The Path of the Sage

Chapter 363: Holy Pen Review


With man conquering nature as the core, Fang Yun continued to write policy papers without using flowery words or parallelism, but using the simplest and most accurate words to describe the food chain and grassland ecosystem.

In the books of Shengyuan Continent, many stories are related to the food chain and ecological balance, but due to the limitations of the times, there has been no systematic research. Even though workers, farmers, and doctors have been developing, it will take two or three hundred years to make a breakthrough.

Starting from the "tiny creatures invisible to the naked eye" mentioned by the medical saint Zhang Zhongjing, Fang Yun, based on a large number of relevant records and works from hundreds of schools of thought, began to demonstrate the phenomena caused by human interference in the laws of nature.

Fang Yun first started with the simplest example of sheep eating grass and wolves eating sheep, and took the Yuansu area as an example. When wild wolves were rampant, the number of sheep and other herbivorous creatures decreased dramatically. Later, humans killed all the wild wolves and lions. As a result, scavengers led by vultures became extinct first, and then a large number of herbivores reproduced, causing serious damage to the vegetation in the Yuansu area. It took the joint efforts of several great scholars to restore the Yuansu area.

After discussing living things, Fang Yun added changes in the non-living environment, such as changes in the water circulation system.

After completing the argument, Fang Yun wrote down the outline of the second part, which was a specific strategy derived from the idea that man can conquer nature.

Punish the barbarians on behalf of God!

Fang Yun began to write about the practical strategies that he had used in the mysterious grassland, using goats that gnawed grass roots, rabbits that were good at destroying grasslands, changing waterways and rivers, and other methods to weaken all the barbarians in the grassland.

Fang Yun had read a lot of miscellaneous books these days and was very familiar with the environment of the grassland. He had also served in the army, so every aspect of his strategy was very perfect.

Unconsciously, Fang Yun wrote furiously, leaving a shadow on the paper. He could finish a row of words in almost one breath. After a short while, a page was filled, and Fang Yun immediately changed to a new paper.

When the sun was setting, Fang Yun finally finished writing. He put down his pen and counted. There were 82 pages, with more than 150 words on each page. It could be said to be a true ten thousand word book. This was rare in policy papers. Even the first policy paper in Shengyuan Continent, "On the Qin Dynasty", had less than 3,000 words in total.

Fang Yun read it again and found that there was nothing to change. He took out a piece of white paper, put it on the top and wrote three words.

The strategy to pacify the barbarians.

Fang Yun numbered the 82 pages to avoid confusion and make them easier to read.

Finally, Fang Yun laid out the poems, classics and "The Strategy for Subduing the Barbarians" respectively, and then chose two topics from the other nine essay topics to write about, making a total of three essays.

Fang Yun reached out to take the test paper, but was stunned halfway through, because the thick stack of paper on the table had not become smaller, and was still almost two inches thick as before.

Fang Yun looked at his "Strategy for Subduing the Barbarians" again. It was indeed eighty-two pages. Logically, he had already used up all the test papers sent by the officers. Where did the extra paper come from

Fang Yun was thinking when he was suddenly startled. His eyes widened and he looked ahead in surprise.

A golden brush appeared in the air. The brush was only about one foot long, but Fang Yun felt that he could only see the whole picture by looking up.

The brush floated in the air, and the light continued to expand and shrink.

Every time the light expands, various images of the human world will appear in the light, including fishermen fishing, scholars reading, old cows plowing the fields, and so on. These are all kinds of human life, ordinary and simple, but they contain the truth of the holy way, which is difficult for people to understand.

The pen of the holy way writes about the world.

Fang Yun's mind was confused, as he had never seen this pen before, but he could guess from the stories he had read that this was the legendary holy pen.

How did the Holy Pen come to me? Am I dreaming? Did I dream that the Holy Pen produced flowers

Fang Yun blinked his eyes, and saw the holy pen move, slowly falling on the "Plan to Subdue the Barbarians".

Fang Yun widened his eyes and stared at the holy pen, afraid of missing even the slightest detail.

Then the golden holy pen began to write on the pages of "The Strategy for Subduing the Barbarians".


Afterwards, the holy pen fell on "Where the People Stop" and "Remembering the Hometown" successively, writing a character "甲" on each of them.

Selected by the semi-saint, evaluated by the holy pen!

The highest honor in the imperial examination! Barely one of them!

Even though Fang Yun had experienced many big scenes, he could not hide the joy in his heart and smiled happily when he saw the Holy Pen Commentary with his own eyes.

The evaluation by the Holy Pen meant that the three semi-holy examiners had already determined that Fang Yun was the first in this imperial examination. As soon as the results were announced, Fang Yun would become the top scorer in Jiangzhou.

At this moment, all the examiners in the Jiangzhou examination hall, whether they were from the capital or the Holy Academy, had lost the power to judge the three test papers. They could only give grades to the remaining candidates, and at most they could only give B, not A.

Fang Yun originally wanted to continue writing two more policy essays, but the Half-Saint had already personally evaluated them, which meant that in the eyes of the Half-Saint, one article, "Plan to Subdue the Barbarians", was equivalent to three policy essays in terms of both level and word count.

Fang Yun's examination for the Juren degree has ended.

The holy pen wrote three characters "甲" in succession and then slowly disappeared.

Fang Yun stood up, bowed to the front, thanked the three semi-saint examiners, and then began to tidy up the desk.

Brushes, inkstones, paperweights, etc. were placed in the bookcase one by one. Used and unused test papers were arranged in different categories. Three completed test papers were placed in the middle of the table.

