The Path of the Sage

Chapter 383: The strange sixth mountain


The horse's hooves were raised high and then dropped heavily, ice chips scattered everywhere, and the second round of charge began.

More than two hundred cavalrymen did not approach, but threw their spears in unison. More than two hundred ice spears reflected colorful light in the air, and after a short flight, they pierced through one demon soldier after another.

In less than a hundred breaths, all five hundred demons were wiped out.

The Jinshi is no more than this.

In front of Fang Yun, the demon generals and the demon clan under them were no match for him.

The scenery in front of him changed, and Fang Yun found himself on the fifth mountain.

An orange beam of talent light fell from the sky and almost hit Fang Yun, causing his body to tremble, and then warmth surged throughout his body.

Fang Yun could clearly feel the power in it. This power might only bring a small improvement to a Jinshi, but it had a huge effect on a Juren. His own talent and literary skills were rapidly increasing.

Fang Yun recalled his experience in the Comet Corridor. This kind of power is fundamentally different from the power of Wenqu Star. Although both can make one grow, this power is more suitable for him.

The power of Wenquxing is like cold spring water, which is delicious and natural, while the power of Shushan is like warm boiled water, which is more suitable for one's body than the former.

Fang Yun nodded slightly, realizing what this power was, and felt more and more that the human race was great.

This mountain of books is far more powerful than the Comet Gallery.

The beam of talent startled the other candidates.

Some scholars rubbed their eyes desperately, even though they knew that they were now in spirit and not in physical body, they still did so.

"That... is that Fang Yun? Crossing the fifth mountain in a hundred breaths? It took me less than a hundred breaths to cross the first mountain and the first pavilion!"

"You haven't even crossed the bridge, what are you talking about the first mountain!"

The scholars around laughed in a friendly manner.

Because there are not many bridges over the Ruoshui River, there are still thousands of candidates who have not crossed and have not reached the First Mountain.

"Fang Yun must pass the sixth mountain!"

From the riverside to the first mountain, and then to the third mountain, 90% of the candidates believed that Fang Yun could pass the sixth mountain.

But the disciples of the Saints' families were different. Whether they were friendly with Fang Yun or hostile to him, they all shook their heads. No one believed that Fang Yun could pass the Sixth Mountain.

If you can’t become a Jinshi, you can only go to Liushan.

These are the words of a semi-saint.

Between the sixth mountain and the fifth mountain, there is an iron lock bridge. It has only one iron lock, no more than one foot wide, connecting the tops of the two mountains.

The iron chain did not move at all, but an invisible strange wind was blowing wildly. Fang Yun felt the danger ahead before he got close.

Fang Yun walked to the front of the iron chain bridge and looked down. He saw a cliff thousands of feet high. The water below the cliff was flowing like a white silk ribbon, and he could hear the faint sound of the wind blowing.

At this moment, the body is transformed by divine consciousness, which is much easier to control than the physical body, but this strange wind can directly attack the divine consciousness. Only when one reaches the level of a great scholar and the divine consciousness undergoes a transformation, will one not be afraid of this level of strange wind. Otherwise, even if the divine consciousness of a university scholar is exposed, it will be blown away by this strange wind.

A literary talent cannot reach the first level of perfection, or even the sixth level.

Fang Yun's eyes focused, and an invisible force enveloped him. Then he stepped on the iron chain and walked forward step by step.

After walking a few steps, the strange wind suddenly increased, and it made a tinkling sound when it fell on Wen Dan, just like hitting an iron pot, but Fang Yun's body did not move at all.

Wen Dan protected Shen Nian. But the fear in his heart was still growing slowly. Walking on the chain without a balance bar or protective measures, he would fall if he was not careful.

Fang Yun had never experienced such an environment. He was very careful at first and walked slowly, but the slower he walked, the more terrifying the cliff looked in his peripheral vision, as if it would swallow him up at any time.

