The Path of the Sage

Chapter 548: conviction


Jingguo, outside Ning'an City.

Winter has arrived, and the snow is everywhere. It is time for the barbarians to move south.

A team transporting food and fodder was marching towards the front army camp in the wind and snow. Halfway through the journey, a 3,000-strong horse barbarian army suddenly arrived, led by a royal horse barbarian commander, who was equivalent to a Jinshi in the human race, but his strength far exceeded that of an ordinary Jinshi. He also had a deputy horse barbarian commander.

The human race's grain transport team had no more than 5,000 people, but most of them were soldiers without much combat experience. Regular soldiers who had been on the battlefield barely numbered 2,000, less than one guard. The leader was a sixth-rank Jinshi lieutenant general, and his deputy was a seventh-rank Jinshi battalion commander.

At the beginning of the battle, the sixth-rank lieutenant general issued a request for help, and then gave orders with his eloquence. Even in the windy and snowy evening, he still commanded the troops in an orderly manner.

From beginning to end, the Jinshi Yingxiao did not speak a word. He just slowly wrote war poems. His contribution was only slightly greater than that of an ordinary juren and he seemed to be lazy.

This person is Chang Dongyun, who left Jingguo Academy to protect Fang Yun. Ever since he left the capital, he has remained silent since being given the Hidden Edge Poem by Fang Yun.

Most of the soldiers ignored his presence, while some veteran soldiers cursed at him, not taking this young scholar who had just joined the army for a few months seriously at all.

"A dumb scholar! I heard that he can speak, but he just won't."

"Yes, he is not pregnant with a sword. He has been arguing with the enemy for a long time, but he has never taken action. Look at Lord Pan. He is not as talented as this dumb scholar. In addition to being older, he is weaker in all aspects, but he still uses his arguing to stop the enemy."

"Alas, if he had used his sword, he could have saved those brothers who just died."

"Look at him. He doesn't take human life seriously. Luckily we're not in his camp, or he'd be furious."

"Shut up!" a soldier shouted to stop these people.

If nothing unexpected happens, the human race will need at least 5,000 regular troops to ensure invincibility against the 3,000 barbarian troops.

The horse barbarians used their best horse archery attack, moving left and right, dispersing and gathering, forcing the human food transport team to continuously close the defense line, leaving more and more corpses.

The human soldiers were determined to drag back the bodies of their companions even at the risk of their own lives, while those bodies that were simply out of reach were taken away one by one by the barbarians using ropes.

The monsters consider human flesh a delicacy.

Time passed slowly. The death toll was not high, only about 400 people, but there were over 2,000 injured, more than half of whom had lost the ability to fight. Doctors continued to treat them using herbs or medical books.

On the other hand, the barbarian troops suffered few casualties, and the balance of victory tilted towards the horse barbarians.

The barbarian team was fully focused at the beginning. But the dawn of victory was just around the corner, and they were full of confidence, especially the royal family's Ma Manshuai, who was in the best mood because he had just used magic and blood power to injure General Pan's verbal sparring, and ordinary war poems could not cause any harm to him.

Royal Ma Manshuai glanced at Chang Dongyun, sneered, pointed at Chang Dongyun with his whip and said to the barbarians around him: "This human idiot dares to transport food during the sword-pregnancy period. He really doesn't take our barbarians seriously. Humph, Master Jing is really lucky. At this time of year in previous years, all the monsters and barbarians would go south with all their strength to capture human slaves. But now it seems that something big happened in the monster world, and the three barbarians' general attack has been postponed. However, the Barbarian King has said that it will be delayed to December at most. Now it is less than 30 days away from December, and it is very likely that the three barbarians will launch a general attack on the first day of December when the human race takes the imperial examination! Don't play around. Eat this team immediately and leave this place quickly!"

"Yes, sir!" The horse barbarian army immediately began to press forward, and the human casualties became even more severe. But the horse barbarian casualties also began to increase.

