The Path Toward Heaven

Chapter 124: Hometown Ringtones


This street outside the Old Plum Garden is the most concentrated place of chess stalls in Chaoge City.

Some chess stall owners are really masters in the market, and some are even boring disciples in some big chess halls. Naturally, there are also guys who use chessboards to deceive people.

The endgame is the most particular and least particular, and it is the most convenient way to cheat money.

It often only takes one step to solve the mess, but that step is often beyond anyone's imagination.

This endgame has been at the end of this street for ten years, and no one has solved it yet. Even some masters in the big chess hall who were famous to watch it have not solved it.

There was a sudden silence in the field, which came from the young man's stepping horse.

People guessed some kind of possibility from the face of the master of the endgame, and they couldn't help being shocked and speechless.

The stall owner who was the first to lose and the owner of the end game were not only neighbors, but two brothers and sisters.

He knows how difficult this endgame is, or how insidious it is.

After the master passed this endgame to them back then, it became the biggest secret of their senior brothers, and he didn't know how much money he helped them win.

No matter how the disciples of those big chess halls tried to lure them, or even used means to threaten them, they never said that six years ago, his junior brother even had a hand broken because of it.

However... how could this person move the horse at the first step? Could it be that he saw through the secret of this mess at a glance

He and the master of the endgame looked at each other, seeing the shock in each other's eyes.

The opponent can break the endgame handed down by the master so easily, I am afraid it is a Chinese chess player...

But, why would someone with such amazing chess skills come here

Even if there are some masters hidden in the chess stalls on this street, those guys are all in Front Street. The place where they played chess was next to this desolate garden, and there were very few people who walked to the front of the booth, so the position was not good at all. Could it be that the opponent was specifically targeting him? Or is the opponent a master invited by which chess hall

Thinking of this, the first stall owner was shocked and angry, and shouted: "We won't leave, so what can you do!"

The young man with an immature face had already walked to the third chess stall. Hearing this, he glanced back at him, and said expressionlessly, "If you don't leave, you will die."

The stall owner was about to say something, but when he met the other person's gaze, he suddenly felt extremely cold all over his body.

People also have the same feeling, as if the spring in Chaoge City has gone away at this moment, and the world has returned to the cold winter.

One thought moves the world, this is the method of the ascetic.

The master of the endgame turned pale, and hurried out, holding his brother with a trembling hand, signaling him not to say anything more.

His hand was interrupted six years ago by the idle man instigated by the people in the chess hall, and he suffered from sequelae. Whenever there is cloudy weather or when he is afraid, he will tremble non-stop.

Knowing that the young man was a cultivator, the people felt fearful and scattered a little around.

"I don't know what this fairy master is doing?"

As the street with the most chess stalls in Chaoge City, although there are not many benefits, there are still benefits, so naturally there will be people in charge.

When someone like a young man comes to provoke a problem, the person in charge will come out to make things right.

Everyone looked at the middle-aged man in the blue shirt, saluted one after another, and said respectfully, "Mr. He."

That Mr. He is a disciple of Chunxi Chess Hall in Chaoge City. His status is ordinary, but he is very honorable in this street.

The behind-the-scenes owner of the Chunxi Chess Hall is Prince Cheng who loves to play chess, so Mr. He is not too afraid of that young man. Of course, he is still very respectful in words.

The stall owner and the endgame owner, the brothers, looked at each other, a little surprised and puzzled, thinking that this young man was not invited by the Chunxi Chess Hall

The young man glanced at Mr. He and said expressionlessly, "My purpose is very simple, to drive all of you away."

Mr. He looked a little shy, and asked, "May I ask the reason?"

The young man looked up at the sky and said, "It's also very simple, because you are not qualified to play chess."

Everyone on the street knew what happened here and gathered around.

Hearing the young man's words, he couldn't help being in an uproar.

Mr. He's complexion changed slightly, and he said: "The immortal master's chess skills are extraordinary, why should he be so..."

He didn't finish the sentence, but the meaning was very clear—why do you come to bully the weak

But he never thought that this was playing chess, not fighting.

The young man ignored it, turned to the chess stand and said, "You lose, get lost, I lose, die."

His expression was very indifferent, not indifferent to life and death, but absolute self-confidence.

When talking, he didn't look at the owner of the chess stand, but at a weed on the eaves.

The so-called eye is higher than the top, that is, it is really unpleasant.

Mr. He, the stall owner, and the onlookers all felt very unhappy.

"Down! I still don't believe you can beat so many of us!"

Someone shouted.

The young man was obviously planning to drive away all the chess stalls on the entire street.

His thoughts and style have already aroused public outrage.

On this street, there are people who cheat money by cheating with secrets, those who win money by playing chess with chess skills, and there are chess masters who come to play the game of life, and there are students of Chunxi Chess Hall like Mr. He. The more you go out of the street, the higher the level of the chess masters who set up the stalls. Even if the young people have high chess skills, can they still win forever

And it really drove everyone into a hurry. It is not impossible to invite a few chess masters from Chaoge City.

In the noisy and chaotic environment, the young man's expression remained unchanged, and he waved his hand to signal the owner of the chess stall to go first.

Zhao Layue's eyes fell on the chessboard.

"It's called chess." Jing Jiu said.

"Although I don't know how to play chess, I still know this."

Zhao Layue glanced at him.

She wanted to say something, but didn't say it.

Jing Jiu knew what she was worried about.

He looked at the young man with an immature face, like a child.

Young people's eyes are not really higher than the top, but the eyebrows are a little thinner, so the position of the eyes is a bit high, which always gives people a feeling of looking down on others.

It seems that he looks down on anyone in the world, especially in front of the chessboard.

This reminded Jing Jiu of that old man again—the old man whom the sound of the piano in the mountains reminded him of.

This young man plays chess just like an old man killed people back then.

The flames lasted for three months.

Do not drink tea when sitting opposite each other.

Jing Jiu was in a delicate mood and didn't want to continue watching.

"Let's go, it's too noisy in here."

Yes, today's Chaoge City is too noisy, noisy everywhere.

At the Meihui, the sound of the piano and the applause, the sound of the flute and the singing of birds have been arguing for a long time.

Outside the palace, the sound of wooden wheels rubbing against bluestone slabs, and the crisp sound of teacups falling to the ground and shattering are very annoying.

Along the long street, chess pieces fell heavily on the chessboard, cheers and lamentations followed one after another, and gradually fell behind.

Before coming to the hometown, the world had just become a little cleaner, and there was another voice coming from the depths of the plum grove.

The voice is very soft and pleasant, like bead curtains colliding with the wind, like raindrops falling from lotus leaves.

Zhao Layue was a little surprised, and said, "The Xuanling Sect?"

The hometown is quiet, the plum trees are covered with dust, and there are no tourists, but there are many remnants of the atmosphere of formations.

Those formations are very powerful, and with Jing Jiu and Zhao Layue's current state, it is difficult to break through them.

Unless Zhao Layue uses Forsi Sword, or he does it himself.

Fortunately, someone has already entered Merlin and destroyed these formations.

It was these ringtones that broke the formation.

Jing Jiu raised his eyebrows.

That little girl seemed to be more anxious than them.

What question does she want to ask Tian Jinren