The Path of the Sage

Chapter 375: The place where the text is gone


"That's right. You should focus on dealing with the demon saints and don't care about those villains."

"This is why you don't worry about too many debts, and you don't feel itchy when you have too many lice. You have really thought of everything. Even if you go to the capital, I don't have to worry too much. As long as you don't make enemies with the semi-saint families and guard against the Left Prime Minister, with the Queen Mother and the Prime Minister around, no one in the capital can be your opponent! I wish the scholars and jinshi in the capital could compete with you in literary competition and make us laugh." Dong Wencong said with a smile.

Several people were grinning from ear to ear, all wanting to see Fang Yun bullying others.

Fang Yun did not laugh, but looked at the officials of Dayuan and said slowly: "There is something I have to say. The public security of Dayuan Prefecture is a big problem!"

The faces of the officials in Dayuan Prefecture changed. Not to mention that Fang Yun had just experienced the evaluation of the Holy Pen and his literary reputation had reached its peak, the title of "Cabinet Walking" alone was enough to overwhelm all the officials present except the Governor of Gezhou and Governor Lu.

Prefect Sun had a very good relationship with Fang Yun. He guessed that Fang Yun was not trying to embarrass him, so he immediately said, "I was not careful. I hope Lord Wenhou can remind me."

Except for the two third-rank officials, Gezhou Mu and Lu Dudu, all the other officials present bowed their heads slightly with their arms hanging down, showing great respect.

Those friends from Shengxu looked at Fang Yun curiously. They didn't expect that although he was young, once he spoke as an official, he had a strong authority and didn't seem immature at all.

Fang Yun said: "My four longevity fruits originally belonged to five people who sacrificed ten years of their lives. Did you know that?"

"I know." Dozens of officials whispered.

"My teacher, Mr. Wang, is among the five people. And just yesterday, Mrs. Wang came to me and said that a man named Guan Chang Yu actually intended to force Mr. Wang's family to buy their longevity fruit. Not only that, he also threatened Mr. Wang's family with the future of his son. I was so angry at the time that I said that if Guan Chang Yu didn't leave immediately, I would have someone break his legs. As far as I know, Guan Chang Yu did not leave yesterday. What do you think should be done with this man?" Fang Yun said.

The officials were extremely angry. That was the longevity fruit that Fang Yun had risked his life to get from the Holy Ruins, and Li Wenying had taken care of it. How could someone dare to buy it against the will of the world

Several senior officials bowed their heads in thought.

Chen Xibi was filled with righteous indignation. He lost his arm in that battle, and later recovered by eating Fang Yun's life-sustaining fruit. He and Mr. Wang and others were true friends for life and death.

"The longevity fruit is related to the battle with the demon clan, so let our army handle this matter. I will make sure this matter is handled properly!" Chen Xibi emphasized the last four words, indicating that he would definitely break Guan Changyu's legs.

"Then I'll have to trouble General Chen!" Fang Yun put away the dignity of a third-rank official, put on a smile, and returned to being an ordinary juren.

The officials breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as Chen Xibi was about to leave, the criminal department's Si Zheng whispered, "That Guanzhang Yu is the housekeeper's man. His father is the second son of the family master and has a prominent position."

Lu Hongyi snorted coldly and said, "If he goes wild in Jiangzhou, let alone the Guan family, what about the Guan country? Can he touch the longevity fruit? General Chen, you take the people with you. I will take the responsibility if anything goes wrong!"

"Yes!" Chen Xibi left in a hurry.

The governor of Gezhou was moved, and then said: "It's a small matter. Xibi will definitely be able to handle it properly. Wenhou, the Minister of Literature has already left by car. He will come to pick you up in person tomorrow when you get off the Book Mountain. He will not attend the celebration banquet tonight."

