The Path of the Sage

Chapter 75: Five movements before the saint


All over the Ten Kingdoms, whether on snow-capped peaks, at the bottom of lakes, in thatched cottages, or in bamboo forests, semi-saints and great scholars were making calculations, but Wenquxing was too powerful to make any calculations.

No one knows for whom Wenquxing moves.

The guardian of the Holy Academy flicked his finger, and a strange sound spread throughout the Holy Yuan Continent. Except for a few people who could not leave, all the great scholars and semi-saints went to the Holy Academy.

Meeting in the "Temple of a Hundred Saints".

Desolate Monster Mountain, Jingcheng Peak, and Youmeng Palace.

An extremely strange figure sat on the throne. He had the ears of a fox, the eyes of a cat demon, and a wolf's mouth. His left arm was not an ordinary person's arm, but a dragon claw, which was twice as long as his right arm. It was extremely weird.

Under the throne stood many demons and scholars. Like the man on the throne, each of the scholars wore a dark red blood-colored robe. The robe was originally white, but was now stained with blood.

"Master Feng, please make sure to investigate this matter thoroughly! Although the movement of Wenquxing cannot improve one's literary rank, it represents a person's potential. Since the person who has achieved five movements is neither a semi-saint nor a great scholar, it must be caused by a newly promoted university scholar. His potential is close to that of a sub-saint, so he must be named a semi-saint."

"If my prediction is correct, once he gets the fifth movement of Wenqu, his talent will definitely undergo a substantial change, from being like fog to being like water. His war poems will be extremely terrifying. Once he grows up, he will be a great threat to our demon race and we have to get rid of him!"

Feng Chengjue, who was sitting on the throne, supported his chin with his arm and said lazily, "I only want the great scholar at the moment, and I don't care about other things. If the Wenqu Five Movements were caused by the great scholar, the old guys in the demon world must be more anxious than me. If the Wenqu Five Movements were caused by other reasons, what's the point of you looking for someone? Remember to send it to me as soon as possible after the publication of next month's "Sacred Way". "

"Yes, sir. Should we kill the saintly student Fang Yun in advance? He is the one who shines in the three poems of The Holy Way."

"A child who is smart when young may not be a good person when he grows up. If you want to do anything, wait until he becomes a scholar in front of the emperor. It would be a debasement for me, a great scholar of the rebellious lineage, to order someone to kill a student!"

Following his cold snort, a gust of wind appeared in the Youmeng Palace, and all the rebellious scholars and monsters knelt down in fear.

"When I become a great scholar, I will return to my ancestral land. Don't let Li Wenying catch you when I'm not here. This kid doesn't have my talent, but he is as ruthless as I am. If I hadn't kept him to deal with the traitors of the Dragon Clan who didn't obey the orders of the demon world, I would have eaten him long ago!"

"Sir, what should we do with that page of filthy writing by the great scholar?"

"Don't get involved in the mess of the Yangtze River Dragon. How dare they hide such an important thing, and it was stolen by a small snake. Let them make a fuss. If they make a big fuss, it will just be an excuse for Li Wenying to take action. The matter of Wenqu Wudong is not something you can control. The higher-ups will give the order. You can go down."


The crowd dispersed.

Feng Chengjue looked at the night sky outside the gate and said to himself: "Yi Zhishi, when I become a great scholar, I will definitely be able to perform Wenqu Sandong!"

On the prairie, outside the Khan's tent.

A wolf barbarian with golden hair stared at the sky for a long time without saying a word. His body exuded a strong smell of blood, and all the weeds within ten feet of his body withered.

An old wolf barbarian with a cane came over, trembling with every step. He coughed violently for a while and said, "Great Barbarian King, this must be the change of Wenquxing, not the Wenquxing of the human race. Don't be anxious."

"I am not anxious for Wenquxing, I am only anxious for the battle this winter."

"Since Lord Tianlang has agreed to help my wolf tribe and defeat that old man Chen Guanhai, we will definitely be able to swallow up another army of Jingguo this year. In another two or three years, we will be able to swallow up the entire Mizhou, and you will definitely become the number one king of the Caoman tribes."

"I hope that group of rebellious scholars can be useful and persuade Qing and Wu to send troops."

Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

The huge old dragon turned over, squinted his eyes and looked up at the sky, then closed his eyes and complained in a low voice: "Why are you moving! Can't you let the old dragon sleep?"

The Dragon King turned over, and huge waves rose in the East China Sea, forming a tsunami hundreds of miles long that rushed towards the seashore.

The semi-holy text page enshrined in the holy temple in Yuhai City suddenly shook, and an inexplicable force spread to the seashore, turning the tsunami into small waves.

Mi County, Zeshan.

Fang Yun woke up in a daze and found himself still in the Wen Palace. He wondered who he had offended and why even a promoted scholar had to endure so much pain.

"Hey! The orange light is gone? Did it work?"

Fang Yun breathed a sigh of relief and looked carefully at the top of his statue's head. There was an upright talent there. Although it was only slightly thicker than a needle like that of other scholars, and only one inch high like that of new scholars, it was not mist-like, but flowed slowly like an orange stream of water.

"Ah? Isn't this the legendary talent like water? It is said that only those who have experienced multiple Wenquxing can form it. Geniuses like Yi Zhishi and saints are like this. How can I be like this? Could those five sounds just now be the movement of Wenquxing?"

Only then did Fang Yun understand where the previous voice came from, and then he felt incredible.

