The Path of the Sage

Chapter 347: Ancient Galaxy


As the night got darker, the people in Yuhai City who had eaten and drank enough in the world dispersed satisfied, and some chefs and waiters also made the final touches.

In the room where Fang Yun was, four doors had appeared, leading to the four directions of the intersection, and the old scholars left one after another.

Zeng Yuan successively released news about the gambling. After Fang Yun said those heroic words, fewer and fewer families participated in the gambling, and finally it was settled on thirty-two families, becoming the well-deserved number one gambling family in the history. Once this matter spreads, other families and other literati will inevitably follow suit.

There were originally six tables of people in the room, but now there are four tables left.

Zeng Yuan asked: "Fang Yun, you want to bet with hundreds of millions of monsters, is it true or false?"

"Of course it's true. Brother Zeng, would you like to send a message to me?"

"As long as you tell me the conditions for the bet, I can certainly do it." Zeng Yuan said.

"Okay! I am betting with hundreds of millions of monsters that I can write sixteen war poems that will be handed down from generation to generation within three years! I bet my life! Doesn't the Demon King want to kill me? Does he dare to bet his life? Life! Don’t the demon saints want to kill me? Then take their lives!”

"What? Three years?"

"Are you going to commit suicide?"

"Fang Yun, you are making a fool of yourself with your own life!"

"Three years? Thirty years or three hundred years may not produce sixteen war poems handed down from generation to generation. You simply..." Zeng Yuan was so angry that he could not speak.

Li Wenying's expression darkened, he lowered his head and drank a glass of wine.

The others tried to dissuade me, but Fang Yun said: "I have made up my mind, and I hope you will make it happen."

Everyone was a scholar who knew etiquette. Once they heard what Fang Yun said, they knew that if he continued to say it, it would be annoying, so no one tried to persuade him.

Yang Yuhuan lowered his head and clenched his right hand tightly.

Zeng Yuan said: "The demon emperor is not afraid of heaven and earth. He may dare to bet his life with you, but it is impossible for the demon saints to bet their lives with you. They are noble half-saints after all."

Fang Yun thought for a moment. Said: "The Demon Saint's life is precious, so they don't have to bet on their lives. The conditions are changed to let them bet on an 'Ancient Galaxy'!"

"What is the Ancient Galaxy?" Magistrate Dong asked in surprise.

Except for Li Wenying and Zeng Yuan, everyone present looked inquiring, even the children of the Semi-Saint Family.

"Where did you learn about 'Taikoo Galaxy'?" Zeng Yuan was extremely surprised.

The little fox looked confused, his eyes flickered, and then he closed his eyes lazily, holding on to the small meteor that was about to fly upward.

"Oh? Brother Zeng has heard of the name of the Ancient Galaxy?" Fang Yun asked.

Zeng Yuan said: "I have only heard of it. I don't know what it is exactly. I only know that it has a huge background."

"That thing... is indeed of great origin." Fang Yun said with a smile.

"what exactly is it?"

Fang Yun shook his head and said, "I can't tell you. Even if I tell you, you won't remember it."

Li Wenying slowly said: "Three years ago, I found an old piece of white paper in my cabinet. I checked for a long time and found that the paper should have been placed in it five years ago. I just I remember that someone said that I couldn’t remember even if he talked about the Ancient Galaxy in detail, saying that he would forget it in two years. I didn’t believe it at the time, and I even wrote it down on paper, but in the end I completely forgot about it.”

"Can you remember?" Zeng Yuan asked Fang Yun.

"Guess." Fang Yun smiled.

Li Wenying nodded and said: "It seems that what Fang Yun obtained in the Holy Ruins not only includes visible treasures. There are also invisible treasures, okay."

"Is there any risk of death if you reveal this secret?" Magistrate Dong asked nervously.