After walking for a while, Fang Yun suddenly raised his head high. There was no cliff in his peripheral vision anymore, only the Sixth Mountain in front of him.

Treat the cable bridge as flat ground, and the cable bridge will be flat ground.

Fang Yun walked steadily to the sixth hill.

Cheers broke out at the foot of the mountain, but the disciples of the Saint Families just smiled slightly and said nothing.

Fang Yun walked steadily on the suspension bridge, but his eyelids trembled heavily after he stepped onto the top of the mountain.

Old Man Shushan appeared like a ghost about ten feet away.

"You are really elusive." Fang Yun said with a smile.

Old Man Shushan gave an extremely strange smile, said nothing, and then disappeared on the spot.

Fang Yun had an ominous premonition in his heart. This old man Shushan was too weird. Would he try to trick him? He almost got tricked when he entered the grassland.

Fang Yun looked towards the sixth mountain. There was also a huge stone archway on the top of the mountain. There was a light curtain inside the door frame, which was similar to the fifth mountain.

Fang Yun hesitated for only a moment and stepped in. Then he felt someone hit him hard on the back of his head with a heavy object, and his vision went dark.

“Could it be that old man who did it…” Fang Yun fainted with this last thought.

Not long after, Fang Yun heard a gentle call in his ear.

"My dear, my dear." The voice was soft and gentle, full of affection. Fang Yun only felt the fragrance of the orchid falling on his face, and his heart beat faster.

Fang Yun hurriedly took a deep breath to calm the desire in his heart. He opened his eyes and saw a woman in light green clothes sitting next to him. She was born with a beautiful figure, as pretty as a fairy, but her eyes were filled with tears, and she was very touching.

When the woman saw Fang Yun woke up, she cried out in joy and threw herself into Fang Yun's arms.

"My dear, you finally woke up. I was scared to death, but now I am finally relieved."

Fang Yun's body stiffened and he rolled his eyes to look around the house. The style of the house here was very similar to that of Jingguo, but he did not recognize this beauty.

"Have I traveled through time again? There is actually a beautiful woman hugging me. Is this a test of my willpower?" Fang Yun was puzzled, but then he remembered the strange smile of old man Shushan, and remembered that this should be the Sixth Mountain. He immediately realized that this time it might be an illusion, just like the three mountains and two pavilions before.

Fang Yun didn't move.

The woman said: "Yingying just now..."

Fang Yun was startled and thought that the woman was Nunu in disguise, but then he realized that it was "Yingying" and not "Yingying".

Fang Yun was secretly surprised. The full name of "Romance of the West Chamber" is actually "Cui Yingying Waiting for the Moon in the West Chamber". Cui Yingying is the protagonist of "Romance of the West Chamber". Could it be related to this "Yingying"? Fang Yun then rejected this idea and continued to listen to what Yingying said next.

"… Thanks to Sister Suzhen for stealing the medicine from the Moon Tree in the demon world…"

Fang Yun was stunned. If Yingying hadn't been pressing on him, he would have jumped up.

Isn't the White Snake in the Legend of the White Snake the same person as Bai Suzhen? In the original novel, the White Snake went to heaven to steal the immortal herb Ganoderma lucidum, which violated the heavenly law, but the Holy Court Continent cannot write about heaven. And it cannot vilify the Holy Court, so the only choice is to let the demon tribe take the blame.

Fang Yun read all the books in Shengyuan Continent, and apart from his own newly compiled "Legend of the White Snake", it is impossible for anyone else to write such a story.

After Yingying finished speaking, Fang Yun completely understood that this Cui Yingying was the real heroine of "Romance of the West Chamber", and that Bai Suzhen was also the heroine of "The Legend of the White Snake"!

Based on Cui Yingying's words, Fang Yun quickly sorted out the story before he fell into a coma.

