The Path of the Sage

Chapter 338: City Banquet


Prefect Dong pointed to the text about military discipline in Fang Yun's essay and said, "In your sentences, you emphasize using the details of life to strengthen the military discipline of soldiers. Do you have any specific means?"

Fang Yun thought that he was indeed a Jinshi prefect, and he saw the key to his policy essay. There were many details that he could not write, not because he could not write them. Because poetry mainly depends on talent, while policy essays rely on "talent". Once the details are written, and the effect on the human race is huge, it will at least stabilize the country.

Fang Yun didn't want his practice work to be too shocking, so he refrained from writing any details. His opinions were his own, but he cited the words of the saints or great scholars of Shengyuan Continent as his arguments. Although it was a bit old-fashioned, it could be seen as a safe approach, which was a common method used in the imperial examinations.

"I haven't thought it through yet." Fang Yun said.

Prefect Dong pointed at Fang Yun's test paper and said, "Seeing you write a policy paper casually with my own eyes, it was deafening to me. I have an illusion that you are pointing the way for my country, and even..."

Prefect Dong did not continue speaking, because the next sentence could not be said casually.

Fang Yun remained silent because he had already guessed what Governor Dong had not said.

To show the way for the human race.

The room was silent, with only the whimpering of the little fox in the yard and the sounds of people coming and going outside the door.

Prefect Dong said, "No wonder Mr. Feng said that your interpretation of the classics is second to none in terms of 'idea'. This essay is full of ingenious ideas and brilliant thoughts in every sentence. As a responsible teacher, I will take this essay home and give you a comprehensive review tomorrow." As he said that, Prefect Dong put away Fang Yun's essay.

Fang Yun was stunned, then smiled and said, "Then please ask Teacher Dong to give me another nine questions. I will try my best to finish them before tomorrow night."

Prefect Dong remained calm, quickly finishing the nine policy essay questions, and then said, "How are you going to deal with those fruit gifts outside? When I first saw them, I had a headache. If you give them away, someone will say you are disregarding the friendship of the people of Yuhai City; if you keep them and don't finish them, they will go bad. Someone will definitely accuse you of wasting food; the only way to easily deal with these things is tens of thousands of soldiers, but you gave so many to the soldiers, and you will be accused of buying the hearts of the soldiers, and the treacherous officials in the court will laugh in their dreams. I see that you don't know how to worry, do you have a solution?"

Fang Yun smiled calmly and said, "Every family has its own family banquet, every country has its own state banquet, so Yuhai City will have its own city banquet. Aren't we going to have a celebration party tonight? How about having it here?"

Prefect Dong tilted his head slightly. He carefully looked at Fang Yun from head to toe, and finally sighed: "As expected, Fang Zhenguo is worthy of being the former Saint Fang. After the literary duel, the 'city banquet' will be held for the people, and this matter will surely spread all over the world again. Fortunately, I know you have a brilliant idea. If a man in his seventies or eighties thought of the 'city banquet', I can only praise you for your foresight."

"Your Excellency the Prefect is too kind. If you hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have thought of anything else. I originally just wanted to get the food. It's just that hiring a chef may be a little troublesome." Fang Yun said.

Prefect Dong laughed and said, "You are really smart all your life but foolish for a moment. You want to host a banquet for the people. Which restaurant owner would be so foolish as to shamelessly make money at a time like this? He would send his own chef over and put up a note on his door in black words on red paper. Write "In order to celebrate your success in literature and to host a banquet for the people, I will not do business. I will sacrifice one day's business to earn a lifetime of pride."

"That's right." Fang Yun said.

Prefect Dong said, "You don't need to take care of this matter. I will mobilize the entire prefectural government office, and the staff and food will be properly arranged. On the eve of the banquet, I will spread the word throughout the city, and everything is under control."

Fang Yun said, "Don't brag. A few thousand people are fine, but if tens of thousands come, we'll need two to three thousand chefs and people in charge of arranging the meal. Dozens of streets will be filled with tables. If something is not done well, there will be complaints. As the prefect, you will not fail to think of this."

Prefect Dong nodded, hesitated for a moment, and said firmly: "Leave this to me! I don't believe that I, the head of a prefecture, can't even arrange a dinner party! You wait for my letter!"

After saying this, Prefect Dong turned and left.

"Goodbye, Mr. Prefect." Fang Yun went out to see him off.

"Don't go out now. Continue writing your policy paper at home. I'll close the door for you." Magistrate Dong stood at the door and closed the door of the study.

Fang Yun bowed gently, not for anything else, but just because of the eager anticipation in Governor Dong's eyes when he closed the door.

Prefect Dong turned and left. He finally squeezed out of the crowd and walked to the carriage two streets away. He said to the driver, "Let's go to the State Academy of Literature first. I want to see Mr. Jianmei."

After saying this, Prefect Dong got in the car, took out Fang Yun's policy paper, and whispered to himself: "Since it has no name, let's call it 'Plans for Stabilizing Agriculture and Stabilizing the Army'. Humph, do you think I took this policy paper just for your calligraphy? You underestimate me too much!" After Prefect Dong finished speaking, a hint of shame and anger seemed to flash in his eyes.

Soon, the car arrived at the State Academy of Literature, and Magistrate Dong walked steadily to Li Wenying's office. He knocked on the door three times gently and pushed it open.

There were thick documents on the wide table. Behind them, Li Wenying lowered his head and quickly reviewed them. Without even looking up, he said, "Wen Cong, take a seat first."

Prefect Dong asked, "Have you heard about the fruit filling the streets?"

"Yes. This shows what the people of Jingguo support." Li Wenying finally stopped writing and finished his words meticulously.

"I'll go see what's going on and test Fang Yun's strategy. Then... I'd like to hear your comments." Prefect Dong said as he placed the "Strategy for Stabilizing Agriculture and Stabilizing the Army" on Li Wenying's desk.

Li Wenying nodded, picked up the "Strategy for Stabilizing Agriculture and Determining the Military" and quickly read it through, and then read it carefully word by word.

After reading it for the second time, Li Wenying looked up at Prefect Dong with a faint smile in his eyes.

Prefect Dong said helplessly, "You can laugh if you want to. At first, I thought I could guide him on the most important thing in the policy essay, 'fake response', and let him treat this policy essay as a prime minister, but I didn't expect that he actually had the talent of a real prime minister. What can I, a prefect, say? Then I wanted to guide him on the layout of the policy essay, but after a closer look, wow, it was simply done in one go, echoing each other, and it was extremely meticulous. In the end, I could only give him guidance on some words and sentences, but if I really did that, my literary reputation would be over. I guess someone will say tomorrow morning that I am not only not as good as Fang Yun, but also embarrassed Fang Yun. My lord, I know you are kind-hearted, you must help me this time."

Li Wenying glared at Prefect Dong and said, "I knew you had bad intentions. This article is excellent in every aspect. Even if I find faults, I can only point out a few flaws based on my years of experience in leading troops, and these are all minor details. This article... Humph, this kid is obviously hiding his shortcomings and is reluctant to offer his best ideas. If he really wants to offer ideas, with a little modification, it will be a top-ranked article!"

Prefect Dong smiled and said, "I am only the first place winner, and you are the first place winner. Please help me with some comments."

Li Wenying nodded, picked up the pen and began to make annotations, and soon threw it to Magistrate Dong.

Prefect Dong took it and took a look. In the blank space of "Strategy for Stabilizing Agriculture and Establishing the Military", there was a gathering of black ink. As his eyes fell on it, the ink scattered and turned into Li Wenying's words.

There were so many words that the blank space was quickly filled up, and more words floated out of the paper and floated in the air. (To be continued...)