"Among the people alive now, the most talented Yi Zhishi could only trigger the first movement of Wenqu when he was a university scholar. I can trigger the fifth movement of Wenqu when I am only a scholar. Does this mean that my talent and potential are countless times higher than his? This is impossible."

Fang Yun thought about it and his eyes fell on the strange book of world in the statue's hand.

"Does Wenquxing regard all the books in the world of strange books as my talents or potential?"

Fang Yun looked up and was surprised to find that the Wendan vortex had disappeared, and in the center of the Wengong starry sky, there was a water drop-shaped object. That thing was as crystal clear as crystal, as if it was the purest existence under the sky.

"Spotless and flawless, he is indeed a literary talent!"

Wen Dan is not bright, nor is it very big, but those Wen Palace stars surround Wen Dan like the moon surrounded by many stars. When Fang Yun saw Wen Dan, an indescribable confidence naturally arose in his heart.

Fang Yun smiled. He didn't expect that he could gather literary talent just by writing three and a half words of "Song of Righteousness", and it seemed that he was no worse than the Juren.

"Literary advisors have extraordinary effects. If I don't have self-control, I will be lazy or even give up halfway through studying or working. But with literary advisors, once I set similar small goals, they will influence me, eliminate my laziness and discouragement, and let me persist until I achieve my goals."

"With Wen Dan, I can resist external forces and strengthen my resolve. If someone tries to attack my Wen Gong in the future, the stronger the Wen Dan, the stronger my counterattack ability will be. Wen Dan will have various effects in the future, so the sooner it is condensed, the better."

"It is said that except for a few geniuses from semi-saint families who can form a whirlpool of literary talent after passing the examination and enter the mountain of books to hone their skills, it is impossible for others to have a whirlpool of literary talent when they are scholars, let alone a literary talent."

"Now I can finally talk about it on paper. He Yutang took more than a year to master "The Song of Jing Ke Assassinating Qin", and the scholars in Class 1 took half a year to learn before they could use it. Even if I am faster, I still need a month to learn before I can use it. After all, the spirit contained in this poem belongs to Jing Ke, and I have to understand his spirit before I can use it to kill the enemy."

"However, if you create a war poem of your own, you can use it immediately. What poems can be used as war poems? You must not write poems that are too powerful. Even the "Song of Righteousness" which has no offensive power almost caused an accident. If I write a war poem that is too powerful, I am afraid that it will drain my talent and I will be sick for ten days or half a month at the least."

Fang Yun thought to himself as he left Wen Palace. He took a deep breath and found that his body was full of vitality and he felt like it was exploding.

"Hmm?" The little fox looked up and asked Fang Yun.

"It's okay. I'm already a Saint-level scholar now."

The little slave immediately smiled until his eyes narrowed into a line, and he jumped happily to congratulate Fang Yun.

"Let's go."

Fang Yun walked towards the cave, and the little fox jumped lightly onto Fang Yun's shoulder.

Walking out of the woods, Fang Yun saw that everyone had come out and were still looking at the sky.

"Fang Yun, where have you been? I was so busy looking at Wenquxing that I thought you were always there." Lu Yu asked curiously.

"I'm going to the toilet." Fang Yun covered his stomach and looked embarrassed, while Nunu cooperated by fanning his nose with his little paws, as if to say it stinks.

"You also heard the five movements of Wenquxing, right? It's amazing. Without the ringing of ten thousand bells, he is not a semi-saint; without soaring talent, he is not a great scholar. It is very likely that a rare genius will be promoted to a university scholar. This person's talent and potential have surpassed Yi Zhishi, which is a great blessing for our clan! Fang Yun, aren't you happy?"

"Ah? No?" Fang Yun was so happy that he burst into laughter.

"Well, it's understandable that you're unhappy. You were born at the wrong time. Although you're also a genius, the most you can do to become a university scholar is to be a Wenqu 1st mover like Yi Zhishi. No matter what, it's impossible for you to be a Wenqu 5th mover. It's okay. You still have a hope of becoming a great scholar, but the rest of us have no hope at all." Lu Yu patted Fang Yun's shoulder sympathetically.

Ever since Fang Yun learned about the rebellious scholar, he has been very cautious. Now he cannot say that he was the one who triggered the five movements of Wenqu, and no one would believe him even if he said so.

"I really don't care." Fang Yun said.

"It's okay, we understand!" Ning Zhiyuan on the side also showed a sympathetic look.

"Don't worry, Wenquxing will move again in the future."

All the classmates kindly advised Fang Yun.

The little fox couldn't help wanting to laugh, but was afraid of being discovered, so he turned his back to everyone and covered his mouth with his little paws and laughed.

The three gentlemen did not forget to use this movement of Wenquxing to educate everyone.

"Did you see that? Even though our human race is at a disadvantage against the monsters, we have many talented people! This new Grand Secretary can definitely be canonized as a saint. If he studies poetry carefully, perhaps new war poems will appear soon. You must study hard and take this Grand Secretary as an example!"

"Students please remember this." All the students bowed their heads.

"Fang Yun, don't be discouraged. Those five-movement scholars are either veteran Hanlin scholars with years of experience or direct descendants of semi-saint families. We poor families and even 99% of the noble families cannot compare with them. It is understandable that your future achievements will not be as good as those of five-movement scholars. You must not blindly think that you are the best in the world just because you have a little talent and are proud of your youth. This five-movement scholar is the best example, do you understand?"

"Student knows." Fang Yun listened obediently, but he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. There was no such thing as a five-movement university scholar, there was only a five-movement scholar before the emperor.

"It's good that you know. You guys go to sleep, and the three of us will keep watch."