The Path of the Sage

Chapter 36: Lishan Society of England


"Brother Gao, Brother Lin." Fang Yun greeted the two men with a smile.

"Brother Fang!" Two people came over with several other scholars. Each of them looked at Fang Yun carefully with a kind smile.

When Fang Yun heard Gao Minghong call him that, he knew that he was trying to show others that they had a good relationship. In fact, they had only met once. However, Fang Yun would not expose him. After all, such things were harmless.

"This is Fang Yun Fang Shuangjia, well-known throughout the country, so I won't introduce him in detail. Fang Yun, these are all students from the Fu Wen Academy. You will also come to the Fu Wen Academy in the future, and we will study the Holy Way together. Come, I will introduce you one by one. This is Wang Shoukui from Ting County, and he was once a champion in a case."

Wang Shoukui waved his hands again and again and said, "Now everyone knows that Fang Yun is the unclaimed champion. Minghong, you are slandering me. Hello Fang Yun, I like your "Year End", you are a good man!"

"You're welcome, Brother Wang." Fang Yun said with a smile.

Then, Gao Minghong introduced everyone to Fang Yun one by one.

After the introduction, Gao Minghong said, "You may have heard in Ji County that students from various literary academies can form their own 'societies'. We are the representatives of the 'Lishan Society' in the provincial literary academy. The Lishan Society is also the largest of the poor societies, with a history of a hundred years. Many of the predecessors in the society have held high positions. The current Minister of Rites and the prefect of Huangping Prefecture were all members of the Lishan Society."

"I've long heard of the great name of Lishan Society." Fang Yun had heard of the name of Lishan Society a long time ago. He knew that the nature of this society was the same as the famous Fushe and Donglin Party in the Ming Dynasty. They were all literary societies, groups for scholars to study and discuss politics. Later, they gradually developed strong political purposes and could be said to be the prototype of political parties.

There were numerous literary societies in various parts of the Ten Kingdoms, which were roughly divided into the common people and the gentry. The two were in opposition internally and cooperated externally.

Families such as famous families, wealthy families, canonized families and the Confucius family are collectively called gentry. Prominent families can be considered both gentry and poor families. Those ordinary wealthy families and ordinary families belong to poor families.

Lishan Society is not only the largest literary society for poor families in the Prefectural Academy of Literature, there is also a Lishan Society in the State Academy of Literature. That is the real Lishan Society. The Lishan Society outside the State Academy of Literature is actually a branch.

However, the power of the poor is limited after all. The largest literary society in Jiangzhou is the Ying Society, which gathers all the famous students in Jiangzhou and more than half of the students from prominent families. In terms of financial resources, influence and literary status, it is superior to the Lishan Society. Many outstanding children from poor families will be invited to the Ying Society.

Gao Minghong said, "We are very eager for you to join the Lishan Society, but don't worry, we will not force you, nor will we give you a deadline. It is up to you to decide when and whether to join the Lishan Society. As for the Ying Society, some people want to invite you, but because Liu Zicheng strongly opposes it, the Ying Society will not invite you. Other literary societies know that they are not qualified to invite you."

"Thank you Lishan Society for looking up to me. I will definitely consider it seriously. Although Naying Society is good, I am a child from a poor family after all." Fang Yun said.

Wang Shoukui, who was standing by, whispered, "Don't tell General Fang Shouye that we are trying to win you over. You are his nephew, and you are actually half a noble family. He should want you to join the Yingshe."

"Uncle is uncle, and I am me." Fang Yun said with a smile.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Fang Shouye had such a bad reputation that he could even burn down the Liu family's pawnshop at will. They didn't dare to provoke him.

Gao Minghong handed over a red invitation and said, "Dayuan Prefecture holds two Lixia Literary Meetings at noon and evening every year on the first day of April, the day of the beginning of summer. Only scholars can attend the noon meeting, and occasionally a few famous students will participate. Only people with higher literary status can attend the evening meeting, and a few scholars will also receive invitations, but they must be recommended by at least Jinshi or officials of the seventh rank or above to participate."

Fang Yun took the invitation and said, "Thank you Brother Gao and Lishan Society for the invitation. I will definitely attend the Lixia Literary Meeting in two days."

On the surface, Fang Yun seemed to want to go, but in his heart he really didn't want to go because there were too many literary gatherings on Shengyuan Continent.

There are literary gatherings at different seasons, on festivals, when it rains or snows, after the imperial examination, when a business promotes its products, when literati publish their books, when some celebrities have nothing better to do, on the death anniversaries and birthdays of saints, and even when many people celebrate their birthdays. There are so many kinds of literary gatherings.

Not many people know Fang Yun’s address now, so he lives in seclusion. Otherwise, with his reputation, the invitations he received in the past few days could be sold as waste paper by the pound.

"Okay. Since you still have to teach here, we won't bother you. After the Lixia Literary Conference, we can drink and discuss poetry together. Of course, it's enough for us to drink with you. We dare not discuss anything in front of you."

Everyone smiled kindly and no one objected. They were all convinced by Fang Yun's talent.

"After all, I am just a student, and younger than you all, so don't insult me." Fang Yun finally imitated Wang Shoukui's tone and joked.

Everyone smiled again. They all felt that Fang Yun was neither arrogant nor conceited and would become a great man in the future. Since their positions were not opposing and their interests did not conflict, they naturally had to increase their efforts to make friends with him.

