The Path Toward Heaven

Chapter 147: Everything is like chess


When the bell rang, it meant that Zenzi, He Guogong and other big figures had arrived at Qipanshan.

He Guogong walked to the side of the peak railing, looked down at the lush forest, and seemed to be thinking.

He is the host of the Meihui, and even though he has all kinds of thoughts, he has nowhere to turn for help, because Zenzi didn't show up at all.

Chanzi is resting in the Sanqing Temple in the middle of the mountain.

It seems a little strange that the great master of the Buddhist sect was resting in the Taoist temple, but He Guogong knew that Chanzi didn't care about these things at all, so naturally he wouldn't say much.

He Guogong glanced at the imperial palace in the distance, and said to the officials standing beside him: "Then let's start."

The bell rang again, and the Meihui chess game officially kicked off.

I don't know how many ascetics in the green hills started to move, walking towards the pavilion that they had already looked forward to.

Looking from the peak where He Guogong is, it looks like chess pieces moving on a chessboard, which naturally creates a feeling of marching on the battlefield.

Whether standing in place or walking, the ascetics are still paying attention to the movements in several places.

The most concerned one is of course Tong Yan. People are curious to know who he will choose as his first opponent.

Or, would he randomly pick an empty pavilion and wait for someone to challenge him like he did in previous Meihui meetings

He Zhan, Que Niang, Gu Yuanyuan, Shang Jiulou and other masters also attracted a lot of attention, and many eyes fell on Jing Jiu by the stream.

Tong Yan stood alone by the cliff, watching the clouds passing by in front of the mountain, but still did not move.

He Zhan and the little girl grilled fish and drank in the upper reaches of the stream.

Que Niang, Shang Jiulou and Gu Yuanyuan moved, and walked into the pavilion that they had already chosen without any accident.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of some ascetics changed slightly.

If they still fail to choose a chess pavilion in the end, they will be assigned to an empty pavilion by the host.

It is conceivable that the pavilion of Que Niang and the other three will always be empty.

No one expected to encounter such a strong opponent in the first round of the Meihui.

Chess is an elegant thing, if you run and chase it in the mountains, it will be too impolite, but the speed of those ascetics is obviously accelerated.

They walked to the pavilion elsewhere.

Not long after, most of the ascetics participating in the chess battle sat in the pavilion.

Someone noticed that Jing Jiu was still sitting on the grass by the stream.

"Is this imitating Young Master Tong Yan?"

Some ascetics laughed and said, "It's really ridiculous."

Someone said: "He Zhan didn't choose a pavilion either."

The ascetic said with a sneer, "Who is He Zhan? And who is he?"

Chess battles in some pavilions have already begun.

There is a special person outside the pavilion who is responsible for recording the chess records. In name, it is to preserve the information. In fact, everyone knows that these chess records will be sent down the mountain in a steady stream-today, how many princes and nobles in Chaoge City are waiting for these chess records, and they are willing to pay a lot for it. Since the court cannot stop the high price, it is also good to earn some funds from it.

There are also many pavilions where only one ascetic is sitting.

Some people were expressionless, while others were muttering to themselves, hoping that Tong Yan would not come here.

He Zhan came back, held the jug and stood beside Jing Jiu, and asked, "Do you want to come?"

Jing Jiu said, "I don't drink."

He Zhan said, "But you play chess."

Jing Jiu glanced at him.

He Zhan said: "If you want to win Tongyan, you have to pass me first."

Only then did Jing Jiu understand what he meant.

Zhao Layue and Senior Sister Cui were a little surprised.

Sese looked at the half-grilled fish in her hand, and felt that it should be thrown on the ground, and felt a pity.

She had never eaten such a delicious grilled fish.

Even in terms of grilling fish, He Zhan seems to be second in the world.

Many people noticed the movement here, and were surprised to hear He Zhan's invitation to fight.

Only then did they know that He Zhan didn't choose Qiting all this time because of this idea.

Will Jing Jiu accept it

Jing Jiu said, "No, I have an appointment with someone first."

He Zhan didn't expect that he would be rejected, so he slightly raised his eyebrows and said, "Who?"

Jing Jiu didn't answer his question again.

He left the creek and walked somewhere.

There was an uproar.

Not because he rejected He Zhan's invitation to fight, but because... Tong Yan moved!

Almost at the same time as Jing Jiu stepped up, he who had been standing on the edge of the cliff for a long time turned around and walked towards a certain place.

Countless lines of sight followed Jing Jiu and Tong Yan.

Even those ascetics who had already started playing chess subconsciously stopped and looked over there.

People became more and more shocked, and even He Zhan opened his mouth.

Jing Jiu and Tong Yan seem to be walking towards the same place.

Everyone's walking is a line left between heaven and earth. As long as they are not parallel, they will always meet.

The place where they will meet is not by the cliff, not by the stream, but by the plum.

It's very secluded there, with dozens of clumps of wild plums of different species, covering a low pavilion in between, it's hard to find if you don't pay attention.

He Zhan understood.

Everyone in the mountains gradually understood.

The most watched game in this year's Meihui Chess Tournament was, of course, the match between Jing Jiu and Tong Yan.

In a sense, this game of chess represented the dispute between the Qingshan School and the Zhongzhou School, and it was another contest between the leaders of the Taoist sect.

His Majesty the Emperor suddenly decided to watch the chess game, probably because he wanted to watch this game.

In the opinion of many people, if Jing Jiu wants to meet Tong Yan, at least he needs to win a few games first, and he will meet Tong Yan after a few days.

If he has the strength or luck.

Who would have thought that they would meet at the very beginning of today's chess game.

This is certainly no accident.

It turned out that from the beginning until now, they never thought about going to other pavilions.

What they want to play is the first game of chess.

He Guogong stood on the top of the peak, looked at the picture below, was very speechless, waved and said: "Hurry up and inform the palace."

If His Majesty the Emperor can't see this game of chess, he won't do much good.

Nan Wang led Qingshan disciples to the outside of Xishanju.

Many disciples still had surprise and doubt on their faces after hearing the news.

Chanzi looked back at the Taoist statue, looked at the Taoist priest who came to report the news, and asked, "Who will strike first?"

The Taoist said: "When I left, I was guessing first."

The breeze passed through the wild plum bushes and entered the pavilion. There was no fragrance, but it was a little cooler.

Tong Yan said: "You can understand what I mean, you are still smart."

Jing Jiu said, "This saves trouble."

Tong Yan grabbed a few chess pieces and moved them to the top of the chessboard without letting go.

Jing Jiu knew it was a guess first.

His eyes fell on Tong Yan's hand.

Countless gazes fell on Tong Yan's hand at the same time.

Zhao Layue was looking at Jing Jiu.

She remembered what he said again.

The sun is there, how can we not see it

But the real sun is so bright and dazzling, who can really see it

(Since Jiang Ye, I have often used the three characters next to Mei, because I like the song by Wang Leehom very much.

In addition, Da Dao Chao Tian is the book that I have deleted the most by myself. I deleted as I wrote it, and I don’t know how many sentences I deleted. What a tough job it will be to celebrate more than one year. )