The Path of the Sage

Chapter 348: Fang Yun's Family Letters


After bidding farewell to Li Wenying, Fang Yun returned home.

Yang Yuhuan was waiting for him with the little fox in her arms, not feeling sleepy at all. Fang Yun had just gotten up today when he met his friends from Shengxu, then Prefect Dong came to visit him, and then he continued to write policy papers, and after coming back he did not have a good chat with Yang Yuhuan.

Fang Yun actually didn't want to say too much, but he knew Yang Yuhuan's suffering. He and she grew up dependent on each other, and after being separated for many days, Yang Yuhuan must be suffering.

So Fang Yun held Nunu in his arms and chatted with Yang Yuhuan about family matters for half an hour. It was not until late at night that he let Yang Yuhuan go to sleep.

Nunu felt sleepy and did not go to Yang Yuhuan's room or her own nest. Instead, she grabbed Fang Yun's clothes, hung them on his chest and went to sleep.

Fang Yun had no choice but to let it hang there.

Fang Yun used his talent and literary courage to shake off all his drunkenness and began to write his policy essay.

The policy essay is actually questions asked by the examiner and answered by the candidates.

Fang Yun's countermeasures have been studied for a long time. This thing is very similar to the examination essay, and there are traces in the structure and writing methods. But it must be meaningful and require practical solutions. Otherwise, no matter how good the structure and writing are, if the writing is colorful but not practical, it is just an embroidered pillow with a lot of nonsense in its belly, and it is impossible to get a good evaluation.

While writing policy papers, Fang Yun was thinking and studying, and at the same time looking for his own shortcomings and strengths. He soon discovered that he had a natural advantage in writing policy papers because he had absorbed so much advanced knowledge and concepts.

Don't talk about what you have learned, even if you have seen it in the news or heard about it in other people's conversations, as long as you bring out a little bit of it, you can be countless steps ahead of your peers in this era.

The gap between the times cannot be made up by human power.

Fang Yun had a vague inference in his mind. His current level of classics was that of a Jinshi, after all, he had never studied classics before. But his policy theory was even better than that of a great Confucian scholar. It was not that the great Confucian scholar was not good, but that he had reached the level of a great Confucian scholar. He did not consider the principles of governing the country at all, but the way of the saints. In the eyes of the great Confucian scholar, governing the country was not even as good as the art of government.

If humans cannot resist the demons, then even the best state governance strategies will be just empty words.

Fang Yun became more and more adept at writing, because this was a work of practice, he used a mixture of real and imaginary means, his intentions were lofty, but his means of solving the problem were completely based on the methods that should be used in this era. The policy essays and answers that truly transcend this era must be used in the imperial examinations or later.

"As long as the demon saints bet with me, I will have three years. But if I perform too well, the demon saints will most likely take action early. I got A in poetry and classics before, so I can write poetry or classics for this exam. It doesn't have to be too good, but this is the first time to take the policy essay test, so I should go all out."

Fang Yun made a decision and began to concentrate on writing the policy paper. The little fox had been hanging on his chest and sleeping peacefully, smiling from time to time. I don't know what kind of sweet dream he had.

Fang Yun wrote until four in the morning and then went to sleep.

At six o'clock, Fang Yun woke up on time and found that the little fox was staring at him with its bright eyes.

"Why? Are you afraid that I will run away?" Fang Yun asked with a smile.

Nunu nodded slightly.

Fang Yun looked around the room. There was no one else but the little meteor flying foolishly in the sky, so he asked Nunu: "Do you still remember the white hair I gave me before I went to the Holy Ruins?"

Nunu blinked.

"What kind of power is that? Why can it block the attack left by the demon ancestor in the comet corridor?" Fang Yun still remembered it clearly. That kind of power was simply too terrifying, billions of stars crashing into him at the same time, no words can describe it.

Nunu blinked again, but there was confusion in his eyes.

Fang Yun laughed and said, "Why, you don't understand the human language again?"

Nunu nodded happily.

Fang Yun rolled his eyes at it and said, "If you don't want to say it, then don't say it. Just say it whenever you want to."

After Fang Yun finished speaking, he raised Nunu high in both hands and shook it gently. The little fox giggled, and its big tail kept sweeping in the air. It looked so happy.

After holding Nunu in his arms, Fang Yun stood up and walked out. He glanced at the official seal, but did not look at it as there was no urgent letter sent by carrier pigeon. He left the bedroom to wash up and eat.

After breakfast, Fang Yun took a short rest and went back to the room to read the letter. However, Fang Daniu came in and reported that someone was outside sending something and he had no choice but to refuse it.

Fang Yun immediately put down the official seal, stood up and went out with Fang Daniu, and saw more than a dozen people of all kinds standing outside the door, chatting in low voices.

"Fang Yun greets all the elders and fellow villagers." Fang Yun bowed.

Everyone was delighted and bowed.

"Thank you all for your kindness. Yesterday's city banquet has passed. I hope you won't send me off again, otherwise I will have to hold another city banquet." Fang Yun said with a smile.

"It's okay. We gave it to you. Use it if you can. If you can't, put it aside or give it to others. It's okay. I heard this morning that a high-ranking official from the capital was on the way. You are already a marquis. I thought I wouldn't be able to see you, but I didn't expect you to come out anyway." said an old man.

"I am Wenhou, and I am also a scholar." Fang Yun said with a smile.

Others wanted to chat with Fang Yun, but one scholar said unhappily, "We are not here to cause trouble to Fang Zhenguo, but to thank him. Fang Zhenguo will take part in the state examination on the first day of next month. Wouldn't it be harmful to him if you chat with him? Brother Fang, please go back to study. We are here to express our feelings. If we delay your study, it will be a great sin."

