The Path of the Sage

Chapter 371: God's Will Chant


Jiang Hechuan's voice was not loud, but everyone on Wenyuan Street could hear it clearly.

Many people looked at the blue-robed young man next to Jiang Hechuan. Yes, it was Fang Yun who was protected by many people a few days ago.

Wasn't the Minister of Literature here to arrest Fang Yun? Why did he accompany Fang Yun to see the results

What's more, he is the Minister of Literature, a great scholar, and the leading literati in Jing State!

Only the King of Lian State is barely qualified to be "accompanied" by the Prime Minister. Wherever the Prime Minister appears in Jing State, he is accompanied by local officials. If the Prime Minister is accompanied by a former candidate in the Imperial Examination, wouldn't that cause chaos in rites and music

But it is impossible for Minister Wen to be impolite. He may even be more polite than anyone else present.

What happened

Everyone has the same question in their mind.

Chen Zhiyuan's expression changed from gloomy to bright. He clenched his fists tightly and straightened his body.

Never give up before the final result comes out!

Several people in the crowd wanted to use official seals to send a message via carrier pigeons, but they found that the connection with the holy temple was blocked and they could not deliver the message.

Governor Gezhou noticed that everyone's expressions were a little strange, and his official seal suddenly received hundreds of letters from carrier pigeons, which should not have been so many even if they had accumulated for four days.

The governor of Gezhou nodded to the Minister of Civil Affairs Jiang Hechuan again, and then said, "The results of the Jiangzhou Juren Examination are announced!"

As he spoke, the governor of Gezhou held the official seal in his hand, and a curtain of light rose into the air and appeared in mid-air.

The light curtain was as high as a thirty-story building and could be seen even at the edge of the city.

On the pale yellow light curtain, the names of one hundred people were arranged in order from top to bottom.

There were a large number of people in front of the entrance of the Academy and on the east and west sides, but the list of successful candidates was facing everyone. No matter whether it was an old man with blurry eyes or a person with poor eyesight, they could see every word clearly, as if it was right in front of them.

"Golden characters! Golden characters!" Some students and scholars shouted like crazy.

Especially those teenagers or young students. They raised their hands and pointed at the top of the list, shouting loudly, afraid that others would not see it.

The older ones were so excited that their bodies were shaking, their lips were quivering, they were rubbing their eyes hard, and some were even pinching their thighs, fearing that it was all a dream.

Some people are still confused and don’t understand the meaning of the word gold.

On the huge light curtain that was thirty feet high, there were ninety-nine black names, but above them, at the top, there was a row of large golden characters.

Fang Yun, A, A, A!

Top three candidates!

Golden-lettered articles and holy pen comments!

The second row below is Chen Zhiyuan, Bing top, Yi middle, Yi top.

Chen Zhiyuan felt a roar in his head. It was as if he was in a tsunami or typhoon. Everything in front of him became fragmented. The voices, faces and list of successful candidates in front of him seemed to turn into a colorful light, blocking his sight.

"It's fake! It must be fake! Fang Yun is just a teenager. How can his policy be better than mine? I was praised by the prefect of Minggu as a man of great talent!"

However, the moment this thought came to his mind, Chen Zhiyuan felt endless regret. Nothing had happened, but his eyes revealed a great fear and a hint of sadness.

The Holy Pen’s comments are beyond doubt!

Suddenly, many officials turned their heads and looked in the direction of the Holy Court. Even Jiang Hechuan looked in the direction of the Holy Court. Fang Yun was prepared in his heart, but he still showed a little excitement.

"Rainbow light! It's the rainbow guiding us! It's indeed the holy pen evaluation! It's coming! It's coming!" Chang Wanxu shouted excitedly.

"Red! Orange! Yellow! Three rays of rainbow light to guide us! Three in total! It's comparable to a great scholar completing a book!"

"Hahahaha... I get it! I understand Fang Zhenguo's intention! Today I know that Fang Yun is well versed in the art of war! Someone is going to be in big trouble! In terrible misfortune!" Li Fanming in the crowd shouted, and the Shengxu scholars around him all suddenly realized.

