The Path of the Sage

Chapter 343: Little Moon Old


The party fell silent instantly.

This place is completely isolated from the outside world. At first glance, it looks like a luxurious restaurant, with a river and night sky outside the window, but in fact, they are all illusions formed by the heaven and earth shells.

All the guests at the six tables were silent and looked at Zeng Yuan or Feng Zimo, the Lord of Yuhai Mansion.

One is a business genius from a family of great sages, and the other is a man who has achieved great success in literature during his Jinshi period. He will definitely become a Hanlin within three years and is expected to become a Grand Secretary.

Fang Yun observed carefully and found that both of them were very sensible. Although they were arguing, they would never turn against each other or turn the table. They just wanted to prove that they were right, which was a very common thing, so he did not say anything.

Feng Zimo smiled slightly and said, "I don't know your taboos, so my words were abrupt. However, the truth is correct. As long as Fang Yun is alive, no one can say that Fang Yun is destined not to become the world's master. Therefore, it is normal for Master Jianmei to wish Fang Yun to become the world's master."

"You got it wrong. Before Fang Yun became the world's master, everyone who thought he could become the world's master was just talking nonsense. Since it's just empty talk, there's no need to say it." Zeng Yuan said.

"Oh, then what if Fang Yun becomes the world's master in the future?" Feng Zimo said with a smile.

"What if Fang Yun fails to become the world's master in the future?" Zeng Yuan said.

Fang Yun has already seen that the two people have different understandings of the Master of the World. Zeng Yuan believes that the Master of the World is a title that future generations cannot obtain, and it is disrespectful for anyone to talk about the Master of the World casually, but Feng Zimo and others think the opposite.

"If you improve yourself every day, you will improve yourself day by day, and improve yourself again day by day." Feng Zimo quoted the original text from "The Book of Rites". This sentence was once engraved on the bathtub of Tang, the founding king of the Shang Dynasty. It means that people should constantly abandon the old and pursue the new. The human race should become more and more advanced and should not look at things with old thinking.

"When a man does not speak, what he says is always right." Zeng Yuan immediately responded with Confucius' original words from "The Analects of Confucius", implying that if you cannot hit the mark, it is better not to say anything.

Fang Yun smiled. The atmosphere in Shengyuan Continent was indeed open. It had long since evolved from "I comment on the Six Classics" to "The Six Classics comment on me". In informal occasions, one could use the words of the saints to explain one's own words and deeds, and apply what one has learned flexibly.

Fang Yun and Li Wenying looked at each other. These two people had clearly started the argument, but they hadn't said a word since the start of the argument, and now they just stood by and watched tacitly.

"How do you know I didn't say it?"

"Fang Yun currently has less than 16 poems handed down from generation to generation, so you are wrong. The Master of the World is a semi-saint, and his merits will last for thousands of years."

"Now that Fang Yun's three war poems have been passed down through the ages, his achievements will last for thousands of generations," said Feng Zimo.

Zeng Yuan smiled and said, "You said I don't have the heroic spirit of the past, then I will go back to the path I took in those days! There are thirteen poems short of the three poems to the sixteenth poem. For every war poem Fang Yun writes, I will donate one-tenth of my family property to Fang Yun, but it must be used for disaster relief or education, and everything will be done in the name of Fang Yun. If Fang Yun writes the fourteenth poem, I will leave the Zeng family, live in Jingguo forever, and make Fang Yun famous for my whole life. If Fang Yun writes the fifteenth poem, I will set up a longevity tablet for Fang Yun for generations to come. If Fang Yun writes the sixteenth poem and becomes the world's teacher, I will respect Fang Yun as my master and serve him until the end of my life."

Fang Yun thought that Zeng Yuan was indeed as proud as the rumors said.

Feng Zimo smiled and said, "Mr. Zeng is still as capable as he was back then. But if Fang Yun only wrote ten battle poems in the end, wouldn't you be at a loss?"

