marks. The final palace examination is not about poetry and prose, but about governing a region, involving politics, punishment, military, industry, and agriculture. For example, how do you compare farming with the students from the farming family? How do you compare water conservancy with the students from the engineering family? How do you compare public security with the students from the legal school? It's too difficult."

"That's hard to say. Don't forget that the candidates for the palace examination are different every year. For example, when Yi Zhishi took the imperial examination, all the geniuses of the ten countries avoided him, but a few geniuses did not believe in evil, and as a result, Yi Zhishi became the top scholar among the ten countries and the head of a country. Those who did not participate in the imperial examination that year all participated in the second year, which resulted in an unprecedentedly tragic imperial examination the following year. Every time a cousin of mine gets drunk, he talks about what happened that year, saying that he could have been among the top three in the competition for the Shu Kingdom, or at least the third place, but was squeezed to sixth place."

The scholars around laughed. Anyone who had participated in the imperial examinations could understand this tragedy.

Jia Jingan smiled and said, "The imperial examination after the Holy Ruins every year is called the 'Examination of Death'. This year will be called the 'Year of Despair'. Next year's palace examination will be called the 'Year of Despair'. You must be prepared."

Everyone looked at each other in silence. Most of the people who entered the Holy Ruins could actually pass the imperial examination easily. They did not take the imperial examination for the sake of the Holy Ruins. After the Holy Ruins were over, these talented candidates would definitely take the imperial examination as soon as possible. Even delaying it for another year would be a huge loss.

“This year… things are not good.”

"It's more than bad! All of us have entered the Comet Corridor, which is better than the 90% of candidates who left the Holy Ruins alive before! In addition, those who did not enter the Holy Ruins may not have strong practical ability, but there must be someone who performed very well on the spot in the imperial examination and won the Jinshi in one fell swoop!"

Fang Yun half-jokingly said, "Why don't you all participate in the imperial examination next year, and let me take it this year. You have waited so many years for the Holy Ruins, so you are not afraid of waiting another year. Anyway, you originally planned to participate in the Holy Ruins and the imperial examination in two years."

"You're dreaming! We've been juren for many years. Every year of delay is a year of loss. We must become jinshi this year! You can't hate me. After all, I didn't have the qualifications to compete for the top spot in the country, but I have the ability to compete for the top scholar in Qing State! Now, Yan Yukong has to take the jinshi exam this year. How can I compare with him? The top scholar can get a meteoric rise in advance. There is a world of difference between a jinshi who gets a meteoric rise and an ordinary jinshi!" Zong Wude looked at Yan Yukong angrily.

"Then you can take the exam next year."

"You're going to compensate me for a year?"

"Then I can only compensate you with the second son of Qing Kingdom." Yan Yukong said.

Everyone burst into laughter.

Zong Wude laughed and scolded, "Look at this Yan Yukong, he is getting more and more rampant, and he even secretly selected the top scholar of Qing Kingdom! Fang Yun. If I take you as my master, can you help me beat Yan Yukong in the Jinshi exam?"

Fang Yun looked at Zong Wude and said, "How about this, I will take you as my master, but I only ask you not to think about surpassing Yan Yukong."

"Hahaha..." everyone laughed again.

The big rabbit rolled around on the deck, holding its belly.

Zong Wude said angrily, "You two guys are teaming up to bully me! Huh?"

"What's wrong?" Fang Yun asked.

Zong Wude's expression became extremely serious, and then he showed a frustrated look, saying: "I was stupid just now! I am from Qing country, this sky-walking building ship is going to Jing country, why did I get on it again?"

Everyone realized that most of them should not board the ship again, but should stay in Xizhou to sleep and then return to their own country. But they had followed Fang Yun here before, so they followed him on the ship naturally and completely forgot about going home.

Zong Wude laughed and said, "Yukong, you also did something stupid, right?"

"Me? I want to go to the Wudao River, unlike you." Yan Yukong was calm and composed, looking nonchalant.

"Nonsense! You are just like me. You followed Fang Yun onto the ship without thinking anything! But you are smarter than me. You even found such an excuse for yourself! Fang Yun, why don't you come with us?"

Fang Yun said: "I have to prepare for the exam. I don't have time to go back to Ji County."

Li Fanming said, "The Juren exam is held in Dayuan Prefecture, and Wudao River is not far from Dayuan Prefecture. Let's go to the Wudao River now and send you to take the exam together on the first day of September. How about that?"

"That's good." Fang Yun said.

"It's settled then. Hehe, when we attain enlightenment from the Wudao River, we'll give you a shock when we see you again." Zong Wude said.

When Fang Yun heard this, he felt completely helpless. These people had accumulated experience for many years and had gained tremendous benefits in the Holy Ruins and the Comet Corridor. They were bound to make great leaps in all aspects in the near future, no matter where they were. However, they chose the Wudao River.

When these people return to their respective countries, the name of the Wudao River will probably spread beyond Jing Country and throughout the ten countries. Even if Fang Yun says that the Wudao River is fake, no one will believe him.

"Congratulations on your successful enlightenment." This was all Fang Yun could say.

“Whether I can break through the first level of Wendan and reach the second level of Wendan this year depends entirely on the Wudao River.” Yan Yukong said seriously.

"I hope to make further progress in the art of playing the zither," said Shi Tang.

"I'm going to study the art of war." Sun Naiyong said.

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another, and they really regarded Wudao River as a holy place.

