The Path of the Sage

Chapter 669: Blood pool, altar


Ji Shouyu is the descendant of King Wen's family. When he was born, King Wen's Bagua diagram was visible in his eyes. This is a power rooted in the Ji family's bloodline. Later, when he was studying, his understanding of the "Book of Changes" far exceeded that of ordinary people.

This person has a strong ability of premonition, which is often no less than that of great scholars in making deductions using the original bamboo slips of the Book of Changes.

As his literary status improved, Ji Shouyu's power grew stronger.

Some people even felt sorry that Ji Shouyu had such talent that if he became a disciple of Confucius, he would definitely become a semi-saint, but now no one could guarantee that Ji Shouyu would be canonized as a saint.

The people of King Wen's family were afraid that Ji Shouyu would die young because he was too smart, so they forcibly changed his name to "Shou Yu", just like giving a child a derogatory name, hoping that he could grow up smoothly and also warning him not to show off his talents.

Everyone was moved when they heard Ji Shouyu's words.

"Brother Shouyu, what did you see?" someone asked.

"Disaster, a disaster that we are completely unable to resist." Ji Shouyu suddenly closed his eyes, and two strands of blood flowed from the corners of his eyes.

"Brother Shouyu!" The people nearby hurried over to support him.

"No problem, I just overdrawn my strength. I just need to rest for a quarter of an hour."

"It seems that this spring hunt is full of dangers. However, with the saints watching over the world and the great scholars secretly protecting us, we will not die as long as we don't go to the Demon Mountain to die."

"Some troubles occasionally occur in the hunting grounds. After all, there are millions of demons and barbarians here, and there are always some who hide their strength and wait for an opportunity to strike. The death rate in the hunting grounds is too high, and a new batch of demons and barbarians come in every month. There must be problems among them, but they are eventually found out and never cause a disaster."

"Brother He is right. Perhaps there is a problem with the Hanlin Hunting Ground. The Jinshi Hunting Ground has probably been combed through by the power of the Semi-Saint's incarnation many times, so there will be no mistakes."

"It's the spring hunting season now. We can't even look at the discussion list except for the literary list. We have lost contact with the outside world. But the saints will definitely see us. If something big happens here, they will take action immediately. Even if there is a huge disaster, it will not affect us."

"That makes sense!"

Many scholars nodded slightly. Apart from the incident at Liangjie Mountain, nothing had happened to the human race that was beyond the control of the saints. Even major events like the Moon Tree Divine Punishment were saved by the saints' holy souls.

The human race has an extraordinary trust in the saints.

Ji Shouyu closed his eyes, nodded slightly, and said, "Indeed. The power of the Book of Changes is not just guessing or foresight, but using all variables to deduce the most likely result. However, my power is limited to that of a saint, and I cannot include the power of a saint in the deduction."

Fang Yun said: "No matter what, please be careful. Although the ranking is important, life is more important. If you die, you will lose everything."

"Fang Xusheng said it well."

"Well, we from the Yun Kingdom will go ahead. You all take your leave." A middle-aged Jinshi in his forties led the other Jinshi from the Yun Kingdom, bowed, and walked towards the depths of the hunting ground.

Fang Yun looked ahead.

There was an ordinary grassland nearby, a forest on the left, a river on the right, and undulating hills in the distance.

Fang Yun knew that behind the hills was the hunting ground desert, and in the farthest distance were three towering peaks, looming with white clouds at the end of the world.

This hunting ground was modified according to human habits, and originally had beautiful scenery. But there was no sunshine here, and the leaden clouds in the sky made the entire ancient deserted city seem to be in eternal dusk.

In a cave deep in the Monster Mountain that the scholars could not see, one monster after another cut their arms and poured their blood into a blood pool with a diameter of more than ten feet, until they were exhausted and left.

The blood in the blood pool was boiling, emitting an evil smell.

Dark shadows swam in the pool of blood.