"I used my family fortune as capital to obtain ten war poems that have been passed down through the ages, earning trillions of profits for the human race. I am still the most astute businessman, and I will surely be remembered for generations, so how could I lose?" Zeng Yuan said with a smile.

Everyone was amazed. The people of the sub-sage family really had extraordinary vision. Although this person's literary status was not high, his heart and ambition were enough to make the Jinshi ashamed.

"Okay." Feng Zimo said.

Zeng Yuan said, "Brother Zimo, I'm going to bet my entire fortune on this, what can you do about it?"

Feng Zimo said, "I am not as wealthy as you, so I will pledge my life for three years. If Fang Yun cannot compose a fourth war poem, I will resign for one year and go to Liangjie Mountain to kill monsters for 360 days. If he can compose one war poem in the fourth year and less than two in the sixth year, I will guard the mountain for another year. After thirty years, if Fang Yun cannot complete ten war poems, I will live in Liangjie Mountain forever."

Zeng Yuan immediately cupped his hands and said sincerely, "Lord Feng is indeed a hero among men. Let's high-five and swear an oath to make this agreement."

"Okay!" The two men stood up, high-fived each other, then smiled at each other, feeling a sense of mutual respect.

Zeng Yuandao asked, "I have a three-year-old daughter. Does Lord Feng have a young son?"

"I have three sons, the youngest of whom is six years old. If he can marry the daughter of the Zeng family, it will be a blessing for my sons."

"So, will you and I get married today?"

"Father-in-law, high-five again to swear an oath."

The two high-fived again and laughed heartily.

Fang Yun smiled, raised his glass and stood up, and the others also stood up.

Fang Yun smiled and said, "You two did not become enemies because of your differences, but instead, you both sought common ground despite your differences. You are truly role models for our generation. What happened today will surely spread like wildfire. If your two children are happily married in the future, I will be the matchmaker, and the officiant will definitely be Mr. Jianmei. I will toast you two a glass here, and I hope your daughter and son will be reunited soon."

"Thank you for your kind words!"

Everyone raised their glasses and drank it all.

Everyone sat down with a smile, but Prefect Dong pretended to be angry and said, "Zimo, if I had known that I could use this method to deceive Zeng's daughter-in-law, I would have stood firmly on Fang Yun's side! I didn't expect that I would end up turning from evil to good but get no reward! No, I'll bet too! I come from a famous family, so I'll bet on 300 acres of land. I won't bet on three years, but two years. Within two years, Fang Yun will definitely have his fourth war poem published! Who of you opposed Lord Jianmei just now? Those who have good daughters, come out and bet with me! Those who don't have any, forget it!"

Everyone laughed, and one person said, "I don't have a daughter, but I have a niece who is only seven years old, but she is as beautiful as an ice sculpture or jade. I'll bet on her!"

Then everyone started to make a noise, some really wanted to arrange a marriage, some were just joking, and in the end, nine couples were gathered together, real and fake.

"From today onwards, Fang Yun will be nicknamed Little Matchmaker, the number one male matchmaker in Jing Country!" Prefect Dong said with a smile.

Everyone laughed and agreed.

Prefect Dong was particularly happy today and drank a little too much. He slapped the table lightly, causing the cups and plates to tremble. He said drunkenly, "No! Very wrong!"

Everyone looked at him, not knowing what he was going to say.

"Wen Cong, why are you acting crazy when you're drunk?" Feng Zimo said with a smile.

"We have been arguing for a long time about whether Fang Yun can become the world's master, but Fang Yun and Jianmei Gong didn't say a word. These two are so cunning! They tempted us to confront each other, but they just protected themselves! Lord Li, you will become a great scholar soon. You can't just say that you hope Fang Yun can become the world's master. You have to put out some real money as a bet, right? You are now a figure on the list of great scholars. It's not good to bet too little. Let me think, do you bet on the holy page of "Wind and Rain Sword Poem", or the "Demon Slayer" that you are about to complete, or the treasure "Holy Qi Dragon Ball" you got a few years ago?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Mr. Li, you can't just talk. You always practice what you preach. You have to show something." Zeng Yuan said with a smile.

