The Path Toward Heaven

Chapter 15: The parting that finally came


Jing Jiu was a little dazed, and asked, "What?"

Liu Shisui said nervously: "If you are a spy of another sect, then you should leave quickly, I won't tell anyone."

It was only then that Jing Jiu understood what he meant, shook his head with a smile, and put down the grain of sand he was holding between his fingers.

A year ago, he asked Liu Shisui why he still stayed by his side.

Liu Shisui refused to answer, as if he didn't understand, but Jing Jiu knew he could understand his question.

At that time, Liu Shisui had already become suspicious of him, and even deliberately arranged the question and answer session, just to let him make some contributions to the sect, so as to plan for the future. This kind of thinking and arrangement is really naive, but for a What more could a little boy ask for

After that day, Liu Shisui never talked about related topics, until today, he finally asked.

Because he is about to enter the inner sect and become a real disciple of Qingshan Sect, not just Jing Jiu's boy.

Jing Jiu was not disappointed by this, nor was he angry, but felt a little cute.

This has nothing to do with betrayal, just growth.

So he laughed.

He smiled beautifully, like the ice that had never melted for thousands of years was finally melted by spring, and then a beautiful lotus flower emerged from it.

Liu Shisui was dazzled by his smile, and sighed, "Young master is still so pretty."

Jing Jiu looked at the face reflected in the porcelain plate, and said, "Yeah, it's been two years, and I'm still not used to it."

Liu Shisui came to his senses, and asked anxiously, "Master, who are you?"

Jing Jiu said, "I don't want to tell you."

Liu Shisui was a little downcast, and let out a cry.

Jing Jiu looked at him and said comfortingly, "Anyway, I'm not a spy."

Liu Shisui thought about it seriously and found that it was true, so he stopped worrying.

How could someone as beautiful as the son be a spy? And he's... so lazy.

How can there be such a lazy spy in the world? If you stay in the small courtyard all day, what can you find out

All the outer disciples of Nansong Pavilion came to the sword hall, and the deacons also came.

Liu Shisui stood on the stone steps and looked back, feeling a little nervous, not because of those expectant or jealous eyes, but because Jing Jiu really didn't come.

Master Lu patted him on the shoulder and said, "No problem."

He knew that he was not the first person to discover that Liu Shisui was a natural Daoist, but he personally brought Liu Shisui back from that small mountain village. During this year, he gave Liu Shisui the greatest attention and protection. He thought that he knew Liu Shisui very well. Not only was this child extremely talented and his spiritual roots were extraordinary, but more importantly, he was sincere, diligent in practice, and had a very solid foundation. He had a high chance of passing the inner sect examination today.

He thought of another person he was also very optimistic about, that was Jing Jiu. In his opinion, Jing Jiu's talent is average and his spiritual root is average, but his comprehension and intelligence are excellent, far superior to ordinary disciples, and even far better than him, but... that young man is really not enterprising—he used to use a sword half a year ago. After seeing it once, he found that Jing Jiu hadn't cultivated the Dao Seed yet, which made him extremely disappointed.

Master Lu stopped thinking about this matter, and said to Liu Shisui, "Remember, the most important thing is to have no distracting thoughts."

Liu Shisui nodded vigorously, and walked into a seemingly ordinary room deep in the training hall under the eyes of his teacher and fellow disciples.

In charge of this assessment is an immortal master sent by Xilai Peak, the sixth peak, and Ming Guoxing, the immortal master who recruited outside the gate of Nansongting Mountain.

"I have seen Master Ming, I have seen this Master."

Till now Liu Shisui has not entered the Nine Peaks, but he has already gained a great reputation among the Nine Peaks.

The innate Taoism must be the key training object of the Qingshan Sect, who dares to underestimate it

The master uncle from Xilai Peak nodded gently, while Ming Guoxing was very happy and patted him on the shoulder with a smile.

One must know that Liu Shisui's name was written on the roster with his own handwriting. In the future, this child's name will be famous all over the world, and it will be regarded as his glory.

Ming Guoxing thought about that ugly boy in white clothes that day, and asked, "How is your son?"

Liu Shisui didn't know how to answer.

The uncle from Xilai Peak glanced at Ming Guoxing and asked with his eyes.

Ming Guoxing made a gesture on his face with his right hand, and the master Xilaifeng immediately knew who he was talking about, smiled and said nothing.

"Regardless of whether you can pass the assessment later, the specific content of the assessment, especially the insights in it, must not be shared with others."

The Xilaifeng Master Uncle suppressed his smile, looked at Liu Shisui and said.

Ming Guoxing was also very serious, and added: "Including your young master."

Liu Shisui was silent for a while before responding.

Ming Guoxing and that uncle walked out of the hut and closed the door.

Liu Shisui walked to the case and took a nervous breath.

There is a shelf on the case, and there is a strip of things on the shelf. It looks dark, but the surface is very smooth, and there is a faintly extremely cold breath emanating from it.

This is the sword tire.

Liu Shisui calmed down, put his palm on the sword embryo, closed his eyes, and began to stimulate the flow of true energy in the meridians.

The sword embryo can sense the amount of true energy of the practitioner, and can even go upstream, reflecting the subtlest reflection of the spiritual sea of the practitioner.

Only when the spiritual sea is filled can it provide enough nutrients for the Dao Seed to form a sword fruit.

Practitioners who have no hope of becoming a sword fruit are naturally not eligible to enter the inner sect of the Green Mountain Sect.


The voice sounded dull, but it was actually extremely clear, as if countless swords collided at the same time.

Outside the door, Ming Guoxing and the uncle from Xilai Peak looked at each other, full of shock and joy.

Sure enough, it is the legendary natural Dao species, which can make the sword fetus produce such a strong resonance!

You must know that the child was only required to practice for one year, and he is only twelve years old now!

Half an hour later, Liu Shisui came out of the training hall.

Master Lu, his disciples and deacons outside the sword hall had already heard the sound of the sword, but they still looked at him nervously.

Liu Shisui nodded, and then smiled happily.

Master Lu was very pleased, and those outer disciples shouted excitedly, and the cheers spread far away.

The cheers spread to the small courtyard deep in the woods, Jing Jiu smiled.

He never thought that he could not pass the inner sect examination at the age of ten, so he didn't bother to look at it.

A natural Daoist, built the foundation half a year in advance, and even ate a Zixuan Dan, if this is still not successful

So unless this person has the same bottomless spiritual sea as him, where in the world can we find another him

The courtyard door was pushed open, and Liu Shisui ran in, but couldn't speak.

He didn't know how to express his feelings.

Rarely, Jing Jiu stood up from the bamboo chair.

He looked at Liu Shisui with his hands behind his back, and said calmly and earnestly: "The road is dangerous and long, and few people go together until the end. You are already on the road, so you need to concentrate. After years, forgetting is a natural thing. Don't deliberately remember it." Come on, it's not that beautiful."

Liu Shisui was stunned for a moment before he understood what he was talking about, and said angrily, "I will never forget."

(No matter, continue to have it at night, put pressure on yourself, and resume the two shifts.)