The Path of the Sage

Chapter 386: Send Jing Ke


The two places are too far apart, even using the Ice Cavalry and the glacier is useless. The speed of the Ice Cavalry is at most as fast as that of the Dragon Horse.

Everyone quickly gathered around and leaned over to see what Fang Yun was writing.

Fang Yun's pen fell on the paper, like a sword falling on armor, making a crisp sound.

Under the power of rapid writing, two lines of "Yi Shui Song" that everyone knows emerged above.

"The wind is whistling, the Yi River is cold, the warrior will never return once he leaves..."

The students didn't understand, but the scholars and candidates in the imperial examination did. Fang Yun was probably going to use linked poems.

When connecting poems, usually one only uses poems written by oneself, because the artistic conception is in one's own hands, and both the content and the poetic meaning can be well connected. However, if one connects other people's poems or even famous poems, it will be a hundred times more difficult.

This "Song of Yishui" is a poem recited by the great warrior Jing Ke before he assassinated Qin Shi Huang. It is a household name. It is very difficult to write this war poem. It would be impossible to write it without experiencing the tragic feeling of going to death.

Almost everyone held their breath and waited quietly for the result.

After completing "Song of Yi Shui", Fang Yun continued to write the second war poem without any pause.

"The sword rang in its box last night,

The Yishui Sad Song is the most unfair;

The dagger is revealed when the plan is exhausted.

Yuchang sends Jingqing again!"

The eyes of everyone present lit up. The poem was so well connected. It first wrote about the sound of the sword itself, expressing indignation for Jing Ke, the protagonist of the poem "Song of Yi Shui". Then it commemorated Jing Ke's failed assassination attempt on Qin Shi Huang, and finally presented the Yuchang sword to Jing Ke.

Because Zhuan Zhu used the Yuchang sword to successfully assassinate King Liao of Wu, the poem gave the Yuchang sword that successfully killed the king to Jing Ke, which was a perfect match.

As everyone was thinking about it, they saw the precious light of the first book and the original work appear on Fang Yun's paper, and the precious light of the pen, ink and calligraphy also emerged together.

Then, the paper began to burn, and two black mist assassins appeared in front of Fang Yun.

One person held a scroll, with half of a dagger sticking out. Although the dagger was not fully out, it had the power to sever the country and tear apart the nations.

One of them held a shimmering dagger with a hint of coldness coming out of it, and his aura was no weaker than the previous one.

In the heavy rain, two smoke assassins stepped on the ground, alternating their legs rapidly, like two streams of green smoke floating on the ground, and everyone could only see their afterimages.

However, after the two ran two hundred feet, their figures faded and their speed slowed down.

At this moment, the two smoke assassins were more than 150 feet away from Liu Zizheng, and the distance was getting farther and farther.

Liu Zizheng, who was escaping, was very nervous at first, but when he saw the two smoke assassins slow down, he laughed.

"Nothing more than that! Wait until I come back and wipe out your entire family! Hahahaha..."

After Liu Zizheng laughed wildly, he turned around and focused on riding his horse, not taking Fang Yun seriously at all.

The scholars were somewhat disappointed, but more people showed affirmation. A mere scholar could make a war poem reach two hundred feet. This was already a miracle for the human race.

However, Zhuan Zhu's black fog, who was holding the Yuchang sword, suddenly accelerated, slammed into Jing Ke's black fog, and then completely merged into it.

The new smoke assassin's body swelled up. He bent his waist slightly, holding the cold and gleaming Yuchang sword in his hand, and ran in mid-air, quickly surpassing the slower-running monsters.

"There is hope!" A scholar couldn't help but get excited.

The slower monsters saw a black shadow flying in the air, and after thinking for a while, they finally understood what was going on and shouted loudly, asking Liu Zizheng to be careful.

Liu Zizheng turned around suddenly and saw the smoke assassin coming from the air. He was startled and shouted, "Stop it! Stop this ghost thing! Otherwise, I will kill you all!"

The monsters on the ground immediately jumped forward one after another, but the Smoke Assassin could not only run in a straight line in the sky, but also had a strong dodging ability, so all the monsters could not touch him.

"Idiot! Use witchcraft! Use witchcraft!"

After Liu Zizheng finished speaking, he began to recite "Dafengge" written by Liu Bang, in order to stop the assassin.

This assassin was indeed extremely powerful, but the demon clan was not weak. Several demon generals quickly used their blood and energy to unleash their magic. There were thick clouds of blood and energy, shrill screams, strong winds, and hail and heavy rain.

The magic of ordinary demon generals is not strong, far inferior to that of the saints or the sons of saints, and even less than that of the demon commanders, but they can have a significant effect when they are large in number.

Fang Yun's smoke assassin was affected by these large-scale magic spells and his speed immediately slowed down.

Liu Zizheng heaved a sigh of relief and continued to speak eloquently, ready to blow the assassin away in one go without leaving any hidden dangers.

Just as Liu Zizheng was about to finish reciting "The Great Wind Song", the smoke assassin suddenly shrank violently, and finally merged into the silver-gleaming Yuchang sword.

There was only a Yuchang sword left in the air.

The scholars were stunned.

The Yuchang sword turned into a silver light and made a huge roar that broke the sound barrier. All the rain within several feet was split apart, and a vacuum seemed to form around the Yuchang sword.

Before the monsters and Liu Zizheng understood what was happening, the Yuchang lightsaber pierced through Liu Zizheng's back and flew out of his chest.

Liu Zizheng was blown away by the impact of the Yuchang Sword like a kite with a broken string. He looked down at himself in mid-air with confusion in his eyes, and finally fell heavily to the muddy ground.

