The Path of the Sage

Chapter 86: Land of Peach Blossoms


While others were still busy, some generals came over to welcome Li Wenying.

"Your Excellency!"

"Lord Li!"


Because Li Wenying had served as a general in those days, people who had served under him were accustomed to calling him general.

Li Wenying had seen the situation clearly in the air, and finally his eyes fell on Chen Xibi, and he nodded and said, "Yes, I have seen that demon turtle. It is the grandson of the Jiao King and has the potential to transform into a dragon. Killing it will be a great achievement. For scholars like me, it's just a broken arm, which is nothing. If you can become a Hanlin, I will go to the Holy Academy to ask for a life-giving fruit to regenerate your broken limb. If that doesn't work, when I become a great scholar, I will go to the demon world to get one for you."

Chen Xibi immediately said, "I dare not hide the truth. I did not know that this demon turtle was the grandson of the Jiao King. I was knocked unconscious by it. It was not me who killed it. It was Fang Yun who summoned the divine thoughts of the Arrow Saint with the Nine-Layered Treasure Light War Poem and killed the demon turtle."

"Oh!" Li Wenying's eyes were as fast as lightning, and he looked at Fang Yun seriously.

"We were all there at the time and saw with our own eyes Fang Yun shooting the demon turtle with a war poem. I have just written down the war poem. Please take a look at it, sir." Mr. Wang handed over the poem.

Li Wenying took a look at it and immediately recognized that this was a poem based on historical facts, praising ancient sages. It must be extremely powerful. Finally, he said, "This 'not in the stone edge' is the finishing touch. It is not the stone surface, not the stone heart, but the stone edge. It is more vivid than the previous poems praising the superb archery skills. Does it have a name?"

"An arrow hits the stone." Fang Yun said.

After Li Wenying finished speaking, his expression changed. He looked at Fang Yun again, as if he wanted to say something, but after thinking for a moment, he said, "Tell me the details of what happened."

So the scholar-general explained the whole story. The scholars were too far away from Fang Yun and could not see clearly what Fang Yun did, so Li Wenying asked Fang Yun again.

Fang Yun truthfully told how he witnessed his classmate being eaten alive by a demon turtle and was influenced by the fifth level of Red Blood and Loyalty, and he wrote this poem in grief and anger.

After hearing this, Li Wenying said, "Your poem about strengthening the army and "The Arrow in the Stone" are of great significance. You should keep them secret for two months. After that, I will ask the Semi-Saint to find a way to cover them up. When you become a Jinshi, I will clear your name. Otherwise, the demon and barbarian tribes will kill you at all costs. Especially the "Arrow in the Stone", which has great power and a long range. If several scholars attack together, it is enough to kill those ordinary demon generals and change the situation of the three tribes!"

"It can't be that significant, right?" Fang Yun said.

The lieutenant explained, "When you reach the level of Hanlin, everyone can write their own battle poems. Except for a few battle poems that are extremely powerful, those people will still use their own. After all, as long as they write by themselves, there will be a layer of original precious light, and over time, the precious light of the poetic soul will be nurtured. It just so happens that the scholars and juren have the least number of battle poems handed down from generation to generation. Now with "Arrow in the Stone", the backbone of the demon race is no longer a threat! In two years at most, when most of the scholars have learned "Arrow in the Stone", it will be the time for our human race to prosper!"

Li Wenying nodded and said, "The merits of Arrow in the Stone are far beyond your imagination. When you become a Hanlin, you will understand and get your reward. But your current rank is too low, so it will be useless for you to go."

Everyone present guessed that it was probably related to those holy places, and they couldn't help but feel extremely envious.

"Since you have eaten the fake dragon ball and are under the Hanlin Academy, you may be able to enter the Dragon Platform. I'll think of a way to get you in. Others going there would be courting death, but you might gain a lot. If you, a human, take away the good things inside, I don't know how ugly the faces of those dragon descendants and demon saints will be." Li Wenying said as he laughed first.