It turns out that Fang Yun was going to Beijing to take the imperial examination. He met Cui Yingying at Mingli Academy and they fell in love. They expressed their feelings through poems and decided to spend their lives together. However, it rained too heavily in Jiangzhou and they could not travel, so they stayed here.

Until a few days ago, Fang Yun had to go to Beijing to take the imperial examination, so he came to the pier next to Mingli Academy with an umbrella, wanting to rent a boat to leave. He met a boat docking, and a woman in white and a woman in green got off the boat.

The two women didn't have umbrellas. Fang Yun lent them his umbrella and learned that one of them was Bai Suzhen and the other was Xiaoqing. But Fang Yun accidentally fell into the water when getting on the boat and almost drowned. He was rescued by Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing and sent back to Mingli Academy.

In order to help Fang Yun drive away the cold, Cui Yingying's maid Hongniang brought realgar wine, which Bai Suzhen drank by mistake. Fang Yun was frightened to death, so Bai Suzhen went to the demon world to steal the moon tree ganoderma to revive Fang Yun, and then disappeared.

The mystery of the old man Shushan's strange smile was finally solved.

"What a rip-off! Mixing The West Chamber and The Legend of the White Snake together. I wonder what other evil things that old man will do! But... being Xu Xian and Zhang Sheng is not bad."

Fang Yun breathed a sigh of relief, but then realized that the situation might be more exaggerated than he had imagined, so he continued to listen to the woman.

"My dear, Sister Suzhen is gone, and Sister Xiaoqing is gone too, but that rebellious scholar Liu Zizheng heard from someone that I am beautiful, and he wants to take me away. He has led a large army of demons and barbarians to surround Mingli Academy."

Fang Yun got a headache when he heard this. In the original novel of The West Chamber, there was a rebel named Sun Feihu who wanted to rob Cui Yingying. In his new version of The West Chamber, he should also be called Sun Feihu. How did it become Liu Zizheng? Liu Zizheng was a reference to Liu Zicheng, who was the son of the left prime minister who did all kinds of evil in The West Chamber, replacing the nephew of the minister in the original novel.

Fang Yun thought that Liu Zicheng was really a lingering ghost. Even though he was dead, he came back to the Book Mountain Illusion to steal his woman for the second time.

Must be killed!

Fang Yun gently patted Cui Yingying's back to comfort her, and at the same time used his spiritual sense to check his body and found that everything was fine, exactly the same as outside the Book Mountain. The Yinjiangbei and the cultural treasures and divine objects inside were all there, Wudie was sleeping soundly on his chest, and even the mysterious blood-dripping animal skin was there.

Fang Yun was puzzled. No matter how powerful Shushan was, it was impossible for him to transform the blood-dripping beast skin and all the things in the Yinjiang Berry. This matter was very strange.

"My dear, I'm glad you're awake. I'll get you some ginger soup." Cui Yingying wiped away her tears, her fair little face full of joy. She lifted her skirt and trotted away.

Fang Yun got out of bed and stood up to stretch his body. He found that there was no change in his body, which made him feel more relieved.

Outside the window, the sky was overcast and rain was pouring down. The glittering rain seemed to be the only shiny thing in the world.

Fang Yun stood at the door, looking at the heavy rain outside, feeling full of doubts.

Not long after, Cui Yingying came over with a tray with a bowl of steaming soup on it.

"My dear, drink it while it's hot." Cui Yingying was delighted to see Fang Yun recover, and her eyes and words were filled with joy.

"Thank you Yingying." Fang Yun said.

"We're family, so don't be so formal." Cui Yingying blushed after saying this, and she didn't dare to look at Fang Yun.

Fang Yun took the ginger soup and was about to drink it when suddenly there was a sound of thunder coming from outside.

"Fang Yun, I know you are in there! Hand over Cui Yingying, and I will spare your life!"

Fang Yun almost spilled the ginger soup. This sound was exactly the same as Liu Zicheng's! (To be continued...)

ps: This chapter is very imaginative, so it is a few minutes late.