The Path of the Sage

Chapter 351: If you want to take the exam, you must pray for luck


Subsequently, the members of Yuhai City successively passed on to Fang Yun, all saying that the demon special envoy was said.

Most of the states, Lu Hongyi, also passed on to the book, saying that Li Wenying had just went to the Holy Yuan to write about his duties. He didn't know when he returned, and he would be responsible for protecting Fang Yun.

Fang Yun took his family to the door and waited for Lu Hongyi.

There are still gifts outside the door, and a permanent tea shed was built at the door for people to rest.

Fang Yun felt helpless. In fact, people have been reduced since yesterday morning. After all, the people of the city banquet know that everyone has celebrated it, but in the evening of yesterday evening, a news spread crazy in Yuhai City.

More than 100 students from Mingxing Academy went to Fang's house to thank Fang Yun. Coincidentally, in the academy's imperial examination yesterday, 70% of the students' scores improved. The teachers and students of the academy searched for the reason for a long time, but could not find a clue. Later, a teacher casually said that it was Fang Yun's blessing.

Then, the rumor of "praying to Fang's luck for the exam" began to spread wildly. Starting today, parents came one after another to give gifts. Although they were all small items or vegetables, it still made the Fang family's doorstep extremely lively.

After Fang Yun knew the details, speculation may be that the students of that day were infected by the people of Yuhai City, which inspired Xiangxue. Although it was related to himself, it was definitely not as magical as others said.

In the early morning of this day, Fang Yun also heard many parents discuss at the door. Should they take their children to participate in the emerging study tour projects that are popular in Jiangzhou and Wu Daohe three -day tour.

Fang Yun stood at the door and laughed at the came. Until a luxury vehicle moved by ten Marara stopped in front of the door.

Most Governor Lu Hongyi came out of it.

This Hanlin had gray hair at the temples, rough skin, and every wrinkle on his face was weathered. He had a resolute look, and his eyes seemed to contain a power that no one could shake.

This is the big member of Zheng Sanpin. Fang Yun is the Wenhou of Sanpin, so he took the initiative to give him: "I have seen the Governor of the Governor."

Lu Hongyi nodded his head and said, "Go on the car with me. Don't leave me in three steps, the other party is a snake demon king leader."

Fang Yunzhi Lu Hongyi's military style, said, "Yes."

The two got on the car and sat quietly.

For a while, Fang Yun said: "What about the situation before the governor came?"

"In the whole army, accumulating food and grass. No accident, after the Sanyu war, the grass will go south after the battle."

"What are our chances of victory?"

"If the barbarians don't rely on the power of the semi-saint, our human race will at most lose a few soldiers. If the semi-saint assists, our Jing Kingdom will be in trouble and may suffer a major defeat like last year."

"What about the people of the Holy Yuan?"

"Last year, the Holy Yuan also sent people, but the Zuo Army in the north of the north of the Scenery Kingdom was surrounded by the demon. In the end, it was defeated.

"If this year the demon is south, the first one is the former army in the four -border army. How much is the former army?"

"If the Barbarian Saint was here, our army would have no chance of winning. But now that the Barbarian Saint is dead, the Barbarians have lost this semi-saint who is proficient in human military tactics, and their plans will be lacking. And General Zhang Poyue... has a unique command style, and... never acts on impulse. Unless the Barbarians' strength doubles, General Zhang can handle it calmly."

"Indeed, General Zhang's style and means are different, hoping that the barbarians can carry it." Fang Yun smiled.

"The border army needs talents like General Zhang, which can play his strengths more than staying in Yuhai City." Lu Hongyi said.

"It's also said. What about the descendants of the barbarians?" Fang Yun said his question that he really cared about.

Lu Hongyi turned to look at Fang Yun.

"Well ... I don't know if the progress of my family can catch up with the barbarians. What do adults think of the strategy of adults to the couplet and anti -monsters?" Fang Yun asked.


Fang Yun did not answer, and the car was silent again.

When the car arrived at the Cultural Institute, the two got out of the car, and a large number of officials waited at the door.

"Greetings to Governor Lu, and to Lord Fang."

Lu Hongyi just nodded seriously, and Fang Yun smiled at you.

Fang Shouye came over quickly, saying: "The nephew, I went to Ping Demon in the field a few days ago, and I couldn't catch up with the city banquet. The intestines were regretful! Fortunately, I caught up with the shemale and gambled.

Fang Yun felt that the word "shemale" was particularly harsh, and laughed: "Killing the demon is more important, the city banquet will still be next year."

Fang Shouye said: "Are you really iron -hearted to bet with the demon? There is no other hidden sentiment?"

Lu Hongyi scolded: "If there is any hidden feelings, how can I say in public? Roll back to stand up, this is not your old place!"

Fang Shouye smiled awkwardly, not angry at all, winked at Fang Yun, and returned to the ranks of officials.

