The Path of the Sage

Chapter 397: Reincarnation


The old man in Shushan still looked gloomy, and said: "He knows a lot of secrets about Shushan and the literary world, so it is even more difficult for me to interfere if he is just reciting the Book of Shang there. However, this will not happen again. If he dares to stop you in Shushan again, I will personally take action and suppress him for thirty years!"

"Thank you for your help, sir." Fang Yun expressed his sincere gratitude.

The old man Shushan looked sideways at the light gate of the seventh mountain and said, "I won't tell you about the content of the seventh mountain. I will only say that after passing it, the Jinshi and Juren are different. If a Jinshi passes the seventh mountain, he will only get a temporary literary mind. And if a Juren passes the seventh mountain, he will get the Tianye, which is the only way to enter the "Heavenly Tree". According to legend, the Heavenly Tree was built by the ancestors of the monsters and barbarians. It is the best place for the monsters to test. Later, Confucius got the method to enter, so that the human race can also enter. However, the method to enter requires too much talent, which is difficult for non-holy families to bear. Therefore, if non-family children want to enter, they can only pass through the seventh mountain."

Fang Yun said: "I have indeed heard of the Heavenly Tree in the books of the demon race. I heard that when Confucius built the Holy Tower for the human race, he imitated the Heavenly Tree?"

"It is true. Since you know about the Heavenly Tree, do you know its origin?"

Fang Yun recalled the memories of the Star Demon Barbarian classics and the ancient demon heritage, and said: "The origin of the Heavenly Tree is no secret. It is said that a demon god of the demon race found a seed that he could not see through, and then threw it into the ancient battlefield. The seed actually absorbed the power of the ancient battlefield, and was then slightly guided by the demon god, becoming a place for the demon race to practice."

"It seems that you know a lot. The Heavenly Tree is deeply planted in the ancient battlefield. Every time a demon passes a level, there will be huge benefits, but the human race may have to pass two or three levels to get the rewards that suit them. Even so, it is of great help to our human race. The only problem with this tree is that you have to start climbing from the first level, and the demon position must be a demon general, which is equivalent to a Juren in the human race. If you have not entered the Heavenly Tree when you are a Juren, you will never be able to enter it in your life."

"Doesn't that mean I'm the only scholar who has come here since ancient times?"

Elder Shushan showed an admiring look. He said, "Of course. Even a semi-saint family can only send one candidate in every ten years. A sub-saint family can send one candidate in every five years, and the Kong family can send one candidate in every year. No matter how talented the others are, if they cannot find a way to get a chance to enter the Heavenly Tree from the Saints before becoming a Jinshi, they will not be able to enter. This cannot be blamed on the Saints' greed, but because the cost of sending humans into the Heavenly Tree is too high."

Fang Yun said: "I understand. The head of the Sunzi family once mentioned that he could send me to some special ancient places, and this Heavenly Tree is probably one of them. Kong Delun and others also mentioned it vaguely. However, they are not sure whether I will endanger their family in the future, so they need me to make a promise."

"It's human nature. Yan Yukong, Yi Zhishi and others have all entered the Heavenly Tree, so they have achieved what they have today. You can only get the Heavenly Leaf if you pass through the Seventh Mountain. However, this Seventh Mountain is very different, and Shushan cannot guarantee that you will not be harmed." said old man Shushan.

"Now that we're here, there's no turning back!" Fang Yun's eyes were particularly firm.

Old Man Shushan was silent for a moment and said, "Then I won't bother you anymore." Then he disappeared.

Fang Yun took a deep breath and entered the light gate of the seventh mountain.

A brilliant and dazzling color appeared before his eyes. Fang Yun blinked subconsciously and felt a splitting headache.

Fang Yun raised his head blankly and looked around.

This is an alley, the midday sun is high in the sky. There is water everywhere on the ground, leaves and petals are scattered on the ground, and the sound of birds can be heard, full of vitality.

"Where is this?" Fang Yun thought to himself. He looked around cautiously, then slowly stood up with the help of the wall, slowly recalling his identity and everything. The past scenes reappeared in his mind.

Fang Yun discovered that he was an orphan whose parents died when he was young and was raised by Yang Yuhuan, a child bride.

The scholars of Shengyuan Continent can use their talents to gain powerful strength, but to obtain this qualification, they need to pass the elementary school examination before the age of twelve. However, Fang Yun did not pass and could not become a scholar in this life.

Fang Yun's expression changed, and finally he let out a long sigh, with infinite sadness in his eyes.

"Since I can't become a scholar, I will never get power and will always be at the bottom of society. Alas..." Fang Yun felt a little irritated, then he began to take deep breaths and slowly calmed down.

Fang Yun recalled his past memories and felt confused. He thought that he was too stupid and foolish in the past and didn't know how to deal with people. But now he seemed to be much smarter.

"Well, no matter what, let's live a good life first."

Fang Yun carefully arranged his clothes and walked to the water. He found himself a 15 or 16-year-old boy, skinny and weak, wearing coarse cloth with pudding on it. There were a few bruises and scratches on his body, but they were not serious.

Fang Yun looked up at the sun in the sky, thought to himself that something was wrong, and hurried out of the alley.

People were coming and going on the street. A few people looked over, while the others continued on their way. No one paid any attention to the thin boy.

"Because I'm not good at speaking, I offended a group of thugs in the Jixiang Restaurant, so I was tricked out and beaten. Now I have to go back." Fang Yun knew that he had not fully understood this world yet, and hurriedly trotted towards the Jixiang Restaurant.

"Fang Yun! Fang Yun! Where have you been?" The shopkeeper Zhen, wearing a red robe, walked out of the door and shouted.