Fang Yun stared blankly at these top talents from various countries. Just like the most ordinary candidates taking the imperial examination, they had simple and pious expectations for the Wudao River.

"What a tragedy..." Fang Yun thought.

"Fang Yun, why don't you guide us to enlightenment?"

Fang Yun wanted to say that he had done nothing but smiled, and said, "The way of enlightenment in the river varies from person to person. There are hundreds of people beside the river, but only a few can attain enlightenment. It all depends on... chance." Fang Yun almost said "coincidence".

"That's true. But we believe that we will definitely gain something by going to the Wudao River. Others may not believe it, but we cannot help but believe in your luck." Zong Wude said.

Everyone nodded.

Fang Yun was silent.

At this time, the Grand Secretary Kong Shi in the Captain's Room said, "Wen Ying has benefited from the Wudao River and is about to become a great scholar. After we send you to Yuhai City, we will go to the Wudao River together. You candidates should go with us."

All the candidates happily agreed and became even more excited. They had never thought that Wudao River could benefit Li Wenying, a university scholar. This was really incredible. They would go there once even if they died.

Fang Yun was speechless. Li Wenying did go to Wudao River some time ago, but that had nothing to do with his becoming a great scholar. What really played a role should be the annotations to "Praise of the Humble House" and "Three Character Classic".

Watching them chatting happily about Wudao River, Fang Yun, based on the conscience that a scholar should have, decisively pretended not to hear them. He looked up at the starry sky, pretending to think, but actually in a daze.

Under the same starry sky, all the high-ranking people in Jing State and 70% of the high-ranking people in the ten countries have not slept yet, waiting for the result of Fang Yunwen's fight in Yizhou.

The first scholar in the world, the literary champion of the whole state, and the participation of the Xun family, a second-rate sage family. Any one of these factors is enough to make them pay attention, let alone the combination of these three.

The capital of Jing State, the residence of the Left Prime Minister.

Liu Shan's study was dark, and he was reading the "Ziluzhai Collection" with bright eyes. The study of the patriarch of the Miscellaneous School was called Ziluzhai.

Soon, the official seal on the table emitted a subtle fluctuation, and Liu Shan's eyes changed, but he did not move. He did not close the book until he finished reading an article, and then he picked up the official seal with his right hand.

A black goose flew out and spread out in front of him, turning into a letter.

"Fang Yunsheng."

Liu Shan's expression did not change at all, he was still the left prime minister who remained calm even when faced with a huge disaster. However, his left hand was firmly pressed on the edge of the table.

With a slight click, the edge of the table was actually broken by him.

Liu Shan withdrew his left hand, and the black goose letter in front of him suddenly began to change, forming new words.

"For the holy way of the various schools, suppress the fortune of the party for three years."

Liu Shan looked at these ten words and sighed softly.

If it were normal, the words "for the holy way of the miscellaneous schools" would never appear in the letter, but now it was written. Liu Shan seemed to see that the person was hesitating, fearing that he would not do it.

Liu Shan stared at the five words "suppress Fang Yun for three years" with his eyes as sharp as an eagle.

Not long ago, everyone in the Miscellaneous School was still preaching everywhere that they wanted to cut off the Holy Dao of Fang Yun, but now this order was given from above, and Liu Shan saw something deeper.

The ten words slowly faded away. Liu Shan stood up, walked to the window and looked out.

"Is it because you can't suppress him after three years?"

Soon, Liu Shan sat back at the table, took out a piece of letter paper, picked up a pen and wrote: "Zhi Bai..."

Daofeng Mountain, Holy Temple.

The editorial office of "Sheng Dao" was quiet and empty, but the editorial office of "Wen Bao" which was very close to it was brightly lit. Two editors were reviewing manuscripts quickly, and many clerks were coming in and out.

The two clerks delivered the manuscript to the Grand Secretary's room and hurried out, complaining and yawning as they walked.

"What happened? The two university scholars suddenly reviewed the manuscript overnight and said that an urgent supplement will be published tomorrow. The supplements of Wen Bao are very important. There is only one urgent supplement a year, and every supplement has a major event that affects the Ten Kingdoms. What happened today?"

"I'm confused too. Although our human race won a great victory in the Holy Ruins this year, it's not enough to issue a supplement. I'm afraid that something big happened tonight, and together with the Holy Ruins, it's enough to issue a supplement."

"I asked several people, but they didn't know."

Then I saw a clerk with a smile on his face jogging towards me.

"Brother Ding, do you know what's going on?"

"Fang Yunwen won the duel with Yizhou! I'm going to contact the scholar who came out of the Holy Ruins right away, so I won't say any more!"

"A state of literature!" the two clerks exclaimed.

The Sky-traveling Tower Ship flew across the territory of Qing Kingdom at an extremely fast speed, crossed the sky over the Yangtze River, and slowed down after arriving outside Yuhai City.

Fang Yun looked down and saw that the South Gate of Yuhai City, which should have been closed at night, was wide open. Thousands of people were standing at the door, and each of them was wearing an official uniform. It seemed that the civil servants, military officers, and officials from the three departments of the Academy of Literature of Yuhai City had gathered outside the South Gate.

"They are welcoming you!" Zong Wude's tone was full of envy. Anyone who could have all the officials in the city gather to welcome him in the second half of the night was definitely treated like a great scholar. Even if the Left Prime Minister came, there would not be such a grand ceremony. At least it would have to be the King or the Queen Mother.

The skyship slowly descended. (To be continued...)