The Path of the Sage

Chapter 385: Destroy the enemy


A scholar suddenly whispered, "Do you remember the precious light on that page of war poetry?"

"The power of the Poetry Soul, the original and the three treasure lights handed down from generation to generation, as well as the treasure lights added by the literary treasure and dragon blood ink, is almost four times as powerful as the original one, which is more than enough to kill the monster."

"Good!" Dean Yan Yang praised loudly.

The other four demon generals have already appeared. Even though they see that the pig demon general is about to be killed, they can only bite the bullet and charge forward.

Everyone's face changed color. The three demon generals at the back were very far away, but the one in the front had already rushed close. It could rush in with just one leap, and the consequences would be disastrous.

Moreover, it was a turtle demon general!

Whenever there are a large number of turtles in a war, the number of casualties among humans will increase by at least 10%.

The human race has issued a death order to kill every turtle that participates in the war, to scare the turtles who are afraid of death! This is the only way to weaken the turtles.

Apart from this, humans have no other choice.

It is almost impossible for demons of the same level to break the shell of the Turtle Demon General, and it is even more difficult for humans.

Just as the Turtle Demon General was about to jump towards the mountain gate again, Fang Yun's smoke assassin waved a dagger, jumped lightly, and stabbed at the Turtle Demon General's head.

The turtle demon general was more than ten feet tall, like a wall, and the smoke assassin was much thinner than an ordinary human.

"Retreat!" President Yan ordered calmly.

No one placed their hopes on this smoke assassin, after all, it was just the power of a scholar's war poem. Everyone retreated together, and the two scholars in the mountain gate retreated while speaking fluently.

Despair once again appeared in the eyes of many people. The mountain gate was the last line of defense.

Once the demon turtle breaks through the mountain gate, the demons behind it will inevitably follow, and the entire Mingli Academy will become a purgatory on earth.

Fang Yun's smoke assassin seemed to know nothing and continued to stab at the turtle demon.

A hint of contempt flashed across the turtle demon's eyes. In order to quickly break through the mountain gate, he didn't even attack the smoke assassin. He quickly retracted his head into his turtle shell to avoid the blade. He slightly bent his two legs and then jumped suddenly.

The Smoke Assassin stabbed with his Yuchang sword, and the Turtle Demon General jumped up.


A sound of cloth tearing was heard, and a thin wound appeared on the turtle monster's hard abdominal shell, running from the top of the head to the tail.


The turtle monster would continue to jump upwards, but the shell on its abdomen suddenly opened like a door, and the bloody organs inside fell out with a crackling sound.

The turtle demon general is still flying, but is dead.

On the mountain road, all the monsters who were charging with all their strength stopped.

Behind the mountain gate, the human scholars stopped retreating.

In the rain, all the demon barbarians looked at the empty shell of the demon turtle that was still flying in the sky. Finally, they watched it fall in front of the mountain gate and land on the low wall.

"Go back to the mountain gate! Defend!" Dean Yan's voice was a little out of tune.

Everyone quickly ran back to the mountain gate, ready to continue fighting.

Fang Yun's smoke assassin stood on the mountain road with his arms hanging down and the tip of his dagger pointing at the ground.

Every demon felt that the dagger was pointing at his throat.

On the mountain road that stretched for hundreds of feet, no demon or barbarian dared to move.

It's raining heavily.

A scholar riding a dragon horse appeared at the foot of the mountain, wearing a blood-red robe unique to rebellious scholars.

Others couldn't see clearly through the rain curtain, but in Fang Yun's eyes, the rain curtain was useless.

Fang Yun laughed. This Liu Zizheng was indeed exactly like Liu Zicheng. A handsome little white face, but he changed from a scholar to a juren, which was just an illusion.

"Fang Yun! Grandma sent me to take your life!" Liu Zizheng shouted with his tongue bursting into thunder.

Fang Yun knew that the world had changed, but he never expected that the thousand-year-old tree demon wanted to kill him. Now "Romance of the West Chamber", "A Chinese Ghost Story" and "Legend of the White Snake" have officially merged into one.

However, Fang Yun suddenly thought of the inexplicably strange smile of Old Man Shushan. Could there be something else hidden

Since this Sixth Mountain is so different, if I fail, will I be permanently injured or... die

At that time on that mysterious grassland, Old Man Shushan once said that failure would lead to death.

Fang Yun asked with his tongue piercing: "Did the old witch say why she wanted to kill me?"

"You'll know when you die!"

Fang Yun thought about it for a moment and suddenly realized something. He said, "Is it because White Lady gave me the Lingzhi from the demon world?"

"Huh? You can actually think of this? Since you guessed it, I won't bother to hide it. That's right! The Ganoderma lucidum in the demon world has the ability to revive the dead. You are simply wasting heaven's gift! This time I came to Mingli Academy, one is to snatch Cui Yingying to be my concubine, and the other is to bring you to Nan Ruolin!" Liu Zizheng said.

Fang Yun said, "Then you can try. The border troops are on their way. As long as I am here, you can't climb this mountain!"

"Arrogant! I'll let you see with your own eyes how I snatch Cui Yingying away!" Liu Zizheng said with a lewd smile.

"You can't do it! Today, I will kill the monster first and then you!" Fang Yun said.

"Haha... Let's not talk about whether you can kill these monsters. Even if you can, how could I be so stupid as to rush up to fight you alone? I want to see what you have to chase my dragon horse! Kill! Kill the scholar named Fang Yun, and after that you can all have a meal of human flesh!" Liu Zizheng ordered.

There was bloodshot in the eyes of many monsters, and they couldn't help licking their lips with their tongues.

Dean Yan said angrily: "Liu Zizheng! After all, you are a human. Using human flesh as bait, aren't you worse than an animal?"