Everyone was even more envious, because even the four great talents of the human race found it difficult to ascend the Dragon Platform. The Dragon Platform was very magical, and once those monsters and barbarians came out of the Dragon Platform, their strength would surely increase greatly.

At this time, County Magistrate He, who had just come down the mountain, returned to the mountain and reported truthfully that he had buried An Chengcai and the snake monster, but had not found the great scholar Wuwen, and would have to search for him slowly in the future.

Li Wenying ordered everyone to set up camp here and wait for reinforcements to transport the bodies of the officers and soldiers back.

After giving the order, Li Wenying put his hands behind his back, looked at the wide Yangtze River in the distance, and asked: "Including the townspeople and soldiers of Lujia Town, how many people died today because of the demon tribe?"

"Close to five hundred people."

"I'm going to kill 50,000 monsters." Li Wenying said as white clouds appeared under his feet and he flew straight over the Yangtze River.

The Yangtze River here is extremely wide, nearly a hundred miles wide, and Li Wenying looked very small standing above the Yangtze River.

Everyone could vaguely see Li Wenying splashing ink on the paper, and then a huge amount of river water was lifted into the sky by an invisible force, and a big hole was suddenly dug out in the Yangtze River within a radius of dozens of miles.

A large amount of river water flew into the air, and from a distance it looked like a piece of jade covering the sky, and then suddenly fell down, smashing down together.

The river water slowed down halfway down, and then turned into billions of water swords, shooting rapidly into the river, covering hundreds of miles of the Yangtze River. It lasted for more than a hundred breaths before the water swords disappeared.

Afterwards, numerous corpses of demons appeared on the surface of the river, turning the surface bright red.

Many people present were seeing Li Wenying use his full strength for the first time and were stunned. It was true that with just one poem, all the monsters were destroyed. He was so fierce. No wonder his status in the Holy Academy was much higher than that of the Left Prime Minister.

Fang Yun asked in a low voice: "Is the rumor about 'If you kill one of my people, I will kill all your demons' true, sir?"

The deputy general said with great admiration: "Of course it is true. Ever since Lord Yuanjun became a university scholar and took charge of Jiangzhou, at the end of each year, he would count the number of Jiangzhou people killed by the monsters and the number of monsters we killed that year. If the number of monsters we killed is less than a hundred times the number of deaths, he would personally go to the sea, the Yangtze River, and the Desolate Monster Mountain to kill them all, and then go home to celebrate the New Year when he has killed a hundred times as many monsters as we have killed."

"In recent years, fewer and fewer people have been killed by demons in Jiangzhou. There are no more than a thousand demons killing people. At most, a demon general leads a few hundred small demons. Some smart demon soldiers will not kill people after surrounding human villages and towns. As long as the people in the villages and towns give them enough meat, they will leave."

"Master Yuanjun is the backbone of the human race. Some people have different opinions on the attitude towards monsters, but Master Yuanjun says that monsters are wolf cubs that can't be tamed. Only by killing them to scare them and make them actively seek peace can we talk about other things. Otherwise, they will bring disaster to the country and the people, and they will be sinners of the human race. The longer we serve in the army and the more monsters we kill, the more we believe that Master Yuanjun is right."

Everyone looked at the Yangtze River. It was calm, but the water was stained with blood for hundreds of miles and there were tens of thousands of floating corpses. However, not a single demon king or big demon dared to come out.

Li Wenying returned on the white clouds and threw the ancient sword of talent to the top of the mountain.

Li Wenying said: "In order to protect Fang Yun, after returning to Dayuan Prefecture, all those who are scholars or above will go to the Holy Temple to swear an oath. All those who are students or below will be quarantined! The quarantine compensation will be doubled! Once Fang Yun becomes a Jinshi, you can be released from quarantine."

