The Path of the Sage

Chapter 394: White robe man, caged dream


The volcano is not big, only as high as a twenty-story building, but it is still a volcano that carries destructive power.

A cloud of black smoke spewed out of the crater, covering the sky, and then burning rocks erupted, dragging long smoke tails and flying in all directions.

Magma overflowed, and red lava flowed out of the crater. The earth gradually cracked, and flames and lava containing the power of Mars continued to burst out from it, forming a river of fire and lava that slowly extended in all directions.

Just like the destruction of the world, doomsday is coming.

All the monsters and barbarians who were originally around the volcano, whether they were monster leaders or monster soldiers, were burned to death.

The tree roots under the volcano were instantly reduced to ashes, and the tree roots within a radius of fifty feet were burning fiercely.

In the eyes of the remaining monsters, this place has become a cemetery.


The monsters were frightened and fled in all directions.

The tree demon grandma let out a miserable cry. She quickly retracted her tree roots and even had to take the initiative to cut off the flames on the roots.

A large number of tree roots left the ground and gathered around the tree demon. All the tree roots burned by the flames lost their self-healing ability, and even the parts that were actively cut off were difficult to recover quickly.

A large number of tree roots were exposed outside, twisting gently like giant brown pythons. The thinnest ones were as thick as an arm, and the thickest were thick enough to be hugged.

Nearly one-fifth of the tree roots were charred and temporarily lost their strength.

The tree demon granny no longer cared about the demons and Nie Xiaoqian. She looked down at her own tree roots and shouted angrily, "How could you summon such a powerful volcano! Where did you get your talent? How could you control the disaster star Mars! Without the power of Mars, no amount of fire would burn me!"

No one answered.

"Did we win?" asked a student.

"No." Yan Chixia bent down slightly, gently wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and tightly grasped his waist with his right hand, where there seemed to be something hidden.

Fang Yun kept taking deep breaths. As a juren, he had consumed more talent than a jinshi in writing poems at one time. Wen Gong was trembling slightly.

"Fang Yun! Do you think you have won? This is Nan Ruolin, and I am the master here! The volcano cannot move. But I can move! Today, I will kill you all." The tree demon suddenly rose from the ground, more tree roots were exposed, and the soil kept sliding down.

Blood-colored lines appeared on the bark of the tree demon, making her even more bizarre and more powerful.

"Who said volcanoes can't be moved?" Fang Yun raised his hand and grabbed the volcano hard.


The volcano erupted, and a large amount of magma rushed towards the direction of the tree demon like a flood, and wherever it passed, it was a sea of fire.

"Fang Yun!" The tree demon grandmother was completely panicked. It was a tree demon, and the more powerful the tree demon, the slower it walked.

The tree demon grandmother retreated with all her might, saying, "Fang Yun! Put away the volcano, and I will release Xiao Qian! I will let you pass through Nan Ruolin! I won't eat you anymore, and I don't want even half of Bai Niangzi's Moon Lotus! Put away the volcano quickly! Ah..."

Before she could finish her words, the sea of lava and fire had already rushed under her tree, submerging her roots.

"Ah..." The tree demon struggled desperately in the sea of fire, whipping with her tree roots. She even rolled up dirt and stones to block the way, but the lava containing the power of Mars melted everything it passed through. The sand, gravel and soil were melted in an instant and became part of the lava.

Fang Yun looked at the tree demon grandma and said slowly: "Bitch!"

The sea of lava and fire quickly completely submerged the roots of the tree demon.

The arrogant tree demon lost her connection with the earth and died completely.

"Please ask Brother Yan for help." Fang Yun said.

Yan Chixia smiled and said, "You really know what kind of Hanlin Wenbao I have in my hand." After that, he took out a bamboo scroll from his pocket, and the bamboo scroll released a faint white mist that enveloped him. Then he flew towards the tree demon grandma without touching the ground, and reached out to take Nie Xiaoqian's urn.

Nie Xiaoqian, who was still hanging on the tree, nodded slightly and turned into a ray of light and entered.

Yan Chixia returned quickly and handed Nie Xiaoqian's urn to Fang Yun.

"Thank you, Brother Yan." Fang Yun put it away.

Yan Chixia smiled and said, "I now know that you intended to save Xiaoqian from the beginning. The reason why you deliberately said that you would not save Xiaoqian was to give the old witch an illusion and let her believe that we wanted to rush over, not kill her. The most important thing was to prevent the old witch from using Xiaoqian to threaten us. You did it. If there is anyone who should say thank you, it should be me who should thank you. If it weren't for you, I would have wasted four or five years here and I am afraid I would not have been able to kill the tree demon grandma."

Fang Yun nodded and looked forward. Without the support of his talent, the magma cooled down rapidly and the volcano gradually disappeared. However, the environment changed by the volcano did not recover, and the surrounding land was about to turn into volcanic rock, constantly emitting heat.

"Rest here for an hour, and then cross the Half Moon Canyon when the lava cools down completely."

After Fang Yun finished speaking, he took out two sets of bedding from the Yinjiangbei, spread them on the ground, lay down and went to sleep.

Yan Chixia lay on another set of bedding and closed his eyes to rest.

The others surrounded the two men and looked around vigilantly.

In the distance, there were a few demons still watching, but none of them dared to approach.

An hour later, Fang Yun and Yan Chixia woke up. Fang Yun was fine, but his talent was over-consumed. With the help of Wenqu star in the Wen Palace, he would not be hurt.