All the monsters seemed to be in inexplicable fear and dared not make even the slightest sound.

A brand new altar was suspended above the blood pool.

At the entrance of the Jinshi Hunting Ground, Jinshi from various countries left one after another.

"Goodbye!" The Jinshi from Wu State left quickly.

The Wu Kingdom has a strong culture of literary warfare. Unlike the Qing Kingdom, which likes to scheme against others, the Wu Kingdom is straightforward whether dealing with monsters or neighboring countries.

Although both Wu and Qing were in opposition to Jing, in all the events related to Fang Yun, a large number of Qing scholars had their literary courage shattered, but very few Wu people had their literary courage shattered. Instead, they became more and more respectful of Fang Yun and actively learned his war poems.

Everyone knows the terrain of the Jinshi Hunting Ground very well, so even if the distribution of the monsters and savages changes, it will not be a problem for them.

Jingguo had thought of various plans three days in advance and even conducted rehearsals to prevent any unexpected events.

Fang Yun is the person with the highest status among the thirty Jinshi, but the team leader is not him, but Ma Chaoming, a poet who is famous for his "Arrow at the Gate" in the Three Realms. He often leads a team of Juren or Jinshi to behead the slightly stronger monster generals or monster lords in the Monster Clan in Liangjie Mountain. Although He Ludong, the first Jinshi of Jing State in verbal arguing, is not inferior to Ma Chaoming, he is more suitable to lead thousands of troops to fight.

"The four powerful countries and the Kong family are indeed humble. They are either heading to the mountains or the desert. We will hunt along the river according to the previous plan. If we encounter a small barbarian tribe, we will kill them directly. We will fight and retreat with the medium-sized tribe. If we encounter a large tribe... we will discuss it first." Ma Zhaoming glanced at Fang Yun while speaking.

The other Jinshi scholars immediately understood that although Fang Yun’s battle in Tianshu was not publicized, all scholars with a certain status already knew about his experience in Tianshu. Ma Chaoming obviously wanted Fang Yun to make the final judgment.

Fang Yun did not answer. Tianshu was different from here. He had no worries in Tianshu. Anyway, his death in Tianshu was not a real death. Moreover, he had played all his cards later. But the spring hunt lasted for three days. If he met a large tribe, he would have used up all his cards. It would not be worth it.

"Let's go!" Everyone started to jog, running faster and faster, until their speed was almost the same as that of an ordinary person running at full speed, but not a drop of sweat broke out on their bodies.

Fang Yun looked at the crowd. Except for him and some children from semi-saint families, most of the other scholars were carrying large book boxes half a person's height. Even for the important spring hunt for Jinshi, Jingguo could not equip everyone with the lowest level of lake shells.

There are only two or three pieces of lake shells in Jing State.

Fang Yun did have some extra Hanhu clams, but he kept some of them at home, so he didn't have much left, so he planned to find an opportunity to lend them to a few of the middle-aged scholars.

Ma Chaoming and He Ludong both had Hanhu shells given by the Jing Kingdom, but they had to return them after the spring hunt.

After running for a while, Ma Zhaoming said, "Slow down, I'm about to write "Chang Wu"!"

Everyone slowed down and finally stopped.

"Chang Wu" is a poem written by a Jinshi before going to war. It can add strength to hundreds or even thousands of people. Fang Yun once received this blessing when he went out to slay monsters at the Dayuan Prefecture Academy of Literature, which enhanced his overall physical fitness.

Ma Chaoming put down the shield on his chest and was about to write, Fang Yun said: "Changwu will last at least a few days, Mr. Ma, please use my pen and ink, I have extra holy pages here."

Fang Yun and Ma Chaoming have the same literary rank, so they should address each other as Brother. However, Ma Chaoming is nearly thirty years older than Fang Yun, so addressing him as Mr. is most appropriate.

"That's great!" Ma Zhaoming's eyes lit up. (To be continued...)