The Path Toward Heaven

Chapter 129: Who has the secret?


The destiny is above, and it has nothing to do with the world.

Only the God Emperor is the fate of the human race, and matters related to it can be called the destiny.

The young man in brocade clothes wanted to ask about succession, and Concubine Hu Gui wanted to ask about the child's interest, and of course both of them involved the destiny.

But Tian Jinren rejected the request of the two with the same words, what kind of deep meaning is there

"It's just a common method used by fortune tellers. As I said, the one in the nunnery is very good at bluffing people."

Jing Jiu said to Zhao Layue.

Zhao Layue thought to herself, is it really that simple

The boy was very angry, and said: "Even His Majesty the God Emperor and Lord Sword God respect you very much. Who are you? How could you be so rude to you!"

Jing Jiu said calmly, "If it's not the method of a fortune teller, then how do you explain these two sentences?"

The boy said with a sneer, "Sir, you learn from the heavens and the people, and there are deep meanings in your words, which are beyond the comprehension of ordinary people like you."

Jing Jiu said: "The destiny is one, why are there two places? If your husband's words are really meaningful, can I suspect that he wants to stir up chaos in the palace?"

Hearing that the boy was at a loss for words, he didn't know what his husband was thinking, and he didn't dare to answer casually, so he snorted, stopped talking about Jing Jiu, and turned to look at the little girl Sese.

Seeing the boy's expression, Sese knew what he was going to say, so disappointed, she was willing to leave like this, and raised her eyebrows, ready to make a fuss.

The boy said: "Sir, when your mother gets married depends on when the old lady gets tired of this world."

Hearing this, Thurse's eyes lit up, and then asked, "Then when exactly?"

The so-called tired of the world, but it is autumn.

Sese doesn't like her grandmother, and doesn't expect her to die early. What she really wants to know is something else.

The boy said, "At least ten years later."

The little girl has the final say, ten years later she will be grown up, even if her mother remarries at that time, she will still have enough ability to help check or stop her.

After the question was answered, she smiled broadly, said a few words to Zhao Layue, made an appointment to meet the next day, and left Mei Lin with the woman.

Only Jing Jiu and Zhao Layue were left in Meilin.

The boy stopped talking, and stretched out his hand to ask Zhao Layue.

Zhao Layue didn't look at Jing Jiu this time, and went directly into the nunnery.

Time flows slowly, and the skylight changes its appearance among the branches.

Jing Jiu stood quietly in front of the nunnery, not thinking about anything.

I don't know how long it has passed, the boy walked out of the nunnery and came to him.

Jing Jiu glanced at him, but didn't speak.

The boy understood what he meant and said, "Your companion has already left the nunnery and is waiting over there."

Jing Jiu walked outside.

The boy was stunned, and after a while he came to his senses, and hurriedly shouted: "Wait a minute."

Jing Jiu stopped.

The boy caught up and said with dissatisfaction: "You are very lucky, there is still a quota for you today."

He didn't understand why he didn't get angry after explaining the young ascetic's rudeness to him, and even wanted to meet him face to face.

You must know that even the princes in the dynasty rarely pay attention to them.

What surprised the boy even more was that Jing Jiu didn't turn around when he heard his words, but walked out of the plum garden again.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

The boy was both surprised and puzzled, and felt that it was ridiculous, so he kept shouting behind him.

Jing Jiu ignored it, and walked to the lakeside in a few steps, ready to pass through the pavilion with dozens of green leaves.

At this moment, a deep and vicissitudes of life sounded in his ears.

"You really don't want to know Jingyang's whereabouts?"

Jing Jiu stopped, looked at the green leaves blown down by the wind on the pavilion, and remained silent.

He knew that no one could hear this voice except himself.

Breaking through the gap between heaven and earth, listening to the ear with thoughts, the other party's spiritual consciousness is very powerful, even inferior to those sea-breaker elders of the Green Mountain Sect.

But that wasn't enough to stop him.

What made him stop was this question.

The whole world thought that real Jing Jing had ascended to the ascension, only few people knew that this was not true.

For example, Zhao Layue, several important figures in the Qingshan Sect, and of course himself.

If there are other people who know that Jingyang's ascension failed, those people must have something to do with it.

Those people may be the masterminds, they may be the accomplices, in short, they are the people he has been looking for.

Of course, the owner of this voice may have heard some rumors from somewhere, so he used this topic to play tricks, or this person may use this question to provoke him. But no matter what, Jing Jiu knew that he should see each other.

Walking into the old nunnery, following the green moss, I saw a shabby room with a simple layout. There was a pot of flower water in front of the window and a straw curtain in the middle.

When Jing Jiu stepped into the room, the straw curtain rose without wind and tied itself to the post. The picture looked so magical that he didn't even look at it.

The grass curtain is raised, the aroma comes first, and then the picture.

Thin smoke, like a light mist, leaves the incense and dissipates in the air.

Sitting behind the desk alone, with gray hair, wrinkled face, sunken eyes, who has been blind for many years, exudes an unfathomable and indescribable aura,

In addition to the incense burner, there is also paper and inkstone on the table. The ink in the inkstone reflects the skylight, and there seems to be no difference between black and white in the bright and dark.

The old man was writing something with a Xuehao pen in his hand.

The Xuehao brush is made of fine hair from the ears of the great monster of the Snow Country, which is extremely rare, especially after the war with the Snow Country has ceased in recent years, it has become more and more difficult to find.

But such a rare pen is held in the hand of the old man, just like the most common rabbit hair.

Because the old man's demeanor is very natural, without any concern.

Maybe it's because he's blind and can't see the flawless pen. What's more likely is that he has already seen through the world, let alone a pen

Jing Jiu walked to the case and looked around.

The ink in the inkstone could not be seen clearly, but it was inhaled by Xuehao and then fell on the paper, and it could be clearly seen.

That is cooked ink.

Cooked ink is ink that has been left to stand overnight. The ink gradually separates and is written on paper by the tip of the pen, giving it a different aesthetic feeling.

Outside the ink characters, there are a few water marks, like a paper umbrella in the rain, or a girl with water on her temples.

It's nice to look at, but the ink is on and it's hard to tell black and white.

Jing Jiu was used to seeing Zhao Layue's eyes, so he didn't like it.

I don't like it, I don't like it, but this word is really well written.

"Good writing."

he said.

If it is an ordinary person, in addition to praise, there should be a few words of admiration.

For example: Your eyes can't see things, why can you write characters so beautifully

Then the old man can answer: I am a man of heaven and earth in Bailu Academy.

Jing Jiu didn't say that.

So no follow up.

So the silence in the nunnery seemed a little awkward.

He didn't do it on purpose, but really didn't care.

In the medical hall of the shutter man, he once said that the sky is close to people and can bluff people.

He knew that the other party must have some skills.

But no matter how capable you are, even if you really lead Xilai to become a sword god, even if you are recognized as the person who is closest to the way of heaven.

Jing Jiu was still not interested, didn't care.

The old man lowered his head like a snow-covered peak.

The nunnery is extremely quiet.

I do not know how long it has been.

The old man finally spoke.

He asked Jing Jiu a question.

"Since you don't care about the world, why did you come here?"