Li Wenying was not angry either, he looked around at everyone and said, "If I place a bet, who here dares to bet with me?"

The room was silent. Several people looked at each other. What Li Wenying said was true. If he dared to bet, no one would dare to gamble with him.

Zeng Yuan said, "My uncle-in-law fought you in a literary duel in the past, but the result was a draw. If I send him a letter today, he will definitely dare to gamble. If Lord Jianmei agrees, then I will contact my uncle-in-law."

"Is your uncle-in-law Zhou Yuchen, the Grand Secretary of Western Shu?" Li Wenying asked.

"It's him." Zeng Yuan said.

"Okay, then ask him."

Zeng Yuan immediately sent a letter via wild goose, and everyone waited quietly.

After a moment, Zeng Yuan looked down, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Why, Lord Zhou, you don't want to place a bet?" Fang Yun asked with a smile.

The little fox tilted his head and looked at Zeng Yuan.

"I did place a bet, and I bet on the great scholar's writing brush that I swindled from my second grandfather." Zeng Yuan said.

Everyone was shocked. Zhou Yuchen was so generous. Then Li Wenying had to take "Demon Slayer" or the Holy Dragon Ball.

Li Wenying was about to agree, but Zeng Yuan smiled helplessly and said, "The problem is, my uncle-in-law bet on Fang Yun! He even called me stupid. He said that I was bound to lose, and he even said that betting on Fang Yun would be enough to support me for the rest of my life."

Everyone was stunned, and then smiled. They didn't expect that after so many twists and turns, Grand Secretary Zhou Yuchen would be so interesting.

"I'll ask my family who wants to participate," said another.

Then, everyone contacted their elders.

Fang Yun looked at these people who were constantly sending letters via carrier pigeons and had a bad feeling in his heart. They were just jokes at the dinner table. Would they lead to a major event that alarmed the ten countries

Not long after, Fang Yun received a letter sent by carrier pigeon from Zong Wude who was far away at the Wudao River.

"Now the Ten Kingdoms are betting on whether you can write sixteen war poems that will be passed down through the ages. I want to play too! By the way, it is said that someone from the Xun family has bet on you that you will never be able to write another war poem that will be passed down through the ages within a year! If you write one, he will guard the border for Jing Kingdom for three years! And he will always call you teacher when he mentions you in the future!"

Fang Yun did not become petty or resentful because the other party was a member of the Xun family. Instead, he smiled and nodded. He felt that this member of the Xun family was not a bad person. He was not like Xun Ye who harmed people, nor was he like Xun Long who confused right and wrong. Just looking at the bet, he was like a real scholar.

Then Fang Yun changed his mind. This man was only detained for one year, which seemed to be a harsh condition, but he might have the intention of guarding the border as soon as possible. Later he said that he always called him teacher, so this man might want to atone for the sins of the Xun family.

Fang Yun glanced at the crowd and found that everyone, including Li Wenying, was holding official seals and gesticulating with their hands.

The little fox was watching from the side, confused. He first looked at Little Meteor, who immediately shook his head. Then he looked at Fang Yun in confusion. His cute and ignorant look made Fang Yun smile knowingly.

"They are all sending letters via carrier pigeons, so no one else can see them." Fang Yun said as he showed the letter Li Fanming sent to him. The little fox then suddenly realized what was going on. It then used its little paws to touch Fang Yun's official seal, wanting to play with it as well. Unfortunately, it was completely unable to use the seal.

The room was quiet.

Yang Yuhuan asked softly, "Xiaoyun, is nothing going to happen? It was so lively just now, but now no one is talking. It looks a bit scary."

Fang Yun smiled and said, "It's okay, it will be lively soon."

The little fox looked at Yang Yuhuan, then at the others, and found that everyone except Yang Yuhuan had an official seal. After thinking for a while, it jumped onto Yang Yuhuan's legs and played with her.

Fang Yun looked at the man and the fox with a smile. Perhaps this is how they spent their time when he was not around. (To be continued...)