The Path of the Sage

Chapter 331: Flowers in the Mirror and Moon in the Water


Fang Yun remembered that different saints had different descriptions of the details of their battles in the book. For example, when describing the battles of Mencius when he was a semi-sage, he would write about his oral chanting, chanting, meditation, etc., but when he became a sub-sage, it was much simpler. It is even more special when describing Confucius. Confucius seems to use nothing at all. Sometimes he can arouse a large amount of vitality of heaven and earth without even opening his mouth.

Fang Yun believes that these details may not be the negligence of historians, and there must be reasons for them.

Fang Yun also thought of the comparison between the descriptions of saints in modern times and ancient times. Because of the protection of Confucius, the saints in ancient times studied the holy way intensively and did not specialize in killing. However, the saints in the past two or three hundred years have changed. Pay equal attention to both.

Later generations of scholars unanimously determined that as the human race continued to explore, and with the development of war poetry, war paintings, Qin Dao and other aspects, in terms of killing and actual combat, the current half-saints surpassed the ancient half-saints by at least 30%.

Fang Yun was just thinking when Feng Yuanjun said sincerely: "Book Mountain is a literary heart in Sanshan. You had to write so hard when you were a scholar, it is already a miracle. After the examination in September, you will climb the Book Mountain for the second time. You Only by climbing to the sixth peak can you get the second Wenxin. But so far, no one has won the second Wenxin when lifting people."

"I know something about this." Fang Yun actually knew it very well. Since Feng Yuanjun was kind enough to persuade him, he didn't say enough.

"People from the All-Saints family have a third chance to enter the Bookstore after passing the Jinshi exam, so some Jinshis from the Half-Saints family have two literary hearts. People who are not from the All-Saints family want to get the third chance to enter the Bookstore. The only chance you have is to become the leader of the country, so you should strive to be the leader of the country.”

"Of course I will go all out to fight for the position of head of state."

"That's good. I heard that this time you fought against Xizhou. After you become a Jinshi, you will go to fight against Xiangzhou and take back Xiangzhou?" Feng Yuanjun asked.

"Yes." Fang Yun said.

"You may not be clear about some things. That Xunlong was not outstanding when he was young. So he did not get the third chance to climb Shushan. The Xun family can sacrifice him. But if you become a Jinshi, you have to go to Wenzhan Yizhou , those scholars from the Xun family who have won two literary hearts will definitely come forward. You must understand that Wen Dou has proposed to ban it, but Wen Zhan is different, there are no rules to restrain people, and Wen Dou is a hundred times more brutal. "

"I understand what Mr. Feng means. You are saying that if I don't have a literary heart, I will never go to the civil war in Yizhou. It is best to wait until the battle for the country's head is completed and go to Shushan for the third time before going to the civil war. "

"Yes. And how about your war of words and swords? We all know that you got treasures from the holy ruins. You should exchange those treasures for a complete dragon bone as soon as possible to use as a sword fusion thing. Moreover, you must now consider brewing a war of war and swords. Poems are also commonly known as sword-raising poems. Then you must not ignore them if you use them for the first time."

"I'm preparing." Fang Yun said.

"The rhetoric may not be as vast as the holy way, and it may not be as varied as the war poems, but it can always be strengthened. At that time, Gongsun Long, a master of famous scholars, was famous for his debate skills such as 'White horse is not a horse' and 'Li Jianbai', but he accidentally discovered the power of rhetoric The prototype. Gongsun Long was naturally unable to create a complete war of words, but he gave inspiration to future generations of famous people. Finally, at the end of the Han Dynasty, the famous men created a war of words in the Western Han Dynasty, which made the politicians and celebrities lose their lives. The soil is good for famous people, who can devote themselves to the study of war. "

Fang Yun nodded, and the Strategist Family dissipated after the reunification of the Holy Yuan Continent. It was rekindled after the split, and after the famous artist disappeared for a while, he also rose up because of the creation of "Liberal and Debate".