"Hahaha! Rebellious people, rebellious people! Since we are rebellious scholars, we are naturally proud of being rebellious! We are proud of being rebellious! Not only do we want them to eat human flesh, we want to eat it too! Idiot! What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and charge!"

The monsters at the foot of the mountain did not move, but the monsters on the mountain road became agitated, wanting to move but not daring to.

"Do you want to become grandma's fertilizer?" Liu Zizheng's face became even more gloomy.

There was fear in the eyes of those monsters, as if they had seen something more terrifying than death.

"Moo..." The bull demon in the front roared, lowered its head and rushed towards the smoke assassin with its three-foot-long horns.

"Shoot!" Dozens of long arrows flew into the air with sharp sounds.

The bull demon's body was filled with blood and energy, and the flying arrows were either bounced away or were like the spent force of a powerful crossbow, and not a single arrow could hurt it.

"Moo..." The Bull Demon General yelled again and rushed to the front of the Smoke Assassin.

Fang Yun's eyes focused, and the Smoke Assassin avoided the Bull Demon General's attack like a ghost and came to the side of the Bull Demon General.

The Yuchang sword slashed from the Bull Demon General's shoulder to his tail.

Cowhide is not as hard as turtle shell, so the knife cut silently.

The Bull Demon General is still running.

"Moo..." The Bull Demon General's voice was filled with fear. He turned his head subconsciously and saw that the left half of his body had flown out, with all his internal organs exposed.

The bull demon slammed its head against the low wall and its body twitched.

The rain washed the corpse of the Bull Demon General, and a strong smell of blood spread everywhere.

"What a powerful smoke assassin."

"That dagger is a bit strange, a bit like the legendary fish intestine sword."

"It's strange. Without Jing Ke's poetic soul, how could such a powerful dagger appear?"

Fang Yun is the king of stars.

The monsters on the mountain road stared at the smoke assassin who killed the Bull Monster General with one blow, and slowly retreated.

Liu Zizheng was furious and said, "Anyone who retreats will die!" Then he pointed his horsewhip at several demon soldiers on the mountain road.


Five wolf demons rushed over with foul-smelling saliva, each bit off the neck of a demon soldier, and then ate it voraciously. The smacking sound made the surrounding demons shudder.

"Why don't you do it now!" Liu Zizheng shouted.

The monsters on the mountain road looked at each other, let out a wailing cry, and then the blood surged throughout their bodies, their eyes turned bloodshot, and they completely lost their minds.


All the monsters rushed towards the mountain gate frantically.

Fang Yun picked up his pen and wrote a poem.

"When drawing a bow, use a strong one; when using an arrow, use a long one. When shooting a person, shoot the horse first. When capturing a thief, capture the leader first!"

All the bows and arrows around were immediately covered with a layer of faint light.

Fifty-seven enhanced arrows flew towards the dozen or so demon barbarians in the front, with a sharp and piercing sound. The demon generals did not care about the sound, but the demon soldiers and barbarians suddenly shook their heads wildly and lost their fighting spirit.

Before, no round of shooting could kill a demon soldier, only injure it but not kill it. Every demon soldier could almost withstand three or four rounds of volleys, and die after its body was filled with arrows.

After this round of arrows fell, all the demon soldiers shot by the arrows died!

The two demon generals also had arrows stuck in their bodies.

The two demon generals looked at the arrows in disbelief. Although this was only a minor injury to them, it meant that as long as there were enough arrows, ordinary archers could also kill the demon general!

This means that there is no difference between demon generals and demon soldiers.

Some scholars looked at Fang Yun. They didn't expect that not only Fang Yun's smoke assassin in "Yi Shui Song" was different from others, but even his strong bow poem in "Capturing the King" was stronger than others.

"Shoot!" Dean Yan, a juren, picked up the bow and arrow himself.



"Charge! Attack the mountain!" Liu Zizheng shouted angrily.

A large number of monsters mobilized their energy and blood and rushed towards the mountain frantically.

Round after round of arrows fell, and all the demon soldiers were vulnerable, and all the demon generals could not get past Fang Yun's smoke assassin. Even if multiple demon generals joined forces and jumped from the air when the black fog assassin attacked, they could not pass the "Arrow in the Stone" level.

The rain in the sky gradually became less and less, and the dark sky began to reveal a blue light, but the blood color on the ground became darker and darker, and the entire mountain road was dyed red, and even heavy rain could not wash it away.

A large number of monster corpses were piled up under the cliffs on both sides of the mountain road.

The strong smell of blood caused one student after another to vomit. After vomiting, they came back to continue shooting, and after shooting, they continued to vomit. However, the scholars were not affected at all.

In less than an hour, most of the three thousand monsters were wiped out.

By the time Liu Zizheng realized that he had completely failed, there were less than a hundred monsters left around him!

Fang Yun’s ability to lead everyone to kill monsters is too strong!

Fang Yun jumped onto the low wall, kicked off a piece of the fish demon general's head, and said slowly: "It's our turn!"

"Retreat! Retreat!" Liu Zizheng turned his horse's head, squeezed the horse's belly hard, and fled towards Nan Ruolin at an extremely fast speed.

After a few breaths, Liu Zizheng turned his head and said with a tongue that burst into spring thunder: "Fang Yun, you absolutely cannot kill me! Wait for me to come here in person with my grandmother, and kill all of you! Kill you all!"

"Who said I can't kill you!" Fang Yun said softly, picking up the pen to write.

The scholars around were puzzled. At this moment, the two sides were more than a mile apart. Even the verbal battles of the Jinshi scholars could not fly that far. If Fang Yun could write poems over such a long distance, even if they were not handed down from generation to generation, they would be enough to rewrite history. (To be continued...)