The Path of the Sage

Chapter 83: Layers of precious light


The third scholar stepped forward and once again demonstrated his loyalty at the cost of ten years of his life.

"The light in the sheath hides the sword..."

The demon turtle launched an attack without waiting for the third scholar to finish his battle poem "Viewing Gan Jiang and Mo Ye".

Mr. Wang suddenly threw the mountain-shaped pen holder in his hand. The pen holder immediately turned into a mountain and hit the monster turtle hard.

This cultural relic would be enough to severely injure an ordinary demon general if it were smashed down, but the demon turtle was only knocked back a step and shook its head.

At this time, the war poem "Watching Gan Jiang and Mo Ye" inspired by the loyalty of the people was completed, and two lightsabers, one red and one white, flew out and slashed at the monster turtle. The power of these two swords was not as strong as the verbal sparring of the Jinshi, but the hint of righteousness on them made them the nemesis of monsters.

The demon turtle did not dare to be arrogant and once again retracted its head, tail and legs into its shell, covering the six holes.

The two swords Gan Jiang and Mo Ye could not hurt the demon turtle, so they could only keep attacking its shell.

"Go!" Mr. Wang shouted.

"Take care!" After saying this, the students started to run away as fast as they could, while the scholar fled holding Chen Xibi.

The two swords of Gan Jiang and Mo Ye disappeared quickly, and before the demon turtle could raise its head, the fourth scholar launched his Blood and Heart.

The other candidates were either standing on tree stumps, or behind broken trees, or running to keep their distance, or speaking eloquently, or just talking on paper, and all their attacks fell on the demon turtle.

For the fourth time, the righteous energy spread to the surroundings, and the power of the war poems of everyone around him increased by 40%.

The demon turtle finally understood that if it continued to maintain this stalemate, sooner or later it would be exhausted of its blood and energy by these scholars with their righteous hearts, and finally its shell would be broken and killed.

"No one can kill me! I'm going to ascend the Dragon Terrace and transform into a dragon!" The demon turtle roared, and its head and feet stretched out of the turtle shell. A war poem carrying a hint of righteousness fell on his head. The skin on its head cracked and blood flowed. Even its powerful self-healing ability was reduced to only 30% of its original strength.

The attacks of the eight scholars fell on the demon turtle at the same time, and its blood and energy were consumed at a very fast rate.

A water shield appeared around the demon turtle. It withstood the intensive attacks from the scholars. Suddenly, it accelerated and rushed to the nearest scholar, opened its big mouth and bit him.

The vitality armor on this scholar's body only lasted for half a breath before it collapsed.

With a snap, the scholar was bitten off at the waist. The demon turtle chewed the scholar twice and swallowed the upper half of his body, and then swallowed the rest of his body.

"Beast!" Mr. Yu cursed loudly and spit out blood. The fifth power of Blood and Red Heart appeared.

"You can't kill me! Wait till I eat Chen Xibi, and then I'll kill you all!"

The demon turtle no longer retracted its shell and continued to chase the person holding Chen Xibi despite the attacks from everyone.

It exuded a more powerful demon aura, and all the soldiers and students collapsed to the ground under the pressure of the powerful aura. The legs of the scholars also became weak, and their escape speed became noticeably slower. Only Fang Yun's literary talent recovered to normal after a shock and continued running.

Fang Yun clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, watching the scholars wasting their lifespans to attack while he could only run away, his heart filled with shame.

However, Fang Yun knew that his power was limited and he could not use Blood and Heart unless he became a Juren. The demon turtle still had a strong defense. Unless he could make a scholar's war poem have more than six layers of precious light, and it must have a poetic soul, and the poetic soul had the power to penetrate the tortoise shell, it would be impossible to hurt the demon turtle.

"If I were educated enough! If I were educated enough..." Fang Yun repeated these words in his heart with grief and indignation as he ran.

