The Path of the Sage

Chapter 339: Borrow Shell


Prefect Dong reread Fang Yun's "Strategies for Stabilizing Agriculture and Stabilizing the Military" and, while doing so, he carefully read Li Wenying's comments. When he saw the later methods of using business to support agriculture and using business to weaken the enemy, he was confused because Fang Yun's writing was not detailed enough and Li Wenying's description was also vague.

"Sir, I understand the method of stabilizing agriculture and I can even roughly guess about strengthening military discipline. But I just can't understand the content that comes after it. Even after reading your annotations, I am still confused." Governor Dong held the "Strategy for Stabilizing Agriculture and Determining the Military" in his hand and looked up at Li Wenying.

Li Wenying did not answer, but lowered his eyes slightly and stared at the table.

Magistrate Dong immediately stood up and waited quietly.

Not long after, Li Wenying raised his head slightly, and his eyes suddenly saw chaotic clouds in the sky, wind and rain, and then they disappeared.

Prefect Dong was surprised and happy, but he didn't know what to say since Li Wenying didn't speak.

"I didn't understand it just now, but now I understand it. The topic of this policy paper is agriculture and military affairs, but Fang Yun can bring peace to the world. He is the descendant of business, so he has laws, and after laws, there must be etiquette. If he writes about it, it will be off topic anyway. It's not that he can't answer it, but..."

Li Wenying shut up.

Prefect Dong almost broke out in a cold sweat. The imperial examinations had always been set by sages, and the juren examination nineteen years ago was no exception. If Li Wenying continued to talk, wouldn't it be saying that the sages were wrong in setting the questions

Li Wenying then continued, "But the person who set the question did not expect the examinee to be able to transcend this question, which made Fang Yun feel constrained and unable to write many policies for governing the country. You should keep this article. Perhaps when Fang Yun is in power, he can realize everything mentioned above."

Prefect Dong nodded, put away the "Strategy for Stabilizing Agriculture and Setting the Army", and said: "Fang Yun is already ranked 15th on the Grand Scholar Hunting List, which is not good news for Fang Yun. Can you ask the Saint Academy to think of a solution? Once Fang Yun is promoted to the first place on the Grand Scholar List when he is a Juren, no matter how stupid the Demon Saint is, he will destroy him at all costs."

"I have reported this matter to Lord Dong Sheng, but Lord Dong Sheng has not given any approval." Li Wenying said in a deep voice.

"Then... can we really only watch?" Governor Dong's tone was filled with reluctance.

"When that time comes, we will be powerless. The only thing we can do is to pour wine in front of his grave and then go to the demon world to kill the demons. Kill them one by one, count them one by one, until we can't kill anymore and can't count anymore. Then our revenge will be avenged."

Prefect Dong looked at Li Wenying's calm face, and his heart was shocked. He said, "If that day really comes, I will follow you, my Lord."

"That's good." After Li Wenying finished speaking, he lowered his head to review the documents.

"I'll take my leave." Prefect Dong walked out and sighed softly.

After leaving the State Academy of Literature, Governor Dong got on the carriage and said, "Let's go to Yinlong Pavilion."

"Yes. Uncle, things in that place are so expensive, what are you going to buy? Be careful that Third Aunt will nag you again." said the young driver.

"I'm not going to buy it, I'm going to borrow it. Stop talking nonsense!"

"Oh. Go!"

Soon, the carriage stopped in front of Yinlong Pavilion.

Prefect Dong got out of the car, looked up at the three-story Yinlong Pavilion and the huge night-shining pearl on it, and entered it.

Prefect Dong found the waiter and told him that he wanted to see the shopkeeper. The waiter immediately took him to a room in Yinlong Pavilion.

The room was filled with smoke. There were seven people sitting inside, all of them were over 40 years old. Two of them were smoking dry tobacco, puffing out clouds of smoke, and one was smoking a hookah.