Fang Yun smiled secretly in his heart. This was the difference between the military and civilian officials. Military officers could yell and scold at any time, but once a civilian started scolding, it meant they had already fallen out.

"Go in and wait for the special envoys of the demon family together. There is the power of the Holy Temple. Even if the demon king can't help you." Lu Hongyi said that he was not humble and walked inside.

Fang Yun followed the tall old Hanlin into the Academy of Literature, and the others followed closely behind.

After the people entered the Culture Academy, Feng Zimo, the monarch of the courtyard, threw out the official seal of the courtyard to Fang Yun. The official seal flew to Fang Yun and disappeared. Then a white light fell from the sky, fell on Fang Yun's body, and then disappeared.

The sky was clear and cloudless on an autumn afternoon in Yuhai City, and the slightly sunny sunlight shone into the academy.

There is a large rosewood table in the middle of the square of the Academy of Literature. Comfortable armchairs are placed on the south, east and west sides of the table. On the east side, in addition to the armchairs beside the table, there are hundreds of ordinary chairs.

"Let's sit down first. Fang Yun, you take the main seat at the human negotiation table." Governor Lu said.

Fang Yun did not quit. He was sitting in the middle of the east side of the negotiating table. Lu Hongyi sat on his left side. He knew that Dong Wencong, Yuan Jun Feng Zimo, and others were sitting on the left and empty on the right side. The remaining officials sat on the ordinary chair behind.

"Fang Yun, don't be afraid, all people in Yuhai City support you! The soldiers who returned with me also said that I will give you gifts tomorrow." Fang Shouye said.

Fang Yun is accustomed to giving gifts to the coming. He choose some fresh food every day at home, send it to the neighbors, and give the remaining vegetables and fruits to send good halls.

Fang Yun asked Dong Wencong: "Dong Zhifu, is the demon king of the snake tribe?"

Dong Wen said: "It is exactly, and it is a demon king with great reputation in both worlds, named Snake Li, and the people of the university of the human race will return to the killing. This snake is extraordinary.

"It turned out to be the Son monster, no wonder even the university scholars couldn't help him." Fang Yun remembered the Snake Demon Son of the Sixth Promenade.

The Governor of Ludu said: "This demon is famous and very fierce. The mountains of the two worlds list some demon clan.

Fang Yun asked: "This snake is so powerful. Those two circles are allowed to see Hanlin or Hanlin immediately escape immediately?"

The Governor of Ludu said: "If a college scholar encounters alone, he can also escape directly."

Everyone was shocked, but he did not expect that the snake was so fierce.

Dong Wen said: "Snake Li once defeated the sixth university scholar in front of the battle, and even fighted for half a minute with Jianmei for half a clock without distinguishing. Of course, Jianmei must be above him."

Fang Yun and others were even more surprised. The snake tribe was not good at each other and was good at sneak attacks. Snake Li was so strong in the face -to -face battle. If it was attacked, it was enough to kill the top three people in the university hunting list.

The crowd was talking, and a harsh eagleming suddenly came from the sky.

Fang Yun only felt painful eardrums, and his face was angry. Even the people who had been baptized for five times felt the eardrum pain. Those who were talented, childish, or even had no text would inevitably be injured.

Fang Yun immediately looked at the neighborhood service, and several people were dizzy.

"The beast dares to be free!" Lu Hongyi took a mouthful, shot a talented gun, and hit the giant eagle that flew quickly in the sky.

A dark shadow hit the lips and swords of flying Luo Hongyi, and a soft and sharp voice sounded in the sky, spreading throughout the Cultural Court.

"The human race really is cheap, this is your" gift 'and the way to hospitality? "

Fang Yun immediately bloomed in Chunlei: "I heard that the demon tribe likes to find a very good opponent. In this battle, the demon king of the demon monster victory over the ordinary disadvantage of our races.

"Hum, this king is too lazy to fight with your races!"

I saw a giant eagle with a dozen feet fell from the sky, and behind the giant eagle, a giant snake was sitting.

The giant snake's body is covered with red and black rings, and two people are co -owned by two people. Each scales reflect the metallic luster. The triangular snake head is larger than a dining table for ten people. A pair of snake eyes, which is about the same as the head of the human head, exudes the coldness of predatory animals, and glances at everyone with a faint contempt.

A evil and cold atmosphere emanates from the demon king. If there is no power of the holy temple, except Lu Hongyi, the gall and Wen Palace of all the people present will be created.

The whereabouts of the giant eagle set off a storm, Feng Yuanjun scolded a rudeness, and the power formed by the giant eagle immediately dissipated.

The giant eagle landed, the giant snake rushed down, and Fang Yun was rough. This snake grew more than ten feet.

The snake spit out the bright red tongue core, and the eyes flashed with both eyes and looked at everyone.

Fang Yun only felt that there was a yin and wind in the back. He had encountered the demon king before, but he was all a monster. Even if he was kind to himself, it was shocking.