The Path of the Sage

Chapter 391: Grace and love


Fang Yun looked carefully and found that it was Nie Xiaoqian.

Fang Yun clenched his fists and his eyes were as cold as ice.

"Why would the tree demon punish the female ghost? What exactly happened?" a student asked in a low voice.

Fang Yun said slowly, "That female ghost was engaged to me when I was a child, but after she died, the tree demon grandmother stole her ashes and imprisoned her as a ghost. Just yesterday, she came secretly and warned me not to get close to the tree demon grandmother, but she was discovered unexpectedly."

"What are you going to do?" Yan Chixia asked.

Fang Yun showed hesitation, but then said firmly: "The primary goal is to get out of Nan Ruolin. If we can save her, then we will. If we can't, then we won't."

Suddenly, an elderly woman's face appeared on the surface of the giant tree, and she opened her mouth and let out a shrill laugh.

"Hahaha… "

Everyone immediately became alert. The scholars lowered the shields on their chests, and the students took out swords, shields, bows and arrows. Only Fang Yun and Yan Chixia remained motionless.

"Xiao Qian, did you hear that? This is the Fang Lang you've been thinking about all the time! For the sake of his woman, he even ignored you, his dead fiancée. Tell me, why did you go there last night? For what? Wouldn't it be better for you to just be my slave?"

Nie Xiaoqian lowered her head, her long hair covering her face. Her body trembled slightly due to the pain. She whispered, "Since I have been promised to Fang Lang, I will be his person in life and his ghost in death. Naturally, I have to help him!"

"Bitch!" The tree demon grandma was furious.

A tree root as thick as a human waist popped out from the ground, and the slender root tip hit Nie Xiaoqian's body.

"Ah..." Nie Xiaoqian raised her head suddenly because of the pain and let out a miserable cry. A look of pain appeared on her face and the light of her body became dimmer and dimmer.

Fang Yun said with a tongue that thundered: "Everyone says that the tree demon grandma is a shameless and cowardly old beast. Today I have seen it. Not only can you bully a weak female ghost, you don't even have the courage to fight a scholar like me alone. You can only hide behind a group of demons and call yourself a grandma."

"Hahaha... provocation is useless to me! Xiaoqian, you may not know. Your Fang Lang came here not to save you, but to save his lover, a snake demon! Haha, in his heart, a snake demon is more important than you. Tell me, how can I hand you over to him?"

"I... I'm dead after all, so everything will be fine for Fang Lang." Nie Xiaoqian looked at Fang Yun from afar with a firm gaze.

"Bitch! Fang Yun, did you hear me? Xiao Qian is so good to you, and you still want to go find that snake demon? How about this. You go and lure White Lady over here, and as long as you give me half of her Moon Lotus, I will give Xiao Qian to you."

Fang Yun said: "Why don't you come with us to Jinshan Academy? It's not within the Holy Temple, and you can definitely save Lady Bai. If you save her life, she will definitely be willing to give Yue Lian to you."

"Do you think I'm a pig demon? If I go to Jinshan Academy, that old man Cai Fahai will definitely kill me first! It seems that you don't have Xiaoqian in your eyes at all! Xiaoqian, did you see it?"

Xiao Qian whispered: "Whatever Fang Lang does is good!"

The tree demon laughed loudly. The tree shook slightly and leaves fell one after another.

"Fang Yun, compared to Xiao Qian, you are simply a heartless man! Xiao Qian not only betrayed me for you, but she refused to say a word about you even when I pressed her to tell me about you! I didn't expect that she has already turned into a ghost, and you are unwilling to be kind enough to save her!"

Fang Yun looked at the tree demon in the distance and said, "She could have been buried in peace. Who is the worse than a pig or a dog who imprisoned her ghost? She should have been reincarnated. Who was the beast who forced her to hurt people? You are the murderer. You can't mess with my heart!"

"I am a demon, but you are a scholar. If a scholar doesn't save his dead fiancée, then he is a heartless and heartless person." The tree demon's face, which was condensed with tree bark, showed a malicious smile.

Fang Yun straightened up and said, "There are different levels of courtesy and different levels of righteousness. Xiao Qian and I have a bond, and Lady Bai has a favor to me. I came here to save Lady Bai, so I will not give up repaying her favor just because of Xiao Qian's love. You are just a monster, so you naturally don't understand the kindness of our human race! I advise you to let Xiao Qian go, otherwise I will kill you when I leave Nan Ruolin and save Lady Bai!"

"Hahaha... A mere scholar wants to kill me? What a big mouth! If you can't escape Nan Ruolin, I will eat you. If you can escape with Yan Chixia, I will kill Xiaoqian first, and then contact those rebellious scholars to spread the news throughout the world, saying that you abandoned your human fiancée for a demon! Let your deceased wife not rest in peace!"

"It's you who killed her! Xiaoqian, I have a favor to do to you, so I have to let go of your friendship. If I have a chance, I will come to save you. If even your ghost body has disappeared, I will cut the tree demon into pieces to avenge your soul being captured!" Fang Yun's voice was firm and resolute, like the sound of a sword.

"Then I'll see how you can escape from Half Moon Gorge! How you can get past my Ten Thousand Trees Wall!"

Yan Chixia laughed and said, "Old witch, I have fought with you many times, but I can do nothing except taking your tree roots. How can your tricks be effective against me? Even if there are thousands of trees, I can kill them all with my tongue!"

