The Path of the Sage

Chapter 513: The soul of poetry reappears


“… That’s an illusion! That’s the art of war!” A blood-red light flashed in Yinghuo’s eyes, and then he saw that there were not three people there, but a war eagle.

The "three people" were submerged in the torrent of sorcery and exploded into countless pieces. However, there was no flesh and blood, only the flowing light after the shadow of the war painting exploded. The power of "Thirty-Six Strategies of Concealing the Sky and Hiding the Sea" dissipated.

The crack was constantly expanding and had formed a huge rift valley. Three people rose from different directions of the rift valley, stepping on the dragon energy cloud.

Kong Detian and Yun Nongzhang were closer to the previous illusion, one on the left and one on the right, fifty feet apart, while Fang Yun stood on the other side of Kong Detian, more than twenty feet away.

Kong Detian and Yun Nongzhang each held a Hanlin literary treasure in their hands, which inspired two Hanlin war poems sealed in it.

The war poem "Meeting at Longshan" turned into a water dragon, baring its fangs and claws and pouncing on Yinghuo. The war poem "Breaking the Sea Whale" followed closely behind, forming a huge whale monster that rushed over.

Before the two Hanlin war poems arrived, the talented ancient swords of Kong Detian and Yun Nongzhang were like two cold lights flying around Yinghuo, not approaching its eagle's beak, leaving scars on its body.

Then water dragons and giant whales arrived one after another.

“Save me…” Yinghuo screamed loudly, mobilizing all his energy and blood to protect his remaining body.

However, the two sides were too close to each other, and the power of the two Hanlin treasures knocked it unconscious. Then Kong Detian's Caiqi ancient sword cut off its eagle head.

Suddenly, its dragon-ascending stone exploded, turning into a ray of light that entered the dragon energy cloud under Kong Detian's feet, making the dragon energy cloud bigger.

At the same time, some golden spots flew out from Yinghuo's body. They were the dragon energy it obtained after killing the Dragon Demon Commander, and they flew into Kong Detian's Wen Palace together.

"Kill them! Lang Cong, you and I will kill Kong Detian! Yuan Gang, go and stop Yun Nong Zhang, don't fight to the death! Shu Yue, Fang Yun is in your hands!" Xiang Po suddenly spoke a series of demon clan secret words. Even Fang Yun couldn't understand.

Among the four living demon saints, Shu Yue was the most astute. He realized that this was a strategy of dividing the human race, but the other three saints did not notice it because their blood and qi were surging and their minds were controlled by murderous intent.

Shu Yue was about to remind him when he saw Fang Yun standing there alone, and his face immediately showed joy.

If you kill Fang Yun, you will receive huge rewards from the saints!

Shu Yue was not blinded by the killing intent, but was covered by greed. The blood in his body erupted, turning into a solid blood armor, and then flew towards Fang Yun like a red arrow of light.

A red light flashed in Shu Yue's eyes, and a giant rat ancestor spirit appeared behind it, then merged into its body, causing its body to rapidly swell like a giant buffalo.

If a Jinshi controls the lip-sharp sword, he cannot use war poems. If he writes war poems, the power of the lip-sharp sword will be greatly reduced. Strength cannot be superimposed, but the power of the demon race's blood power, blood armor, and ancestral spirits can be perfectly superimposed!

This is the reason why ordinary demon generals are stronger than ordinary human scholars.

A faint fierce power emanated from Shu Yue. If that fierce power condensed into substance, it would be a demonic power, a power that originated from the power of blood but was more destructive than the power of blood. Originally, only a demon lord could form it.

The demon race is different from the human race. No matter how talented a human is, it is impossible for him to have the gift of a Hanlin scholar during the Jinshi period. But the saints of the demons and barbarians, because they have the blood of their parents, can often obtain some of the power of a higher demon level.

Although the power in Shu Yue's body at this moment was not even the prototype of fierceness, but only fierce power, it made its blood armor's protective ability increase by 50%!

While running, Shu Yue opened his mouth excitedly. The rat clan's teeth were extremely strong, and with the help of ancestral spirits and the power of qi and blood, they could even bite off the scales of a real dragon of the same level!

No demon tribe dared to let the rat demon's teeth get close to their throat.

"Fang Yun, you will die in my hands, Shu Yue!" Shu Yue roared loudly.