Fang Yun thought that maybe Jiang Hechuan had some important mission, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Dong Wencong was anxious. He said, "Lord Wenhou's holy pen review is a matter of great celebration for the whole country of Jing. How can Prime Minister Wen not participate in the celebration banquet? When he left just now, I thought he was just looking for a place to rest!"

The governor of Gezhou looked a little unnatural, and said, "The eighteen dragon-drawn carriages drove towards Ji County."

After a brief thought, everyone suddenly realized what was going on and looked at Fang Yun.

Fang Yun did not know whether to laugh or cry. He did not expect that even the Prime Minister had gone to Wudao River. The name of Wudao River was thoroughly confirmed. With the shrewdness of the county magistrate Cai He, he would certainly publicize the matter widely. It would be no mistake to write him into the Legend of White Snake as Fahai.

"If Prime Minister Wen makes a breakthrough and becomes Emperor Wen, you will have made a great contribution!" Dong Wencong said.

Fang Yun smiled modestly and prayed in his heart that the Half-Saint would not go.

Gezhou Mu said to Fang Yun: "I just received a letter that concerns you. Come with me to the pavilion to discuss in detail."

"Okay." Fang Yun followed Gezhou Mu towards the pavilion.

Fang Yun looked around and said as he walked, "Beggar... ahem, it seems that Grand Secretary Zhao Jingkong left a long time ago?"

Gezhou Mu laughed and said, "He has a strange personality. He wants to beg somewhere far away from us. Before he left, he even muttered, "When you are down and out, come find him and he will teach you how to beg."

"This royal uncle is such an interesting person." Fang Yun said.

Arriving at the pavilion, Gezhou Mu used his literary power to isolate the inside and outside, and whispered: "Wen Hou, don't you know that the housekeeper is the loyal dog of King Kang? Humph, Lu Hongyi's words are righteous and awe-inspiring. He is close to the left prime minister, so he naturally hopes that you and King Kang will have a conflict! There are some things you know, and I won't hide them. Wu State supports King Kang, and Qing State supports the left prime minister. The two have been looking forward to the demise of Jing State!"

"I know all this." Fang Yun thought to himself that the governor of Gezhou was indeed a bureaucrat. If it were a stupid person, he would probably have said it in public just now, which would be equivalent to forcing Fang Yun to express his position in public, which might have offended King Kang.

"Then why do you still want to break Guan Changyu's legs? I also know a little about Guan Changyu's coming to Jiangzhou. He is here to prepare gifts for Yi Zhishi's canonization. It is said that Yi Zhishi can be canonized in one or two years at most. You say, if King Kang says a few bad things about you in front of Yi Sheng in the future, even if Yi Sheng will not harm you, he will find a reason to make you suffer a great loss, which will be much more serious than losing a longevity fruit." Mu Gezhou persuaded.

Fang Yun said, "I have thought about it. Not to mention that it will take a long time for Yi Zhishi to be canonized. Even if he is canonized, he will not embarrass me for such a small matter. At most, he will have a bad impression of me. I have read his biography. He is very tolerant."

The governor of Gezhou said softly, "You are still young. You are weak and he is strong. He is naturally tolerant. If you have the tendency to surpass him, he may not care. But if King Kang and those villains who spread rumors keep saying bad things about you, will he still be tolerant as time goes by?"

Fang Yun was stunned for a moment. He really didn't think about it in this way, because Yi Zhishi was regarded as a noble scholar in the eyes of the world. However, what Gezhou Mu said was absolutely right. This possibility was not impossible.

"If King Kang regards me as his mortal enemy and is willing to go to Yi Zhishi to ruin my reputation just for a mere steward Yu, then there is no need to be afraid of such a person. Perhaps, Yi Zhishi will look down on him instead." Fang Yun said.

Gezhou Mu sighed lightly, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, and said: "No wonder I am still only a Jinshi at my age and it is difficult to break through to become a Hanlin. It turns out that I regard everyone as an official and think about everything with the official's mindset. You are not an official, but you see more clearly than me. It is true that King Kang is overbearing and may not tolerate you, but Yi Zhishi is a great scholar who can become a semi-saint after all, and he may not be as petty as an official. As long as you don't hinder his saintly path, he should not make enemies."

