The Path Toward Heaven

Chapter 151: last step



Gu Yuanyuan, who was in a trance, was awakened by the thunder, his body swayed, and he almost fell. He hurriedly supported the big tree beside him, panting in shock.

People were also startled by the sudden thunder, and looked up to the sky one after another. Only when their cheeks were slightly wet, did they know that there was a drizzle falling.

Zhao Layue stared at Jing Jiu in the pavilion, her eyes were black and white, and her worry was clearly written.

Jing Jiu also started his first long exam.

The position of the white piece is seven or eleven, which is one step away, how should he deal with it

The clouds in the sky are thicker and thicker, the mountains are more gloomy, the wind is getting colder and faster, and the raindrops are getting heavier.

For some reason, Qipanshan's big formation didn't fully function.

The crowd dispersed slightly, and soon returned to their original shape.

After all, people were still reluctant to leave and looked into the pavilion again.

Jing Jiu looked at the chessboard and was thinking.

After Tong Yan dropped the white chess piece, she got up again and walked to the side of the fence.

The skylight illuminated his immature face, and he was extremely confident.

As time passed, the sky and the earth became more gloomy.

Jing Jiu moved.

He picked up a chess piece and stretched it towards the chessboard.

Whether it's the angle between the two fingers or the angle of the bent arm, it's all so perfect.

All these details, he learned from the introductory Go book in Haizhou City.

Perfection is inevitably a bit too square and boring, but it can ensure that nothing will go wrong.

Just like where the black chess piece landed, it was just at the intersection of the two lines, without any deviation.

The black chess quietly rested on the chessboard.

three, nine.

The clouds rolled, and a bolt of lightning appeared in the far horizon.

It was too far away for the thunder to reach the mountains, but the lightning could.

The lightning illuminated Qipanshan, reflected by the quiet sunspot, and became a little colder, like a sword light.

He Zhan raised his eyebrows, his cuffs trembling slightly.

Que Niang looked at the sunspot and clutched her chest, feeling very sad, as if someone had stabbed her with a sword.

Shang Jiulou let out a muffled snort, his face was pale, and a stream of blood spilled from the corner of his lips.

Sanqing Guan, Zenzi looked at the two chess pieces that had just fallen on the chessboard, remained silent for a long time, then raised his head and looked out the window.

Outside the window, there are dark clouds covering Qipan Mountain.

"It's too dangerous."

Chanzi shook his head, stopped placing pieces on the chessboard, and motioned for the Taoist to come and swing.

At the top of the peak, feeling the changes in the breath of heaven and earth, He Guogong's expression changed several times, and he became solemn, and said in a low voice: "What did your majesty say?"

A subordinate official lowered his head and said, "I just contacted the palace. Your Majesty has just finished a temporary court meeting. I'm going to come here at this time."

He Guogong looked down the peak for a few more times, frowned and said, "I hope this game of chess won't end so soon."

Regardless of expectations or unwillingness, this year's Meihui's highly anticipated first game finally came to the second half, and the two sides began to really fight.

Jing Jiu and Tong Yan didn't have a long test anymore, and the black and white chess pieces landed on the board steadily and even powerfully, making clear and crisp sounds.

The crisp sound doesn't mean it must be pleasant to the ear, sometimes it can also make people feel thrilling, like a sword hitting a stone, or a magic weapon bombarding an iron gate.

Countless sword intents seemed to be born on the chessboard, and the killing intent criss-crossed the sky and the earth. Those who know how to play chess feel it hard to breathe.

Among the chess spectators outside the pavilion, Gu Yuanyuan's chess strength is slightly weaker than He Zhan and the other three, but it has reached a certain level.

Moreover, he has been fighting with the Sword Saint in the northern snowfields all these years, and has seen truly dangerous and bloody battlefields, so his perception is even stronger.

In his eyes, the black and white chess pieces spun at high speed, turning into soldiers in the snow field and snow country soldiers all over the mountains and plains.

