The Path of the Sage

Chapter 384: Fighting in the rain


Fang Yun took the ginger soup, feeling more helpless. As soon as he came out, he was met by the rebellious Liu Zizheng who was leading a large army of monsters to surround him. This was a bad signal. It did not give him any time to prepare, and it would probably be even more difficult in the future.

Fang Yun drank the ginger soup slowly. Cui Yingying beside him whispered, "I heard from sister Suzhen in private that you, a scholar, should not have fainted after falling into the water. You must have been poisoned by something special, so you fainted for no apparent reason. With the Lingzhi from the demon world, the remaining poison in you was completely eliminated. Before sister Suzhen left, she told you not to leave Mingli Academy."

Fang Yun's heart trembled, realizing that this Sixth Mountain was too different from his new story. In the original story, Xu Xian was just a student, so he would get sick, but he was a scholar, and it was impossible for him to get sick from falling into the water. From what Cui Yingying said, there was a great danger waiting for him.

"I know. You go back to the room and hide. I will take care of this matter." Fang Yun said.

"Can your body hold on?" Cui Yingying asked.

"I'm a juren, this injury is nothing." Fang Yun said with his chest and head held high.

"Well, that's good." Cui Yingying said.

At this moment, a thunderous voice spread throughout the academy: "All scholars, go to the main gate to meet the enemy!"

"I'll go first." Fang Yun immediately walked out of the eaves and was about to put his hand out to block the rain, but he found that the rain could not get close to him. It seems that the dragon balls he had eaten can also exert their power in the Sixth Mountain. He felt that the Sixth Mountain was more and more unusual.

Fang Yun walked out of the small courtyard and saw a large courtyard on the left. He walked over quickly and saw many scholars and students holding bows and arrows or swords, running in the mud.

Some people saw Fang Yun and found that all the rain was an inch away from his clothes and could not get close to him, as if there was an invisible force enveloping him.

If others stepped on the water, mud and water would splash everywhere, but Fang Yun stepped on the water as if he was on hard ground.

Everyone was only slightly surprised and said nothing. They continued to run outside.

Fang Yun walked out of the side door and saw an intact courtyard. The courtyard was more than ten feet in radius and was a typical academy playground. He saw many people running out from various gates, and there were even students holding swords and shields.

Fang Yun understood it as soon as he saw it. This was similar to the content of his new version of "Romance of the West Chamber". This academy was very close to the border and was often harassed by small groups of barbarians, so everyone was mobilized as a soldier.

Letters cannot be delivered here. In the original novel, Zhang Sheng used a trick to let a scholar escape with the letter, and then asked for reinforcements to rescue everyone, but now nothing can be done, and the situation is very different from that in the book, and the original strategy is likely to fail.

At this moment, a fifty-year-old scholar came quickly, also holding a bow and arrow in his hand. After seeing Fang Yun, he stopped and said, "Mr. Fang, how are you?"

Fang Yun knew that all his contributions in Shengyuan Continent were gone when he heard the name. He took a closer look at the man's appearance and dress. He guessed that this man was Yan Yang, the dean of Mingli Academy, so he bowed and said, "Everything is fine. If the rebels invade, I will fight the enemy together with Dean Yan!"

"Okay! Come with me. There are only three candidates in the academy including you. As long as we hold Liu Zizheng back, the people outside will report the situation. According to the military time, it is nine o'clock in the morning. At the latest, the soldiers from the border will arrive at three o'clock in the afternoon."

Fang Yun said as he walked: "How many demons and barbarians did Liu Zizheng bring with him?"

"Three thousand. Originally, they are nothing to be afraid of, but there are thirty demon generals, over a thousand demon soldiers, and the rest are all demon civilians. If we don't have the Jinshi, we will need at least four thousand soldiers to win. If we don't have Liu Zizheng, this demon team will not be difficult to deal with. Our academy is on the mountain, and there is only one road leading up the mountain. If the demons attack the mountain recklessly, they will surely die. But if we have Liu Zizheng, our danger will increase tenfold!" Yan Yang said.

Fang Yun frowned. In the original book, the monsters and barbarians who besieged the academy had no monster generals or barbarian generals. They were only the rebel scholar who led thousands of monster soldiers to attack. The academy could have resisted for a while with its strength, but now it had become so much stronger, which was very bad.

Fang Yun nodded and said, "You are right. If the power of the demons and the wisdom of humans can be combined, it will be too terrifying. As far as I know, demon generals are equivalent to scholars. It won't be a problem if a rebellious scholar leads one or two demon generals, but how can a rebellious scholar command more than 50 demon generals?"

Yan Yang said: "This Liu Zizheng is not an ordinary person. He recognizes the thousand-year-old tree demon as his mother. The thousand-year-old tree demon is a demon commander. How dare these demon commanders disobey Liu Zizheng's orders?"

Fang Yun was stunned, and felt it was absurd. He knew the Millennium Tree Demon very well, so he asked tentatively, "Is the Tree Demon General called 'Grandma'?"

"Mr. Fang is well-informed. Yes, that thousand-year-old tree demon is called Grandma."

Fang Yun clenched his fists, thinking that what he feared would come true. He could only say, "Then let's defend the academy first."

Fang Yun looked around at the terrain as he spoke. Just like in the "Romance of the West Chamber" he wrote, the academy was located in a valley, and the valley was a hundred feet above the ground.

