The Path Toward Heaven

Chapter 114: Try the Curtain Man


The red candlelight was on the desk, the bride's face had two lines of tears, and the thick powder was washed out two obvious marks.

Before marrying into the Duke's mansion, she had heard that the old Duke's temperament was a little weird, but she still didn't expect it to be so serious. Let alone disappearing suddenly during the ceremony, and calling the groom away on the wedding night, what is it? Are you dissatisfied with yourself, or have conflicts with your grandfather? If so, why did you agree to this marriage in the first place

Lu Ming didn't know what his newlywed wife was thinking in the bridal chamber. As the youngest son of Duke Lu, he possessed more composure and observation than the rumored dandy, knowing that his father must have important matters Confess to himself, and he has noticed something strange in the room.

This is Lu Guogong’s bedroom. There is always an extremely valuable porcelain on the museum shelf next to the window—it is said that the big bowl came from the Ru Kiln thousands of years ago—he was warned not to touch it when he urinated. He was very impressed with that porcelain bowl. Profound, why did you change to a new one today

"I was in a hurry today, so I just took one and put it on. Tomorrow you go to the warehouse and bring that Xinyao sea bowl and put it here."

Lu Guogong wore a plain clothes, combed his gray hair with his hands, and repeatedly reminded: "Don't forget."

Lu Ming responded and asked, "Father, what happened?"

Lu Guogong looked up at him, and said: "It is said that I love you the most. This is not bad. Even the position of Duke Lu is prepared for you."

Although he had guessed something in the past few years, Lu Ming was still a little surprised when he heard this, and said: "The two brothers..."

Lu Guogong raised his hand to signal him not to say any more, and said: "Outsiders think that I am old and demented, and only care about my youngest son. How can I understand that I have taken a fancy to your calmness."

Lu Ming didn't know how to respond.

"But if you want to get the position of Duke, then there are some secrets in the family, and you have to bear them together."

After saying this, Lu Guogong looked a little tired and relaxed, and said with a smile: "I also got married that night, and I learned this secret from my father. Your aunt has complained about me for many years. You can go back later. Don't forget to coax your new daughter-in-law."

Lu Ming became more and more nervous and asked, "Father, what is the secret?"

Lu Guogong's eyes fell on the museum shelf, and he said quietly: "This secret, we have to start with this bowl."

The setting in the room is very simple, and it looks very clean. There are no treasures on the museum shelf next to the window, mainly inkstones and yellow stones, which are very suitable for monks.

Jing Jiu felt very satisfied, took out the bamboo chair and lay down on it.

Leaving Qingshan this time, he did not forget about it.

Accompanied by the sound of rain outside the window, he fell asleep comfortably. When he woke up, the rain had not stopped and it was already evening.

After thinking for a while, he walked out of the room, walked along the corridor to the front yard, and walked into the flower hall.

The family was still sitting in the flower hall, and their positions hadn't changed, but the dishes on the table had been put away.

With his arrival, the atmosphere in the flower hall suddenly became tense.

The young woman hugged the child in her arms a little uneasy.

Several eyes fell on him, and people didn't know whether to stand up to greet him or what to do.

Jing Jiu asked, "Can I sit here for a while?"

The middle-aged man got up quickly and said, "Sit, sit, sit."

He originally wanted to say please sit down, but thinking about the adults' orders and these years of practice, he forcibly swallowed the please.

Jing Jiu glanced at the sky and said, "Is it time to eat?"

"Yeah, you... what do you want to eat?"

The young woman got up, clutched the front of her shirt nervously, and said, "I'll do it now."

Jing Jiu said, "I don't eat, so don't worry about me."

When the young woman got up, the child in her arms slipped to the ground naturally.

The child swayed and walked up to Jing Jiu, opened his hands, and said, "I want a hug."

Everyone likes beautiful things, and children don't hide their thoughts.

The atmosphere in the flower hall became more tense, the adults wanted to pull the child back but did not dare, and the young woman's complexion became a little pale.

Jing Jiu looked at the child and said seriously, "No."

He really doesn't like children, because the communication efficiency is too low and troublesome, unless the child is smart enough, or has a calmness beyond his age.

For example, the young monk in Ruocheng Temple, such as Liu Baogen in Xiaoshan Village.

The child was very wronged, and almost cried out with his mouth deflated.

Seeing this scene, the family in the flower hall breathed a sigh of relief and a lot of peace of mind.

"Do you want some tea?" the young woman asked cautiously.

"Need not."

Jing Jiu realized how much pressure his curiosity had brought to the family, so he picked up his hat and walked out of the courtyard.

When he reached the gate of the courtyard, he stopped and said, "I have troubled you all these years."

It was still raining, and there was no one in the alley.

Jing Jiu put on his hat, raised his hand to wipe his face, and walked into the rain with his head down.

The dusk was dim, the spring rain was drizzle, pedestrians were in a hurry, no one noticed that there was a black mask on his face.

To the east of Chaoge City, the streets near Baima Lake are very bustling, with numerous shops and shops. Lanterns have been hung up in the famous restaurants and brothels in advance, reflecting the rain, which is very beautiful.

Even though it was raining, the streets were still bustling with pedestrians everywhere, and all kinds of boots stepped on the accumulated water between the bluestones, making crackling sounds.

There is a medical clinic on the west side of the street.

Jing Jiu didn't pay attention to what was written on the plaque. When he saw the crabapple flower engraved on the plaque, he knew it was here.

Who would have thought that the most mysterious intelligence organization in Chaotian Continent, the Curtain Man, is located in the most prosperous place in Chaoge City.

No one can be sure who the master behind the shutter is. He heard a lot of secrets from his senior brother back then, but he didn't mention it.

But judging from hundreds of years of behavior, the shutter people should be biased towards the right way.

Jing Jiu looked around with his hands behind his back, and found that this medical center was really ordinary, and... not really safe.

However, no matter how mysterious the shutter man is, after all, if he wants to do business, he naturally needs a channel to communicate with the outside world-the medical center is indeed a very suitable place-the conversation between doctors and patients needs to be kept secret and cannot be heard. Cities are essential.

The doctor sitting in the hall noticed something strange, looked up at him, and asked, "Are you seeing a doctor or buying medicine?"

Jing Jiu said, "No, I'm here to ask."

The doctor narrowed his eyes and said, "What's the matter?"

Jing Jiu recalled what his senior brother said back then, confirmed that there was no mistake, and said, "Is Haitang still the same?"

The doctor was stunned.

Jing Jiu thought this was a bit unprofessional.

I don't know how long it took, the doctor finally woke up, looked at him with faint eyes, and said: "It seems that you are not seriously ill, come in with me to have a look."

"I'm not sick." Jing Jiu said.

The doctor looked at him again.

Only then did Jing Jiu understand what the other party meant, and said, "Sorry."

In the quiet inner room, the doctor said directly: "Tell me your question."

Jing Jiu said, "I would like to know the relationship between the previous peak master of the Qingshan sect and the Daoist Taiping."

The doctor watched him silently, as if looking at a real patient.