The Path of the Sage

Chapter 330: Acquisition


Everyone entered the city gate together. Grand Secretary Kong Shi did not leave immediately. Instead, he turned around and looked at the huge skyship. He stretched out his hand, and the ship kept shrinking, and finally turned back into a light golden holy page and fell into Kong Shi's hand.

The golden glow of this holy page faded, and the black word "ship" on it turned gray and became much lighter.

When they entered the South City Gate, they saw a neat row of luxurious welcoming carriages.

Fang Yun was just about to pick one up to go home when Kong Shi's voice came to his ears: "Fang Yun, come over here. I have something to talk to you about."

Fang Yun looked around and walked towards Kong Shi. He was standing a little further away from the carriage, and there was no one within five feet around him.

Some people saw Fang Yun going to Kong Shi and knew that there might be something important, so they did not disturb Fang Yun and got on the carriages one after another and went to the post station in Yuhai City.

"Tomorrow we will go to your house in front of Wudao River." Li Fanming shouted before leaving. The big rabbit also chirped and squeaked, but no one knew what it was saying.

Fang Yun walked up to Kong Shi and said, "I wonder what the great scholar Kong wants to talk to me about."

Kong Shi handed the holy page to Fang Yun and said, "This page of skywalker still has some power left, so I'll give it to you. Remember to put some talent into it every day to nourish it. After a while, you will be able to use it. This is the advantage of this page. The disadvantage is that the speed and size of this page of skywalker are far less than before. Don't use it as the first skywalker you use."

Fang Yun took the holy page respectfully and said, "Thank you, Grand Scholar. After all, this is the power of a semi-saint. Even if there is little power left, it is several times more powerful than the flying page airship of the great scholar. The value of this item is no less than a Hanlin literary treasure."

"I'm glad you know." Kong Shi said, looking at the little meteor rolling on Fang Yun's shoulder.

Fang Yun discovered that Kong Shi paid special attention to the small meteor. Although others were also interested in the small meteor, they only regarded it as a strange plaything and looked at it occasionally, but did not regard it as a treasure. But Kong Shi was a little different.

Fang Yun said: "If you have no other instructions, I will go home."

"Of course. Are you willing to exchange this unique silver flying stone of yours? My Kong family is willing to exchange it with a great scholar's treasure. Of course, if you are unwilling, I will never force you. After all, my Kong family is not the Meng family. There is nothing worth sacrificing our reputation for." Kong Shi's words were full of strong self-confidence.

Fang Yun smiled and said, "Of course I believe that. I also want to ask, are the Kong family willing to sell the secret of this little meteor? I can exchange it with the Thunder Stone and other things. Now that the Holy Ruins have collapsed, the Thunder Stone has completely disappeared. The price will be at least twice as expensive!"

Kong Shi laughed and said, "What a great Fang Zhenguo! He is small but has a very clever mind. I'm sorry to disappoint you. Actually, our Kong family doesn't know what this thing is. It's just that Kong Zu once mentioned that Yao Zu and Yue Shen had similar things, but it seems that even those two big figures don't know the origin and function of this thing. The reason why our Kong family wants to exchange this thing is not because we know its secret, but out of habit. What our Kong family lacks the most is cultural treasures and certain divine objects, so any divine object with extremely high potential value, our Kong family will exchange, store, or study it."

"I have heard of this matter. This is one of the ways your Kong family maintains its position as the first family. Others exchange their unknown magical objects for ones that suit their own use. Your Kong family studies the magical objects, and if you gain a lot of benefits, you will give a portion of the dividends to the original owner. If you fail, your Kong family will not suffer a great loss. Among the entire human race, only your Kong family is qualified to do this." Fang Yun said.

"I'm glad you didn't misunderstand. How about it? Our Kong family has a wide variety of great Confucian cultural treasures, and others are not qualified to choose. You are qualified to choose any great Confucian cultural treasure. We have a Wuhou chariot that is better than Xiong Jun's, and we can exchange it with you." Kong Shi smiled, without the slightest arrogance, just like an ordinary businessman doing business.

"What if I exchange it for a semi-saint treasure?" Fang Yun asked.

Kong Shi was not angry either, and said, "Then I can't make the decision. This matter needs to be discussed by the whole family. There are only five divine objects worth exchanging for the semi-saint treasures in the past thousand years. If you really want to exchange, I can report to the head of the family, and then we can hold a clan meeting to discuss it."

Fang Yun said: "As expected of the Kong family, they are willing to exchange even the semi-saint treasure. I really want the great scholar's treasure or the semi-saint's treasure, but if this little meteor is a dead object, I will definitely exchange it, but it has spirituality and has helped me a lot, I can't treat it as a commodity that can be exchanged."

That silly meteor was still rolling around on Fang Yun's shoulders, not showing any sign of being touched or anything like that.

"That's such a pity. If you find something useless but very strange in the future, you can exchange it with my Kong family. My Kong family will definitely give you a high price, higher than anyone else's price." Kong Shi smiled.

"Okay, I'll remember that."

Fang Yun said goodbye to Kong Shi, turned around and walked back, chose a carriage, and then Feng Yuanjun also entered the carriage.

The night in Yuhai City was exceptionally quiet, and the wheels of the four carriages made a rumbling sound as they pressed against the ground.

Fang Yun opened the curtains and looked outside. Looking at the familiar architectural style, he felt relaxed.

Feng Yuanjun, who was standing by, did not speak for a long time. After Fang Yun had seen enough, he said, "Your neighbors have been replaced by new people. Mr. Pang has been replaced by Jinshi Du Xinzhen from the Criminal Court, and General Lai has been replaced by Jinshi Hong Anliang from the Guards. They are in the car behind."

"Du? This surname is rare. Well, I've made a note of it and will pay a formal visit tomorrow. I do know General Hong Wei. I've seen him in the army before. Thank you for your care, gentlemen." Fang Yun didn't expect that the person protecting him would be promoted before he even returned home.

"I have to take care of you. You are the only hope of my Jing Kingdom." Feng Yuanjun said with a smile. It seemed like he was joking, but there was helplessness implied in his tone, but more of it was positive emotion.

"We are old friends, so we won't say such things in private. Is there anything important happening in the Ten Kingdoms these days?"

"Except for Wenquxing, who is shining on someone else, it's the barbarians who are marching in large numbers at Liangjie Mountain. You may already know the latter. The important things after that will be yours. I can guarantee that the front page of the Wenbao supplement after dawn today will be all about you." said Feng Yuanjun.

"Well, then it's no big deal." Fang Yun was thinking that it's better not to mention the Wenquxing Zhao. If it is exposed, it will be a hundred times more serious than the Star King. Fang Yun vaguely guessed that the Wenquxing Zhao was so special because it would not end after one shot. There must be greater benefits in the future. Unfortunately, the relevant data and information are too precious and there is no way to know it now. We can only find some clues from the biographies of the saints who got the Wenquxing Zhao. (To be continued...)