The Path of the Sage

Chapter 37: Poetry and lyrics meeting


There was a lot of noise in front of Wenyuan Bookstore early in the morning, but Liang Yuan's roar stunned everyone, and everyone looked at Liang Yuan.

There were at least six hundred people here, but at this moment, there was complete silence, all staring at Liang Yuan.

Liang Yuan was stunned. After all, he was just a young man in his early twenties. His face flushed. After a while, he repeated in a much lower voice than before: "After reading "The West Chamber", you will fall in love. After reading "The Pillow Book", you will become a great scholar!" Then he pointed helplessly at the banners and streamers on the ox cart.

Many scholars snorted coldly. They had received holy education and naturally looked down on people like Liang Yuan who were trying to attract attention. However, they were a little curious about the banner that had Fang Yun's name on it.

"Fang Yun is Shuangjia and Shengqian, so what's the matter with the three poems shining together?"

"I heard from the bookseller that the three poems on the Holy Way shine together, which is unprecedented."

"You dare to say this before "The Holy Way" is even on sale. Is there something fishy going on?"

"It's hard to say, let's wait and see."

In terms of advertising effectiveness, Liang Yuan's roar achieved full marks. Everyone knew that he was selling books. However, because "The Holy Way" was about to go on sale, no one left the team to buy "The West Chamber".

The books of the Holy Academy were soon put on sale. The sellers were four student officials of the Holy Academy. All four knew that Fang Yun had three poems that shone together in "The Holy Way". At first, they could hold back, but as they sold more, they could no longer control themselves.

"You have come to the right place today! In today's "Sacred Way", our Jing country has four poems and essays, three of which are written by Fang Shuangjia of our Dayuan Mansion, and there is also a poem to protect the country!"

"I've been selling The Holy Way for so many years, and this is the first time I almost cried. Fang Yun has won honor for us Jing people!"

"When you get The Holy Way, remember to turn directly to page 101. The three poems by Fang Yun of Dayuan Mansion shine together, and one poem can protect the country. You don't need to read the other poems!"

The words of the four book-selling officers were like a spark that ignited the hundreds of people present.

One person held up the "Sacred Way" and shouted, "It really is the three poems shining together! Fang Yun of Ji County is Fang Shuangjia! He really has the power to protect the country."

"Awesome! Awesome! It's actually a review by a great scholar. How rare!"

"Buy the ones in front quickly, I want to read the national poems! I want to read the comments of the great scholars!"

"Don't push, don't push!"

People who wanted to buy books were extremely anxious, those who bought the books were overjoyed, and many people took the books and started reading as soon as they walked out of the crowd.

"Great! Great!"

Some people wearing student's or even scholar's clothes did not leave but gathered together to discuss excitedly. Then they began to "imitate the poem" on the spot, changing a few words from "The moon shines on the thatched hut with the sounds of cocks, and the frost on the wooden bridge with the footprints of people" to form a new verse.

Someone changed it to "Birds sing in the thatched hut, leaves float on the water of the plank bridge", someone else changed it to "Crane's cry in the thatched hut in the rain, wild scenery in the plank bridge in spring", but after everyone changed it for a long time, no one felt that it could compare to the original poem.

Everyone knew that they were not as good as Fang Yun, but they were still satisfied because Fang Yun was from Dayuan Prefecture.

Liang Yuan had been staring at the scholars and students, and when he saw that they were about to leave, he shouted, "Fang Yun's new book is on sale! The Romance of the West Chamber and The Pillow Book are combined into one book. You can read The Pillow Book in the May issue of The Holy Way in advance! Come and buy it!"

Before, many people did not believe in the three poems shining together, but the 101st page of April's "Holy Way" was in their hands, and it was an ironclad fact, and they had no choice but to believe it.

The scholar who had bought "The Holy Way" walked towards Liang Yuan and the ten ox carts connected together with half belief and half doubt.

"Is this really the work of Fang Shuangjia?"

"Of course, you see, this book has a preface written by Zhou Zhubu of the Academy of Literature. If we dare to forge it, do we still want to live? You can read ten pages for free. If it is not as good as the popular novels before, I will take off my head and let you play polo with it!"

"Then take a look first."

More than a dozen scholars picked up the copies of "Romance of the West Chamber" piled on the car and read them silently. When they saw the preface written by Zhou Zhubu and the signature of Fang Yun, they no longer had any doubts and continued reading.

"This sentence is quite original and seems very convenient and clear at a glance."

"Yes, it is indeed different."

“It looks a bit awkward to me.”

After a while, someone suddenly slammed the book shut and said, "Buy it! I can't read it anymore. If I continue reading, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave home!" After saying that, he took out five big coins and threw them directly to Liang Yuan, then left with the book.

"It's nothing, but it's more interesting than ordinary supernatural novels." The man denied it, but still counted out fifty cents and handed them to Liang Yuan.

"This book is truly rare. It completely wipes out the weird stories of the Ten Kingdoms. Apart from Fang Yun, who else could have such a talent?"

"In fact, I believed from the beginning that he was not a liar. Although Jianmei Gong is now the head of the state literary academy, he used a poem called "Wind and Rain Sword Poem" to kill the wolf barbarians and make them cry and howl. His ancient sword of talent even produced a few blood lines. Even those old soldiers did not dare to approach him. The Queen Mother called him Jianmei Gong not only because his eyebrows are like swords, but also because his talent is like a sword. I would not dare to use his name even if I want to die."

"That's true. Everyone knows that Grand Secretary Li Wenying is famous for killing people. No one dares to use his name."

Everyone found that "Romance of the West Chamber" was really good and began to actively defend the book.