The three golden "甲" characters are like dragons, as if three vast mountains are pressing on the test papers, making the three test papers more weighty.

Fang Yun carried the book box on his back and held the basket of food in his hand. He took one last look at the three golden "甲" characters and left the examination room.

Fang Yun walked towards the square in front of the holy temple. All kinds of noises came from the examination room behind him. Some people exclaimed, some gasped, some slammed the table to vent their anger as if they were disappointed with their students, and some let out suppressed laughter.

At first Fang Yun was puzzled as to why these people were so exaggerated, but he soon realized that those people thought he had given up the exam.

Fang Yun smiled and shook his head. Since it was chosen by a semi-saint and evaluated by a saint, then this matter must be announced by a semi-saint. If he said this before the announcement of the results, it would be disrespectful to the semi-saint.

It was evening now, the sun had already set, and only the afterglow of the sunset remained in the western sky, which could be shrouded in darkness at any time.

Fang Yun walked out leisurely with a smile on his face. When he walked out of the examination room, he saw many examiners sitting in the pavilion in front of him. However, the beggar uncle Zhao Jingkong was still sleeping as if no one was around, with a long line of saliva flowing from the corner of his mouth. The officials around him did not know whether to laugh or cry.

Fang Yun put down the basket, bowed to the examiners, and then picked up the basket and walked out.

Zhao Jingkong, who was obviously sleeping soundly, suddenly opened his eyes and looked up at Fang Yun. His confused eyes suddenly became clear, but immediately became confused again as if shrouded in fog.

The other officials realized something was wrong and looked over together.

Except for a few people who did not know Fang Yun, all the others looked at Fang Yun's back in amazement, and then many of them showed anger on their faces.

"Fang Yun... gave up the exam?"

"This is only the second day of the Juren exam! It's only the second day of September! Did I remember it wrong?"

"That's right. Today is the second day of September. The exam should end on the morning of the fourth day of September. By then it will only be three days and three nights."

Ever since the imperial examination was introduced in Shengyuan Continent, no scholar left on the second day of the examination. Even the most arrogant and confident candidate left on the afternoon of the third day. That person was the famous Eastern Saint King Jinglong.

Since ancient times, all candidates who left on the first or second day, without exception, had given up the exam.

This is an imperial examination, not a practice. Even if a Jinshi was asked to answer the Juren test questions, it would be difficult to finish them in two days.

"Fang Yun!" Prefect Sun gnashed his teeth in hatred. He was an old friend of Cai He and had always been paying attention to Fang Yun. He placed all the hopes of Dayuan Prefecture and even Jing State on Fang Yun.

But now, half of the hope is shattered.

"Forget it, Prefect Sun. The rules of the imperial examination cannot be broken. Everyone has their own aspirations." Seeing Fang Yun's eyes gradually turn cold, Gezhou Mu waved his hand to signal Fang Yun, who had just turned back, to leave. But his eyes were full of disappointment.

Fang Yun bowed again and continued to walk out.

Prefect Sun said angrily, "If he didn't take the exam this year, it would be fine! If he handed in his paper at the last minute, even if he failed all three subjects with a grade of D, I would never be so angry. Instead, I would persuade him kindly and look forward to his rise in the future. But look at what he did! He gave up after less than two days of answering the questions. If he really had no talent, I wouldn't say much, but he could have continued to persevere, why did he indulge himself like this?"

The inspector of the Holy Academy said, "Brother Sun, don't be angry. Perhaps Fang Yun's goal was to get a top three, but after personally taking the exam, he found that his ability was limited and he could only get a top one or two at best, so he simply gave up the exam and strive for a top score next year."

"Even so, it is disrespectful to the imperial examination, disrespectful to the examiners, and disrespectful to the saints! If you want to compete for the top three, can't you leave on the fourth day of the New Year? You don't even have the basic respect for the imperial examination and the saints. I was really blind before!"

Zhao Jingkong reached out and wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and said weakly: "Send someone to get the test paper first, don't jump to conclusions, maybe he has already finished answering three subjects."

The two officers immediately went to get the test papers.

"Impossible! It takes at least three hours to think about, write and revise an essay on a classic or a policy paper! Can you please calculate whether this time is enough? Moreover, when I was inspecting the examinee last night, I saw him snoring. He went to bed before nine o'clock in the evening and got up even later than others in the morning. To take the imperial examination with such an attitude is simply an insult to the Holy Way!" Prefect Sun was furious.

Except for the inspector of the Holy Academy, all those present were from Jing country. They all shook their heads and sighed, finding it hard to imagine that Fang Yun would actually give up the exam.

"If one gives up the exam because of lack of ability, it is normal. But if Fang Yun, who is so talented, gives up the exam, it will surely become his eternal stigma! Even if he becomes a great scholar in the future, he will not be able to wash away today's shame! Asshole, I am so angry!"

The governor of Gezhou sighed and said, "It is normal for a young man to be ambitious and not have a strong heart and a pure nature. You and I have come to where we are today step by step. Who hasn't had his head broken and bloody and is now covered in scars? Forget it. Once this happens, the ten countries will surely be outraged. When he gets scared, he will regret it. Maybe it will be a good thing for him."

"Lord Ge is a mature person. It is normal for Fang Wenhou to become arrogant because he has suddenly gained a high position and a great reputation. If we were young, we might not be much better than him. I hope he can turn back and not become a nobody."

"My Lord... My Lord..."

All the officials looked in the direction of the sound and saw two runners who had gone to get the test papers running back in a panic. One of them accidentally fell to the ground and tripped the other.

"Big... Big..." The two of them were incoherent and couldn't even utter a complete sentence. (To be continued...)