General Pan glanced at Chang Dongyun and said nothing. He continued to use war poems to attack Ma Manshuai, but at most he could only consume Ma Manshuai's energy and blood, but could not hurt him.

Soon, the human race's casualties reached a critical point, the army's morale was low, and it was on the verge of collapse.

The royal horse barbarian commander was experienced. He immediately put away his bows and ordered more than half of the horse barbarians to replace them with spears and launch a charge. He wanted to eliminate the human team as quickly as possible to prevent human reinforcements from arriving.

"Charge!" A large number of horse barbarians excitedly rushed towards the human defense line. In their eyes, these were all the most delicious food.

Chang Dongyun's right hand slowly wrote a war poem, while his left hand tightly grasped his robe.

But in the blink of an eye, the horse barbarians broke through the first line of defense of the human race, and the human race was thrown to the ground, with countless casualties.

Soon, the Ma Man people broke through the second line of defense and pointed their guns at the central army, threatening the two Jinshi.

“Hahahaha…” Ma Manshuai, a member of the royal family, laughed wildly when he saw victory was approaching.

Suddenly, Chang Dongyun opened his mouth and a white light suddenly appeared. Then a strong wind blew around him, and the clothes of all the people around him made a rustling sound and shattered into pieces.

A talented ancient sword flew out at an incredible speed, one clang, one and a half clangs, and then two clangs!

Chang Dongyun was too close to the royal Ma Manshuai, and the twice speed of sound exceeded Ma Manshuai's reaction limit.


Chang Dongyun's ancient sword pierced through the forehead of the royal Ma Manshuai, then turned around at lightning speed and pierced the back of another Ma Manshuai.

The other Ma Manshuai was prepared. He turned around and punched out. With his powerful blood armor and qi and blood power, he was able to withstand most of the verbal attacks.


Chang Dongyun's ancient sword first pierced through Ma Manshuai's fist, and then pierced into his heart squarely.

The two handsome horses fell to the ground with looks of disbelief and died.

The Hidden Sword Poem, which contains the power of the Star King, doubles the power of Chang Dongyun's ancient sword.

"Okay!" General Pan then released his damaged sword. Without Ma Manshuai, the demon general could not hurt his sword at all.

The talented ancient swords of the two Jinshi were like two meat grinders, which first strangled all the barbarian generals and then began to strangle the barbarian soldiers.

These horse barbarians tried their best to escape, but the two scholars had poems about rapid marching and fighting, so they were all killed in the end.

After chopping off the last horse barbarian's head, General Pan, with sweat all over his forehead, looked at Chang Dongyun, smiled slightly, and said: "The Jinshi who can make Fang Wenhou send off a poem is really extraordinary!"

Chang Dongyun, however, did not show the slightest sign of complacency as he looked towards the East China Sea in the cold wind.

"Marquis Fang Wen should still be in Denglongtai at this moment."

On the Dragon Platform, the evil king pointed at Fang Yun, with an evil dragon shadow in his eyes. At the same time, he recited his own Three Realms War Poem "Slaughtering the Barbarian Spear"!

"The moon blade points to the sky, the cold light reflects the dried blood..."

Fang Yun had heard of this poem. This poem described a great war that took place in those years. The human race and the barbarians fought for a long time, from day to night. The blood that was shed at the beginning had already dried up, but the human race's military strategist consumed his life with his blood and loyalty, integrated himself into the spear, launched the final blow, and finally won the victory.

Since the evil king had personally participated in that vicious fight. Although this poem has not been handed down, the poem has a poetic soul when it comes out, and it has entered the second realm. After years of practice, this poem has reached the third realm of summoning saints. Due to the blood relationship, he can summon the thoughts of the virtual saint Meng Tian that remain between heaven and earth!

At this moment, a faint black mist appeared around the evil king. The black mist became thicker and thicker, and it even showed a tendency to condense into the shadow of an evil dragon.

