The Path of the Sage

Chapter 353: Dragon snake grass


Fang Shouye said: "Since these secrets are only circulated among your Saint Clan, then this kind of question should be invalidated! As the Saint of the Monster Clan, what you know does not count. It must be known to all the Monster Clan members, or to all the people of a race, to count as a test question!"

She Li laughed and said, "Ridiculous! Are the contents of the human race's imperial examination known to everyone? Stop making a fuss here, Fang Yun, I ask you, do you know? If you don't know, then admit your mistake and admit that your race is insignificant, and my demon race is the greatest race!"

Some people wanted to refute, but Fang Yun raised his hand to stop them. He said calmly, "There are divine objects buried under the demon world. The ancestor emperor 'Luan Mang' killed four ancient demon saints and implanted them in the four directions. The four saints turned into big trees, absorbed the power of the divine objects, condensed into a demon moon, and illuminated all races, so the demon moon grew on the tree. The Immortal Blood Emperor is not a tribe, but a collective name for the two saints of the elephant tribe and the mosquito tribe. As for the Great Wilderness Azure Dragon, he has no scales. If you must talk about scales, he is covered with 324,211 continents. He destroys one every ten thousand years, and creates a new one after another ten thousand years. Am I right?"

The snake's tongue drooped limply, staring at Fang Yun in amazement. The Immortal Blood Emperor and the Great Desolate Blue Dragon race had never recorded it in detail, and even if they had, it would not have been so detailed. It did not expect Fang Yun to not only know, but also know more than it did. It did not know the number of continents on the Great Desolate Blue Dragon.

"Great! No wonder Jiangzhou Xishi praised Fang Yun for being omniscient. From now on Fang Yun can be called Fang Quanzhi!" Dong Wencong said.

She Li suddenly asked: "What about the fourth question I asked?"

Fang Yun glanced at She Li and said slowly: "Sirius is not a single star, but a pair of stars, one is called the first star and the other is called the tail star. The first star is huge and the tail star is small. Sirius is the first of the evil stars and the brightest star in the demon world, mainly responsible for aggression and killing. More than half of the demons and barbarians have Sirius as their main star. It can be said that Sirius alone has contributed 20% to the prosperity of the demons and barbarians today. The demons were originally unable to draw the star power of the first star, and the tail star was not strong. In order to obtain the power of the first star of Sirius, so..."

"Stop! You win this battle!" There was murderous intent in She Li's eyes, and his snake scales trembled slightly.

Lu Hongyi snorted coldly and said, "Ignore him. Tell me in detail how Sirius is guided."

"I said enough!" She Li suddenly yelled.

Fang Yun turned a blind eye and continued, "Since Sirius is a binary star, the demon saint of the demon clan, 'Huo Xiao', found a way to use Sirius. That is to use the tail star as a transit point to draw in the power of the first star. But this process requires killing one's own direct blood relatives as a sacrifice. As long as the sacrifice is made once, one can draw in the power of Sirius for oneself and one's descendants. This is the fundamental reason for the split between the Star Demon Barbarians and the Blood Demon Barbarians."

"I want..." She Li pounced towards Fang Yun. Lu Hongyi grasped the Grand Commander Seal, and the Holy Temple immediately released a tremendous force that bound She Li tightly in place.

Many people frowned. The demons were really too much. Now almost all demons could draw on the power of Sirius. This meant that many demons had killed their parents, brothers, sisters, or children and grandchildren.

Fang Yun continued, "The demon saint buried in the Holy Ruins was Huo Xiao, and he was also the source of the disaster that led to the death of Zilu and the other three semi-saints. She Li, I'm afraid even Confucius doesn't know about this. But the ape tribe's classics in the demon ancestor's sect record in detail the split between the blood demon barbarians and the star demon barbarians."

"You slandered my demon ancestors. All of my demon tribes will never let it go." There were some bloodshot in She Li's eyes.

"Oh, you can also draw the power of Sirius." Fang Yun said lightly.

"Ah..." She Li screamed towards the sky. His eyes instantly turned red, and the rich blood and energy wrapped around his eyes, which was extremely terrifying.

"Why? You are the only one allowed to humiliate our human race. I just told you the truth, but you went crazy? Yes, you monsters have finally made some progress and finally learned shame. You asked two questions, and I answered them all correctly. Now it's my turn. I'll ask you four simple questions. Do you dare to answer them?"

"Speak!" She Li slowly suppressed his anger.

Fang Yun said: "First, how many ways are there to write the word 'hui'? Second, how far are Altair and Vega? As for the third, I will ask you a simple question from the snake family: why can two black-spotted snakes give birth to a yellow-spotted snake?"

Fang Shouye said sarcastically, "The yellow-spotted snake from the snake den next door has been visiting all night."

The officers laughed, the young civilians sneered with their hands covering their mouths, while the older men smiled and said nothing.

She Li took a deep breath and said, "What about the fourth question?"

"If you can't even answer these three questions, is there any need for me to ask the fourth question?" Fang Yun asked.

"You..." She Li glared with his eyes, and blood surged throughout his body. He did not expect Fang Yun to humiliate him like this. All the humiliation he had suffered in his life was not as much as what he suffered today.

Fang Yun glanced at She Li and said, "Can we negotiate now?"

She Li stuck out his tongue and said slowly: "Don't be so arrogant! The people of the human race are just ants in my eyes. I don't know how many I have killed!"

"Oh? The Holy Son of the Demon Clan is nothing great. Many of them died at my hands." Fang Yun said calmly.

She Li was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"That's right. After so many years, the demon race has not changed at all. They are obviously stupid to death, but they still think they are smarter than humans!" A deep voice came from the sky, and the voice seemed to resonate with the heaven and earth.