Famous people are debators. Because the foundation of the holy way is not deep, no one can become a semi-sage. However, because the contribution of talking and fighting is too great, in the end, with the efforts of famous people, the Holy Academy conferred the title of Gongsun Long and was promoted from the virtual saint to the debate saint. As a semi-saint.

However, since then, there has been no major development for the famous people. It is not known whether Fang Yun has completely disappeared or is still hiding his power and biding his time as before.

Fang Yun smiled and said: "Famous masters and political strategists are similar. They pay too much attention to 'argument' and 'skills' and not enough to pay attention to the holy way. Whenever the two are mentioned at the same time, it reminds me of the military strategists who mocked famous masters and political strategists before the emergence of verbal conflicts." That little story.”

Feng Yuanjun smiled. Many scholars know that story.

A famous family member, a Zongheng family member and a Bing family member were going to conquer a barbarian tribe. The Bing family member brought military books and soldiers, but the other two brought nothing. The Bing family member asked: "How do you two conquer the barbarian tribe?"

The family member said confidently: "Look at me." Then, the family member saw the barbarian king and started a debate with the barbarian on the proposition that "barbarians are human beings". He was eloquent and eloquent. No barbarian could argue with him. , won the debate resoundingly.

A quarter of an hour later, the dizzy Barbarian King punched a family member to death.

Zongheng's family laughed and said, "Just look at me." After saying that, Zongheng's family found King Man and showed him how to combine vertical and horizontal forces to attack a large tribe by uniting some small tribes, and even gave him step-by-step instructions. The Barbarian King saw that any leader of the human race would immediately agree and give this Zongheng family a high-ranking position.

However, after the Zongheng family finished speaking, the Barbarian King nodded and said: "What you said makes sense, but we barbarians use our fists to reason. Come, compete with me. If you can beat me, I will listen to you." arrange."

Zongheng's family members were also punched to death by the Barbarian King.

Afterwards, the soldiers and their families went out.

The Bing family first sent people to persuade them to surrender. When the persuasion failed, they pressed the army and used military tactics to defeat them. Then they drove the enslaved barbarians to kill other small tribes, and slowly domesticated the barbarians using Confucian methods. Finally, these barbarians became the Bing family. private soldiers.

Later, the Nuzhi Barbarian Tribe of the Wu Kingdom was born, and now it is a large tribe with more than 100,000 barbarians, becoming a powerful force for the human race to attack the demon barbarians.

"Did you have a deeper understanding of this story in the Holy Ruins?" Feng Yuanjun asked.

Fang Yun nodded, his thoughts were not ordinary, especially at the end of the seventh corridor, the Holy Son of the Eagle Clan was extremely arrogant, but he still joined forces with Long Man to kill him, a human genius, without any chance to reason. There is only one battle.

"The thinking of the demons and barbarians is different from that of the human race. The victory of the human race is the basis for communication with the demons and barbarians. Without this foundation, everything will be a mirror image." Fang Yun said.

"Flower in the mirror, moon in the water? Flower in the mirror, moon in the water? This is a good metaphor." Feng Yuanjun said.

The two continued to chat, and after a while, the car stopped in front of Fang's house. Fang Yun and Feng Yuanjun got off the carriage, while Du Jinshi and Hong Jinshi also got off the carriage. The two sides exchanged a few words and then separated.

Fang Yun said: "Master Feng, please help me send a message to Daniel and ask him to open the door. It's already early in the morning, and I can't disturb Yuhuan."

"Okay." Feng Yuanjun said.

Fang Yun looked at the sky. The blue in the east was lighter. The sun would rise in about an hour. By this time, his family would be sleeping soundly.

Not long after, there were hurried but light footsteps inside, followed by the gentle sound of the door bolt.

The door slowly opened, revealing Fang Daniu's excited face.