When everyone saw Prefect Dong, the man smoking the water pipe just nodded and continued to sit there. The other six people all stood up politely, but only two of them were particularly enthusiastic. The other four had faint smiles on their faces. They were all juren, but they did not show any flattery in front of the head of the civil servants of Yuhai Prefecture.

Governor Dong did not act arrogantly, but took the initiative to bow and greet them. The four people exchanged some casual greetings and then returned to their seats.

Prefect Dong didn't care, because he knew very well that the one smoking the hookah was the plenipotentiary representative of the Zengzi family in Yuhai City. Although he was a juren, he was also a branch of the sub-saint family. The other four were all from semi-saint families in other countries. They had met before, but they mainly traded with the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, so there was no need to have close contacts with officials from the Jing Kingdom.

The two people who took the initiative to greet him were from the Semi-Saint family of Jing State. Among them, Mr. Chen smiled and said, "Master Dong should seldom come to Yinlong Pavilion, right? If you are busy with something important, please exchange seats with me. You go first."

Prefect Dong hesitated for a moment and said, "Thank you in advance. This matter is indeed urgent and of great importance. I owe you a favor."

The others looked at Prefect Dong carefully. Although the people from the Semi-Saint Family did not take a prefect seriously, they knew that a prefect had more power than everyone in the room combined. If such a person was owed a favor, it meant that there was something very urgent.

The Zeng family member who was smoking a water pipe put down the water pipe and asked, "Does Magistrate Dong really have something important to discuss with the owner of Yinlong Pavilion?"

"I just came from Master Jianmei, and I do have something important to tell you."

When everyone heard him mention Li Wenying, a great figure, they knew that they should be courteous regardless of whether it was true or not. A prefect was nothing in front of them, but even if Li Wenying, who was about to become a great scholar, went to their master's house, the master would go out to greet him, not to mention there were other reasons.

Zeng's family said, "We are just discussing some business with the shopkeeper. There is no rush. As a local official, you are very busy. You can go in next."

The others nodded.

"Thank you all." Magistrate Dong's mind was as clear as a mirror. He knew very well why these people would never give in if he had come two days earlier. However, Jing Kingdom's status is different now!

The outcome of the literary battle between the two countries is extremely crucial and is an important sign of the strength or weakness of a country.

It seems that the suppression of an entire state was done by Fang Yun alone, but this not only shows that Fang Yun has the potential to shoulder the responsibility of an entire country, it may also allow Jing State's strength to recover rapidly. Fang Yun is not only a role model, he can also bring strength to Jing State and the human race!

A thriving country deserves the courtesy of these people.

Governor Dong's expression remained unchanged, but he was filled with emotion, and he became more and more aware of the impact of a country's strength on himself.

Soon, a man came out from the side door, looking very happy.

Everyone immediately said congratulations.

Magistrate Dong thanked everyone again and, led by the waiter, entered the side door. He walked along the long corridor for a long time before arriving at a door.

The waiter made a gesture to invite him in, and Magistrate Dong knocked on the door and entered.

It was the first time that Governor Dong came here. He took a look around. This house was huge, and it was full of sea shells, corals, and other things. There were even jellyfish floating in the air, and there was no sea water in the air.

Prefect Dong looked behind a table. There was no one there. Instead, a gigantic turtle monster was lying there. It was as big as a house.

This turtle monster had a dark green shell on its body, revealing four legs as thick as elephants. It was staring at Prefect Dong with its two eyes, full of kindness.

"Hello, boss." Prefect Dong bowed and greeted.

The Turtle Shopkeeper nodded and asked, "What is the purpose of Governor Dong's visit?"

Prefect Dong looked embarrassed, then said: "I would like to borrow your treasure for a while. I will only use it for one night, tomorrow..."

"No need to say more, please go back, Governor Dong." The kindness in the eyes of the Demon Turtle Shopkeeper disappeared, replaced by a hint of coldness.

"Can… "

"Please go back, Governor Dong." After the Demon Turtle Shopkeeper said this, an invisible force pushed Governor Dong out of the door.

