The Path of the Sage

Chapter 577: Jiang Cheng Zi A Dream in Prison


Jingguo Academy, Shangshefang House.

Yang Yuhuan, dressed in white, as if in mourning, stood in the courtyard, looking at the open door.

There was no panic or sadness in her eyes. She just looked like an ordinary wife waiting for her husband to return, unusually calm and determined.

On the other side, Ao Huang was floating in the air, looking down at the little fox on the ground.

“Oh, oh, oh, oh…” The little fox’s voice rose and fell.

“Aoaoao, aoaoao, aoaoao…” Ao Huang’s voice was also even and orderly.

The dragon and the fox communicated in a way that no one else could understand, and they had a very pleasant chat, but both of them looked angry and anxious.

Fang Daniu and other servants of the Fang family stood quietly behind Yang Yuhuan, sighing constantly.

Tiger in prison.

Several jailers grumbled.

"It's too much to treat Master Fang like this!"

"When Master Fang becomes a semi-saint in the future, I will definitely take revenge!"

Huo Siyu kept silent, as if he had forgotten what his superior, Yuan Su, the Left Vice Minister of the Ministry of Justice, had told him.

The two scholars from the Criminal Hall looked at each other and saw deep helplessness in each other's eyes.

"How can this be possible!" a scholar from the Criminal Hall said softly.

Another Jinshi from the Punishment Hall sighed softly, then looked towards the dungeon window and saw Fang Yun inside.

After listening to the words of Minister Jiang Hechuan, Fang Yun pondered for a full half a minute, and suddenly said: "Please prepare the four treasures of the study."

"I've been waiting for you to say this!" Then a dozen jailers ran excitedly to get the things.

Prison Chief Huo still kept his head down and said nothing. Ever since Fang Yun started giving Tianyan lessons, he seemed to have become the most idle person in the Tiger Prison. He was no longer strict with Fang Yun, but he also didn't tell him to do well, leaving everything to the jailers and clerks.

Huo Siyu used all means to get promoted, but he could not be harsh to the teacher who taught him, even if he was just an auditor. Even if he did not really become his disciple.

Soon, the jailers brought suitable tables, chairs and study supplies and placed them in front of the door of Cell B13.

The jailer opened the cell door, then deftly removed Fang Yun's shackles, and let Fang Yun sit on a chair. Another jailer used his family's traditional method to give Fang Yun a blood-activating massage and a bone-loosening massage.

Huo Siyu still turned a blind eye.

The surrounding prisoners also looked at Fang Yun. To them, Fang Yun was not only a teacher, but also a lifesaver.

"Mr. Fang, don't be anxious. Think it over before you write. I'll massage your legs and feet first. I guarantee that you will be inspired!" The jailer squatted under Fang Yun and massaged his legs with a smile.

"Stop flattering me and let Mr. Fang think carefully."

Everyone immediately controlled their breathing, fearing that the loud breathing would affect Fang Yun.

The only sounds in the dungeon were the burning torches, the jailer beating his legs and grinding ink.

Fang Yun sat in a comfortable chair and breathed a long sigh of relief.

The reason why they chose to write poems and atone for their crimes the day before the first day of December was because they were afraid that using them in advance would give the Zong family and the Lei family enough time to fight back. Moreover, even if the poems and atonement failed, they could use the tax exemption order given by the Queen Mother at the last minute.

Fang Yun was not in a hurry, but thought slowly. The requirements for the three national poems were indeed too high.

A full quarter of an hour passed. A hint of sadness flashed across Fang Yun's face. He suddenly picked up his brush, dipped it in thick ink, and wrote the name of the ci tune on the white paper.

"Jiang Chengzi."

"I dreamed in prison that my beloved wife Yuhuan had passed away. I spent the rest of my lonely life writing this poem."

Before the main text, Fang Yun wrote this poem because he had a dream in the Tiger Prison, in which he dreamed that his wife Yang Yuhuan died, and in the dream he would spend the rest of his life alone.

Afterwards, Fang Yun wrote the main text.

"Ten years of life and death, I can never forget you without even thinking about you.

A lonely grave thousands of miles away, with no one to express my sorrow.