Fang Yun nodded. He said softly: "Don't disturb others. We'll talk about it later when we get up early."

"I know, Mr. Feng reminded me." Fang Daniu said in a low voice.

Feng Yuanjun said: "Then I will take my leave."

After seeing Feng Yuanjun off, Fang Yun returned to his bedroom. He hadn't been there for many days. The place was clean and unchanged from before, as if he had only been away for a day or two.

"It's better to be at home." Fang Yun sighed and went to bed neatly. Fall into sleep comfortably.

The sky in Yuhai City is getting brighter and brighter.

The sun has not yet risen. As usual, old man Zhang pushed the cart to the intersection.

Old man Zhang put the wooden board and arranged the oranges, pears, apples and other fruits.

Old man Zhang looked around. There are very few people on the street now, it is quiet, and almost no one comes to buy their own fruits, but he is not discouraged at all. Wait quietly.

A vegetable vendor was driving an ox cart. When he saw Old Man Zhang, he smiled and said, "You come so early every day. Who will buy your fruits now?"

Old man Zhang smiled proudly and said: "Don't even look at where this place is. Let's not say how far it is. Just say that within three streets, there are five candidates, four Jinshi, four noble families, one famous family, and even the best scholar in the world." Master Yun is here, and my business is very good every day! Have you ever seen the Fang family’s Jiangzhou Xishi come to buy my things? Her little fox likes my apples very much!”

"Just brag!" the vegetable vendor smiled, flicked his whip, and drove the bullock cart away.

Not long after, the sun rose from the east, and Yuhai City gradually became noisy.

Old man Zhang rearranged a few poorly arranged fruits and vegetables, then glanced at the gorgeous paper bags on the wooden board, showing a look of distress and pride. He relied on these relatively expensive packages to gain a foothold here.

Every time he saw someone carrying something to visit, Mr. Zhang would recommend his own fruits and point out that he had good packaging bags. He would then ask the visitor who he was visiting. After asking, he would immediately pretend to be casual and say, The master and his wife in that family like to eat whatever fruits they like, and they slightly increase their prices by one or two times.

No one knew that he, a small businessman, could earn more than a small restaurant.

"Old Wei, you got up so early. Come, eat an orange to moisten your throat." Old man Zhang quickly threw an orange to the housekeeper of the Wei family who was passing by.

"Xiao Shao is back, why are you so careless! Why are you running so early in the morning? Come, eat an apple." Old man Zhang said, taking the apple, but his movements were much slower than when he met Butler Wei.

Xiao Shao was just an attendant of Li Jinshi's family, and his status was very ordinary. He was carrying some fresh vegetables in his left hand and a roll of paper in his right hand.

Before Old Man Zhang's hand touched the apple, Xiao Shao said, "Thank you, Uncle Zhang. I won't eat it. I'm going home to tell you the good news. A great event has happened in Jingguo!"

"Oh? What happened?" Old man Zhang quickly retracted his hand.

Xiao Shao liked this old man Zhang very much, who did not dislike him as a servant. He raised the "Wenbao" in his hand and said: "Master Fang Yun went to Qingguo last night to take revenge! Master Fang is so powerful. He fights for one state and wins consecutively." Ten people, finally Wen won the Qing Dynasty! Didn't you see that the entrance of the Wen Yuan was even more lively than the Chinese New Year? Some scholars were running like crazy, shouting. I'm afraid everyone in the city was heading to the Wen Yuan to buy this morning. "Wenbao" supplement.

"What? Mr. Fang is suppressing Qingguo? Don't talk nonsense!" (To be continued...)

ps: Let’s talk about it: In the past, the starting point system automatically changed the three characters of “地DE”, and often changed them randomly with two characters. Now there are more punctuation marks. Readers reported that consecutive periods and the like appeared in the text, which were changed by the system. Old There is really nothing fire can do. Lao Huo apologizes to all readers if this may cause dyslexia.