"Here! Here! Shopkeeper Zhen, why didn't I notice it just now? You look so good today, and your face is so rosy. You will definitely be crowded with customers today!" Fang Yun said with a forced smile.

Shopkeeper Zhen was stunned for a moment, and the anger on his face dissipated a lot. He said unhappily: "Stop talking nonsense there, go in and wash up and then entertain the guests."

"Yes, yes!" Fang Yun quickly rushed into the back hall, washed up quickly, and began to take care of the guests and serve the dishes.

"Sir, this is your braised pork trotter."

"Two bottles of old yellow wine? No problem!"

"Uncle Li, you're here? Come and sit down. You're getting stronger and stronger. You can knock down two guys with one punch."

Fang Yun greeted and saw off guests with a bright smile on his face. When no one was paying attention, a hint of loneliness occasionally flashed in his eyes.

"Get lost! Believe it or not, I'll pour the wine on your head! Get lost!"

Fang Yun looked in the direction of the voice and saw another waiter from the Jixiang Restaurant running away in fear. Four strong guests were sitting at the table next to him. They were all dressed more gorgeously than ordinary people. One of them, who had a face full of flesh, slapped the table, pointed at Fang Yun, and said, "Come here!"

Fang Yun walked over with a smile on his face and said, "Dear guest, please speak."

"My three friends came from far away. I wanted to order a turtle soup, but the waiter said it was out. I ordered a pot of sea cucumber, but he also said it was sold out! Let me ask you, is it really out of stock, or do you look down on me, He Lao San?"

When Fang Yun heard this, he gave He Lao San a thumbs up and said, "Master He, you really have good vision!"

He Lao San's expression eased and he asked, "What do you mean?"

"These are two of the best dishes in our restaurant. Any distinguished guest must order them when they come to our restaurant. But as you can see, there are too many people in the restaurant today and they were all ordered out long ago. If you trust me, let me help you choose the best dishes in the restaurant, and I guarantee you will enjoy your meal. What do you think, sirs?" Fang Yun said, smiling as he looked at the other three people.

He Laosan didn't speak immediately and also looked at the others.

"Then just listen to this young man." said an honest-looking man.

The anger on He Lao San's face disappeared, and he said, "Go quickly. If you're late, I'll break your dog legs!"

"Okay! Prepare wine and food for the four distinguished masters at table seven!" Fang Yun shouted and left.

Shopkeeper Zhen, who had been in the dark, breathed a sigh of relief, walked to the back hall door, smiled at Fang Yun who was walking over, and said, "You are really sensible now."

Fang Yun sighed softly and said sincerely, "I have been enlightened. Shopkeeper Zhen, I was too stupid before. I will reform myself and never be like that again."

"Yeah. That's good. It's good that you know you're wrong." Shopkeeper Zhen nodded.

Fang Yun smiled and continued to be busy. He kept saying nice things to the chef all day long, making the chef Lao Lei very happy.

In Jixiang Restaurant, Chef Lao Lei's status is second only to Manager Zhen, and no one dares to look at him harshly.

They were busy until night, and when the guests were about to leave, Fang Yun whispered to Lao Lei, and with Lao Lei's consent, he wrapped a few pieces of fish that the guests were about to throw away in oil paper.

After closing the shop, Fang Yun walked home with the oil-paper bag. His face, which had been smiling all day, finally returned to normal, but it seemed as if a shadow had fallen on his face and never left.

After turning a corner, I saw a woman in coarse clothes sitting on a small stool in front of the door, looking over here.

"Little luck!"

"Sister Yuhuan!" Fang Yun waved to the woman with a smile. When he got closer, he saw that she was a pretty girl. Her smile was like the bright moon at night and her eyes were full of tenderness, which made people even happier.

"Would you like to eat something? The food is in the pot and it's still hot." Yang Yuhuan walked over with a relaxed pace.

Fang Yun smiled and said, "I'm not hungry. I had dinner at the restaurant. Let's go inside and talk."

After the two of them entered the house and closed the door, Fang Yun took out the oil paper bag and placed it on the dining table, spreading it out and saying, "Sister Yuhuan, I took some fish and meat from the restaurant that were about to be thrown away. You don't have to persuade me. We can each take half. Go and heat it up."

"Eat it yourself. I'm not hungry." Yang Yuhuan's eyes stayed on the fish for a brief moment, then she raised her head and said firmly, "I just ate. I'm really not hungry."

Fang Yun smiled and said, "Okay, then you can warm it up for me."

Soon, Yang Yuhuan brought the steaming bowl of rice and placed it on the dining table. She took a deep breath and pinched her earlobe with her hand.

Fang Yun suddenly stood up, pushed her down on a stool beside him, and said, "Half for each of us. If you don't want to eat, I won't eat either. Let's sit here until dawn!"

"I'm not hungry..." Yang Yuhuan protested softly.

"You have to eat even if you're not hungry!" Fang Yun said as he picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks and forced it into Yang Yuhuan's mouth.

"Well, then I'll have a bite." Yang Yuhuan opened her mouth and ate.

After the first bite, there was a second bite, and the two of them shared the remaining fish.

In this way, Fang Yun spent three days peacefully, and his popularity in the restaurant became better and better. At the same time, he also found out the truth about why those thugs beat him.

Those ruffians were sent by Xiang Wenxuan, the young master of the Xiang family, a prominent family in the county. Xiang Wenxuan was not only a student, but his uncle was also a Hanlin, a high-ranking official in the capital, and his power was deeply rooted in Dayuan Prefecture. (To be continued...)