Fang Yun looked over with a faint smile on his face, and saw a long rainbow of red, orange and yellow flying rapidly from the sky like a bridge between heaven and earth. The starting point of the rainbow was in the distant horizon, and the end fell in Yuhai City after a few breaths.

The rainbow looked very narrow from a distance, but when it landed in the city, everyone discovered that the entire city and the surrounding area within a hundred miles were covered in three-color rainbow light.

Some elderly readers burst into tears.

"In Jiangzhou, we haven't seen a rainbow for hundreds of years!"

Then, three golden lights shot up into the sky, the heaven and earth shook, and the entire Jiangzhou swayed slightly.

The rainbow quickly retracted, and three golden lights followed it.

Everyone looked at the rainbow that was getting farther and farther away, unwilling to look away for a long time.

Fang Yun sighed softly. When the Holy Pen was evaluating, he already knew that there would be a rainbow to lead the way. This was a strange phenomenon between heaven and earth. He was not sure whether the saints could stop it. It would definitely be exposed. So Fang Yun left early and did not say anything, because only half-saints and heaven and earth were qualified to announce the results.

The Holy Pen's evaluation is only preliminary, and the Rainbow Guidance is not over yet. The method that allows Fang Yun to fight back is at the end.

On the distant Daofeng Mountain, three rainbows wrapped in three golden lights entered the Temple of All Saints.

However, the three semi-saint examiners actually each held a ray of divine light in their hands!

The three divine lights of green, blue and indigo twisted wildly like dragons and snakes. The veins on the backs of the hands of the three semi-saints were exposed, and beads of sweat appeared on their foreheads.

The three saints let go at the same time, and the three divine lights merged into the guiding rainbow light.

Six rainbows lead the way!

"We can only help you so far."

"There's too much dust in the study, it's time to sweep it up."

"Give them a hundred breaths of time."

Then, a faint voice spread throughout the ten countries.

"Fang Yun's policy is unparalleled, and his evaluation by the divine pen ranks him among the top three candidates."

In Dayuan Prefecture, Jiangzhou, a few scholars in front of the Academy of Literature showed expressions of fear.

The comments of the Holy Pen are beyond doubt.

Everyone present kept looking around, looking for something, even Fang Yun and the great scholar Jiang Hechuan were no exception.

A scholar suddenly turned to face Fang Yun, half-knelt on the ground, bowed his head and said, "I am not very knowledgeable, but I questioned Lord Wen. This is a heinous crime, but considering that I sincerely repent, I hope Lord Wen will forgive me."

Fang Yun said: "No one is perfect. But if one can correct his mistakes, there is nothing better than that."

"Thank you, Lord Wen." The scholar lowered his head in shame.

Then, one after another, people half-knelt on the ground to admit their mistakes, and in the end there were twenty-seven people.

Many people looked at these people with contempt, but soon their expressions softened. Even Fang Yun had forgiven them, so they shouldn't still be so petty. If they truly repented, it meant that they had bad intentions towards Fang Yun but had no intention of harming Fang Yun. If they didn't truly repent, they would suffer the consequences.

"I'm not wrong! I don't believe Fang Yun's strategy can surpass mine! I don't believe it!" Chen Zhiyuan suddenly shouted.

The scholars around were stunned. This Chen Zhiyuan had written "Notes on Reading Poems" yesterday to praise Fang Yun. He only pointed out Fang Yun's minor flaws and did not attack Fang Yun. How could this be possible

Everyone understood immediately. Chen Zhiyuan's so-called praise for Fang Yun was completely false. He hated Fang Yun in his heart, but pretended to write articles to use Fang Yun to gain literary fame in Jingguo.

Many scholars surrounding him sighed and moved away from Chen Zhiyuan.

"Who is this person?" Fang Yun asked.