Everyone looked hurriedly in the direction of the sound, and saw a giant green dragon almost as long as Sheli descending from the sky. It landed on the ground and turned into a scholar in green.

The man held a folding fan inlaid with a jade pendant and gold in his hand. He had a fair complexion and a handsome look. His eyes looked down on the world like an emperor. If it were not for the dragon horns on his head, he would definitely be mistaken for a monarch.

"Welcome, young marquis." Some officials stood up and greeted him together.

Fang Yun showed a look of sudden realization. This person was the famous Qingyi Dragon Marquis, equivalent to the Hanlin of the human race or the Yaohou of the demon race, one demon rank lower than the Sheli Demon King. Qingyi Dragon Marquis was very famous and often came to the human race to play. He was treated as a distinguished guest by all countries. He had a very good relationship with the human race and had a cheerful temperament. He never acted arrogantly because of his noble status.

The snake bowed slightly to the Green-clothed Dragon Marquis and took the initiative to greet him.

"Greetings, young marquis." Fang Yun also said.

The Green-Clothed Dragon Marquis swung his fan, and the fan opened, revealing a real ocean inside, with wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and fish and turtles swimming around. It was very magical.

The Green-robed Dragon Marquis fanned himself while looking at Fang Yun with a smile and said, "But is it the poem that makes the dragon Fang guard the country?"

"That's right." Fang Yun said.

"Good, you didn't bring shame to the human race. He is very knowledgeable and talented. Even I don't know how many lands the Great Wilderness Blue Dragon has covered. Fang Quanzhi's nickname is good."

The snake snorted coldly: "Maybe he just made it up!"

"Oh? Is what She Li said true?" The Green-Clothed Dragon Marquis asked with a smile while gently waving his fan.

Fang Yun said: "A senior of a friend of mine once counted them one by one. At that time, a continent collapsed. The senior remembered it very clearly. I am a candidate in front of the saint, and I remember everything I heard. Naturally, I wrote it down. If this Serpent Demon King is not convinced, you can add a bet. If he loses, he will bow down and become a slave!"

"I won't argue with you. Negotiation is more important!" Snake said fiercely.

The Green-clothed Dragon Marquis laughed and said, "You little snake are really shameless. Forget it. Your snake clan has always been like this."

She Li was suffocated, but he dared not to fight back, because the snake clan was a vassal of the dragon clan in ancient times, and even now it is not, it is restrained by the power of the dragon clan. She Li could fight with Li Wenying for a quarter of an hour without losing. But he could not last half a quarter of an hour in front of Qingyi Longhou, and Qingyi Longhou could not last half a quarter of an hour fighting with Li Wenying.

The human race were all watching the joke. She Li was older than Fang Yun and Qingyi Longhou combined, but today he was taught a lesson by two juniors in a row.

The Green-clothed Dragon Marquis turned to look at Fang Yun again. He said, "Of your three questions, I am not interested in the first and second ones, but I really want to know the answer to the second one. Your poem 'If love lasts forever, why should we be together day and night' is well written. My sister... well, all the dragons like it very much, and the Dragon Saint of the South Sea even wants to recruit you as his consort. Could it be that you knew how far apart the two stars were because you wrote the poem 'Magpie Bridge Fairy'?"

Fang Yun smiled and said, "At night, just look up at the sky and use your thumb and index finger to measure the distance between the two stars."

Qing Yi Long Hou was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Great! The human race is so interesting, I never thought of that."

She Li whispered, "So it's so simple. If I knew it was like this, I would have answered it correctly a long time ago!"

"Oh?" Fang Yun looked at She Li and said, "Then I'll give you another chance. I'll ask you again, how far are Altair and Vega? If you answer correctly, I'll lose this literary contest! You can go back to the demon world and publicize it. If you lose, give me a dragon snake grass."

She Li hesitated, and everyone could see that he felt guilty.

Many people couldn't help but smile. It seemed that Fang Yun had left a huge shadow in their hearts.

The Green-clothed Dragon Marquis shouted, "What? Are you afraid of the mighty Snake Demon King? Then what you said before about your prestige in Liangjie Mountain was all fake?"

"Let's compare! My answer is, at night, look up at the sky and run your fingers across it, and you'll know how far apart the two stars are."

Fang Yun looked at She Li and asked, "Do you have fingers?"

"Pfft..." Qingyi Longhou couldn't help laughing. Sheli was just a snake. Its body was completely naked and it didn't even have claws. How could it have fingers

"Yes!" She Li condensed his energy and blood into fingers and glared at Fang Yun.

"You're working hard, but your measurement method is wrong," Fang Yun said.

"Nonsense, the answer is what you said!" Snake said fiercely.

Fang Yun said nothing. He picked up a pen and wrote the seven words "Altair and Vega" on the paper. Then he said, "The distance between Altair and Vega is the distance of the word 'and'."

The Green-Clothed Dragon Marquis smiled.

She Li was stunned for a long time and cursed: "You cheated me of the Dragon Snake Grass! The human race is much worse than the monster race! Here you go!" After that, he opened his mouth and spit out a Drinking River Clam, and then a green grass more than half a person's height flew towards Fang Yun.

As the green grass flew, its leaves gathered together and actually weaved into something that looked like a dragon and a snake, which bared its fangs and claws and bit towards Fang Yun.

"How dare you!" The Green-Clothed Dragon Marquis scolded with a smile.

The dragon snake grass suddenly shook, and the leaves separated, splitting into seven pieces and falling down. Fang Yun reached out to catch them.

"This grass can cure all kinds of poisons, but without the help of powerful dragons or snake monsters, it can only play a role. Young Marquis dispersed the grass spirit and integrated it into the grass leaves, doubling the efficacy of the medicine. Fang Yun is very grateful."

"It's just a small effort, not worth mentioning." (To be continued...)