The Path Toward Heaven

Chapter 107: Nine days and one year when Liu was ten years old


Even if a disabled person wants to become an ordinary person again, he needs to put in a lot of effort.

Liu Shisui sat in the paddy field, thinking silently.

Father Liu ignored him, and planted the seedlings silently, with a bent waist.

"Why are you still sitting there!"

Mother Liu pulled him up from the field and beat him twice, with tears in her eyes.

On the fourth day, Liu Shisui did not leave the house.

He woke up before dawn, took a simple wash and began to squat and lunge.

This is the introductory exercise of Qingshan Sect.

He knew that it was impossible for him to embark on the path of practice again, but he felt that this should help him regain his strength as soon as possible.

It didn't take long for beads of sweat the size of soybeans to appear on his forehead.

He knew that he was still weak and couldn't insist on it, so he decided to take a break.

During the rest time, he took the opportunity to sweep the small courtyard at home.

On the fifth day, Liu Shisui continued to squat and lunge, and when his clothes were wet with sweat, he felt a little happy.

During the break, he went to the vegetable field behind the courtyard to pick some peppers and cabbage, and washed them carefully.

Mother Liu came back to cook, looked at the clean kitchen and dishes, and rubbed her eyes.

On the sixth day, besides squatting and lunging, Liu Shisui also started to practice boxing, but unlike Nansongting, when he punched, there was no sound, it was very quiet.

He went to the vegetable field to pick a few handfuls of tender daylilies, and when he returned to the kitchen, he saw a piece of pork, thought about it and cut it up.

In the past few years in Qingshan, he seldom came back, but remembering what Jing Jiu said, he often sent money home. The life of the Liu family is actually not difficult now.

Mother Liu went home and looked at the steaming steamer. She froze for a moment and then shouted out the window: "Start lighting the fire tomorrow, and I'll help the old man make more and come back."

On the seventh day, in addition to squatting, lunging and boxing, Liu Shisui started to run. At the back of the yard, he found that the corner of the eaves had been washed away by last year's torrential rain.

After cooking, he cooked a grass carp and grabbed some pickles. He lifted up the ladder and walked to the back of the yard, tinkering with it all afternoon.

On the eighth day, in addition to these things, Liu Shisui also chopped a pile of firewood, just like when he was a child, and the pile was very nice.

On the ninth day, he went to the field. The season of planting rice seedlings was coming to an end, and it would be too late if he didn't go.

Father Liu didn't say anything, and handed him a towel, motioning him to wrap it around his neck. He didn't know whether it was to prevent the wind or the bugs in the paddy field.

Liu Shisui lowered his head and began to work, concentrating on it.

The blue sky and white clouds in the water turned into a sunset glow. He raised his head and felt back pain. Looking to the side, he found that he was only one-fifth of his father.

He was not in a hurry, he thought it would be good to take his time, and he was very satisfied that the seedlings he planted were straight, no matter whether they were horizontal or vertical, they were straight lines.

"What are you doing here? It looks good but it can't be eaten."

Father Liu walked past him.

Liu Shisui smiled, wondering if that guy pursues good looks just because he was born so good looking

He subconsciously looked at the mountain road at the entrance of the village, but there was no one there.

In the following days, Liu Shisui was like a young and strong laborer in the village, doing hard farm work, his body gradually improved, and his face turned black again.

In the first few days, he occasionally got up from the field and looked towards the entrance of the village, but no one appeared.

After that, he never looked at the entrance of the village again.

After the spring plowing comes the summer harvest, and after the autumn harvest comes the hard winter, and staying in the village is boring, so go to the mountains together to look for prey.

Liu's father and Liu's mother have accepted the reality, the family has laughter again, and the villagers have accepted him again. Some people even planned to be his matchmaker, but he declined.

He seems to have forgotten everything about the past. Cultivating immortals in Qingshan is like an unreal dream.

When walking through the mountains, several sword lights occasionally appeared in the sky.