"Go ahead and cut them down. After you've cut down all these trees, I'll see if you still have the energy to lead your people to escape!" The tree demon grandma trembled, and the soil within a hundred feet around her was surging. Dense tree roots were rising and falling in the soil, like giant earthworms loosening the soil. The demons were so scared that they hurriedly lowered their heads.

Fang Yun said, "You are just a tree demon commander. Today, I will let you see how powerful our human race is. Brother Yan, your verbal sparring has reached the second level of sky-splitting ability. Can you help me with a small favor?"

"You say so."

"This tree demon is guarding the Half Moon Gorge, but its real power comes from the entire Nanruo Forest. As long as you dig a deep trench with your tongue, then plant branches and ignite it, you can cut off the connection between Nanruo Forest and the Half Moon Gorge, and the tree demon's strength will drop by at least 20%."

The old face on the giant tree trembled slightly. The tree demon grandma was shocked and said angrily: "How do you know my business!"

"Guess." Fang Yun's mouth corners curved slightly.

"Good! You are indeed a young hero!" Yan Chixia said as he swung his tongue. Then a ray of white light and an ancient sword of talent flew out of his mouth, accompanied by a sharp whistling sound.

The ancient sword of talent flew into the ground, moving on the ground with a huge roar, and the soil surged upwards, and then was pushed away by the huge force and scattered to both sides.

A ten-foot-deep ditch appeared in front of everyone and continued to extend.

Fang Yun said: "This place is only one mile wide. Brother Yan can dig it in less than half an hour. You should quickly find trees and other flammable things."

"Yes!" Everyone ran back. There were many trees here, and it was very easy to fill the pit. The smoke assassin formed by "Yi Shui Song" was the best lumberjack.

The branches of the tree demon grandma were shaking gently, her black trunk exuded a strong evil aura, and bursts of black mist spread out from the crown of the tree.

"How could I fall for your trick? You just want to force me to leave Half Moon Gorge, and then escape with Yan Chixia! I will stay here and not move, even if I can't get the power from Nan Ruo Lin, you can't do anything to me!"

A bear demon general said, "Grandma, why don't we kill them?"

"Idiots! I can't take care of the area a mile away. If you rush over, wouldn't that be tantamount to seeking death? Who of you can subdue Yan Chixia!" The tree demon grandma roared loudly, and the old face on the tree trunk became even more terrifying.

"The little demon knows his mistake." The bear demon general hastily admitted his mistake.

"Since Fang Yun knows so much, I'm afraid he will attack me with fire. Humph, I am afraid of fire, but at least it is the fire chanted by the Grand Secretary's war poems. What can a mere scholar like him do to me? Let them take their time. I have ten thousand big trees, which are enough for them to kill me until dark! When dark comes, they will have no choice!"

"Grandma's magic power is boundless." A dog demon general immediately flattered her loudly.

The other monsters all came to greet her, and the branches of the tree monster shook gently, showing great joy.

Soon, Yan Chixia dug a ditch to completely separate Half Moon Gorge from Nanruolin, and the ditch was filled with branches and even whole trees.

Everyone stepped over the ravine, and Fang Yun poured some kerosene. The whole ravine quickly burned, and the flames shot out a foot high, like a wall of fire, completely isolating everyone from Nan Ruolin.

Fang Yun said: "The fire here has burned all life in the gully, and cut off part of the power of the tree demon. Next, we have to deal with these big trees."

Between Fang Yun and the tree demon grandma, there are rows of seemingly ordinary ancient Nanruolin trees, with the same black branches and gray leaves. However, unlike ordinary Nanruolin trees, the edges of the leaves of these tens of thousands of trees have a hint of blood color.

Suddenly, the tree demon shook the tree crown violently, and cracks appeared on the trunk of the ancient tree, forming a human-like face with eyes and mouth, roaring together.

Their roots burst out of the ground and lashed like giant pythons, with enough force to crush a living person.

These tall ancient trees were like giant soldiers. Each tree was as high as four or five stories high and full of tremendous oppressive force. Not to mention the human race, even the demon soldiers and barbarians were filled with awe.

Yan Chixia said: "The old witch has the ability to control trees. I was once trapped in the Ten Thousand Trees Formation. These trees are extremely strange. Even if they are cut, they will be connected in less than a hundred breaths. I have the Hanlin Wenbao, so I can get through, but it will be difficult for you."

Fang Yun said, "These trees are attached with the power of the tree demon. You can't completely kill them with the Ancient Sword of Talent alone. In fact, the solution is very simple. Add the power of Wendan to your Ancient Sword of Talent to cut off the vitality of the ancient trees. Such ancient trees will take at least an hour to recover."

"Who are you?" The tree demon grandma suddenly roared loudly, and for the first time there was a hint of vigilance in her tone.

Those clever monsters subconsciously took a half step back. They had followed the Tree Monster Grandma for many years. Even figures like Yan Chixia were not taken seriously by the Tree Monster Grandma. But this little young scholar did it!

"Guess again." Fang Yun said.

Yan Chixia laughed loudly and said, "I just now realize that you have already calculated that I can help you solve the Ten Thousand Trees Formation!" As he spoke, he started to exchange sharp words again.

The ancient sword of white light tore through the air, flying like a spirit snake, passing through one tree after another.

Wherever the Caiqi Ancient Sword passed, all the big trees broke in half and fell to the ground in rows.

The crowd behind Fang Yun cheered loudly, and their morale was greatly boosted. (To be continued...)