Ao Huang became more and more anxious when he saw the scene in front of him.

The most terrifying thing is that this poem will absorb the remaining will of the Prison Evil Dragon, which is enough to raise the realm of this poem to a higher level and enter the fourth realm of holy soul. It is very likely that a holy soul of a semi-saint will appear!

At that time, even Ao Huang in his prime would be seriously injured, and Fang Yun would definitely die if he encountered him.

Fang Yun immediately used his tongue to stab the evil king, but the black mist came from the evil dragon. Even the powerful True Dragon Ancient Sword was completely blocked and could not move forward.

Ao Huang in the distance almost went crazy. Even the True Dragon Ancient Sword couldn't do anything to the evil king at this moment. Fang Yun was helpless!

The Hell-Suppressing Evil Dragon is too powerful!

The scholars of the Holy Academy in the distance were extremely desperate when they saw this scene. Some of them even cursed loudly, and Kong Detian covered his chest with his hands, his heart was broken.

"God has doomed our human race!" Kong Detian roared in despair.

"Tu Man Qiang" has a total of eight sentences. When Xiong Jun recited the second sentence, Fang Yun suddenly shouted with his tongue bursting into spring thunder.

"How dare you, a mere rebellious scholar, hurt me!"

At this moment, the evil king did not rebel, because he was supported by the belief of revitalizing the Meng family. He believed that he was more beneficial to the human race than Fang Yun. All his actions against Fang Yun were revenge. His relationship with the demon clan was just a transaction, and he did not completely betray the human race.

The four words "rebellious intellectual" sounded particularly harsh to the evil king. His breathing became temporarily disordered and his speaking speed slowed down. He finished reciting the third sentence only after Fang Yun had finished speaking.

Fang Yun added: "As one of the four great talents of the next generation of the human race, your first crime is to bring disaster to the Wu Kingdom, your second crime is to harm the families, your third crime is to rob others by trickery, and your fourth crime is to exchange it for the Zhenhuang Tianke for the Star King! Do you know that the Zhenhuang Tianke can form a void gate to cross the two worlds?"

Xiong Jun had just finished reciting the fourth sentence and was about to recite the fifth sentence, but when he heard Fang Yun's last sentence, his eyes widened. He never expected that the nameless stone carving was actually a divine object of that level. If it had been handed over to the Longman clan at that time, the consequences would have been disastrous. It can even be said that the human race is now extinct!

The mere King of Stars cannot save the human race!

Ten star kings are not as important as a void gate!

Xiong Jun's literary courage was shaken violently, and his recitation was almost interrupted, but he still persisted and continued to recite. Not only was his speed slow, but because of the internal shock of his literary courage, his body was under the force of his literary courage, and many tissues were ruptured. A thin thread of blood flowed out of his mouth.

Fang Yun originally did not know the function of the Dragon Breath Stone Carving, but after listening to Kong Detian's description, he realized that Di Luo could actually use the Zhenhuang Heavenly Carving to generate a Void Gate, and there happened to be a Void Gate with unstable power in the Two Worlds Mountain!

“That evil dragon that suppresses the prison is an ancient vicious being. Once he possesses Ao Huang’s body, he will surely kill all the human beings here. The most elite scholars of an entire generation of human beings will die at the hands of you, the vicious monarch Meng Lintang! Do you… admit your guilt!”

Xiong Jun really wanted to open his mouth to refute, saying that there was a way to restrain the Evil Dragon and there would be a chance to make up for the tragedy of all the Jinshi's deaths, but years of experience and reason told him that Fang Yun was right and that he might be killed by the Evil Dragon in the end.


Tiny cracks appeared on the surface of the evil king's literary courage, but his literary courage was extremely strong and did not break even though it was cracked. He still insisted on reciting war poems.

However, blood no longer flowed out of his mouth, but a large amount of blood gushed out, and he couldn't stop it. (To be continued...)