Walking out of the main gate of the academy, Fang Yun saw a wide mountain gate at the mountain pass in front of him. The eaves on the gate blocked the rain, and many scholars were standing under the eaves attacking.

The students who were not good at armchair warfare all shot arrows with bows, while the scholars who were good at armchair warfare used the Yishui Song to summon black mist assassins to fight. In front of these people was a temporary low wall made of sandbags and rubble to avoid the monsters' spears or porcupines' quills.

There was a scholar in black robe leading the group.

There were not only scholars from the academy, but also fifty officers and soldiers who came to escort the coffin of Cui Yingying's father. They were experienced, and ten of them were also students, guarding the mountain gate firmly.

Amid the roaring wind and rain, Fang Yun could faintly hear the shouts and screams of the monsters.

Fang Yun knew without even looking that although the mountain pass and the mountain gate were very wide, at least five or six feet wide, the mountain road below was only ten feet wide, and the sides were extremely steep, so even the demons could not move forward quickly under the attack of the crowd.

Seeing that it was relatively safe here, Fang Yun felt relieved and walked quickly to the mountain gate with Dean Yan.

Everyone was working hard, and the scholars carefully protected their papers to prevent them from getting wet by the sporadic rain.

Fang Yun stood behind some scholars, stretched his neck and looked down, and saw many monsters crowded on the ten-foot-wide mountain road, rushing upwards fearlessly.

These demon soldiers are very powerful. As long as they are not hit in vital parts by arrows, they can keep moving forward. Even if they are stabbed several times by the Scholar Smoke Assassin, they can still move forward. They have incredible survivability.

However, the ten-foot-wide mountain road was too narrow. By the time they reached the mountain pass, their bodies were already full of arrows and wounds. They either rolled down the mountain road on their own, or were stabbed to death by spears from soldiers behind the low wall, or were crushed to death by boulders.

The stench of the demon's blood filled the mountain pass.

It was raining heavily at the moment, which was a good time to use "Dream Battle in Wind and Rain", but Fang Yun stopped after thinking carefully. The mountain road here was only ten feet wide, and the cavalry charge would not have much power, not to mention that there was not enough space for the cavalry to land.

Fang Yun thought about it and realized that his "General's Order" was not suitable for such a narrow place.

So Fang Yun picked up his pen and wrote "Song of Yi Shui", forming a smoke assassin.

Fang Yun's smoke assassin was thicker than everyone else's, and didn't seem much stronger, but the smoke assassin's dagger had bright silver fish scale patterns on it, and no one noticed.

Fang Yun observed carefully and saw that nearly a hundred people were crowded in the mountain gate, but they were all very vigilant. Once the bone spears or bone thorns of the monsters were shot at them, everyone would hide behind shields or under low walls to avoid casualties.

But even so, people continued to be seriously injured.

Fang Yun's smoke assassin, like the others, jumped out of the low wall and rushed out to kill the monsters.

The techniques of these scholars are very clever, but scholars are scholars. The smoke assassins are merely elite soldiers who are not afraid of death. Their lethality is not as good as that of experienced students. They can easily be crippled by monsters and lose their combat effectiveness.

However, these scholars are very smart. Once their smoke assassins are seriously injured, they will immediately hug a monster and jump down the mountain to die together.

But the same goes for those monsters. Once they are about to die, they will die together with a smoke assassin.

There are no more than twenty scholars here, and after being exhausted in turns, many of them have little talent left.

"I have very little talent left. I can only summon a smoke assassin!" said a young scholar ashamedly.

No one blamed him, but a sense of despair rose in their hearts.

Fang Yun was originally calm, but he noticed that everyone looked sad, and he was affected to a certain extent.

The "Thirty-Six Strategies" in the strange book of heaven and earth was opened, and the power of "concealing the truth" entered the Yinjiangbei.

"Hmph! What are these mere monsters? I have already sent a letter to the border general Zhang Poyue, and he will bring his men here soon!" Fang Yun said, taking out his Wenhou Seal.

The Wenhou Seal has changed and is now a small jade seal.

Outside the Holy Temple, even the official seal of a first-rank official cannot be used to send letters, but the emperor's jade seal and the royal secret seal are exceptions. With the power of the Holy Court, they can be used to send letters urgently.

Everyone was shocked, but they couldn't be distracted in an emergency, so no one asked any questions.

After Fang Yun revealed the jade seal, the atmosphere at the scene reversed. Everyone was full of confidence, and the despair just now disappeared.

Dean Yan was stunned for a moment, then said in surprise: "You have the royal seal, so you are a secret envoy of the imperial court! But we can't say more now, let's talk after the monsters leave."

Suddenly, there was a loud roar from below.

"not good!"

Fang Yun looked carefully and saw that an ordinary pig demon soldier suddenly expanded three times and jumped high. It would reach the mountain gate in just a few jumps. Then several demon soldiers increased their strength and rushed over together.

"It's a demon general in disguise!"

Fang Yun picked up the pen and wrote, and the poem was completed in one breath.


A giant arrow as thick as an arm appeared in the sky above Fang Yun and hit the pig demon general who was still in the air with lightning speed.

The thick-skinned and tough pig demon was actually pierced by an arrow. It exploded with a "puff" and fell down the mountain like a deflated ball.

The other charging demon generals were stunned. It was obvious that only the verbal sparring of a Jinshi could have such power. (To be continued...)