Even if we meet, we won't recognize each other, with dust on our faces and hair like frost.

Last night, I had a dream that brought me back to my hometown, and I was sitting in the window, dressing myself.

We looked at each other in silence, with tears streaming down our faces.

I guess the place where my heart breaks every year is the short pine hill on a moonlit night. "

Hu Qiuyu is not in the Academy of Literature, so he cannot display his talent directly. Therefore, when Fang Yun writes, no radiance of talent appears.

However, when writing about “a lonely grave a thousand miles away”, a soft cry suddenly came from the entire dungeon.

No one shed tears, it seems that the dead souls are crying.

When writing "only thousands of tears", the crying suddenly became louder.

When the poem is completed, every word is shining, the fragrance of ink spreads for ten miles, the feelings are conveyed for a hundred miles, and the tears are shed for a thousand miles.

"Sad lyrics and four strange visions will surely protect the country!" Huo Siyu silently shed tears while talking to himself.

The words on it formed a faint glow, and at the same time the fragrance of ink spread over ten miles.

Within a radius of a hundred miles, an indescribable feeling of sorrow enveloped everyone. Everyone was moved by the sad story, from newborn babies to dying old people, no matter if they were young students or great scholars, all were affected by the power of this tragic poem.

Within a hundred miles, everyone was crying.

Within a thousand miles, countless cries appeared out of nowhere, as if the souls of the dead were crying.

Even Fang Yun was affected by Baili Chuanqing. He stood up and bowed with tears in his eyes.

"Student Fang Yun, the first chapter is completed!"

Afterwards, a golden official seal appeared out of thin air, shedding a faint light and falling on "Jiang Chengzi: Dream in Prison".

The talent is soaring, and the four-foot-nine-inch orange talent stands upright above the words.

It is a perfect guardian of the country, and only an inch away from becoming famous throughout the world!

Afterwards, the voice of Wen Xiang Jiang Hachuan spread throughout Jingguo.

"Fang Yun's first poem was completed, and Ben Xiang recited it on his behalf. Jiang Chengzi, in prison, dreamed that his beloved wife Yuhuan had passed away..."

Jiang Hechuan read slowly in a moderate and calm voice. When he finished reciting the first paragraph "Ten years of life and death, I can't forget you even if I don't think about you", his voice changed slightly, as if he was suppressing something.

When he recited the line "We looked at each other in silence, with tears streaming down our faces", the great scholar and Prime Minister of Jing State finally could not endure it any longer and his voice choked with sobs.

After reading the last word, Jiang Hechuan's voice actually contained a cry.

The Zhenguo Ci contains the true meaning of poetry, and the great scholar of the generation also spoke the words of heaven, reciting the artistic conception of the entire poem perfectly.

After a while, Jiang Hechuan had to send a message to the whole country again.

"This is a very sad poem. I miss my deceased wife. I hope you can forgive me."

Inside the Tiger Prison, the prisoners and the jailers were crying.

A jailer covered his face and cried, "Master Fang is so pitiful. He dreamed that his wife had passed away ten years ago. He didn't want to miss her, but he couldn't forget her. Her lonely grave is thousands of miles away. But he didn't even have the chance to express his sorrow in front of the grave."

A Jinshi from the Criminal Hall wiped his tears with his sleeve and said, "It was even sadder afterwards. The Master Fang in the dream must have failed the imperial examination and was running around everywhere. His face was covered in dust and his temples were as white as snow. Even if his deceased wife came back to life and they met, they would not be able to recognize each other. Sad! Sad! Sad!"

In the children's class at Jingguo Academy, all the children burst into tears. The teacher shed tears but said nothing.

After a while, a child asked, "I had a dream last night and suddenly returned to my hometown. I saw you sitting in the window, dressing up. We looked at each other without saying a word, but with tears streaming down our faces. I guess you are the one who breaks my heart every year, on the moonlit night, by the short pine hills. Why is that?"

The teacher wiped away her tears and said softly, "It was all in a dream. Fang Yun returned to his hometown. Through the window, he saw the living Yang Yuhuan combing her hair and dressing in front of the mirror. But the two looked at each other, and even though they had a lot to say, they could not speak. They could only look at each other quietly. They shed tears silently. Under the bright moon, in front of the grave on the hill with pine trees, it must be the place where Fang Yun was sad every year. The pain in the dream is better than the human world! Better than the human world!"

