The Path of the Sage

Chapter 532: Dilo


"The inkstone turtle has been taken away by Marquis Gu Jiao. I hope the things below won't be too bad." Yun Nong Zhang was full of anticipation.

The mechanical mouse looked small, but its digging efficiency was extremely high. Soon, a jade-colored object was revealed, which seemed to be the corner of a cylinder, but it was uneven.

"Is that jade?"

“It looks like stone.”

"Dragon bones!" Kong Detian recognized it at a glance.

Before everyone could be surprised, the mechanical mouse dug up the sand on the dragon skeleton, revealing a golden dragon pattern. The dragon pattern looked like it was cast in gold, and it seemed as if it was about to fly, showing its domineering and majestic power. It was the natural beauty and wild beauty that no painter could depict.

The moment everyone saw the dragon pattern, they had an illusion that the dragon pattern would transform into a dragon the next moment.

Some people thought of the dragon patterns on their Caiqi Ancient Sword and shook their heads slightly. No wonder the dragon patterns on the Caiqi Ancient Sword were called virtual dragon patterns by the dragon clan. They were far inferior to the real dragon patterns.

"This dragon bone seems a bit big."

"It must be the bones of the Dragon Saint, but I don't know which part of the body it is from."

The mechanical mouse continued to dig, and after a while, Yun Nongzhang suddenly exclaimed: "The dragon pattern is broken!"

Everyone looked at the broken part of the dragon pattern and their hearts sank. If the dragon pattern was broken, although the value was very high, it would not be as good as when the dragon pattern was connected.

As the mechanical mouse continued to dig, everyone saw more dragon bones.

"It's the spine! The most precious dragon bone!" Judd exclaimed.

Everyone nodded repeatedly. Even though the dragon pattern was broken, the spine of the Dragon Saint was more precious than dragon bones from other places, because the dragon bone contained dragon marrow, which could be used as medicine. It was a divine object of the dragon clan second only to the dragon balls.

"I hope the dragon marrow inside hasn't turned to stone."

Gradually, more and more dragon bones were exposed. This dragon bone was extremely thick, with a cylindrical cross-section diameter of ten feet, as thick as five or six people could hug together.

"It must be the Dragon Saint's spine. Otherwise it can't be so big!"

"Keep digging! Let's not sit idle. Now that we know the thickness of the dragon bone spine, we can use verbal sparring to help the mechanical rat!"

After two quarters of an hour of excavation, half of the Dragon Saint's bones appeared before everyone.

The bones of the Dragon Saint not only have the spine, but also the dragon skull. Although it is only a part of it, it is thirty feet long.

Everyone was pleasantly surprised when they first saw it. This piece of dragon bone was so precious. With this piece of dragon bone, humans could make many cultural treasures or mechanisms.

However, when everyone saw the dragon head clearly, they were all stunned.

The dragon's mouth was open, and there was something in it.

The dragon holds the coffin in its mouth!

The dragon's skeleton lay flat, its mouth opened wide towards the sky, and a coffin stood diagonally in the dragon's mouth, facing the people in the air.

The coffin was made of opaque bones, but the lid was transparent. Inside lay a humanoid creature, but it was taller than an ordinary person, a full ten feet tall.

The clothes of this kind of creatures are extremely strange, not silk or metal, but made of pieces of bone jade of different sizes, as smooth as jade. It is like a luxurious armor that covers the person from head to toe.

The jade armor was only a faint glow at first, but as the mechanical mouse cleaned the dragon's mouth, the jade armor began to emit a faint silver light, becoming more and more dazzling.

This person's mask only reveals his eyes, but his eyes are tightly closed, and everyone can only see his closed eyelids.

"This... could it be an unknown alien race?" Everyone looked at each other, and no one knew how to deal with it. If it was a dead person, it would be fine, but the jade armor on this person began to glow, as if something would change.

Fang Yun stared blankly at the man who was wrapped in jade armor. There had been sporadic records about him in the ancient demon heritage, but the ancient demons didn't know much about this race, and much of it was based on guesswork.

"what to do?"

Everyone didn't know what to do.

The silver light of the jade armor suddenly became stronger and turned into countless star fragments surrounding it, and finally formed a vortex galaxy-like scene, rotating around this person.

Suddenly, the man opened his eyes.

The sky and the earth flickered, and countless strange scenes appeared in the dark sky, including the collapse of the sun, the collision of stars, the birth and death of a world... and finally the strange scene disappeared.

Ever since the two suns disappeared in the desert, the place became gray, but now it suddenly became bright.

To the left of this person, patches of green trees and grass appeared in the desert, and rivers and lakes appeared out of thin air, like a fairyland.

To the right of this person, heavy snow was falling, the ground was frozen, and a strong cold wind was howling.

Spring and winter were created by this person and divided by this person.

One glance brings spring, another brings winter to an end.

Everyone was stunned. This was the power of the Holy Way that could change the world!

Everyone subconsciously looked at the man's open eyes. There were only two voids there, constantly disappearing, as if creation and destruction, life and death were being performed.

A large number of cracks appeared on the surface of the coffin lid, which made a crackling sound and then collapsed.

This person's body rose straight up with his feet on the void. He was clearly standing lower than Fang Yun and the others, and was clearly looking up at them, but all the human scholars felt that he was standing on the top of the world, looking down at them.

Except for his eyes, the entire front of this man's body was covered in jade armor, but he had black hair on the back of his head that fell to his waist.

This person's jade armor was originally very close-fitting, but after standing upright, the jade armor pieces flowed from top to bottom like water, overlapping and expanding slightly, making a slight metallic sound, and then turned into a more gorgeous and more majestic silver-white battle armor, exuding a metallic color.