The stars were shining brightly, the waning moon was hanging low in the dark forest, and the demon turtle was like a running hill. Anyone who stood in its way would either be hit or trampled to death, or killed by the snake venom contained in its blood and energy.

He killed more than thirty people along the way.

Scholars such as Fang Yun hurriedly dodged, but a scholar from Class 3 was too close to the monster turtle and was bitten by it.

Blood splattered as the demon turtle chewed slowly, making a crisp crunching sound in its mouth.

All the students in the hall looked pale, with grief surging in their hearts. They had never expected that this classmate who had studied, drank and fought together would be eaten alive.

"He said that he would take part in the state exam in September! He will be able to pass the exam in four months! He said that if he passed the exam, he would settle his family and go to Yuhai City to kill monsters, but..." Lu Yu burst into tears.

When the demon turtle heard the crying, he looked back and said in a sinister voice: "Don't cry, it will be your turn soon! No one can escape!"

"I'm going to fight you!" Li Yuncong immediately started writing "The Song of Jing Ke Assassinating Qin".

Those scholars rushed over, but no matter how fast they were, they could not be faster than the demon turtle.

"Nonsense! Run away immediately!" Mr. Wang shouted from a distance.

"Can I escape?" Lu Yu wiped his tears and wrote "The Song of the Assassination of Qin" stroke by stroke, just like Li Yuncong.

"I'll try my best too!" Ning Zhiyuan shouted and started talking about it.

Looking at the speed of the demon turtle, Fang Yun finally realized that there was no way to escape now. This demon turtle was too powerful, and he had no choice but to fight desperately.

Fang Yun leaned against a big tree, took out a scroll from his backpack and handed it to Li Yuncong beside him, and then handed the mountain inkstone given to him by General Chen Xibi to Lu Yu.

"protect me."

The scholars around were suddenly stunned for a moment, because Fang Yun had said these three words before performing "Capture the King" when they were surrounded by more than a hundred monsters in the early morning.


All the scholars were in high spirits, and there was an unprecedented light of hope in everyone's eyes.

Everyone stood in front of Fang Yun at the first moment and protected him with their flesh and blood.

Lu Yu activated the power of the mountain inkstone, and the phantom of a small mountain fell on Fang Yun.

Li Yuncong unfolded the war painting, which turned out to be "Running Bulls", signed by the famous painter Hu Moyuan. There were a total of thirty armored bulls painted on it, and each of the armored bulls had a fine steel horn on its horns.

Li Yuncong immediately placed his right hand on Hu Moyuan's private seal and injected his talent. He saw the war painting flying into the air, and cows fell down one by one. Finally, a total of thirty phantoms of horned bulls blocked Fang Yun.

As long as Li Yuncong gives the order, these armored bulls will rush forward. These armored bulls have hollow bodies, but because they are made up of vital energy, their strength is three times stronger than that of ordinary armored bulls!

When Li Yuncong was using the "Running Bull Picture", Fang Yun took out the holy page given to him by Magistrate Cai, placed it on the board tray, dipped it in a little dragon blood ink, closed his eyes, and countless poems flashed in his mind.

There are too many poems, but not many war poems. Even if there are, it is either difficult to kill the demon turtle or Fang Yun lacks talent to write them.

Finally, Fang Yun thought of a poem about killing the enemy.

At this time, everyone in front of Fang Yun was looking forward, while the people behind him were blocked by the broken tree, and the people closest to him could not see either.

Fang Yun opened his eyes and was about to write when he saw Nunu suddenly spit out blood at the tip of the demon-slaying pen. The fragrant blood and ink merged into one. Fang Yun glanced at Nunu, who looked dim and jumped onto the backpack behind Fang Yun.

Fang Yun took a deep breath and picked up his pen to write a poem.

"The dark forest and the grass startled by the wind."

Immediately, layer upon layer of precious light appeared on the paper.

At this moment, Fang Yun was affected by the fifth level of Bi Xue Dan Xin and obtained 50% of the precious light. He used the Demon-Slaying Pen to attack the demon turtle and obtained another 50% of the precious light. When they were combined into one layer of precious light, the power of the battle poem was doubled.