The teachers and students burst into tears again.

When Jiang Hechuan's voice of reciting this poem spread throughout Jingguo, his talent for poetry gradually increased. In just a cup of tea, his talent exceeded five feet. The poem was completed and spread throughout the world!

Poetry then broke through, without any new vision, but the expression of emotion was expanded and spread thousands of miles away.

Thousands of households in the capital cried together.

"Jiang Chengzi: Dream in Prison" is spreading at an incredible speed.

On the Daofeng Mountain, in the holy temples, the holy discussion came to an abrupt end, and the strange phenomenon above the holy temple also dissipated.

Half-Saint lives for two hundred years and has seen many lives and deaths. He is the most ruthless and also the most affectionate.

In Kongcheng, the Kong family received the letter immediately. After reading it, a great scholar of the Kong family burst into tears and recited the poem with a spring thunder: "Fang Yun's first poem to atone for his crime is completed. The title of the poem is "Jiangchengzi". The original text is as follows..."

Soon after, there were bursts of crying in Kongcheng.

Yan Yukong's eyes were moist as he slowly sent a letter to Fang Yun: "Your talent has surpassed Cao Zijian. If the talent in the world is one stone, you will get nine buckets, and the rest of the people will get one bucket!"

In Liangjie Mountain, the lyricist and the poet looked at the "Jiangchengzi: Dream in Prison" in the letter and burst into tears.

"Once this poem is uttered, who would dare to miss his wife? Remembering her would surely break his heart!" said the poet.

"Only a sage of poetry can write such a masterpiece! Compared with him, it is a joke that I am called the sage of poetry! This poem is titled "Recalling My Dead Wife", but in fact, it is about thinking about Yuhuan with my dead soul!"

"What does this mean?" The poet looked at the lyricist in confusion.

The poet said slowly with tears in his eyes: "Fang Yun was writing that after being punished to death by the Moon Tree God, he had no way to tell Yang Yuhuan about his desolation in a grave thousands of miles away. Because he missed his wife Yuhuan too much and could not forget her after ten years, he turned into a ghost and revived. However, the two were separated by the world, and even if they met, Yang Yuhuan would not recognize him. In Yang Yuhuan's eyes, he was probably just an old ghost."

Shijun nodded repeatedly, becoming more and more surprised.

The poet continued, "Fang Yun immediately went to his hometown and saw Yang Yuhuan quietly dressing up through the window. As a result, the two saw each other, one person and one ghost, separated forever, but could only look at each other and cry! Every time on Fang Yun's death anniversary, when night falls, Fang Yun's ghost must be heartbroken on the grave on the hill covered with pine trees. This poem describes two people and two scenes. It is an unprecedented double-sided poem! I am sure that this poem will be spread all over the world!"

The poet sighed to the sky.

"Fang Yun is a great talent, I am far inferior to him!"

Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

The old Dragon Saint shed two tears, which turned into two strange crystals and fell to the bottom of the sea. Afterwards, the sea creatures within a million miles around cried loudly.

There were huge waves on the East China Sea, but not a single boat was hurt.

"The poems written by this little fellow Fang Yun are so good, so good, but why did he provoke the punishment of the Moon Tree God? It's not that the old dragon didn't save him, but the old dragon reserved the most powerful strength to complete the teachings of the ancestors!"

At Fang's house, Ao Huang held the little fox in his paws and burst into tears, while little Meteor was also trembling.

The Yangui, who was trying to escape, also looked up to the sky and cried loudly, unable to take another step.

Yang Yuhuan burst into tears, covered her face with her hands, rushed into Fang Yun's bedroom, threw herself on the bed and cried.

Ao Huang said while crying: "Don't worry Fang Yun, just for this poem, I will protect my sister-in-law and the little fox! If I can't do it, let me be killed by you every day in my dreams! It's so well written, are you changing your identity and writing about the scene ten years later? Don't worry, I will bury you in the short pine hill, and if anyone dares to touch a pine needle, I will dig up his ancestral grave!" (To be continued...)