Those soldiers and students were both worried and happy. They were worried because they didn't know how many years it would take them to be released after the quarantine. They were happy because the benefits of quarantine were enormous. They could bring their families with them, and they and their children could get free education. There were countless free books to read, and they didn't have to spend a penny on food, clothing, housing and transportation. Moreover, they could get money during the quarantine. If the quarantine was too long, they could be promoted to a higher rank after they were released. If they were lucky, they could even be awarded the lowest title.

Most people are still happy. After all, getting more money without risking their lives is a good thing for everyone.

Li Wenying gave some more instructions before leaving.

"With your talent and ancient sword, we will be safe tonight. Let's continue to wait for reinforcements here."

After cleaning up the battlefield, everyone made a bonfire and slept beside it.

It was very quiet at night, with no birds singing or insects chirping within a radius of dozens of miles, which was very strange.

When most people fell asleep, Fang Yun went to the woods nearby on the pretext of going to the toilet and took out the cloth bag that An Chengcai had given him.

When he opened the cloth bag, he found a strange skin inside. It was cold to the touch, tough yet delicate. Fang Yun had night vision, and after a closer look, he found that it was very similar to the dragon skin recorded in the book.

Fang Yun gently opened the layer of skin, and a piece of withered yellow paper was pasted on the dragon skin underneath. The words on the paper were not black, but an extremely bright and strange blood red. At first glance, the blood-red words were made entirely of blood, and seemed to be flowing slowly and could drip at any time.

The bloody words exuded a strong aura, but it was concealed by the dragon skin.

"During the Taiyuan period of the Jin Dynasty, a man from Wuling made a living by fishing. He walked along a stream, forgetting how far he had walked. Suddenly, he came across a peach blossom forest that stretched for several hundred steps along the banks. There were no other trees in the forest, and the grass was fresh and beautiful, with petals falling in all directions. The fisherman was very surprised. He walked forward again, wanting to explore the forest. When the forest ended and the water source was reached, he came to a mountain with a small opening that seemed to have light. He abandoned his boat and entered through the opening. At first, it was very narrow, but only just wide enough for one person to pass through. After walking a few dozen steps, it suddenly became open."

The page was interrupted here, and the bottom of the page was unusually neat, as if it had been cut by some sharp weapon.

When Fang Yun saw the first sentence, he knew that this was Tao Yuanming's famous work "Peach Blossom Spring".

Tao Yuanming on Earth was just a scholar who would not bow down for a few grains of rice, but Tao Yuanming on Shengyuan Continent was not only famous for his poetry, but also a master of the classics. Because of his temperament, he could not be canonized as a saint for a long time. Finally, he wrote "Peach Blossom Spring" to realize his own saintly way. Then he went into the demon world alone and made great contributions to the human race before he could become a saint.

"It is said that after Tao Yuanming became a saint, he wanted to create a 'paradise' because it was his aspiration when he became a saint. Unfortunately, until his death, no one knew whether he had created the 'paradise'. It is said that the Saint Academy and his descendants firmly believed that Tao had created it and have been looking for it ever since."

"Although this Peach Blossom Spring was written by Tao Yuanming when he was a great scholar, and only a quarter of it remains, it is the foundation of Tao Yuanming's sainthood, so it must be defiled by the blood of the demon saint. Unfortunately, this Peach Blossom Spring is only the preface to the Peach Blossom Spring Poem, and the Peach Blossom Spring Poem was written halfway first and completed after Tao Yuanming was canonized. If the two texts are combined into one, it may be a complete holy text, and its power may be extraordinary."

"I forgot to mention this when Master Jianmei was here. Now that he's gone, I don't feel comfortable leaving it to anyone. Forget it. As long as I return to Dayuan City tomorrow, the Holy Temple will naturally sense it. I don't need to worry. Tomorrow is the first day of May, and a new issue of "The Holy Way" will be published. I must buy it and read it when I get back."

Fang Yun was thinking about closing the dragon skin, but something strange happened!