Fang Yun immediately said: "This is just my guess. We should be on guard against others. Maybe you are right."

The governor of Gezhou laughed, stroked his gray goatee, and said, "You don't need to comfort me. Thanks to you, I already know why I can't become a Hanlin. Once I find the reason, I can slowly solve it. Let's go, go home and prepare, and I will prepare a banquet for you tonight. What do you want?"

Fang Yun thought for a moment and said, "I'll host the banquet and book the Wangjiang Tower. It will be a celebration banquet and also an apology to my friends who were deceived by the self-torture scheme. I'll invite Magistrate Cai to come."

"I was wondering why that cunning guy Cai He was so confused. It turns out he was just cooperating with you in a self-torture trick. Okay."

Fang Yun laughed secretly in his heart. Cai He was already over thirty years old, and only people like Gezhou Mu, who were in their fifties or sixties, dared to call him kid.

Fang Yun walked towards the door and walked out of the gate of the State Academy of Arts with his friends from Shengxu.

After the results were announced, the huge notice disappeared and a new ordinary notice was posted on the bulletin board in front of the academy. Many people gathered there, talking about the matter.

The status of a Juren is much higher than that of a Xiucai. He is already considered a celebrity within a state. However, he is not a big deal in a capital city like Dayuan Prefecture. If he returns to a small county and works hard for decades, he will definitely become a prominent family.

Fortunately, the scholars of Shengyuan Continent have ambitions to serve the world and have a heart to contribute to the human race. They will basically not retire until they are in their seventies or eighties. Even if they retire, they will still participate in literary gatherings to respect the elderly in various places on the Double Ninth Festival every September.

"Jiujiu" sounds the same as "jiujiu", which means long life. Originally, only the state of Jia State designated the Double Ninth Festival as Respect for the Aged Day, and later it spread throughout the country, and ten states celebrated the Double Ninth Festival and Respect for the Aged Day together.

Fang Yun and his friends were walking home while talking, occasionally glancing at the letters, and soon saw Zeng Yuan's letter.

"Jingguo's number one scholar, Ji Mengxian, was caught up in the recitation of the will of heaven, and his literary courage was shattered. He insulted you, but you asked for his manuscript. You evaluated it with your holy pen, but he refused to admit defeat. The difference between them is as wide as the abyss."

Fang Yun just sighed softly. He thought that Ji Mengxian was so talented that he would not fail to see through his intentions. He did not expect that he was still blinded by the national hatred and his literary courage was wasted. He just didn't know whether Ji Mengxian would enter the Juwen Pavilion of Bakong Mountain and become the vanguard of attacking him.

Afterwards, Zeng Yuan described in detail what happened in Mingyue Tower in Xun County, and also reported what happened in other places. Many literati who were still willful and arrogant last night all fell under the holy pen's comments.

When he arrived at the door of his house, Fang Yun saw that the soldiers had already withdrawn. The neighbors around him had been waiting for a long time and came forward to greet him.

After entering the door, Fang Yun ignored his friends and locked himself in the study, carefully writing replies to the heads of the semi-saint families or the great scholars. Since those people were preparing for the future, he should not be too anxious and should wait until he became a Jinshi.

After replying to the letter, Fang Yun invited Cai He to participate in today's celebration banquet and explained everything clearly in front of everyone.

When Fang Yun left the study, he found his friends talking loudly. They first guessed which mountain he, a former scholar, could reach this time, and then guessed what the last few levels of the mountain of books would test.

Fang Yun looked at the sky and saw that it was already noon, so he asked someone to prepare lunch. Just as he was about to chat with his friend, he heard a not-so-familiar voice suddenly coming from outside.

"Congratulations to Fang Wenhou, congratulations to Fang Wenhou!" (To be continued...)