Fang Yun led all the scholars out of the clan school. Gao Minghong coughed and said, "The seniors of the Lishan Society of the State Academy of Literature asked me to pass on a message to you. Liu Zicheng and his followers have been slandering you and your character in the Ying Society. Several seniors of the Lishan Society have also defended you. Unfortunately, the Liu family is powerful, and your reputation in the State Academy of Literature is very bad. Except for the Fang family who said a few words for you, most people remained silent. We suspect that Liu Zicheng wants to harm your literary reputation, so you must be careful."

Fang Yun had already known from Zhou Zhubu that Liu Zicheng and Liu Zizhi were secretly doing something, so he said, "Thank you, Brother Gao. I will be careful."

After seeing off the scholars, Fang Yun returned to the teaching room and continued to read scriptures silently. He went there once at noon.

Liang Yuan had already taken 5,000 copies of "Romance of the West Chamber" as well as flyers and bookmarks from the printing house's warehouse and placed them in the library's warehouse. He took out some of the books and placed them on the bookshelf, but at the moment there was no promotion and not a single copy had been sold.

Fang Yun had dinner with everyone and then went home.

There were two days of calm weather, and soon it was the first day of April, the time for the publication of the "Holy Journal" and the "Literary Newspaper".

At daybreak, dozens of people pushing carts stood in the Wenyuan study on the east side of the Wenyuan. Some of these people were sent by bookstores, and some were booksellers who were ready to buy "The Holy Way" and "Wen Bao" to sell.

Dayuan Prefecture is so big that there are always people living nearby who don't want to walk far. "The Holy Way" can be sold for five cents and "Wen Bao" for one cent. If you sell some other books, you can make a lot of money in a month.

Compared with the past, the people who buy books for bookstores have not changed, but 80% of the booksellers have changed.

More than twenty booksellers were wearing uniform white clothes with four powerful black regular script characters on the front and back of their clothes.


Next to it, there is a line of small words: No. 17 Mingli Street, the best novels in the world are all here! At the end of the words, there is an artistic "Fang" trademark pattern, which is very special and impressive.

In addition to their uniform clothing, these book vendors also had a banner on each cart supported by a bamboo pole. On the left side of the banner was written "The Western Chamber, the masterpiece of the Holy Pre-Sage Fang Yun, is on sale now", and on the right side was written "The Sword-Eyebrowed Li Daxueshi invites you to read in advance the divine work of the Holy Way, The Pillow Book, next month."

Below the banner hung an advertisement written by Fang Yun.

There was a striking "" written on both sides of the cart. Half of the cart was empty, and the other half was filled with bound volumes of "Romance of the West Chamber" and "The Pillow Book", each book having a bookmark.

The other book vendors and bookstore clerks were shocked. What kind of trick was this? Using the name of Li Daxueshi, the emperor of the academy, to advertise in front of the academy? Either he was courting death or he had a strong background.

A bookseller hurriedly walked up to another bookseller who had changed his clothes and asked, "Why are you dressed so strangely? Which bookstore are you from?"

The man said proudly, "We are run by Lord Fang Yun, the first in the Shengqian Shuangjia case. Behind us is not only the Dayuan Fang family, but also a university scholar. We all signed a written contract, and the basic salary is one or two silver coins per month. The more books we sell, the higher the commission. Not only is the income guaranteed, but we also make more than before. In the past, except for the three days when "Shengdao" and "Wenbao" were on sale, how much could we make? In the future, we can not only sell "Shengdao" and "Wenbao", but also bring the books we sell."

"Is there such a good thing? Can I go? My books are selling very well, and I can make 700 to 800 coins every month, and that's not even if I sell them every day."

"I have seen you selling books. If you can find two more booksellers and get three letters of recommendation, you can come to us. Please wait a moment, I will write a letter of recommendation for you." As he said this, the man took out paper, pen and ink bottle from the car and wrote a simple letter of recommendation.

"Thank you, brother." The man handed over a large brass coin with "Ten Wen" written on it.

"You're welcome."

Soon, all the booksellers who were not in uniform left, and even those who worked for other bookstores came over to inquire.

Just after six o'clock, a group of servants came and lined up behind the bookseller.

The servants were very surprised when they saw the banner and asked about the content and price of "The West Chamber" and "The Pillow Book". The bookseller patiently answered their questions.

Fifty cents for a popular novel of more than 150 pages is not expensive.

"Is this book of yours really by Fang Shuangjia? Our young lady likes his poems very much."

"Look at us. We spent so much money on new clothes and dared to sell books in front of the Academy of Literature. How could it be fake? No. 17 Mingli Street is it. If you don't believe me, you can check it out."

"Oh, yes. With the guarantee from Grand Secretary Li, I will buy a copy. I'm sure our young lady will like it." said a middle-aged woman.

"I'll have one too. Our young master has been praising the proposal."

In a short while, more than twenty copies were sold, and the buyers all bought them because of Fang Yun's literary reputation and the title of Li Daxueshi.

By half past six, the outside of Wenyuan Bookstore was filled with people coming to buy Wen Dao and Wen Bao, and more and more people saw the advertisements of the booksellers.

Just as Wenyuan Bookstore was about to start selling, ten ox carts that had just come out of a printing house were connected together and slowly passed by the door of Wenyuan Bookstore.

There are banners and flags on each ox cart, which are extremely eye-catching.

A man stood on a bullock cart and shouted: "After watching The West Chamber, you will fall in love, and after watching The Pillow Book, you will become a great scholar!"


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