The rain fell and fell into his eyes that could not close.

There was no anger in his eyes before he died, because he didn't even think he would die.

Fang Yun let out a long breath. He had three nine-inch long talents, but now two of them were exhausted, and the third one was only four inches long.

No candidate in the imperial examination could possibly use this war poem; at least only a Jinshi candidate could afford it.

"Congratulations to Mr. Fang for killing the rebel from two miles away. This battle will surely make you famous all over the world!"

"This war poem dedicated to Jing Ke has three changes in a row: separation, combination, and fusion. It's really extraordinary!"

"So the real intention of 'Yuchang sends Jing Qing again' is not just to send Yuchang to Jing Ke, but also to let Yuchang accompany Jing Ke to complete the last journey and fulfill his last wish of assassinating the enemy!"

"This poem seems to be close to a killer poem, a poem that will not end until one dies! However, the talent consumed will be extremely terrifying. Mr. Fang has run out of talent now, right?"

Fang Yun's body shook slightly, and he smiled and said, "Of course, I risked my life to use this war poem. The thousand-year-old demon tree cannot leave Nan Ruolin. If Liu Zizheng is allowed to leave, there will be endless troubles."

"Good kill! But the situation at the border is tight right now, so the border troops can only send a few hundred soldiers. After a while, I will petition the court to wipe out the monsters in Nanruolin! Nanruolin is located between Jiangzhou and Hangzhou City. If there were no monsters in Nanruolin, it would take at most two days to get from the academy to Hangzhou City, but now there are only two ways to get to Hangzhou City. One way is to go around Nanruo Mountain, which takes five or six days; the other way is to go through Minghai Pass, but outside Minghai Pass is a large tribe of barbarians, and those who leave will die."

A scholar complained in a low voice: "My family is in Hangzhou City, and it takes nearly half a month to go back and forth every time to visit my parents."

Dean Yan said, "Okay, the scholars should take a rest immediately and recite the sage scriptures to restore their talents. The rest of you should clean up this place quickly. And prepare some sandbags and rocks to prevent the monsters from making a comeback."

Everyone immediately got busy, and Fang Yun said goodbye to Dean Yan and walked towards his own courtyard.

The heavy rain has turned into a drizzle.

When Fang Yun walked outside the yard, he heard a woman talking.

“… I will marry Yingying to whoever can defeat the demon and allow my late husband to rest in peace!”

As soon as Fang Yun heard it, he understood that this was the plot in the original book.

“Mother…” Cui Yingying pleaded softly.

"Humph! What, do you want to be an unfilial daughter?"

"I… "

"Then shut up!"

Fang Yun took a few quick steps and saw more than 20 people standing in the yard, many of them young and strong, who had not participated in the battle just now.

Fang Yun snorted and then said, "Aunt, I have defeated the monsters with everyone in the academy. The crisis here is over."

"What? The cheers just now were to celebrate the retreat of the demon barbarians?"


"Let's go and take a look!" Cui's mother looked at Fang Yun vigilantly, and walked out while holding Cui Yingying's wrist tightly.

Cui Yingying looked at Fang Yun with resentment and had to leave with her mother.

Fang Yun knew that he was just a poor scholar in this world. He was the object of Cui's mother's strict defense, fearing that Cui Yingying would like him. If he had not been unconscious before, Cui's mother would never let Cui Yingying get close to him.

Fang Yun didn't take it too seriously and went back into the house to think silently.

Since this place is the sixth mountain of Shushan, it must be extremely difficult. A mere rebellious scholar is nothing to be afraid of, but since the tree demon grandma was brought out, it means that he will have an intersection with the tree demon grandma.

There is no need to worry about just one tree demon, but the big problem is the Black Mountain Demon behind her.

"But there is also Bai Suzhen here..."

Fang Yun was becoming more and more suspicious. It was impossible for the old man Shushan to let Bai Suzhen appear just as a background. Could it be...

Fang Yun suddenly realized a problem.

"I wrote Cai He as Cai Fahai. Could it be that we will meet here? Could it be that I have to fight with Cai He?"

Fang Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Then Fang Yun straightened his face, because the difficulty of the Sixth Mountain was far beyond his imagination. Cai He was terribly strong in the book. Even when White Snake used treasures to summon reinforcements from the Dragon Palace to flood the Jinshan Academy, she was defeated by Cai He. His strength can be seen from this.

Now, Fang Yun finally understood why the Half-Saint said that the scholar could not pass the Sixth Mountain.

Not to mention the tree demon grandma and Cai Fahai behind them, even this Liu Zizheng is enough to stump all the candidates. Even if Yan Yukong comes, he will definitely lose, because his total talent cannot support him to complete a battle of such a scale.

It was different for the Jinshi. After a few sharp words, except for the turtle monster, the rest of the monsters were no match for him and he passed this level easily.

This sixth mountain was originally prepared for testing the Jinshi candidates!

Fang Yun did not become discouraged, but closed his eyes and began to recite the scriptures of the saints in a low voice.

Fang Yun's voice was soft but full of power. The invisible force entered the Wen Palace and allowed his talent to recover at a faster rate.

Fang Yun has a literary heart, the stars in the Wen Palace are extremely strong, and he is also supported by the Wenqu starlight...

Suddenly, Fang Yun stopped reciting "The Analects of Confucius", and his mind entered the Wen Palace, and he found that the Wenqu starlight inside was actually real!

Wenquxing is the lord of all stars and the leader of all stars. Even if Shushan is so powerful that he can attract the light of Wenquxing, he can never transform into the light of Wenquxing.

"What on earth is going on?" (To be continued...)