The hard ice was crushed, the violent snowstorm was ignored, thousands of troops were roaring, the wind was rustling, murderous intentions were everywhere, and death was everywhere.

When he saw a ferocious snow country monster rushing towards him, he couldn't bear it anymore, he yelled and passed out.

The condition of Que Niang and Shang Jiulou was also very bad, their faces were pale, their lips were bloody, their figures were precarious, and they seemed to be about to faint at any moment.

He Zhan walked up to Que Niang and Shang Jiulou, blocking their view.

If, like most people outside the pavilion, they can't understand this game of chess, that's all.

The trio of Piansheng Queniang are indeed extremely high-level, able to understand a lot, and wanting to keep up with Jing Jiu and Tong Yan's thinking speed, the mental drain is too great.

He himself had already given up this game when Jing Jiu and Tong Yan were resting.

He looked at Jing Jiu and Tong Yan in the pavilion with serious expressions and worried.

If you want to understand this game of chess, you have to pay such a high price, so what kind of pressure will those who are in the middle and playing this game of chess have to bear

The chess game continued, Jing Jiu and Tong Yan still moved at the same speed, but it gave people a feeling that the rhythm of the game was speeding up.

The wind in the mountains is getting colder and faster, or because the clouds in the sky are getting thicker and darker.

That's a harbinger of rain.

The crushed wild plum flakes were blown everywhere.

The clouds were tumbling and uneasy, as if a black dragon was roaring in it, and more thunder and lightning emerged from the depths of the dark clouds, showing their power to the sky and the earth.

The rain suddenly thickened and fell into the mountains.

Qipanshan's formation finally gave birth to an induction, and an invisible force was released from the depths of the cliff, blocking most of the wind and rain outside.

The rain all over the sky flows along the invisible dome, distorting and blurring the outside scenery. This picture is very magical, but no one sees it.

People were looking at the kiosk.

The rain in Qipanshan has become very small, and when it falls on the chessboard, it looks like countless crystal clear dewdrops between the black and white chess pieces.

The chess game has entered the final stage - robbery.

What is robbed is the mystery of the change of heaven and earth, in which countless dangers are hidden.

The clothes of the two were slightly damp, but they seemed to be unaware of it, and they were still looking at the chessboard intently, extremely quiet.

The chess pieces kept falling on the chessboard, making a crisp crackling sound, followed by rumbling thunder, which was continuous and moved the mountains.

The lightning that kept appearing illuminated their faces very clearly.

Tong Yan's facial skin is extremely smooth, slightly wetted by the light rain, and looks more immature, like a baby, but his eyes are full of desire for victory and strong will.

Jing Jiu was still so calm, his expression didn't change at all, even the slightest tremor didn't appear on his face, he looked like a perfect white jade statue.

Others don't think so, but Zhao Layue has been with him for too long, and he can see his current state of mind, with his sleeves trembling slightly.

When he faced Gu Han and Guo Nanshan during the Sword Inheritance Conference, when he climbed the Shenmo Peak, or when he faced Gu Han and Guo Nanshan during his sword test last year, Jing Jiu was always so indifferent and casual.

Today is obviously different. Facing Tong Yan, he showed unprecedented seriousness and concentration.

The sound of the collision of the chess pieces and the chessboard, and the roar of thunder are so clear.

Qipanshan gave people the feeling of being extremely quiet, because the light rain fell silently, because no one dared to speak out.

After an unknown amount of time, the torrential rain finally stopped, the dark clouds gradually dispersed, and there was no more thunder.

The sun illuminates the world again, and the mountains that have just been washed by rain are extremely clean, both in the air and in the sight.

A rainbow appeared in the sky.

It was Tong Yan's turn to play the chess.

Holding a white chess piece, he looked at the chessboard in silence.

People who don't understand the chess game also have a very strong feeling.

This white piece should be the last move of today's game.

The outcome depends on this white chess piece.

The slightly damp black hair was blown by the mountain wind.

The chessboard is full of water.

Where will this white piece fall