The Path of the Sage

Chapter 471: No. 471 Painting Boat


"Painting creates a boat, and writing creates wind."

After hearing this, Fang Yun almost rolled his eyes to the sky. He felt that the previous questions were quite standard, but who knew that the second question would become a comprehensive question.

To create wind with the pen, what should be tested is the foundation of calligraphy and how to use the tip of the pen to create the wind.

But drawing a ship may seem like just drawing a ship, but it also tests the skills of a craftsman. If a person is not clear about the structure of a ship, no matter how lifelike the ship he draws is, he will be surpassed by the person behind him.

However, if a person reaches the fourth or even fifth realm of painting, the things he paints will definitely have greater power.

Fang Yun thought for a moment and looked carefully ahead. There was a strong wind on the water, the waves were rising and falling, and in the distance there were dark clouds.

Fang Yun rolled his eyes at the person who had asked the question. This area of water must not be calm. There would be storms and big waves ahead. If the structure of the ship was too poor, not to mention winning, it might even fail. There had been cases in the past where someone failed to pass the test, causing some big countries to fall directly from the first echelon to the second echelon.

After a while, Fang Yun tried to mobilize the power of the dragon ball, but found that his power was completely restricted.

Fang Yunchong bowed to the front and said, "I want to know if I can bring people from the school palace into the water?"

"A journey of a thousand miles alone." A voice replied.

When Fang Yun heard this, he knew there was no room for maneuver and stopped considering anything else.

"I want to get as many chips as possible. I want to strive for ten chips. I can't play it safe." Fang Yun knew in his heart that many people crossing this area would inevitably give up speed in order to play it safe.

Fang Yun immediately sat on the ground, closed his eyes and pretended to think, but in fact he entered the world of strange books to look for related books.

The fastest sailing ship in ancient times was the clipper, but the clipper was too large, up to fifty meters long, complicated to operate, and not suitable for a single person to cross the water.

As for those advanced powered boats, Fang Yun wanted to draw them. But not to mention shocking, even if he drew them, he might not be able to drive them.

Finally, Fang Yun set his sights on the sailboats used in sailing races in later generations. Although the speed of sailboats in later generations was based on excellent materials, this world had the vitality of heaven and earth and many powerful natural materials, which made it sufficiently feasible.

Fang Yun looked at the sailboats used for the sailing competition in the Wonderful Book World. Although large ships are more stable in stormy areas, larger sailboats are manned by multiple people. The smaller Finn and Laser class sailboats can be manned by one person. Fang Yun carefully compared the two types of sailboats and finally chose the larger Finn class.

After making the selection, Fang Yun immediately looked for all the information about the sailboat, including specification drawings, development history, driving skills, etc. It took him a full quarter of an hour before he opened his eyes.

Fang Yun looked back and saw a figure, so he immediately picked up his brush and started drawing in the air.

This is the literary world, and things that cannot be done outside of the literary world are easy to do here. Fang Yun writes very fast, and the ink in the air slowly turns from virtual to real, and the ink gradually forms the hull, sails, masts and other parts of the ship.

Soon, a strange sailboat that had never appeared in Shengyuan Continent appeared on the waterside.

The fastest group, including Yan Yukong, have already arrived at the shore on horseback. Most of these people are from the first five countries, and the majority of them have cloud patterns on their foreheads.

Cloud patterns are a unique symbol of the people of Yun Country. Yun Country only has three states. The population is not large, but it is still one of the great powers, because the proportion of geniuses among Yun Country's scholars is far higher than that of other places of the human race. Especially the number of great scholars and university scholars, Yun Country with only three states is comparable to nine states in other countries. However, the number of semi-saints in Yun Country has never been particularly exaggerated, so it can only be a great power, not the first among the ten countries.

Someone once said that fortunately only people who grew up in the three states of Yun Kingdom can easily become geniuses. If all people in Yun Kingdom can easily become geniuses, then the other nine countries would have been annexed by Yun Kingdom long ago.

Saints throughout the ages have been searching for the mystery of the Yun Kingdom, but have not found any answer so far. They can only guess that Wenquxing has a special attachment to the people of the Yun Kingdom.

When the new arrivals heard the words "painting to create a boat, brush to create the wind", some were happy while others were sad.

Yan Yukong glanced at Fang Yun and the sailboat standing on the boat ready to set off, and said, "Fang Yun, you are not also proficient in engineering, are you? Although this boat is the only one I have ever seen, I always feel that its structure is reasonable and its shape is beautiful. There is something that I can't explain, but I just feel that it is close to perfection."

Fang Yun thought that it was certainly striving for perfection. The small sailboat contained a lot of knowledge that was beyond this era.

"Fang Zhenguo, don't tell me that you built a sailboat by the Wudao River. The water in the Wudao River is very shallow, and we all know that." A Qingguo Jinshi looked at Fang Yun suspiciously.

Fang Yun was thinking about whether to pull out the Wudao River, the black pot that had been there for thousands of years, but the people of Qing actually offered to help. He took the opportunity to say, "This brother has a good eye. I have never made a large sailboat, but I have read a lot of books on engineering, and when I was a child, I also made some small sailboats to play with by the Wudao River. I already had the prototype of this sailboat, and today is just a trial. As for whether it will succeed, it all depends on luck. I'm leaving first, and see you all later."

Fang Yun began to use the newly learned skills to control the sailboat. He was a little unskilled at first, but he quickly mastered it, and the entire sailboat was speeding across the water like an arrow.

A scholar from the Wu State rubbed his eyes and said, "Is my vision blurry? How can the boat travel so fast without even using the pen to generate wind?"

“I’ve never seen a sailboat go so fast!”

"This Fang Yun has really become Fang Quanneng!"

"The shipbuilders and engineers from the ten countries are probably on their way to the Confucius Academy. This small sailboat may contain a lot of knowledge!"

"Has Fang Yun gotten tired of poetry, songs, calligraphy, and painting, and has he extended his evil hands to the various arts of industry, agriculture, medicine, and mathematics?" someone joked.

"I can't say for sure. I was very happy when I heard the second question because my home is by the sea and I am very familiar with sailboats. But now, I have some doubts that the ones I saw before are not worthy of being called ships at all."

"Fang sports a pen!"

Everyone looked at Fang Yun, and saw that Fang Yun finally picked up the pen and wrote on the sail.

Every time Fang Yun wrote a stroke, a gust of wind naturally came out from the tip of the pen and blew on the sailboat, speeding up the boat.

Fang Yun's calligraphy improved greatly after going through the Lingyan Pavilion, especially after the lectures. Many things that he didn't understand before were finally understood because of the lectures, and he was getting closer and closer to the second realm of calligraphy.

Those who can participate in the Ten-Nation Competition are all top Jinshi of the ten countries. More than half of them are as good as Fang Yun in calligraphy, and at least twenty of them have reached the second level in calligraphy. However, Fang Yun has a sailboat that is far beyond this era, and he once again takes the lead on the water.

Not long after, Fang Yun drove the sailboat to the storm area. Fang Yun's physical fitness far exceeded that of athletes in later generations. Even though he lacked experience, he was able to firmly control the sailboat and finally passed through the storm area safely.

On the shore, dozens of Jingguo students were arguing over a boat that was stable, fast, and self-driving. (To be continued...)