Chen Zhiyuan felt his chest pounding and he almost vomited blood. He had been running around for two days for literary fame, but he didn't expect that Fang Yun didn't even know his name.

"Chen Zhiyuan, a scholar from Minggu Prefecture, had a very pleasant chat with us on the first day of September." Chang Wanxu also emphasized the word "聊".

A hundred breaths have arrived.

Chen Zhiyuan's eyes went dark and he found himself in a void.

Then, a pair of eyes as huge as the bright moon appeared in the sky. There was no emotion in those eyes, like the eyes of the sky, observing the sky and the earth. No joy or sorrow.

"Who questions the Semi-Saint?" a cold voice appeared.

"Minggu Mansion student Chen Zhiyuan is dissatisfied with Fang Yun!" Chen Zhiyuan shouted desperately, as if he would never have the chance to shout again if he didn't shout today.

"If you can recite all of Fang Yun's articles, you will be fine."

Then, a thick stack of test papers appeared in front of Chen Zhiyuan.

White paper, gold writing.

At the top is Fang Yun’s article on the meaning of the classics, "Where Should the People Stay? The Mandate of Heaven Depends on Man."

Chen Zhiyuan bowed to the giant eye and read aloud.

"The destiny lies in man, but the destiny is endless... cough cough..."

After reading only the first two sentences, Chen Zhiyuan suddenly started coughing violently as if he had tuberculosis. He wanted to cover his mouth with his hands, but he couldn't move.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth and fell on the white paper with golden words in front of him, staining half of the page red.

The panic in Chen Zhiyuan's eyes became even stronger. He knew that Fang Yun was good at interpreting the classics, but he never expected it to be so good. The meaning of this essay was not worthy of a juren's essay. It might even rank among the top three in the jinshi examination.

However, the holy pen comments, the rainbow guidance, and the recitation of heaven's will are actually one and the same. Once they appear, there will be no interruption.

Chen Zhiyuan gritted his teeth and continued to recite Fang Yun's scriptures, but his voice was no longer as loud as before, and he no longer had the courage he had before.

When reading the words of Confucius himself, "If a man does not plan for the future, he will surely have immediate worries," Chen Zhiyuan vomited blood again, three times in a row, staining four pages of paper.

At this moment, Chen Zhiyuan finally lost his arrogance. He had understood that, except for Fang Yun, the most outstanding scholar in Jiangzhou could not understand "维民所止" to such a high level. Comparing himself with Fang Yun was simply seeking death.

However, there was still a trace of unwillingness deep in Chen Zhiyuan's heart, and he kept cheering himself up, urging himself to persist, persist, and persist again!

Chen Zhiyuan continued reading, spitting out blood again and again, his eyes becoming more and more dazed, but he finally finished reading Fang Yun's scriptures.

Chen Zhiyuan breathed a sigh of relief, his spirits lifted, his eyes bright as if he saw the sunrise.

Turn over the last page of the classics and you will see the first page of the policy essay.

Chen Zhiyuan read slowly: "I answer: Mencius said that the right time, the right place and the right people are all good. If there is no one to help, then the right time and the right place will win. The sky has substance but no form. It can be followed or reversed. If it is followed, the crops will be abundant. If it is reversed, there will be endless disasters..."

When he read the word "poor", Chen Zhiyuan suddenly bled from all seven orifices, his palace cracked, and torrents of blood gushed out of his mouth, staining more and more pages of paper.

"I was wrong! I was totally wrong! I couldn't even finish reading half of the policy paper! I'm not as good as Fang Yun! Not as good as him!"

Chen Zhiyuan screamed, closed his eyes and fainted. The memory of Fang Yun's article completely disappeared from his mind.

At the gate of the Academy of Literature, everyone was looking at Chen Zhiyuan quietly. They saw Chen Zhiyuan first standing there blankly without saying a word, then spitting out blood again and again, and finally suddenly admitted his mistake loudly and fell in a pool of blood.

Everyone then realized that Fang Yun was indeed qualified to be accompanied by Minister Wen. (To be continued...)