When everyone heard this, they immediately came to their senses and urged Fang Yun to go back.

"Lord Fang, please go back to study. Don't worry, I will be standing here today. No matter who is here, I will say that you have been out, but you had to bury your head in your studies for the provincial examination. If anyone dares to say that you have become a high-ranking official and do not recognize the people of Jing State, I will scold him to death!" the old man said hurriedly.

"I have nothing to do today, so I'll stay here to advise the visitor," said the scholar.

Fang Yun knew that they meant well, so he bowed to express his gratitude, and arranged for Fang Daniu and others to set up a shed outside the door and prepare water so as not to let these people get tired, and then returned to the study.

Back in the study, Fang Yun picked up the official seal and began to quickly read the letter.

These letters contained all kinds of content, some congratulated, some asked about personal matters, some hoped to make friends, and some even wanted to establish relations.

Fang Yun was given a headache. He didn't know whether to reply to some of the letters or not. He could only deal with the important ones first.

Zeng Yuan has sent a letter saying that he has set off for Kongcheng because more and more people or families are participating in the gambling. He will not say goodbye to Fang Yun and will talk about it when he comes back.

Those good friends also sent letters to tease him, including old classmates in Dayuan Prefecture and even Ji County. At the same time, there was also a person who was very familiar but not very close to him, Fang Li, who was his cousin but the blood relationship was very weak. His son was Fang Zhongyong, the former child prodigy of Ji County.

Fang Yun remembered that when he passed the imperial examination, Fang Li had also sent a letter to congratulate him.

This time, Fang Li's letter was even more enthusiastic than last time, so enthusiastic that it was sickening, especially at the beginning.

Letters are different from formal letters. Because of the need to save talent, all titles are simplified. Normally, when a peer writes to Fang Yun, they will write "Your Excellency Fang Yun" or simply "My brother Fang Yun". However, Fang Li's letter begins with the attitude of addressing an elder: "Lord Wenhou, please read this. I am glad to hear that your writings have surpassed the whole state and strengthened the prestige of our country. I..."

Fang Yun looked at it while shaking his head, saying a lot of nonsense, but in the end he revealed Fang Li's true intention.

Fang Li wanted to "join the clan" with Fang Yun, and he wanted to become the adopted son of Fang Yun's uncle. In that way, the two would become relatives within the same clan, and their relationship would be much closer than before. If that didn't work, Fang Zhongyong could be adopted by Fang Yun's cousin, so that Fang Zhongyong would become Fang Yun's nephew.

Fang Yun read the letter and felt sick. It was human nature to pursue fame and fortune, and he also needed fame and fortune. But Fang Li's unscrupulous behavior was really unacceptable.

After thinking for a while, Fang Yun sent a letter back to Fang Li, hoping that he would seriously consider it.

After Fang Yun delivered the letter to Fang Li, he sat at the table and thought for a long time. He then flipped through the books in the world of strange books and read a famous book three times before taking out a piece of paper and picking up a pen to write a letter to the patriarch of the Fang family.

"Master Patriarch, please take heed, I, your grandson Fang Yun, respectfully report: Time flies, and the seasons flow by. Since we parted in Ji County..."

Fang Yun begins his letter with the normal style of a letter, first expressing his emotion and then expressing his nostalgia. These are ordinary greetings from children and grandchildren to their grandparents. The words used are simple and easy to understand.

Afterwards, Fang Yun stated his purpose, saying that he had heard that someone was doing rude things under his name, and he hoped that the old patriarch would not let the Fang family's reputation be ruined and should strictly discipline the person.

Afterwards, Fang Yun wrote a letter to Fang Daniu's father and then to his cousin who was studying, a total of three letters.

The contents of the three articles are different. One letter asks the clan leader to discipline the clan children, one talks about some family matters with the uncle, and the letter to the cousin uses a tone close to that of an elder's admonition, warning the cousin to study hard and not waste time, etc.

After writing the three letters home, Fang Yun looked at them again before nodding.

Fang Yun knew that he was young and had never written a family letter, so he read "Family Letters of Zeng Guofan" repeatedly to learn from this famous writer before he started writing.

Zeng Guofan's Family Letters is the most famous family letter in China, which has been popular for a hundred years. It may be controversial to say that Zeng Guofan is the most famous minister in modern times, but if we list the top five ministers in modern Qing Dynasty, he must be among them. If we talk about comprehensive qualities such as military strategy, literature, science and officialdom, no one in modern Qing Dynasty can surpass him.

Fang Yun put the three letters into envelopes, called Fang Daniu, and said, "Send these three letters to the post station. Buy more writing paper and envelopes, I will use them frequently in the future."

"Yes, Lord Marquis!" Fang Daniu bent down and respectfully took the three letters with both hands.

Fang Yun smiled and said, “Brother Daniu, you don’t have to be polite at home.”

Fang Daniu said seriously, "My Lord, your status is different now. You value our childhood friendship, but I cannot break the rules. If I break the rules because I am your relative, how can I discipline other servants when there are more members of the Fang family? I can break the rules, but if I lose your face, it will be a serious crime. I was ignorant before, so I hope you can forgive me."

Fang Yun wanted to say something else, but in the end he just smiled and said, "You set an example, which is commendable, but don't be so reserved when it's just you and me. Since you're interested, then learn how to be a manager."

Fang Daniu was excited and said, "Thank you, Lord!"

"Go ahead. Your family still trusts you the most."

Fang Daniu was even more excited, and walked out of the study room in a daze. When he saw the other servants, he couldn't help but straighten his back and leave calmly. (To be continued...)