These students and scholars became the best advertisements, and many people who were not very determined to begin with started buying books.

Under the influence of Fang Yunwen's fame, more and more people began to buy "The West Chamber".

From the morning until after eight o'clock, people were still coming and going in front of Wenyuan Bookstore. These people originally only wanted to buy "Shengdao" and "Wenbao", but ten ox carts were always moving back and forth nearby. Even if many people did not buy books, they remembered He Fangyun's new book.

Ten ox carts were in front of the Wenyuan Bookstore, and more than twenty booksellers pushed the carts to various places in Dayuan Prefecture, selling their books along the streets.

"Romance of the West Chamber" and "The Pillow Book" began to circulate in a small circle, and within a few days, all the readers in the city knew that Fang Yun had published a new book.

Fang Yun went to the Fang Clan School to teach as usual. Near noon, he went to the Lixia Literary Meeting with He Yutang, a teacher who also received an invitation.

After getting on Fang Yun's carriage, He Yutang looked around and said, "Fang Yun, your carriage is quite nice. One hundred taels of silver won't be enough for it."

"You are a scholar, do you think this carriage is important to you?" Fang Yun said with a smile.

"If I were content to return to the county and become an official, and give up the imperial examination, this one hundred taels of silver would not be a big deal. But now I am trying to make a living in the city. Although I have other income besides teaching, the expenses are also high. There are no poor scholars in the Ten Kingdoms, but there are not many rich scholars either. I will take the exam for another five years. If I still cannot pass the exam after thirty-five, I will return to the county and fight for a lecturer position in the Academy of Literature. If I still cannot pass the exam after another three years, I will try to get a small official position. I still have some connections in the Fang Clan School and the city. This is the advantage of staying in the city."

"That's true." Fang Yun finally understood the difficulties of these scholars.

"When I return to my hometown, you will at least be a county magistrate or even a prefect. Maybe I will go to you to make a living." He Yutang said.

"How could I become a prefect in seven or eight years? Brother He underestimates himself too much." Fang Yun said.

He Yutang blushed and said, "I have to plan for my own future and my children and grandchildren. It's because you don't have any property, otherwise I really want to come to you."

"Ah?" Fang Yun looked at He Yutang in confusion. A scholar seeking refuge with a student

He Yutang coughed lightly and said, "I am not as educated as you, but I can never make mistakes in judging people. Even if I am wrong, the general will not be wrong. Not to mention a student, even a scholar or a juren is not worthy of his personal visit. If you are short of manpower in the future, you may as well ask me."

"Since Brother He said so, if I need help in the future, I hope Brother He can lend a hand." Fang Yun did not expect that someone would approach him so soon. There are more than ten thousand students participating in the provincial examination in Dayuan Prefecture every year, but only fifty to eighty scholars are admitted.

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Planner." He Yutang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fang Yun said: "To be honest, my bookstore is really short of people, especially people with high literary status like Brother He."

"If a bookstore is expanded, it can become a considerable industry. The literary culture of the Ten Kingdoms is very prosperous. In addition to food, clothing, housing and transportation, anything related to reading can be expanded and passed down from generation to generation." He Yutang said.

"Whether we can afford to hire a scholar like you depends on how the books sell today." Fang Yun said.

"Since you are the one who runs the bookstore, it must sell well."

"I am confident in the long run, but I don't know what the short-term benefits will be." Fang Yun said.

He Yutang frowned slightly, thinking that Fang Yun was not a short-sighted person, how could he say such a thing, but he did not feel disgusted, but comforted him: "A bookstore needs to be long-term and slowly expand its reputation. If it is not open for three years, it is hard to tell whether it will make a profit or a loss."

Fang Yun heard his hidden meaning and didn't want to talk about the bookstore anymore, so he changed the subject and said, "I haven't participated in the Lixia Literature Conference yet. What do you think?"

"The explanation? It's not a big deal, but it's not a small deal either. The weather around the beginning of summer is close to spring, so the beginning of summer literary gatherings often feature poems on the theme of 'spring'. They are usually poetry gatherings, and occasionally they are ci gatherings, but there haven't been ci gatherings for more than ten years. After all, the talents of scholars are limited, and ancient poems are easier to write than ci. The beginning of summer literary gatherings for candidates in the evening often include ci gatherings. These literary gatherings are actually for the children of prominent families to make a name for themselves."

“Is there such a saying?”

"Think about it, how can ordinary people have the financial resources to hold such a literary gathering? You have to choose a venue, have wine and food, have singers and drinking companions, and there must always be a prize. A literary gathering cannot be held without two thousand taels of silver, and no matter how big the family business is, it cannot afford such a hassle. Those people's poems are all prepared in advance by famous calligraphers at high prices, and at most a few words are changed. How can ordinary people compare? Ninety percent of the grand prizes at literary gatherings are no suspense, unless someone is unlucky and encounters a fierce dragon crossing the river, like you." He Yutang laughed at the end.

Fang Yun said, "Thank you for your reminder, Brother He. Since other people have paid a lot of money for this literary gathering, it would be ungentlemanly for us to go there and eat and drink for free, and it would be ungentlemanly to steal the limelight from others. I will just go and take a look, and I will leave after the winner of the literary gathering is decided. If I leave too early, it will be embarrassing for the person who invited me."

He Yutang pondered for a moment and said, "Let me judge you from my own perspective. The seven or eight scholars from Lishan Society who came to invite you are probably being used as pens. It should be the masters of the main Lishan Society who asked them to come, otherwise they wouldn't have invited so many people just to invite you."

"What do you mean?" Fang Yun had some vague guesses, but after all, he had just arrived in the provincial capital and didn't know the hidden story, so he was not sure.