Fang Yun smiled and said: "Just because we can't remember and write down, it doesn't mean that the saints can't do the same. The saints will definitely write down this thing. It's just that our literary status is too low and we are not qualified to read it. We know that there is Taikoo The galaxy is not very useful, what is useful is the ancient galaxy itself."

"The Ancient Galaxy sounds very special. I'm afraid there aren't many in total. Is it too much if you want one?" Zeng Yuan said.

"Of course it can't be the original body of the Ancient Galaxy. What I want is a tributary, and the demon saints can still get it." Fang Yun finished speaking and glanced at Magistrate Dong.

Magistrate Dong understood immediately. It seems that although this ancient galaxy is precious, it should be within the tolerance of the demon and barbarian saints. It is worth exchanging one life for Fang Yun, so Fang Yun asks the demon and barbarian saints to use the ancient galaxy as a bet.

Zeng Yuan solemnly said: "Okay! This matter will be taken care of by me. I will immediately send people to Demon Mountain to speak with spring thunder. If the saints of the demon world send envoys, I will ask them to come to you."

Li Wenying said: "Don't bother me. I'll send a letter to Xisheng Pavilion, asking them to shout outside the first city wall of Liangjie Mountain. Keep shouting until the demons agree!"

Zeng Yuan said: "Gong Jianmei is still so arrogant! If the monster saints don't agree, it will not only damage the morale of the monsters, but also boost the morale of our human race, killing two birds with one stone!"

Fang Yun solemnly raised his hands and said, "Thank you, Mr. Li, for your help."

Zeng Yuan was confused and felt something was wrong. Li Wenying obviously did this incident casually. Why was Fang Yun so serious? A sudden realization came to my mind.

"Gong Jianmei thinks carefully and is indeed a role model for our generation! In this way, the name of Fang Yun in the Two Realms Mountains will be spread for a long time, inspiring our human students to devote themselves to learning." Zeng Yuan said.

Fang Yun secretly smiled in his heart. Although Zeng Yuan was arrogant, he was still a shrewd businessman and was very particular about speaking skills. The purpose of motivating students is to promote your literary reputation and make the people of Liangjie Mountain more accepting of you. After all, it is an important place of the human race, where elites gather. If you only know poetry and literary fighting, you can't convince the people of Liangjie Mountain, but The crazy act of challenging the saints is very appealing to those people.

Zeng Yuan said: "According to past practice, if the demon saints agree, they will definitely appoint important demon clans to come, ask the dragon clan to witness, and then make a great oath to heaven and earth together. However, if you think about it clearly, the demon clan only needs to pay a certain price You can break the contract. After all, you are just an ordinary person, not a semi-saint. The binding force of the oath is greater for you than it is for them. "

"I understand. By the way, add a line when shouting, asking them to use the power of the demon world to seal the 'Primordial Galaxy' and give it to me. As long as I win, the seal of the Taikoo Galaxy will be automatically lifted. If I lose, the demon world will take back the Taikoo Galaxy." "

Li Wenying nodded.

"This... they won't agree, right?" Zeng Yuan said.

"They will agree. If the demon world takes back the ancient galaxy, the human race will not be able to stop it. They are not worried."

"I see."

Everyone chatted for another quarter of an hour and left one after another. After Li Wenying got up, Fang Yun asked Yang Yuhuan and Nunu to go home, and he left with Li Wenying.

Fang Yun used his literary power to isolate the two of them from the outside world. As he walked, he said: "Master Li, this time the All Saints Family suddenly made a large bet, it seems very unusual. I am naturally the main factor in this bet, but there must be other reasons driving it. I wonder if you can give some advice to the students. "

"Now that you are serving the cabinet, everyone in Jiangzhou, except Ge Zhoumu and Governor Lu, will respect you as their boss. Maybe it won't be long before someone calls Xiaoge old," Li Wenying said.

"Your Excellency, you are ridiculous. Only one of the four prime ministers can be called a pavilion elder. I am still far away. After you become a great scholar, will you join the capital and serve as one of the four prime ministers?" Fang Yun asked.