The dragon blood ink increased the precious light by 30%, but the precious light was still increasing and soon reached 2.30%, a whole layer more than normal. Fang Yun knew that there was no other power except Nunu's blood.

Afterwards, the two layers of 30% precious light suddenly doubled to four layers of 60% precious light, and then another layer of precious light was added.

The Holy Page has the power to multiply!

The Holy Page is ineffective against other precious lights, but it has a multiplier effect on battle poetry itself, and it also has a multiplier effect on the power of writing and ink!

The person in front who was originally protecting Fang Yun felt a light behind him and subconsciously looked back. More than five layers of precious light covered the holy page!

This means that no matter what poem Fang Yun writes, its power has now increased more than five times!

"How come there are so many lights in just one sentence?" Lu Yu was a teenager after all, and he couldn't help but exclaim. Even those who didn't look back turned around and looked at him stupidly as Fang Yun continued to write the second sentence.

"The general draws his bow at night."

The original treasure light appears.

"Looking for Bai Yu at dawn."

The first precious light appears.

After finishing the third sentence, Fang Yun's body began to tremble, beads of sweat oozed from his forehead, a trace of blood slowly flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he could not put the pen in his hand down.

Lack of talent.

"This poem should have required two inches of talent to write. My current talent is only a little over one inch, which is too much! But I will never give up! They can sacrifice their lives with their blood and loyalty, and we can also sacrifice our lives for justice!"

The Wen Palace shook slightly, and five large golden characters suddenly flew out of the strange book. They were the first five characters of the main text of "Song of Righteousness".

"Heaven and earth have righteousness!"

Five large golden characters flew into the teardrop-shaped Wen Dan, which suddenly burst out with brilliant light, absorbing the power of all the stars in the Wen Palace, and finally projected a beam of starlight onto the talent.

Talent increases immediately and temporarily.

Fang Yun continued to write.

When Fang Yun was writing the fourth sentence, the demon turtle suddenly stopped, turned around and looked at Fang Yun. His gaze fell on the holy page with seven layers of precious light, and there was a hint of panic and great greed in his eyes.

"He is actually a human genius. That kind of power can threaten me! His talent is different. It attracts me more than that Jinshi! If I eat him, I will be able to get rid of my pseudo-dragon body and transform into a dragon-seed dragon turtle! I can't let him complete it! Roar..."

Li Yuncong suddenly shouted: "Protect Fang Yun! A bull attacks!"

The demon turtle could no longer make a dragon's roar, but the sound contained the power of its blood and energy, and was directed at Fang Yun alone. It could have interrupted Fang Yun, but with the power of "Mountain Ode", Fang Yun was not affected at all.

After roaring, the demon turtle immediately rushed towards Fang Yun. It believed that it could stop Fang Yun. Even if it couldn't, the worst that could happen was that it would shrink into its shell. A scholar's war poetry was just a joke, which could not break its shell, even though its own blood and shell had been weakened by so many scholars.

Those armored bulls were not real bulls, but condensed vital energy. They were not afraid of the roar of the demon turtle at all and charged towards it head-on.

"Get out of the way!" The demon turtle ran away at full speed, but the power of the thirty Yuanqi Armored Bulls was too strong and slowed down its speed.

The seven scholars behind Fang Yun recited the war poem "Canglang Xing" fluently.

The demon turtle roared, and a fake dragon ball floated above its head. Then a huge amount of flood water poured out from the fake dragon ball, dispersing the herd of armored cattle and rushing towards Fang Yun.

Just as the flood was about to come, seven huge waves appeared in front of the flood, blocking it firmly.

"Not in the stone edge!"

After Fang Yun wrote the last sentence, a layer of poetic soul light appeared on the holy page.

Eight layers of precious light cover the holy page.

Fang Yun raised his head and looked at the demon turtle, his eyes as sharp as swords.