Yan Chixia's face was pale and his eyes were bloodshot.

Fang Yun said: "Brother Yan, your tongue has been broken. With your strength, you can repair it within three years, but I am afraid you will fall from the second level to the first level. Since you have friends in Hangzhou City, why don't you go there to rest directly instead of going to Jinshan Academy with us."

"I like verbal sparring, so I have been using it to kill monsters after becoming a Jinshi, but that doesn't mean I don't know how to write poetry. I have met Cai He several times, so I'm sure he will give me some face. Let's go, we're setting off." Yan Chixia stood up and said.

"Okay!" Fang Yun stood up slowly, his body aching. He knew that it was fortunate that his physique was far superior to that of a juren. If he were an ordinary juren, he would surely be paralyzed now. Talent is a powerful force after all, and the more foundation one has, the more power one can mobilize.

Fang Yun looked and saw that the lava in some places had not cooled down yet. After observing for a while, he led his men along the edge of the lava area towards Half Moon Gorge.

After walking a few steps, Fang Yun discovered that there were several pieces of purple wood in the center of the volcano. They were purple dry wood, a treasure left behind by the great demon king after his death. They originally formed the incarnation of the tree demon grandma.

Yan Chixia, who was standing by, saw Fang Yun hesitate, followed his gaze, and said with a smile: "So this is the wood you want, it's called purple dry wood, right? I'll get it all for you." Without waiting for Fang Yun to stop him, Yan Chixia used the Hanlin Wenbao to fly over, picked up the purple dry wood, and then picked out the remaining purple dry wood from the unsolidified lava.

Fang Yun watched from afar, thinking that these purple dry woods were worthy of being the essence of the Great Demon King. After being burned by the lava for so long, they were not damaged at all. Moreover, as long as they were lifted, the lava would flow down naturally without being stained by dust.

Not long after, Yan Chixia returned with a small pile of purple dry wood and said, "Take them all. I have no use for them."

Fang Yun didn't know if he could take it out of the mountain of books, so he said, "Then I'll take it. Thank you, Brother Yan."

Fang Yun took the purple wood and felt it was slightly cool to the touch. The lava did not leave any heat on it. He then put it all into the Yinjiangbei.

When he arrived at the entrance of Half Moon Canyon, Fang Yun looked at the giant tree that had been burnt to charcoal. His grandmother's distorted face could be vaguely seen on the bark.

"Let's go!"

Everyone entered Half Moon Gorge and appeared on the official road two hours later. Fang Yun and Yan Chixia stopped an ox cart and paid a high price to go to Jinshan Academy, while the others followed behind.

After driving for two quarters of an hour, the driver said, "My lords, we can't go to Jinshan Academy anymore."


Fang Yun lifted the door curtain and looked forward.

I saw a high cliff standing by the river, and on the cliff there was a academy. However, a huge white dragon was coiled on the cliff and the academy, like a giant python coiling around its prey.

Fang Yun took a closer look and realized that it was not a real dragon, but was transformed from water.

The dragon's head was at the top, lowering its head and continuously spitting out water, like a big river pouring down, which could flood a mere academy in just a few breaths.

However, a piece of golden paper was suspended under the flood, emitting a faint golden light. All the water spit out by the water dragon was absorbed by the paper, without even a splash.

The river water at the edge of the high cliff kept gushing upward in thick columns of water. Each column of water was filled with hundreds of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, which kept rushing into the Jinshan Academy.

Fang Yun said: "We will go there and give you another thirty taels of silver!"

"Okay, hold on tight!" The driver smiled, pulled the ox hard and started to speed up.

Yan Chixia frowned and said, "They actually used the Dragon King's Talisman and the Great Confucian's True Text. I'm afraid this matter will not end well."

"Even if it can't be resolved peacefully, it has to be resolved!" Fang Yun said firmly.

"Forget it, since I have promised to help you and White Snake, I will accompany you all the way!" Yan Chixia said with a smile.

Soon the car arrived at the foot of the high cliff.

The driver jumped off the carriage and said, "The Jinshan Academy is up there. You can get there by walking along the stone steps."

"Thank you." Fang Yun and Yan Chixia got off the car together, paid the silver bill, lifted up their robes and were about to go up the stairs, but they found that a man in a white robe appeared silently three feet ahead.

The man turned his back to Fang Yun and said slowly, "I sleep on a yellow pillow for half a day, when the governor of Nan Ke was rich and powerful, it's a pity that I dream of a country for thousands of years, but I don't know it even though I am in a cage."

Yan Chixia was puzzled, but Fang Yun was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat.

This is the sixth mountain of Shushan!

This is the literary world!

Fang Yun couldn't imagine that someone here actually used the allusions from his books "The Pillow Book" and "The Story of the Magistrate Nan Ke" to admonish him, or in other words, to threaten him!

"Who are you?" Fang Yun asked respectfully, his thoughts racing in his mind.

"Why, you can't recognize any of the words the teacher taught you?"

Fang Yun was even more certain that this person was trying to stop him from passing the Sixth Mountain, and said, "I can recognize the characters that the teacher taught me naturally, but the teacher once said that before recognizing characters, one must first have a kind heart and a virtuous mouth."

"You, are you saying that I am evil and immoral?"

"I never said that. But you are not from Shushan, so how can you talk about the dream in the cage?" Fang Yun's tone remained unchanged. (To be continued...)