The Path Toward Heaven

Chapter 10: The son is just afraid of trouble


In the early morning of the next day, Liu Shisui came again, sweeping the courtyard, getting breakfast, and gathered the leaves, making a nice pile.

Jing Jiu looked at him quietly.

He listened to Master Lu's conversation with Liu Shisui last night.

Even if he couldn't hear it, Master Lu would let him hear it on purpose.

Master Lu hoped that he would have self-knowledge, or take the initiative to drive Liu Shisui away because he felt humiliated.

Jing Jiu understood Master Lu very well, and he would have done the same.

How can a cultivator spend time on these things.

If Liu Shisui had listened to Master Lu's opinion, he would have understood it very well, and he would have done the same.

Before the Great Dao, there was no heaven and earth, let alone a young master.

But what he didn't expect was that Liu Shisui, who tossed and turned all night, would still come today, still be doing those things, and even appear more energetic than before.

Jing Jiu suddenly wanted to know what this little boy was thinking.

But since Liu Shisui didn't listen to Master Lu's advice, he naturally wouldn't drive Liu Shisui away because of such inexplicable things as dignity.

It is not easy to have someone who is familiar with his living habits to help him take care of his daily life, and he has never had it in the long years before.

Liu Shisui finished his morning work, made a pot of tea and put it on the table, and then took out the bamboo reclining chair from the cave.

Jing Jiu lay down on the bamboo chair, facing the newborn sunshine, squinting his eyes slightly, and tapped his fingers lightly on the armrest of the chair without rhythm.

Liu Shisui didn't go to the sword hall today, but stayed in the small courtyard, standing stridingly, his arms seemed to come out randomly, but they were as fast as lightning.

In the past, he wouldn't have had any reaction to the sound of Jing Jiu's knocking on the bamboo chair, but through the experience of the past few days, he naturally began to listen carefully.

No rhythm is also a rhythm, which still represents the length and interval of breathing.

When the sun passed over the peaks, Liu Shisui finally finished his body training, his face was covered with beads of sweat, and his body was sore.

He didn't find it hard, but felt very happy.

He looked back at Jing Jiu who was sleeping with his eyes closed on the bamboo recliner, and couldn't help grinning.

Having been together for a year, he knew that many times Jing Jiu seemed to be sleeping, but in fact he was not.

"Young master..."

Liu Shisui hesitated, he had never done such a thing before. But thinking of Master Lu's solemn face last night, he finally mustered up his courage and whispered: "...can you stop being so lazy?"

Liu Shisui knew that the young master was lazy, and the bamboo recliner under him at this time was proof, and he didn't know how he moved here from home.

He also knew that the young master was a very smart person and very capable, but after finally coming to the Qingshan School and having the opportunity to learn about immortal arts and swordsmanship, how could he continue to be so lazy

If the young master continues to be so lazy, how can he pass the inner door examination? What if he is really chased away by the immortal master

No matter how innately born, children will not hide their true emotions.

Seeing the sad look on Liu Shisui's face, Jing Jiu was startled, then laughed.

That night, Jing Jiu stood in the small courtyard, looking at the peaks under the starry sky with his hands behind his back, silent.

He did not follow Liu Shisui's persuasion to stride forward and throw bow fists, train his body to master the inside and outside, pursue the perfection of the state of Yiyi, and lay a solid foundation for future practice.

He does not need it.

If it is divided according to the level of ordinary practitioners, he has already passed the state of ritual and entered the state of holding the spirit.

To be more precise, when he stepped into the creek in the cave, he was already in the state of embracing the gods.

Looking back at Qingshan for tens of thousands of years, he should be the one who entered the realm of holding the gods the fastest.

He doesn't feel proud, because he can be so completely because of the special body now.

The mystery in it is naturally impossible for practitioners of Master Lu's level to see through it.

Everything in the world has gains and losses.

He took out a light blue pill, threw it into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it.

He took a sip of the herbal tea, shook his head, and felt that the taste was ordinary.

If this scene falls into the eyes of Master Lu or other Immortal Masters of Qingshan Zong, I'm afraid it will shock them to lose their sword heart.

The light blue elixir is called Zixuan elixir, and it is the best elixir that practitioners can take in the initial stage.

For the disciples in the state of holding the gods, a Zixuan pill waits like a year of hard work.

It is conceivable how precious this kind of elixir is, only those disciples with the most potential talents will have this kind of treatment.

Few of the Chengjian disciples in Qingshan Nine Peaks had taken this kind of elixir in the initial stage.

Jing Jiu, on the other hand, ate this precious elixir as fried beans.

Based on the quantity and frequency of Zixuan pills he took, if he was an ordinary outer disciple, it might only take an hour to reach perfection.

Of course, the greater possibility is that half an hour ago, that outer disciple died due to the surge in the amount of true energy.

Jing Jiu didn't die, and didn't even react.

For the same reason, his body is very special, it can absorb the vitality of the world very smoothly, and at the same time it can bear more vitality.

The problem is...too much.

His spiritual sea seems to be a real sea, or a bottomless sea. I don’t know how long it will take to fill this sea with the vitality of heaven and earth. Even if he keeps taking Zixuan Dan, it is still very slow, and After all, the power of the medicine is exhausted.

The spiritual sea is dissatisfied, and the Dao seed is lonely, so he can't turn into the sword fruit and enter the next stage of cultivation. What can he do

If the rumors are true, Zen Land has that kind of treasure that can change time, or he can save some time, but he knows that kind of treasure does not exist, so now he can only wait.

He had calculated clearly that after another three days, Zixuan Pill would no longer be of any help to him, let alone those ordinary pills.

Even if he keeps absorbing the vitality of the world, it will take at least a year to fill the spiritual sea.

It's really troublesome that it takes so many days.

If he doesn't want to attract too much attention and cause trouble, he can also practice diligently every day like other outer disciples, and get through more than a year.

But he won't do it, except for the most secret reason, but also because he finds it troublesome to do so.

Yes, he is just afraid of trouble, not really lazy.

For a year in Shancun, he slept most of the time because he wanted to understand and be familiar with this body.

In the first nine days, he only completed the preliminary integration, and it will take a long time to fully grasp the most subtle parts of the body.

He didn't lie to Shi Sui either. In those dreams, besides further integration, he did do a lot of thinking, deduction, and calculation.

He needs to think about why he is here.

He needs to deduce the past and the future.

He needs to calculate the gains and losses and the situation.

He didn't return to the Green Mountain Sect until he completed these two steps, and then found that he had nothing to do except wait.

It was really something he had never experienced before.

"Is this boring?"

Jing Jiu felt this kind of emotion that he had never experienced before, and he thought with some uncertainty: "A person like me is actually boring?"