The helmet of the battle armor is combined into a ferocious dragon head, the shoulders on both sides form strange beast heads, and there is a pattern of thousands of collapsing stars on the chest. The hem of the battle armor below the waist is like a skirt and armor, moving automatically without wind, and dragon claws appear on the surface of the boots under the feet.

Behind this person, a phantom of a star a hundred feet high appeared, emitting endless murderous intent.

The man's fists were wrapped in thin armor plates. When he clenched them lightly, tiny black cracks suddenly appeared around his fists and quickly disappeared.

The man breathed slowly, and the space under his nose suddenly cracked, forming a black void crack, which then quickly healed, repeating over and over again.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene, their bodies were so stiff that they dared not move. A half-saint of the human race could never do this, even a half-saint of the demon race could not do it. At least only the Great Sage, the Ancestor of Demons, could achieve the "Breathing the Sky".

When this person started to speak, it sounded very pleasant at first, but as time went on, it was like the resonance of heaven and earth. All things spoke at the same time, and countless strange sounds vibrated in everyone's ears, and no one could accurately hear what the other person was saying.

It seemed as if what this man said were not words, but the language of heaven and earth, the sound of all universes.

Fang Yun suddenly controlled the dragon energy cloud, stood in front of everyone, protected the other scholars, pointed at himself with his left hand, and wrote quickly with his right hand. After finishing writing, he stood the paper up backwards to show it to others.

"This person's language is similar to the ancient demon language. He might be the legendary 'Emperor Clan'. His name can be translated as 'Emperor Luo'. He should be asking who interrupted his sleep. I suspect this person wants to harm us. You guys run away quickly. I will deal with him for a while!"

However, the moment Fang Yun raised the paper, the member of the Yujia Emperor clan blinked.

Afterwards, everyone saw from Di Luo's eyes that the words written by Fang Yun were actually disassembled and then formed into a large number of words, and these words, under the guidance of invisible forces, formed poems and articles of the human race.

Then, everyone saw the famous works of the human race from Di Luo's eyes, including "The Analects of Confucius", "The Book of Rites", "The Spring and Autumn Annals" and so on.

Finally, these characters turned into strange oracle bone inscriptions and then suddenly collapsed.

This Emperor Luo originally looked into the void. But now his eyes have returned to the same black and white eyes as the human race, but these eyes are exceptionally bright and beautiful. Not only can they illuminate the world, but they can even illuminate people's hearts.

Everyone broke out in cold sweat, wondering what kind of monster this person was. He actually evolved all the characters of the human race based on Fang Yun's mere dozens of words, and then evolved all the works of the human race, and only stopped after he deduced the oracle bone inscriptions.

The man's visor suddenly moved slightly, as if the corners of his mouth were slightly raised and he was smiling.

However, this tiny movement quickly disappeared, and the man's eyes did not change at all, so everyone thought it was an illusion.

"Human race? Wonderful!" Di Luo suddenly opened his mouth. The pronunciation of the two words "human race" was a little inaccurate, but the pronunciation of the word "wonderful" was very accurate.

Several Jinshi scholars had the urge to bang their heads against the wall. Compared with this guy, all the geniuses of the human race seemed like idiots.

A blink of an eye can reveal a thousand years, and two words can determine the sound. This is absolutely the real power of the Holy Way, and it is definitely the power of the Holy Way above the semi-saint.

Di Luo extended his hand to Fang Yun and said, "Lend me the 'Zhenhuang Tianke'. If we meet again someday, I will return it tenfold."

Di Luo's voice was exceptionally clear.

The attention of many Jinshi scholars was not focused on what Di Luo said, but they were all attracted by the void cracks that kept appearing and healing in front of Di Luo. If this man were placed in the Shengyuan Continent, he could overturn an entire state with just a breath.

Fang Yun immediately realized that the dragon breath stone carving he got from the evil king was actually called "Zhenhuang Tianke", but he didn't understand why there was a faint dragon breath on it.

At this point, a saintly figure asked to borrow something from him, so Fang Yun had to lend it to him no matter how bold he was, not to mention that the stone carving was basically useless at the moment. Fang Yun originally thought that it was a dragon clan item or even a relic of the ancestor dragon, but now he realized that it might not have much to do with the dragon clan.

Fang Yun silently took out the Zhenhuang Tianke from the Yinjiang Shell, threw it to Di Luo, then immediately picked up the pen to write and held up the paper.

"Senior, can you pay the deposit first?"

All the Jinshi rolled their eyes. Fang Yun was simply amazing. If it were an ordinary Jinshi, he would have been scared to death, but he actually bargained with a great figure of the Holy Land, and was quite righteous about it.

Di Luo's eyes curved slightly, and he seemed to have a hint of smile on his face, and said, "If I don't take your Heaven and Earth Pupil, it will be considered as a deposit... Huh?"

Di Luo suddenly looked at Fang Yun curiously, nodded suddenly, and said: "Then I will point you in a direction." After that, he pointed his finger at Fang Yun.

Wherever Di Luo pointed, the sky rose and the earth sank, the space collapsed, the void became a river, and a strange force went straight into Fang Yun's eyebrows.

Fang Yun felt his head exploded. He didn't even have time to groan before he passed out and fell on the dragon energy cloud.

The people behind Fang Yun did nothing, but the aftermath of the Holy Dao power dissipated, and everyone was hammered by the invisible force, spitting blood and flying backwards, with flesh and blood splattered, bones shattered, and all of them were dying. (To be continued...)