When the rat ran to a certain distance, Fang Yun suddenly picked up his pen and wrote a poem in one breath.

When Fang Yun picked up the pen, a butterfly as white as jade flew up from his arms, opened its mouth and sprayed out a thin stream. The stream fell to the ground and quickly turned into a small river ten feet wide that flowed forward.

The mist butterfly gently fluttered its wings, and an invisible wind blew, carrying the river water forward.

Shu Yue was shocked and wanted to call himself an idiot, just because Fang Yun had never used the power of the Mist Butterfly and had completely forgotten about it.

However, Shu Yue did not give up. He believed that as the holy son of the demon clan, he possessed the triple power of qi and blood, qi and blood armor, and ancestral spirits, plus a trace of fierce power. He was able to break through the strange wind and weak water and kill Fang Yun.

The Mist Butterfly is still a juvenile. The amount of Weak Water and Strange Wind it mobilizes is small and its power is also low. It cannot yet transform Strange Wind and Weak Water into more forms. In most cases, it is just like a tool to store Weak Water and Strange Wind.

The poem Fang Yun wrote was not some other poem, but "Dream of War in Wind and Rain".

"I lie in a lonely village without feeling sorry for myself, but still thinking of guarding Luntai for my country. In my sleep at night, listening to the wind and rain, I dream of the iron cavalry on the frozen river!"

The light of the original work, the light of the handed-down work, the light of the second realm of calligraphy, the light brought by the four treasures of the study... and the light of the soul of poetry!

"Dream Battle in Wind and Rain" successfully entered the second realm of war poetry and possessed the precious light of poetic soul.

The weak water and strange wind in the sky suddenly became as bright and sparkling as crystals under the sun, and then the power of the war poem pounced into the weak water and strange wind.

One by one, the Weak Water Knights, composed of Weak Water and ice, appeared, totaling four hundred in total.

Behind the Weak Water Knight, more than a hundred knights that Fang Yun had never seen before appeared at the same time. The bodies of these knights were also made of ice, but they held ice bows instead of ice spears, and in the quivers behind them were three long arrows made of white air currents.

Strange Wind Knight.

When he saw the two types of cavalry appear, a hint of hesitation flashed in Shu Yue's eyes, but the temptation to kill Fang Yun was too great, and the rat tribe had strong escape capabilities, so he chose to continue charging forward.

The ground was covered with thick ice, and ordinary warriors would have slipped, but Shu Yue walked on it as if it were flat ground, only his speed was slightly slowed down.

The sound of horse hooves hitting the ice was heard, and the Weak Water Knight was in the front, followed by the Strange Wind Knight, who launched a charge.

Shu Yue shouted contemptuously, "Get lost!" He spat out the power of blood and qi, and then the power of blood and qi fell on its blood armor, forming dark green moss, and the whole body changed color. This moss not only has a strong protective ability, but also contains plague poison.

Shu Yue didn't think that a poem written by a scholar could hurt him, even if he used the soul of the poem, even if it contained the power of weak water and strange wind.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh…

More than a hundred strange wind arrows flew towards Shu Yue, and then ice spears flew out past the Weak Water Knights in front, and the Weak Water Knight in the front was ready to stab Shu Yue.

The icy light flickered and the murderous intent soared to the sky.

Shu Yue dodged quickly, and in the end only thirty or so Strange Wind Arrows and seven Weak Water Ice Spears hit it.

Puff puff…

Every arrow and every spear pierced through the hex moss and blood armor and pierced its fur.

These arrows and guns were already at the end of their strength and could not even pierce its fur. However, this was no ordinary war poem, it was a war poem that consumed both talent and literary courage.

Guns and arrows hit my body, wind and rain appear in my dreams.

A trace of Wendan power exploded in Shu Yue's body, and it was the power of the second level of Wendan!


Shu Yue vomited a large amount of blood, lost his balance, fell on the ice and slid forward.

The Weak Water Knight at the front thrust out his spear.

Puff puff…

Blood holes appeared on Shu Yue's body one after another.

Ten breaths later, the Denglong Stone on Shu Yue's body turned into a golden light and flew into the dragon energy cloud under Fang Yun's feet.

Afterwards, all the dragon energy in its body entered Fang Yun's Wen Palace.

At this time, the other demons and the two had not yet fought. (To be continued...)