He stopped and looked at the sky quietly until the sword light disappeared, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Not far after winter, it is spring again, and the year has passed like this.

The paddy fields began to be irrigated again, the blue sky and white clouds came between the fields again, and the villagers were about to usher in the two hardest days of the year.

In the evening, Liu Shisui picked up the soil with a hoe, ready to fill in the gap at any time.

He looked at the water in the field, rubbed his waist, and his ambition gradually grew.

He thought, tomorrow he must do more than his father, and he must be straighter than that guy.

"It's really pitiful that the former natural Taoist is now working hard to become a farmer."

A cold and malicious voice came from behind.

Liu Shisui looked back, and saw a person standing on the green tree.

The man was dressed in black and wore a strangely shaped hat. He had an ordinary appearance, but his aura was extremely gloomy.

Liu Shisui ignored him, turned his head and continued.

"As expected of the disciples from Qingshan Religion, they have fallen into such a situation, yet they are still so arrogant that they don't even ask me about my origin?"

The man in black said, "I'm from Xuanyin Sect."

Hearing these words, Liu Shisui slightly tightened his hand holding the hoe.

The Xuanyin Sect is a well-known evil sect, and it has always been incompatible with the righteous sect represented by the Qingshan Sect.

In the past, a Xuanyin Sect disciple suddenly appeared in front of him, of course Liu Shisui would draw his sword to face him without hesitation.

The problem is, now he doesn't have a sword in his hand, only a hoe, so he doesn't do anything, just keep working.

The Xuanyin Sect envoy found it interesting.

This abandoned student from the green hills didn't try to escape pitifully, nor did he rush forward bravely, as if nothing happened.

"I like you, so I decided to help you."

The Xuanyin Sect envoy floated down from the tree and said to him: "Although your meridians are broken and your sword pills are destroyed, as long as you are still alive, it doesn't matter. As long as you are willing to follow me, I can help you recover." Strength, don’t pack your things, Lengshan has everything, here is too close to Qingshan, I don’t want to be discovered by your former classmates.”

Lengshan is the collective name for the snowy mountains in the northwest of Chaotian Continent. Kunlun Mountain, Tianshan Mountain, and Yashan Mountain are all in it, and the main altar of Xuanyin Sect is also there.

Liu Shisui still ignored him.

The Xuanyin Sect envoy looked cold and said, "If you do this again, I will kill you."

Liu Shisui knew what he was telling the truth, for the disciples of the evil sect, killing people was a very casual thing.

"I know the truth that the demon fire can't be extinguished."

Liu Shisui put down his hoe, looked at him and said, "If I want to continue my cultivation through this method, I can do it myself."

The envoy of Xuanyin Sect was very surprised.

He was sure that there was a way to help Liu Shisui recover from his injury and continue to practice, otherwise the sect would not have been secretly observing for a whole year.

But he didn't expect Liu Shisui himself to know that the four characters of the demon fire are not extinguished, which is the key to that method.

"Since you know you can, why don't you do it?"

He found it unbelievable.

For a disused cultivating genius, isn't it the most important thing to be able to embark on the path of cultivation again? If it were other practitioners who were in the same situation as Liu Shisui, seeing such an opportunity, they would definitely seize it at all costs. Even if they were asked to kill their fathers and mothers, many of them would be able to do it.

Why did Liu Shisui behave so calmly, he has been farming in this small mountain village for a year without trying at all

"Because it's an evil technique."

Liu Shisui's tone was very natural, as if he was talking about the most natural things in the world.

How can disciples of the righteous way practice evil sects of kung fu

Well, he is no longer a disciple of Qingshan, or even a monk, but he will still do it.

Farmers should also follow the right path.

The Xuanyin Sect envoy stared at him for a long time and asked, "Are you stupid?"

Liu Shisui thought for a while and said, "Maybe a little?"

"I'm afraid of people like you the most in my life, what a fucking trouble."

After leaving these words, the envoy of Xuanyin Sect turned and left.

(end of this chapter)