"No. The capital is a big quagmire, and it's not suitable for me. I'm afraid that if we disagree, I'll kill the traitor Zuo Xiang in the Jinluan Palace."

Fang Yun wanted to laugh but couldn't. If Zuo Xiang really dared to be arrogant, Li Wenying would dare to kill in the Jinluan Palace. There were many great scholars or scholars in the Ten Kingdoms, but he was the only one who could do this.

"It seems that the adults have somewhere to go?"

"Not yet. Compared with those great scholars, I'm still young, so I need to go out and hone my skills. I haven't chosen where to go yet. No surprise. The Prison Sea or the Ancient Land of Deserted City will be my first choice."

"Then please be careful, sir." Fang Yun said.

Li Wenying nodded and said: "As for what you just said about the saints participating in gambling, I also suspect that it has something to do with what happened before. A few days ago, the Wenqu star did not set on the Holy Yuan Continent. The saints gathered in the Holy Court to discuss. Just before you On the eve of leaving the Holy Ruins, Wan Shu worshiped the moon. It must be that the saints have mobilized some powerful cultural treasure, and it is even more powerful than the semi-saint cultural treasure. "

Fang Yun thought of the mountain that suppressed the soldiers and barbarian saints. He nodded slightly.

"Shortly afterwards, the Bingman Saint fell, and five blood rainbows crossed the sky. It was a sign that the Demon Barbarian Saints were angry. Then, the sky above the Holy Court also changed, with light and dark, and thousands of miles of white clouds cleared. It was only the Saints who A vision that can only occur when discussing the Tao. Even if no one says it clearly, we all know that there are differences among the saints, and even some of the power of the Holy Tao has been triggered."

Fang Yun said: "In other words, the saints had a dispute and did not discuss the outcome. It happened to coincide with my gambling, so some aristocratic families took the opportunity to compete?"

"It's not certain yet, I can only say that it's very likely." Li Wenying said.

Fang Yun nodded and said, "Thank you Lord Jianmei."

"You...have guessed that the demon saints may join forces to use the power of the demon world to destroy you?" Li Wenying asked.

"I discussed with Governor Dong at noon today."

Li Wenying sighed and said: "The power of the demon world is too strong. Our human race... may have the ability to withstand it once, but after using it, we may not be able to protect the Two Realms Mountain. Do you... understand?"

"Student understands." Fang Yun said bitterly. The demon saints can only pass through the Two Realms Mountain. Once the Two Realms Mountain is lost, the demon clan can march straight in, and the Holy Yuan Continent will surely fall. In order to protect the Two Realms Mountains, even half-saints would sacrifice themselves. It is impossible for the saints to use the power of protecting the Two Realms Mountains to protect a single person.

"Although the saints won't tell you, I'm afraid they have been thinking of a way. Maybe after three years, the saints will think of a way to protect you." Li Wenying said.

Fang Yun nodded, took out a piece of paper, picked up a pen and wrote more than a hundred words, then handed it to Li Wenying and said: "If you go to Zhenyuhai or Liangjie Mountain, I can't help you much. For the ancient land of Huangcheng , I learned some things by accident. If you become a great scholar, these things may be useful to you."

Li Wenying lowered his head and said, "I didn't expect you to be proficient in the study of 'searching for ancient times'. I thought that only people from the ancient land could study it. With your advice, I'd better go to the ancient land of Huangcheng. There may be something unexpected." reward."

"It's just dabbling, not proficient." Fang Yun thought to himself that this has nothing to do with ancient learning. It is purely the ancient demon inheritance that involves the ancient land of the deserted city. Those things are of little use to him, so it is better to help Li Wenying first.

"I may not tell everyone when I leave, so I will say goodbye in advance."

"Then I wish Duke Jianmei a fruitful return." Fang Yun knew Li Wenying's habit. Every time he went to a particularly dangerous place, he would leave quietly without giving a sad farewell. (To be continued...)