"I was rash." Prefect Dong sighed and walked back to the reception room along the corridor, his face flushed. He thought that agreeing to Fang Yun would make things go smoothly, but he didn't expect the Monster Turtle Shopkeeper to be so determined. But after thinking about it carefully, Prefect Dong's dissatisfaction disappeared. The Heaven and Earth Shell was really too extraordinary, and its actual function was no less than that of a semi-saint treasure. It was normal for the Dragon Palace not to lend it out easily.

Prefect Dong walked back to the reception room. He noticed that everyone was looking at him, smiled bitterly, shook his head, and was about to leave.

Mr. Chen took the opportunity to say, "What's the problem with Magistrate Dong? If it's convenient, please tell me. Our Chen family may have a solution."

"Thank you, Brother Chen. I'm here to borrow the Heaven and Earth Shell."

Everyone looked at him in surprise, and some even shook their heads. A mere prefect wanted to borrow the Heaven and Earth Shell? He really overestimated his own abilities. Even the Queen Mother and the King of Jing might not be able to borrow it. Only the Half-Saint Chen Guanhai in Quanguang Kingdom was qualified to borrow the Heaven and Earth Shell.

The Chen family member exclaimed, "Why did Governor Dong borrow the Heaven and Earth Shell?"

Everyone looked at him with interest.

Prefect Dong said, "I discussed with Fang Yun today about hosting a banquet for 10,000 families. Fang Yun called it a 'city banquet'. But as you know, if we invite 10,000 people to a banquet, I don't know how many streets will be occupied. It's very inconvenient. It would be much better if we had Tiandi Bei. Alas, I just wanted to give it a try, and I didn't have much hope."

"You are being a little reckless. The Heaven and Earth Shell is a sacred object, how can I lend it to you?" A man shook his head.

Prefect Dong was upset, but since the other party was from a semi-saint family, he couldn't say anything and could only walk out silently. It didn't matter if he couldn't borrow the money, but being called reckless by a foreigner made him even more upset.

Suddenly, the voice of the Demon Turtle Shopkeeper rang out in the room: "You foolish official, why didn't you tell me earlier that you came to borrow the Heaven and Earth Shell for Fang Zhenguo? Come back quickly and tell me what you want it for!"

"Ah?" Prefect Dong looked back blankly, subconsciously trying to find the source of the sound, but he quickly understood and showed an unconcealable joy on his face.

The man who just said that Dong Zhifu was reckless was stunned. He didn't expect that the turtle demon shopkeeper agreed to lend the Tiandi Bei just because Dong Zhifu mentioned Fang Yun. How much face did Fang Yun have? Even the head of the semi-saint family couldn't compare to him.

Prefect Dong hurriedly said, "Thank you, shopkeeper!" and then quickly returned.

The people present looked at each other, and Zeng Juren said, "We can't say too much about what happened today."

Everyone said hurriedly: "Of course, of course."

These people restrained their smiles, but their eyes were full of smiles. It was nothing for Fang Yun to be valued by the Dragon Clan, but it was definitely very important news that the Dragon Clan valued him so much that they could lend him Tiandi Bei. Once reported to the family, it would be a great achievement, and their position would be more stable, and they would not have to worry about others snatching away the good job of trading with the Dragon Clan.

Afterwards, these people bowed their heads in deep thought, and Mr. Chen suddenly stood up and said, "I'll take my leave."

The others looked at each other in silence. After a while, everyone left, except for Mr. Zeng, who remained seated.

After a while, Mr. Zeng saw that there was no one around and snorted coldly, thinking that these people were more cunning than the other. Not only did they think of informing their family of this important news, they also thought of preparing well to attend the city banquet. The original Fang Yun was not worth them doing so, but Fang Yun, who was valued by the Dragon Palace, was too important and he had to be made friends with him.

Mr. Zeng looked around again, made sure no one saw him, and quickly left with his water pipe.

A quarter of an hour later, Prefect Dong returned and found the room empty. He stood there for a moment, thinking, then suddenly realized what was going on and left with a smile. (To be continued...)